In this course we are using the bwUniCluster2.0. To access this HPC follow the instruction for the registration.
To set up UM-Bridge on the HPC, log in to the HPC and follow the instructions from the UM-Bridge Documentation on HPCs.
To run a model on the bwUniCluster2.0 it must be put into a container. You can follow the instructions below to run your model on the HPC UM-Bridge setup.
UM-Bridge server as a Python script: First you have to have to transfere your UM-Bridge server into a Python script (.py). In the script you can loos the first two lines of code:
import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply()
those are only necessary in notebooks.
On the botom line of your server you need to specify the port as follows:
umbridge.serve_models([model], int(os.environ.get("PORT", 4242)))
. -
Install Docker: Go to and install Docker on your local machine.
Sign up to Docker Hub: Go to Docker Hub and create an account.
Write a Dockerfile: To create a Docker container you need to write a Dockerfile and place it into the folder next to your Python script.
Build the Docker image:
docker build -t <container_name> .
Run the Docker container: To finally run your UM-Bridge server from the Docker container do:
docker run -it -p 4242:4242 <container_name>
Upload the container to Docker Hub
7.1 Tag the Docker image:
docker tag <container_name> <yourusername>/<container_name>:latest
7.2 Log in to Docker Hub:
docker login
7.3 Push the image to Docker Hub:
docker push <yourusername>/<container_name>:latest
7.4 Verify the upload:
docker run -it -p 4242:4242 <yourusername>/<container_name>
Upload the container to the HPC
8.1 Log in to bwUniCluster2.0:
ssh <username>
8.2 Import the container image with singularity:
singularity build <container_name>.sif docker://<yourusername>/<container_name>
8.3 Start the container with singularity:
singularity run --writable-tmpfs --pwd / <container_name>.sif
In this command,--pwd /
sets the working directory inside the container. If your Dockerfile specifies a different working directory, you must replace/
with that path to match the configured directory. -
Edit Go to the file in your UM-Bridge HPC setup and add the following line:
singularity run --writable-tmpfs --pwd / <container_name>.sif
Again make sure that you set the correct working directory. -
Run the load-balancer:
Create a tunnel from your local machine to the HPC:
ssh <username> -N -f -L 4242:localhost:4242
Connect your UM-Bridge client through the tunnel by simply running the client on your local machine on port 4242.