possibility of optimizing CRNN using other library optimizers #6
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Thanks for posting the link. It is fairly straightforward to apply Optim.jl's optimizer here. I have done it before. |
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I feel https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/trainlm.html;jsessionid=ff2565ad89f67e8126aee1162866 might perform better than Adam for moderate size of network. There is also coupe of packages in Julia has implemented it but not in Optim.Ji. If you are interested in it, we can talk about the details and have a try. |
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Bdw.. @jiweiqi |
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@yewalenikhil65 I found the code I wrote for Robertson's problem using LM optimizer, although the code not working well using DiffEqFlux, OrdinaryDiffEq, Flux, Optim, Plots
using DifferentialEquations
using DiffEqSensitivity
using Zygote
using ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using Statistics
using ProgressBars, Printf
using Flux.Optimise: update!
using Flux.Losses: mae
using BSON: @save, @load
using LatinHypercubeSampling
using LsqFit
is_restart = false;
n_epoch = 2000;
n_plot = 10;
opt = ADAMW(0.005, (0.9, 0.999), 1.f-6);
datasize = 40;
batchsize = 16;
n_exp_train = 20;
n_exp_val = 5;
n_exp = n_exp_train + n_exp_val;
noise = 1.f-4;
ns = 3;
nr = 6;
grad_max = 10 ^ (0.5);
maxiters = 10000;
# alg = AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23(autodiff=false));
alg = Rosenbrock23(autodiff=false);
atol = [1e-6, 1e-8, 1e-6];
rtol = [1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3];
lb = 1e-8;
ub = 1.f1;
np = nr * (2 * ns + 1) + 1;
p = (rand(Float32, np) .- 0.5) * 2 * sqrt(6 / (ns + nr));
p[end] = 1.e-1;
# Generate datasets
u0_list = rand(Float32, (n_exp, ns)) .* 2 .+ 0.5;
u0_list[:, 2:2] .= 0 .+ lb;
u0_list[:, [1, 3]] .= randomLHC(n_exp, 2) ./ n_exp .+ 0.5
tsteps = 10 .^ range(0, 5, length=datasize);
tspan = Float32[0, tsteps[end]];
t_end = tsteps[end]
k = [4.f-2, 3.f7, 1.f4];
ode_data_list = zeros(Float32, (n_exp, ns, datasize));
yscale_list = [];
function trueODEfunc(dydt, y, k, t)
r1 = k[1] * y[1]
r2 = k[2] * y[2] * y[2]
r3 = k[3] * y[2] * y[3]
dydt[1] = -r1 + r3
dydt[2] = r1 - r2 - r3
dydt[3] = r2
u0 = u0_list[1, :];
prob_trueode = ODEProblem(trueODEfunc, u0, tspan, k);
function max_min(ode_data)
return maximum(ode_data, dims=2) .- minimum(ode_data, dims=2)
for i = 1:n_exp
u0 = u0_list[i, :]
prob_trueode = ODEProblem(trueODEfunc, u0, tspan, k)
ode_data = Array(solve(prob_trueode, alg, saveat=tsteps, atol=atol, rtol=rtol))
ode_data += randn(size(ode_data)) .* ode_data .* noise
ode_data_list[i, :, :] = ode_data
push!(yscale_list, max_min(ode_data))
yscale = maximum(hcat(yscale_list...), dims=2);
dydt_scale = yscale[:, 1] ./ t_end
show(stdout, "text/plain", round.(yscale', digits=8))
function p2vec(p)
slope = abs(p[end])
w_b = @view(p[1:nr]) .* (10 * slope)
w_in = reshape(@view(p[nr * (ns + 1) + 1:nr * (2 * ns + 1)]), ns, nr)
w_out = reshape(@view(p[nr + 1:nr * (ns + 1)]), ns, nr)
w_out = @. -w_in * (10 ^ w_out)
w_in = clamp.(w_in, 0, 2.5)
return w_in, w_b, w_out
function display_p(p)
w_in, w_b, w_out = p2vec(p)
println("species (column) reaction (row)")
println("w_in | w_b | w_out")
display(hcat(w_in', w_b, w_out'))
w_out_ = (w_out .* dydt_scale)' .* exp.(w_b)
# display(w_out_)
# display(maximum(abs.(w_out_), dims=2)')
display(w_out_ ./ maximum(abs.(w_out_), dims=2))
println("slope = $(p[end])")
function crnn(du, u, p, t)
w_in_x = w_in' * @. log(clamp(u, lb, Inf))
du .= w_out * (@. exp(w_in_x + w_b)) .* dydt_scale
u0 = u0_list[1, :]
prob = ODEProblem(crnn, u0, tspan, saveat=tsteps, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
sense = BacksolveAdjoint(checkpointing=true; autojacvec=false);
function predict_neuralode(u0, p; sample = datasize)
