© David Gold. Except where the source is noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.
Let's start by checking for any changes in the course material on GitHub:
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
In the last lesson, we used blastp
to compare several query sequences against the brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) proteome. Let's take a look at those results:
cd ~/git/Gold_Lab_Training/Additional_Materials
head Lesson_4_Results.txt
Terminal should return the following:
qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
Ectocarpus_siliculosus_CBN76684.1_Sterol_methyltransferase sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase 43.296 358 182 3 75 413 13 368 2.78e-100 301
Here are the results in a table view for easier interpretation:
qseqid | sseqid | pident | length | mismatch | gapopen | qstart | qend | sstart | send | evalue | bitscore |
Ectocarpus_siliculosus_CBN76684.1_Sterol_methyltransferase | sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase | 43.296 | 358 | 182 | 3 | 75 | 413 | 13 | 368 | 2.78e-100 | 301 |
This is what the header IDs mean:
Column header | Meaning |
qseqid | query (e.g., gene) sequence id |
sseqid | subject (e.g., reference genome) sequence id |
pident | percentage of identical matches |
length | alignment length |
mismatch | number of mismatches |
gapopen | number of gap openings |
qstart | start of alignment in query |
qend | end of alignment in query |
sstart | start of alignment in subject |
send | end of alignment in subject |
evalue | expect value |
bitscore | bit score |
As a reminder, one of our query sequences (Ectocarpus_siliculosus_CBN76684.1_Sterol_methyltransferase) had a single match in the yeast database (sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase). If we want to see what this match looks like, we could open the relevant fasta file in BBEdit and search for it, but that won't work with very large fasta files. Instead we will use a program called Samtools.
We can install Samtools with Homebrew:
brew install samtools
Before we can extract data from a fasta file using Samtools, we need to index the file. Indexing a file cretes a database (called an index file) which greatly improves lookup speeds. We can do that with Samtools' faidx
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta
There is now an index file (Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta.fai) added to your folder. Indexing allows Samtools to easily navigate fasta files of any size.
The sequence IDs of the fasta file and the index (.fai) file have to match. If you change any sequence IDs in the fasta file after running `samtools faidx` the two files will no longer match and you will get an error. If you decide to change any sequence IDs in your original fasta file, make sure to delete the associated index file and then re-run the `samtools faidx` command.
To extract the gene we found with BLAST, we also use the faidx
command. But this time we add the name of the sequence we're interested in. Make sure to wrap the name in quotes so Terminal does not try to interpret characters in the sequence name as regular expressions:
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta "sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase"
Terminal will return the relevant amino acid sequence:
If you want to save this sequence you can redirect it to an output file (we'll call it ERG6.fasta) with the >
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta "sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase" > Lesson_5_1_ERG6.fasta
Perhaps you only want to see the part of the yeast protein that matched our query. Using the sstart
(start of alignment in subject) and send
(end of alignment in subject) columns, you'll see that the match encompasses amino acids #13-368.
We can extract these particular sequences using the previous samtools faidx
command, but adding a colon (:
) followed by the region of interest:
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta "sp|P25087|ERG6_YEAST_Sterol_24-C-methyltransferase":13-368
Terminal will return the following:
Compare it to the previous result. Notice how amino acids have been trimmed from the beginning and end of the sequence.
