diff --git a/content/en/security/threats/workload_security_rules/custom_rules.md b/content/en/security/threats/workload_security_rules/custom_rules.md
index 97abbdfc5cbce..68dcbb796d7fe 100644
--- a/content/en/security/threats/workload_security_rules/custom_rules.md
+++ b/content/en/security/threats/workload_security_rules/custom_rules.md
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ Here are some important [role and permissions][11] to use for custom rules RBAC:
 Rules are managed and applied using policies. To view policies, go to [Security > Cloud Security Managment > Agent Configuration][3].
+You can create and deploy different custom policies containing rules you want to apply to different sets of hosts in your infrastructure.
+For example, you can do the following with policies:
+- [Assign priorities][17] to your policies. Priorities can account for policies with partially overlapping tags.
+- Deploy multiple rules to a specific subset of an infrastructure using [tags][18].
 ### Default policy
 The default policy and its rules cannot be modified. You can use the policy priority setting to override the default policy with custom policies.
@@ -98,14 +105,6 @@ You can create custom rules using these methods:
 CSM custom Agent rules are grouped into policies. Policies group Agent rules to help you apply multiple rules more efficiently.
-You can create and deploy different custom policies containing rules you want to apply to different sets of hosts in your infrastructure.
-For example, you can do the following with policies:
-- Deploy multiple rules to a specific subset of an infrastructure using tags.
-- Assign priorities to your policies. Priorities can account for policies with partially overlapping tags.
 ## Create the custom Agent and detection rules together
@@ -274,4 +273,6 @@ You can also disable a rule by setting the **Then...** section of a rule to **Do
 [13]: #disable-default-agent-rules
 [14]: #create-the-custom-agent-and-detection-rules-together
 [15]: https://app.datadoghq.com/cost/settings/tags
-[16]: /security/threats/agent_expressions/
\ No newline at end of file
+[16]: /security/threats/agent_expressions/
+[17]: #prioritize-policies
+[18]: #apply-tags
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