C News has now been merged into the underlying SimH disk image. If you have run buildimg to create a 4.3BSD SimH image, then the remote sites you listed on the command line will be the remote sites that you send news to.
On your SimH system, look at /usr/lib/news/sys
, at the bottom it should
have a ME entry for your system, then the list of remote sites, e.g.
If you need to add other uucp sites to send news, you need to add an
entry to the above file, and also make directories in
for each site, owned by news.news, e.g.:
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 14 1984 decwrl
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 16 20:27 ihnp4
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 14 1984 mcvax
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 16 20:27 munnari
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 14 1984 nocrew
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 16 20:27 philabs
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 14 1984 site5
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 14 1984 tektronix
drwxrwxr-x 2 news news 512 Mar 16 20:27 ucbvax
In /usr/lib/newsbin/input/newsrun
there is a sleep 45
. On our systems
with few users, this can be reduced. I've set it to sleep 5
The decvax system has a lot of remote sites that it sends e-mail and news to. I've setup cron with a few scripts. Here they are; you might find them useful.
# /usr/lib/crontab
1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * uucp /usr/lib/uucp/00calls
7,17,27,37,47,57 * * * * news /usr/lib/newsbin/runandbatch
# /usr/lib/uucp/00calls
# Call the systems connected on /dev/tty00
# but only if they have jobs to send
for i in ihnp4 philabs ucbvax
do /usr/bin/uuq -h -s$i | grep -s job
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
then /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -s$i $*
exit 0
# /usr/lib/newsbin/runandbatch
for i in munnari ihnp4 philabs ucbvax
do /usr/lib/newsbin/batch/sendbatches $i
exit 0
To test that news works (on machines lanl-a and decvax):
lanl-a# setenv EDITOR `which vi`
lanl-a# postnews
.... write a post in tuhs.test
lanl-a# su news -c /usr/lib/newsbin/input/newsrun
lanl-a# su news -c /usr/lib/newsbin/batch/sendbatches decvax
lanl-a# /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sdecvax -x7
decvax# su news -c /usr/lib/newsbin/input/newsrun
decvax# readnews -n tuhs.test
These were the original instructions when C News wasn't included on the SimH image. I'm leaving them here in case they help people who are rolling things themselves.
This procedure assumes that you have downloaded the 4.3BSD system from Github, configured it for uucp, and confirmed that you can send e-mail between two systems.
# Change the path in L.cmds
vi /usr/lib/uucp/L.cmds
(and change the top line to say)
# Go into the news config directory
cd /usr/lib/news
vi whoami # Change to your uucp sitename
vi organization # Description of your site
vi mailname # Change to your uucp sitename
# Set up the list of machines we exchange news with, e.g. decvax
cat > sys
ctrl-D to exit cat
chown news.news sys
(or edit the sys file, comment out all lines and add the ones above. Replace decvax with the name(s) of the other systems)
# For each remote site, create /usr/spool/news/out.going/<sitename>
# and chmod it to news
mkdir /usr/spool/news/out.going/decvax
chown news.news /usr/spool/news/out.going/decvax
John Floren writes: Here are my C News config files:
************** active **************
control 0000000000 00001 y
junk 0000000000 00001 y
news.announce.newusers 0000000000 00001 m
tuhs.test 0000000004 00001 y
************** explist **************
all x 14 -
************** sys **************