- Fixed Bug where anything over 100% would be an S rank
- Fixed Bug Where % could be over 100
- Fixed Bug where anything less than 0% would be an E Rank
- Fixed Bug where % could be less than 0
- Fixed Clipping on F rank sprite
- Added Title Screen/MainMenu
- Added Easy Feature to skip Rank Screen (Tap the Amongus)
- Added Barebones Player Color Changing System to Main Menu (Tap the notes, color = Random, Grey = Reset)
- Changed Percentages for Ranks C B A and S
- Removed Title Screen Bars
- Removed Rank Text Engine Display Code
- The Extra Songs Unused in the Song Sprite
Engine Work
- Added Step and Beat Hit Broadcast
- Split apart the Beat and Step into separate Broadcasts
- Added Script (in title Sprite) for Objects going to the Beat
- Added Game State Developer Variable
- Added Developer Logs for… Logs
- Added Custom Block for Logs and Extra Log Data
- The Play Button has been redone since the Main Menu’s Conception (Thanks Djotta)
Behind the Scenes
Cleaned up some Code in the Thumbnail Sprite
Fixed Bug where testing the B Rank would be S+ Rank
Added PLAYER COLOR variable that resets in the Main Menu
Changed Menu Background to Red and through code Change it to the same orange it used to be
The Best Rank isn't saved if testing Ranks
Added Version Display to MainMenu
Added Main Menu Theme
Added Objects in Main Menu Bopping to the Beat
Added Rank Main Menu Score
Work In Progress
- Added Credits “Menu” only accessible through Dev Mode
- Added Best Rank Display to Main Menu
- Increased -justSpawned Counter from 10 to 15
- Fixed F Rank Rare Tomatos
- Fixed S Rank Animation
- Added Custom Rank theme for F Rank
- Added D and F rank jingle to E Rank
- Added Custom Rank Theme for S+ Rank
- Added Notes Hit Counter
- Added Smooth Gameplay to Results Transition
- Changed Main Rank Theme
- Changed Note Spawning Math
- Changed Final Score with a Percentage
- Changed Rank Nickname Display Color Changing Speed
- Changed Max Speed for S+ Animation Sprinkles to burst at
Engine Work
- Added Beats and Steps
- Added Dev and Public version Variables
- Rank Conditions to adapt the Percentage Scoring Type
Behind the Scenes
- Added New Clone Bar Type: Graph
- Added "Development" variable for enabling certain Developer features
- Added Turbowarp Settings
- Fixed Clone Bar Type: Sectioned
Work In Progress
- Added Chart Sprite
- Turbowarp now enables Interpolation
- The RankWord Clone in the Results now Shines with the jingles like the Rank, Rank Pixel Display, and Rank Nickname Pixel Display Rank Sprite
- The Sprinkles for the "S+" Rank now go in the foreground: RankExtras Sprite
- The Speed X and Y variables are now separate from the Gravity Clone Script: RankExtras Sprite
- The Sprinkles now Go Higher when they burst out: RankExtras Sprite
- Fixed Spelling mistake on Gravity Clone Script: RankExtras Sprite
- Added Speed X Slipperyness Value to Gravity Clone Script: RankExtras Sprite
- Changed Speed X Slipperyness Value from 0.8 to 0.9 for sprinkles: RankExtras Sprite
- 200 Sprinkles now burst out instead of 100 for "S+" Rank: RankExtras
- Added Clone Counter for Development: Affects all Sprites with Cloning
- Added Life Timer Variable to RankExtras to prevent 80+ live clones heading into gameplay also lag prevention: RankExtras Sprite
- Added DEVELOPER CLONE BAR Variable to display The Clone amount in a cool little bg graph: Backdrop, Stats, and Developer Sprites
- Fixed Bug Where Gameplay and Rank Status were in sync: Stats Sprite
- Added DEVELOPER CLONE LIMIT variable and DEVELOPER CLONE KEEPER LIST to keep track of the Clone amount for a given amount of frames: Developer Sprite
- Added 3 "Clone Bar" Modes, all enabled by the value of the DEVELOPER CLONE BAR variable: Developer Sprite
- The Mathamatics of calculating when to spawn a note now accommodates the Note Speed into the equation of random digits: EvilNote Sprite
- The Pixel Art Rank and Rank Nickname Display Now have Grids behind them: Rank Sprite