Let's say you have a list of sequences you would like to retrieve from your fasta file. There are two ways to do that. The first is to append a list of sequence IDs in the samtools faidx
command. For example, let's say you wanted to extract the following proteins from the yeast proteome:
- sp|Q08054|CSI2_YEAST_Chitin_synthase_3_complex_protein_CSI2
- sp|P24813|AP2_YEAST_AP-1-like_transcription_factor_YAP2
- sp|Q01389|BCK1_YEAST_Serine/threonine-protein_kinase_BCK1/SLK1/SSP31
You could use the following command:
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta \
"sp|Q08054|CSI2_YEAST_Chitin_synthase_3_complex_protein_CSI2" \
"sp|P24813|AP2_YEAST_AP-1-like_transcription_factor_YAP2" \
You could also extract portions of each sequence using the technique described in part 5.2:
samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta \
"sp|Q08054|CSI2_YEAST_Chitin_synthase_3_complex_protein_CSI2":2-11 \
"sp|P24813|AP2_YEAST_AP-1-like_transcription_factor_YAP2":15-50 \
This approach works if you have a few sequences, but it can become cumbersome if you are trying to extract large numbers of sequences. An alternative approach is to put your list of sequence IDs into a text file. Execute the code below to make a text file called 'Desired_Sequences.txt' :
echo -e 'sp|Q08054|CSI2_YEAST_Chitin_synthase_3_complex_protein_CSI2\nsp|P24813|AP2_YEAST_AP-1-like_transcription_factor_YAP2\nsp|Q01389|BCK1_YEAST_Serine/threonine-protein_kinase_BCK1/SLK1/SSP31' > Desired_Sequences.txt
There are three sequence IDs in 'Desired_Sequences.txt'. You can see them with the following command:
head Desired_Sequences.txt
Before using this list in Samtools, we need to add quotes to each sequence ID. We can easily do that using the sed
command. We will first replace the start of each line (grep symbol = ^
) with a "
character. We will then replace the end of each line (grep symbol = $
) with a "
gsed -i 's/^/"/g' Desired_Sequences.txt
gsed -i 's/$/"/g' Desired_Sequences.txt
Now that your text file is ready, you can use it to extract sequences with samtools. To do this we will need the program xargs
, which is included in Unix-based operating systems. The job of xargs is to execute commands based on standard input. We will use xargs to feed the list into samtools (using the <
symbol) and output the list into a new file (using the symbol >
xargs samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta < Desired_Sequences.txt > Desired_Sequences.Output.fasta
You can look at "Desired_Sequences.txt" and "Desired_Sequences.Output.fasta" in BBEdit to verify that your list of 3 sequences ended up in the output fasta file. You can easily access these files by opening your current directory using Finder:
open .
In the "Additional_Materials" folder you should find a file called "Lesson_5_Query_Domain.fasta". It contains the a seripauperin protein from the yeast Saccharomyces arboricola (a different species than the one in our database). Scientists do not fully understand the purpose of seripauperin genes, although they appear to be expressed during alcohol fermentation.
Let's use BLAST to look for the homologous gene in our Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome database:
blastp -query Lesson_5_Query_Domain.fasta -db Yeast -outfmt 6 -evalue 10e-5 -out Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt
Let's take a look at the results:
head -n 100 Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q08322|PAU20_YEAST_Seripauperin-20 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 5.92e-69 201
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P35994|PAU16_YEAST_Seripauperin-16 87.805 123 13 1 1 121 1 123 3.90e-68 199
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE92|PAU8_YEAST_Seripauperin-8 90.909 121 10 1 1 121 1 120 3.10e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE93|PAU11_YEAST_Seripauperin-11 90.909 121 10 1 1 121 1 120 3.10e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q3E770|PAU9_YEAST_Seripauperin-9 90.909 121 10 1 1 121 1 120 3.10e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE91|PAU18_YEAST_Seripauperin-18 90.909 121 10 1 1 121 1 120 4.08e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE90|PAU6_YEAST_Seripauperin-6 90.909 121 10 1 1 121 1 120 4.08e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE89|PAU14_YEAST_Seripauperin-14 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 6.33e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE88|PAU1_YEAST_Seripauperin-1 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 6.33e-67 196
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P32612|PAU2_YEAST_Seripauperin-2 91.736 121 9 1 1 121 1 120 1.05e-66 195
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P53427|PAU4_YEAST_Seripauperin-4 89.256 121 12 1 1 121 1 120 1.08e-66 195
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P38725|PAU13_YEAST_Seripauperin-13 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 1.34e-66 195
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE85|PAU19_YEAST_Seripauperin-19 88.333 120 12 1 1 118 1 120 1.93e-66 194
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P53343|PAU12_YEAST_Seripauperin-12 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 2.97e-66 194
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q07987|PAU23_YEAST_Seripauperin-23 86.667 120 14 1 1 118 1 120 3.74e-66 194
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE87|PAU22_YEAST_Seripauperin-22 88.333 120 12 1 1 118 41 160 3.87e-66 195
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P0CE86|PAU21_YEAST_Seripauperin-21 88.333 120 12 1 1 118 41 160 3.87e-66 195
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P40585|PAU15_YEAST_Seripauperin-15 87.500 120 13 1 1 118 1 120 5.13e-66 193
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q03050|PAU10_YEAST_Seripauperin-10 90.083 121 11 1 1 121 1 120 9.21e-66 192
