4.1.0 (2024-09-04)
- الرد على الأوامر بنص فقط (84c4aec)
- تسريع عملية البحث ملفات المشروع (01554eb)
4.0.1 (2024-09-03)
- إضافة أمر ما قبل التعليب (b169f7a)
4.0.0 (2024-09-03)
- إضافة الصيغة لأسطر التصدير وتصدير بقية الأنواع (5dc1987)
- إضافة الصيغة للملف المراد استيراده (6052d15)
- استبدال دالة require بimport (27566fc)
- إزالة الclient من صنف البوت نهائياً (e68517f)
- إعادة تسمية صنف البوت الرئيسي وكلمة اللون (c59f0f8)
- تغيير مسار مجلد البيانات الإفتراضي (c092f3d)
- تغيير نوع جافا سكربت من CJS إلى MJS (fc8d43a)
- تغير مسار مجلد البيانات الإفتراضي، قم بتعيين قيمة المسار في البوت أو غير مكان المجد
- تم إخراج brand وid من data.config جميع الإستدعاءات القديمة لأي منهما يجب إزالة ".config" منها
- لم يعد تصنيف البوت يحتوي على client
- تم تغيير امس الصنف DiscordBot إلى Bot فعلى المستحدم تغيير الاسم تبعاً
- عدم القدرة على إستيراد الطرد من المشاريع المكتوبة بCJS
3.1.3 (2024-01-07)
- DiscordBot: Pass event args without modifications (69e0832)
3.1.2 (2024-01-02)
- Eliminate types issues (3ed25fb)
3.1.1 (2024-01-02)
- Eliminate types issues (202084c)
3.1.0 (2024-01-01)
- BotOptions: Identify 'client' prop as optional (f57c47e)
- Speed up start time (a544612)
3.0.0 (2023-12-30)
- Use correct type (d6358ec)
- the array variable "emojiChars" has been deleted and no longer exists
- the function "isSafe" has been deleted and no longer exists
- BotCommand class and BotEvent class has been deleted and no longer exist, normal JS objects shall now be used instead
2.1.1 (2023-10-05)
- Logger: Deployment value in records (66c6538)
2.1.0 (2023-09-30)
- discordbot: keep DiscordBotData default values (62a9553)
- Use data.module to define type (4d102b1)
2.0.0 (2023-09-25)
- discordbot: use the correct function (ab6c18c)
- logger: include deployment in bot logs (c72b02a)
- style: remove this (d63b83f)
- @disqada/pathfinder: upgrade to the next major version (c17a5c0)
- dotenv: removed dependancy (046f979)
- botinfo: change object structure (5c8ba7d)
- botinfo: rename BotInfo to BotConfig (3600d8c)
- botinfo: replace BotInfo class with object (929ed6d)
- botstyle: replace BotStyle class with functions (1b13403)
- BotVars: replace BotVars calss with object (c3f2f9d)
- importer: delete Importer (0170bc3)
- style: merge 3 functions into one (7df1bbb)
- vars: delete DiscordBot.vars (820ac39)
- asembed: export textToEmbed as asEmbed (5a011f5)
- colour: replace Colour class with functions (9b7e1a5)
- command.data: add ability to skip defer or ephemeral it (e418204)
- data/: inject all JSON files inside data folder (7ca46d5)
- replace Link class with functions (f224e5c)
- @disqada/pathfinder: @disqada/pathfinder upgraded to it's next major version
- dotenv: dotenv is no longer a dependency
- data/: Property config of DiscordBot class has been moved inside data property
- botinfo: Property info inside DiscordBot class is renamed to config
- vars: vars property inside DiscordBot class is deleted
- style: applyTo, applyToEmbed and applyToEmbeds functions are replaced with applyStyle function
- botstyle: BotStyle class is deleted, the style property inside DiscordBot class is deleted and applyTo... embeds now require the brand object as a second parameter
- botinfo: BotInfo old properties are replaced with new ones
- botinfo: BotInfo class is deleted
- BotVars: BotVars class deleted
- importer: Importer class deleted
- colour: The Colour class doesn't exist anymore
- Link class doesn't exist anymore
1.1.3 (2023-05-03)
- logger: fix not logging valid modules (cfe0f7c)
1.1.2 (2023-04-29)
- discordbot: better module path checking (c475a4a)
- interactioncreate: replying if not deffered (792b718)
1.1.1 (2023-04-24)
- import: fix importing 'FilePath' from '@disqada/pathfinder' (9aa4d9d)
1.1.0 (2023-04-23)
- logger: add Logger class and enums file (455b52f)
- validation: add new validation check system to botcommand and botevent classes (d7c302d)
1.0.0 (2023-04-20)
- replace 'paths-manager' with '@disqada/pathfinder' (448243d)
- discordbot.ts: improvements, refactors and new changes (8bf690f)
- paths-manager package is no longer a dependacy, use @disqada/pathfinder instead