global w_in, w_b, w_out = p2vec(p)
_prob = remake(prob, tspan=[0, tsteps[sample]])
sol = solve(prob, alg, u0=u0, p=p, saveat=tsteps[1:sample],
sensalg=sense, verbose=false, maxiters=maxiters)
pred = Array(sol)
if sol.retcode == :Success
println("ode solver failed")
return pred
pred = predict_neuralode(u0, p);
function loss_neuralode(p, i_exp; sample = datasize)
pred = predict_neuralode(u0_list[i_exp, :], p; sample)
ode_data = ode_data_list[i_exp, :, 1:size(pred)[2]]
loss = mae(ode_data ./ yscale, pred ./ yscale)
return loss
loss_neuralode(p, 1)
cbi = function (p, i_exp)
ode_data = ode_data_list[i_exp, :, :]
pred = predict_neuralode(u0_list[i_exp, :], p)
l_plt = []
for i = 1:ns
plt = scatter(tsteps, ode_data[i, :], xscale=:log10,
markercolor=:transparent, label=string("data"))
plot!(plt, tsteps[1:size(pred)[2]], pred[i, :], xscale=:log10, label=string("pred"))
ylabel!(plt, "y$i")
if i == ns
xlabel!(plt, "Time [s]")
plot!(plt, legend=:topleft)
plot!(plt, legend=false)
push!(l_plt, plt)
plt_all = plot(l_plt..., framestyle=:box, layouts = (ns, 1))
png(plt_all, string("figs/i_exp_", i_exp))
return false
l_loss_train = []
l_loss_val = []
l_grad = []
iter = 1
cb = function (p, loss_train, loss_val, g_norm)
global l_loss_train, l_loss_val, l_grad, iter
push!(l_loss_train, loss_train)
push!(l_loss_val, loss_val)
push!(l_grad, g_norm)
if iter % n_plot == 0
l_exp = randperm(n_exp)[1:1]
println("update plot for ", l_exp)
for i_exp in l_exp
cbi(p, i_exp)
plt_loss = plot(l_loss_train, xscale=:identity, yscale=:log10, label="train")
plot!(plt_loss, l_loss_val, xscale=:identity, yscale=:log10, label="val")
plt_grad = plot(l_grad, xscale=:identity, yscale=:log10, label="grad_norm")
xlabel!(plt_loss, "Epoch")
xlabel!(plt_grad, "Epoch")
ylabel!(plt_loss, "Loss")
ylabel!(plt_grad, "Grad Norm")
ylims!(plt_loss, (-Inf, 1))
plt_all = plot([plt_loss, plt_grad]..., legend=:top)
png(plt_all, "figs/loss_grad")
@save "./checkpoint/mymodel.bson" p opt l_loss_train l_loss_val l_grad iter
iter += 1
if is_restart
@load "./checkpoint/mymodel.bson" p opt l_loss_train l_loss_val l_grad iter
iter += 1
# opt = ADAMW(0.001, (0.9, 0.999), 1.f-6)
function loss_lm(p)
[loss_neuralode(p, i) for i in 1:n_exp_train]
g = function (p)
return ForwardDiff.jacobian(x -> loss_lm(x), p)
epochs = ProgressBar(iter:n_epoch);
loss_epoch = zeros(Float32, n_exp);
grad_norm = zeros(Float32, n_exp_train);
for epoch in epochs
global p
for i_exp in randperm(n_exp_train)
sample = rand(batchsize:datasize)
grad = ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> loss_neuralode(x, i_exp; sample), p)
grad_norm[i_exp] = norm(grad, 2)
if grad_norm[i_exp] > grad_max
grad = grad ./ grad_norm[i_exp] .* grad_max
update!(opt, p, grad)
for i_exp in 1:n_exp
loss_epoch[i_exp] = loss_neuralode(p, i_exp)
loss_train = mean(loss_epoch[1:n_exp_train]);
loss_val = mean(loss_epoch[n_exp_train + 1:end]);
g_norm = mean(grad_norm)
set_description(epochs, string(@sprintf("Loss train %.4e val %.4e gnorm %.4e", loss_train, loss_val, g_norm)))
cb(p, loss_train, loss_val, g_norm);
if loss_train < 0.1
fit = LsqFit.lmfit(loss_lm, g, p, Float64[]; show_trace=true, maxIter=2000, x_tol=1e-8)
p_fit = fit.param;
cbi(p_fit, 1)
cbi(p_fit, n_exp)
# @printf("min loss train %.4e val %.4e\n", minimum(l_loss_train), minimum(l_loss_val))
# for i_exp in 1:n_exp
# cbi(p, i_exp)
# end
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I tried LM for case 2 at https://gist.github.com/jiweiqi/4a485b90c5f706eeacd1e7f150a9688d. This time, I use the package of MINPACK. |
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@jiweiqi Well, since second order methods dont seem to give us push, i would say |
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This link talks about using other Optim library optimisers along with Flux.
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