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P25610|PAU3_YEAST_Seripauperin-3 89.167 120 11 1 1 118 1 120 1.06e-65 192
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P38155|PAU24_YEAST_Seripauperin-24 89.256 121 12 1 1 121 1 120 1.13e-65 192
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P43575|PAU5_YEAST_Seripauperin-5 89.344 122 12 1 1 121 1 122 2.14e-65 192
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q12370|PAU17_YEAST_Seripauperin-17 86.667 120 14 1 1 118 1 120 4.55e-65 191
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P47179|DAN4_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_DAN4 78.889 90 19 0 29 118 30 119 4.20e-49 165
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P47178|DAN1_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_DAN1 71.134 97 28 0 22 118 23 119 8.39e-46 148
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P39545|PAU7_YEAST_Seripauperin-7 89.091 55 5 1 1 54 1 55 1.14e-15 63.9
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P10863|TIR1_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR1 27.174 92 56 2 27 109 19 108 2.05e-08 48.5
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P27654|TIP1_YEAST_Temperature_shock-inducible_protein_1 30.864 81 51 2 36 111 28 108 2.42e-08 48.1
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P40552|TIR3_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_TIR3 30.769 91 58 2 31 116 26 116 3.71e-08 47.8
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|P33890|TIR2_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR2 25.532 94 59 2 27 111 19 110 1.48e-06 43.5
PAU5_Saccharomyces_arboricola_EJS43917.1 sp|Q12218|TIR4_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_TIR4 29.670 91 52 4 27 107 19 107 1.51e-05 40.8
This time there are many hits in the BLAST database! Some of these matches could be due to chance, but it is more likely that these genes are all related to each other. It turns out that homologous genes don't just exist between species; homologous genes exist within species as well!
Gene duplications, recombination, and gene loss events over the course of evolution result in different numbers of homologous genes in different organisms. This creates a pattern of orthologs (genes generated from speciation events) and paralogs (genes generated from duplication events). Since all of the genes in our database come from one organism (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), these genes are presumably all paralogs of each other.
To figure out homologous genes are related to each other (e.g. figuring out which genes are orthologs and which are paralogs), we need to reconstruct their evolutionary history. The first step in making an evolutionary tree is aligning the homologous genes. When we align more than two genes to each other it is called a multiple sequence alignment (MSA). Here is an example MSA from Wikipedia:
Each row in the MSA represents a sequence. Each column represents a (supposedly) conserved amino acid across the homologous genes. Highly conserved parts of the protein are colored based on the most common amino acid. Each column in a MSA represents a hypothesis, suggesting that the amino acids in that column all trace back to an ancestral amino acid from the ancestral protein. You can make a MSA from sequences that are not homologous, but the results would be meaningless. It is therefore important to start with sequences you think are homologous.
There are many different programs that perform multiple sequence alignments. All of them try to find the best (i.e. true) alignment using different methodologies:
Progressive alignments (CLUSTAL), MAFFT): start with most similar sequences and build out. These are fast but not guaranteed to converge on the best alignment.
Iterative methods (MUSCLE): repeatedly realign the initial sequences as well as adding new sequences to the growing alignment.
Phylogeny-aware methods (PAGAN; Prank): provide a starting tree.
Motif finding methods (MEME) search for short, highly conserved patterns within the larger alignment and build out from there.
For this next part, we're going to make an alignment using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Seripauperin proteins. We will use the BLAST results from "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt" to identify likely Seripauperin proteins.
The sequence IDs of the Seripauperin proteins are in the second column of "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt". To extract the list of sequence IDs, we're going to use awk
along with xargs
. Awk is a language used for manipulating text data. When we have a tab-delimited file, the print
function in awk is a powerful way to pull out columns:
Extract the second column from "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt" with awk:
awk '{print $2}' Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt > Temp_BLAST_List
Add quotes to the start and end of sequence IDs with gsed
gsed -i 's/^/"/g' Temp_BLAST_List
gsed -i 's/$/"/g' Temp_BLAST_List
And finally use the list "Temp_BLAST_List" to extract the sequences with Samtools:
xargs samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta < Temp_BLAST_List > Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta
You can quickly check that everything worked using head
, and then delete the temporary list file:
head Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta
rm -i Temp_BLAST_List
You can see how many sequences are in this file by counting the number of greater-than (>
) symbols using grep
grep -c ">" Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta
The file "Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta" contains a fasta file with 35 putative Seripauperin proteins!
Before using MUSCLE, you have to install it:
brew install brewsci/bio/muscle
MUSCLE is easy to run, you just need to give it an input (-in
) and output (-out
) file. In our case, the input file is "Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta". The output file name could be anything you want:
muscle -in Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta -out Lesson_5_4_PAU5_MUSCLE.fasta
The MUSCLE algorithm is an iterative method. By default it tries eight iterations of refinement. It should complete the alignment pretty fast with this small dataset.
You could look at the results of your MUSCLE alignment in Terminal or a text editor, but it is going to be very hard to determine if the alignment is any good. While I generally use command line tools in my lab, sometimes you really need a GUI (graphical use interface).
There are many programs you can use to visualize MSAs, one option with an easy interface is ALIGNMENTVIEWER. Once you load the data into the program you should see an alignment like this:
Scroll left to right to see the entire alignment. Some of the regions look pretty good, although they don't look good for every sequence. Other regions look pretty bad. Assuming all of these sequences are actually Seripauperin proteins (in other words, they are all homologous), the poorly aligned regions represent mutations in some sequences that are difficult (perhaps impossible) to align with other sequences.
To get a trustworthy MSA, you should focus on the regions of each sequence that you can align with confidence. These poorly aligned regions might lead you to the wrong conclusion in downstream analysis. This is why cleaning up the data is usually a good idea before running a MSA.
Let's retry making our alignment. Instead of just extracting the sequence IDs from our BLAST analysis (the second column in file "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt"), this time we are also going to extract the start and end coordinates (sstart
and send
) of the BLAST alignment. These are provided in the 9th and 10th columns in "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt".
Remember, if we want to extract coordinates with Samtools, we need the following syntax:
samtools faidx "sequence_ID":start_coordinate-end_coordinate
We can get this format uaing awk
but it takes a little thought. We can get awk to print the colon and dash by putting them in quotes (":"
and "-"
). But what about the quotes themselves? Putting quotes in quotes (e.g. """
) will not work. Instead, we can invoke the octal code for double-quotes (\042
Here's the piece of code to extract the BLAST hits and their matching coordinates with awk:
Extract the columns 2,9, and 19 from "Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt" with awk, adding the octal code for double quotes ("\042"
awk '{print "\042"$2"\042"":"$9"-"$10}' Lesson_5_2_BLAST_Results.txt > Temp_BLAST_List
Use the list "Temp_BLAST_List" to extract the sequence coordinates with Samtools:
xargs samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta < Temp_BLAST_List > Lesson_5_5_PAU5_BLAST_Alignments.fasta
rm -i Temp_BLAST_List
Now run MUSCLE one more time:
muscle -in Lesson_5_5_PAU5_BLAST_Alignments.fasta -out Lesson_5_6_MUSCLE_Alignments.fasta
Load these new results into ALIGNMENTVIEWER and see how it compares to the last alignment. It is definitely better, but there are some proteins that still align poorly. If you look at the sequence IDs you will notice that some have names such as "Cell_wall_protein" and "Temperature_shock-inducible_protein" instead of "Seripauperin". This is a sign that some of the proteins from our BLAST search are not actually homologous, but instead are similar to the Seripauperin query we used by chance. Ideally, we want to get rid of those sequences too.
Proteins play specific functions in biology. Proteins are often modular in their function, and some modules are more critical than others. Parts of the protein that are critical for specific tasks (e.g. binding to DNA, performing a catalytic reaction, interacting with another protein) often remain under strict selective pressure even as the rest of the protein evolves. The result is that homologous proteins often have highly conserved regions called conserved protein domains. Proteins that share a known conserved protein domain are almost certainly homologous.
