- Test drive a simple front-end web app with Javascript
- Follow an effective process for learning a new language
- Work through thermostat challenge, creating a cool web-app (no pun intended).
- Use Thermostat/Bowling to learn JS, read lots of documentation on JS structures and best practices
- GOAL: Understand some Javascript syntax and structure
- PLAN: Write some JS!
- EVIDENCE: Translated some Ruby common objects to JS here
- GOAL: Understand encapsulation
- PLAN: Write some JS that encapsulates behaviour within a constructor class
- EVIDENCE: Paired Airport Challenge
- GOAL: Understand Module Pattern
- PLAN: Complete skills workshop on Module pattern
- EVIDENCE: Workshop completed here
- GOAL: Understand AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and HTML) fundamentals
- PLAN: Implement weather API for Thermostat project
- EVIDENCE: Thermostat Project
- GOAL: Make progress on Bowling Challenge, introduce basic structure
- PLAN: Create constructor classes and test framework
- EVIDENCE: Bowling Project