- The 8x8 Rank Display now "charges": Rank Sprite
- Removed Color effects ENTIRELY from 8x8 Rank Display: Rank Sprite
- Changed Color of 8x8 Dot "Reading' Rank Display: Rank Sprite
- Adjusted and Fixed "S+" Rank Animation: RankAnim Sprite
- Created Custom Rank Animation for "S" Rank: RankAnim, RankExtras, Stats, and Rank Sprites
- Added Rare Animation for F Rank (Animation by Djotta): RankAnim Sprite
- Adjusted F Rank Animation: RankAnim Sprite
- Properly Fixed "Good Rank" Animation: RankAnim Sprite
- Redid Rank Nicknames: Rank Sprite
- Added Asset for when the Rank Nickname Sprite is Not Available: RankAnim Sprite
- Altered Rank Sign: Rank Sprite
- Altered Positions of Rank Word, Rank Nickname Display, Rank Pixel Display, Rank, and Dev Wrench: Rank Sprite
- Altered Position of Rank Misses Counter: Stats Sprite
- Added Dev Rank Testing variable: Backdrop
- Changed Background of 8x8 Rank to an 8x8 background: Rank Sprite
- The Dots of the 8x8 Rank change to the color of the Rank slowly: Rank Sprite
- Modified the Rank Box: Rank Sprite
- Added dev wrench displayed on the Rank screen when dev Rank test is enabled: Rank Sprite
- Fixed Clipping on "E" Rank in Rank Screen: Rank Sprite
- Replaced Rank Nickname Background with Pixelart Rendition: Rank Sprite
- Offsets Based on Costume Custom Block made for Results Screen: Rank Sprite
- There is now a jingle that plays for the rank, "S+" along with the animation delay: Rank and RankAnim Sprites
- Added Sprinkles to "S+" Rank Animation: RankExtras Sprite
- Added Custom Block for creating Multiple Clones at Once: RankExtras Sprite
- Added Dev Gameplay Mode Testing Variable: Backdrop
- Added Fire Gameplay Mode (Scrapped): PlayerNote, PlayerBullet, EvilNote Sprite
- Moved Gameplay Stats to the Left: Stats Sprite
- The Score and Misses Stats on Gameplay are now Split: Stats Sprite
- Final Score counter now uses Final Score variable for colors instead of Score: Stats Sprite
- The Counting Sound Changes when it's the last number til the rank: Stats Sprite
- The Results Stats Shines when in Dev Rank Testing: Stats Sprite
- "S+" is now a Rank: Rank Sprite
- Grey Blocks now turn into the color of the -score math variable: EvilNote Sprite
- Added Song MetaData: Song Sprite
- Added Title Screen (not seen): Title Sprite
- Added Level Select (not seen): LvlSel Sprite
- Added Rank Animations: RankAnim Sprite
- Modified Rank Screen Slightly: Rank Sprite
- The Rank Music Plays after The final score is done counting: Rank Sprite
- A little jingle plays in the Rank Menu when you have a Rank that is a S or higher: Stats Sprite
- a sound plays while the final score is counting: Stats Sprite
- "C" is now the default rank: Rank Sprite
- The Final Score and Miss Counters don't change color until they are done counting (seizure prevention): Stats Sprite
- The Final Rank Color Smooths into itself starting from the initial red: Rank Sprite
- Ranks now use a custom block to determine Rank status: Rank Sprite
- Ranks are harder (or easier) to get now: Rank Sprite
- The Rank Screen now has a Rank Nickname (bad, ok, good, best, etc) Displayed on the Rank Box: Rank Sprite
- The Number Five has a Redrawn Sprite for the Rank screen: Stats Sprite
- The Rank Shines when the Rank Animation begins: Rank Sprite
- The "A" Rank has a Redrawn sprite: Rank Sprite
- There is now a jingle that plays for the ranks "F" and "D": Rank Sprites
- The Box Notes have hue shifting now: PlayerNote and EvilNote
- Removed Time Left Counter: Stats and Song Sprite
- Added outline to the Stats: Stats Sprite
- "E" is now a Rank: Rank Sprite
- Added Outlines to Rank Sprites: Rank Sprite - Changed End condition for Rank Animation: Stats Sprite
- Redid Versions (0.1.1 instead of 1.1.0 or 1.0.1)
- Added 8x8 Rank Display Art: Rank Sprite
- Added Custom Blocks for Letter/Symbols Offsets: Stats Sprite
- The letters/symbols ".", and "0" have offsets: Stats Sprite
- The Rank Word in the Rank Screen now changes color like the rank: Stats Sprite
- Initial Version