The Pfam database is a large collection of protein families, with information on known conserved protein domains. We can use our original Seripauperin query sequence to see if this protein has any conserved domains. I'm reprinting the query sequence below; use the Pfam Sequence Search function to look for conserved domains:
The program will return one conserved domain, the "SRP1_TIP1 (Seripauperin and TIP1 family)" domain. When looking for Seripauperins in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome, we would be wise to vet the BLAST results and only keep sequences that contain this domain.
You can identify conserved domains in multiple sequences using the Pfam web server.
Load the original sequences from the BLAST search (Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta) into PFAMscan. If you provide your email address you will receive the results in plain text.
To make life easier I have reproduced the results below and provide them as a text file (Lesson_5_PFAM_Hits.txt)
seq id | alignment start | alignment end | envelope start | envelope end | hmm acc | hmm name | hmm start | hmm end | hmm length | bit score | Individual E-value | Conditional E-value | database significant | outcompeted | clan |
sp|Q08322|PAU20_YEAST_Seripauperin-20 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 94.38 | 3.5e-27 | 1.9e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P35994|PAU16_YEAST_Seripauperin-16 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 89.28 | 1.3e-25 | 7.5e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE92|PAU8_YEAST_Seripauperin-8 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.40 | 1.7e-27 | 9.3e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE93|PAU11_YEAST_Seripauperin-11 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.40 | 1.7e-27 | 9.3e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|Q3E770|PAU9_YEAST_Seripauperin-9 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.40 | 1.7e-27 | 9.3e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE91|PAU18_YEAST_Seripauperin-18 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 94.13 | 4.1e-27 | 2.3e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE90|PAU6_YEAST_Seripauperin-6 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 94.13 | 4.1e-27 | 2.3e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE89|PAU14_YEAST_Seripauperin-14 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.64 | 1.4e-27 | 7.8e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE88|PAU1_YEAST_Seripauperin-1 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.64 | 1.4e-27 | 7.8e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P32612|PAU2_YEAST_Seripauperin-2 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 97.31 | 4.2e-28 | 2.4e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P53427|PAU4_YEAST_Seripauperin-4 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 94.86 | 2.5e-27 | 1.4e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P38725|PAU13_YEAST_Seripauperin-13 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 95.40 | 1.7e-27 | 9.3e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE85|PAU19_YEAST_Seripauperin-19 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 89.17 | 1.5e-25 | 8.2e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P53343|PAU12_YEAST_Seripauperin-12 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 97.49 | 3.7e-28 | 2.1e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|Q07987|PAU23_YEAST_Seripauperin-23 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 90.10 | 7.5e-26 | 4.2e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE87|PAU22_YEAST_Seripauperin-22 | 66 | 157 | 65 | 158 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 88.00 | 3.4e-25 | 1.9e-29 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P0CE86|PAU21_YEAST_Seripauperin-21 | 66 | 157 | 65 | 158 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 88.00 | 3.4e-25 | 1.9e-29 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P40585|PAU15_YEAST_Seripauperin-15 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 89.24 | 1.4e-25 | 7.7e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|Q03050|PAU10_YEAST_Seripauperin-10 | 22 | 113 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 97 | 99 | 94.74 | 2.7e-27 | 1.5e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P25610|PAU3_YEAST_Seripauperin-3 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 89.17 | 1.5e-25 | 8.2e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P38155|PAU24_YEAST_Seripauperin-24 | 22 | 114 | 22 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 98 | 99 | 96.29 | 8.8e-28 | 4.9e-32 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P43575|PAU5_YEAST_Seripauperin-5 | 25 | 116 | 24 | 117 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 94.73 | 2.7e-27 | 1.5e-31 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|Q12370|PAU17_YEAST_Seripauperin-17 | 26 | 117 | 25 | 118 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 90.23 | 6.8e-26 | 3.8e-30 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P47179|DAN4_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_DAN4 | 25 | 116 | 24 | 117 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 80.61 | 6.8e-23 | 3.8e-27 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P47178|DAN1_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_DAN1 | 25 | 116 | 24 | 117 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 98 | 99 | 84.12 | 5.5e-24 | 3.1e-28 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P39545|PAU7_YEAST_Seripauperin-7 | 25 | 55 | 23 | 55 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 2 | 32 | 99 | 25.30 | 1.2e-05 | 6.6e-10 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P10863|TIR1_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR1 | 13 | 113 | 13 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 97 | 99 | 126.98 | 2.4e-37 | 2.7e-41 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P10863|TIR1_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR1 | 211 | 227 | 210 | 227 | PF00399.19 | PIR | 2 | 18 | 18 | 28.13 | 1.0e-06 | 1.1e-10 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P27654|TIP1_YEAST_Temperature_shock-inducible_protein_1 | 17 | 110 | 14 | 113 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 4 | 96 | 99 | 114.99 | 1.3e-33 | 7.3e-38 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P40552|TIR3_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_TIR3 | 20 | 115 | 10 | 116 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 3 | 98 | 99 | 131.90 | 7.0e-39 | 3.9e-43 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P33890|TIR2_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR2 | 13 | 113 | 13 | 115 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 97 | 99 | 124.86 | 1.1e-36 | 1.2e-40 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|P33890|TIR2_YEAST_Cold_shock-induced_protein_TIR2 | 207 | 224 | 207 | 224 | PF00399.19 | PIR | 1 | 18 | 18 | 28.45 | 8.1e-07 | 9.0e-11 | 1 | 0 | |
sp|Q12218|TIR4_YEAST_Cell_wall_protein_TIR4 | 13 | 113 | 13 | 116 | PF00660.17 | SRP1_TIP1 | 1 | 96 | 99 | 109.15 | 8.6e-32 | 4.8e-36 | 1 | 0 |
The PFAM website limits the number of protein queries you can submit. If you have a large number of protein sequences, you are better off downloading and running the search on your personal computer. This is also a good approach if you are trying to automate your data analysis and don't want to wait for the PFAM website to return results.
First you will need the program HMMER. The program is similar to BLAST in that it performs similarity alignments between sequences, but it uses probabilistic models called profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs) to perform these alignments.
The HMMER website provides binaries that are easy to install, or you can install it using Homebrew:
brew search hmmer
brew install hmmer
In addition to HMMER, you need the Pfam HMM database to perform your searches. You can go to the PFAM website to download it, or download it directly using 'wget' (you should already have wget installed from Lesson 0, but if not you can install it with Homebrew).
Yellow boxes (alert-warning)
# Move to your local computer's home directory and make a "Pfam" folder
cd ~
mkdir Pfam
cd Pfam
# Install the Pfam database with wget
wget ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.hmm.gz
Once the file is downloaded, you can uncompress and prepare the Pfam database for use with HMMER:
gunzip Pfam-A.hmm.gz
hmmpress Pfam-A.hmm
To perform your search, use the 'hmmscan' program bundled with HMMER:
# move back into the lab training folder
cd ~/git/Lab_Manual/Additional_Materials
# perform a HMMER search against the PFAM HMM database
# note: you can adjust the number of CPUs based on the hardware of your computer
# note: if you put your Pfam database somewhere besides your home directory, make sure to adjust the code "~/Pfam/Pfam-A.hmm" to point to the correct file
hmmscan --cpu 4 --domtblout Pfam.out ~/Pfam/Pfam-A.hmm Lesson_5_3_PAU5_BLAST_Hits.fasta > Pfam.log
The file "Pfam.out" should contain the same results provided in the file "Lesson_5_PFAM_Hits.txt".
Going back to the results from 5.9.3., you will notice that some of the sequences lack a "SRP1_TIP1" domain. We don't want to keep those. We can use grep
to keep the lines that have this domain. We can then use awk
and xargs samtools faidx
to extract these domains, based on the "alignment start" and "alignment end" coordinates (columns 2 and 3 in the table above):
grep 'SRP1_TIP1' Lesson_5_PFAM_Hits.txt > Temp1.txt
awk '{print "\042"$1"\042"":"$2"-"$3}' Temp1.txt > Temp2.txt
xargs samtools faidx Lesson_4_Yeast_Proteome.fasta < Temp2.txt > Lesson_5_7_PAU5_PFAM.fasta
muscle -in Lesson_5_7_PAU5_PFAM.fasta -out Lesson_5_8_PAU5_MUSCLE_PFAM.fasta
rm -i Temp*
Load these new results into ALIGNMENTVIEWER and see how they compare.
Don't forget to upload the changes you made to your forked GitHub account:
cd ../
git add --all
git commit -m 'performed samtools exercise'
git push