EVE University's Member Administration Tools
Accepts and processes applications
Always remember to back up your database before performing any migrations!
Setup your Alliance Auth environment to access the EVE Uni PyPy repository
Inside your alliance auth environment run 'pip install aa-membertools'
Add this app to your installed apps in
:INSTALLED_APPS += ["membertools"]
Run the following commands from your Auth directory [myauth]
python manage.py migrate python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
If you need to import hrappsnext data also run
python manage.py membertools_import_hrappsnext --confirm python manage.py membertools_create_members
After installing the app and adding it to your local.py run
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py structures_preload_eveuniverse
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
python manage.py membertools_import_hrappsnext --confirm
python manage.py membertools_create_members
Note: that you may need to upgrade to a patched version of hrappsnext to perform the above commands.