_____ _____ ______ _____
/ ____|_ _| ____/ ____|
| (___ | | | |__ | (___
\___ \ | | | __| \___ \
____) |_| |_| | ____) | V0.1 alpha
|_____/|_____|_| |_____/ a.k.a (SIFS is a filesystem)
Developed by:
- Butnaru Ioan-Sorin ([email protected])
- Taralesca Ovidiu-Costinel ([email protected])
- Rohozneanu George-Constantin ([email protected])
Gr. 241, 2nd Year, Faculty of Mathematics3 and Computer Science
2018-2019, University of Bucharest
Required fuse version: FUSE 3
Developed and tested on Linux (Arch/Manjaro distros)
./sifs -f [mount_folder-path] [tar-path]
./sifs -f mountFolder testTar.tar
FUSE Debug:
./sifs -f -d [mount_folder-path] [tar-path]
To build a new tar instead of testTar.tar use:
tar -cvf TAR_NAME.tar ./FILE1 ./FILE2
^^ note the ./ before files
Currently working (and tested):
* Mounting the tar archive to a folder
* Building a tree from the tar structure using info provided by [sifs_getattr]
* cd [sifs_opendir]
* ls [sifs_readdir]
* mkdir [sifs_mkdir]
* touch [sifs_mknod]
* Opening/Modifying (nano/vim) FILE [sifs_mknod] [sifs_open] [sifs_read] [sifs_write]
Currently working but sometimes causing random bugs, generally hard to recreate:
* rm FILE [sifs_unlink]
* rm -r FOLDER [sifs_rmdir]
* Saving changes in the same tar [sifs_destroy]
* For debugging purposes, we have used the logger function from:
* Used as implementation example:
* For the checksum function of the tar header:
* The tar format corresponds to: