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Nvim Config

This is my own nvim config. It is strongly opinionated and tailored to my own needs.


This configuration is a no-nonsense, bare-knuckle beast that prioritizes raw performance and simplicity above all else. It doesn't have time for fancy status lines like lualine or bloated file explorers like Neotree. No sir, there are no animations or other frivolous distractions that could bog down the editor.

Yes, there are plugins like gitsigns that might add a bit of overhead, but nothing that would significantly impact performance. And there's absolutely no room for fancy markdown rendering or over-engineered find and replace tools. It's all about keeping it simple and efficient.

Additionally, the key mappings are kept short and simple. Instead of convoluted mappings like <leader>cff, the aim is to limit mappings to one or two keys. This is part of the commitment to efficiency and speed.

The goal here is pure, unadulterated SPEED. Every plugin and setting has been chosen and tweaked with this in mind. If it doesn't make the editing experience faster and more efficient, it doesn't make the cut.


I have been using Neovim as my primary editor for a while now and I have been customizing it to my own needs, adding and removing plugins, and tweaking settings to make it more efficient and productive. The entry point for the configuration is init.lua, which loads the rest of the configuration. The configuration is split into some files under the lua directory. Lazy plugins can also be found there.

Repository Files

Here are some of the key files in the repository:

  • ./lua/util.lua: Contains utility functions used across the configuration.
  • ./lua/theme.lua: Contains theme settings and customizations.
  • ./lua/settings.lua: Contains general settings for Neovim.


I am using the lazyvim plugin manager to manage plugins. Lazyvim is a plugin manager that loads plugins lazily, only when they are needed.

File Exploring

  • bufexplorer: Buffer explorer / picker.
  • Oil: A text buffer based file explorer.


  • nvim-cmp: Autocompletion framework.
  • LuaSnip: Snippet engine.
  • cmp-buffer: Buffer source for nvim-cmp.
  • cmp-cmdline: Cmdline source for nvim-cmp.
  • cmp-nvim-lsp: LSP source for nvim-cmp.
  • cmp-path: Filepath source for nvim-cmp.
  • cmp_luasnip: LuaSnip source for nvim-cmp.
  • friendly-snippets: Preconfigured snippets for nvim-cmp.


  • vim-tmux-navigator: Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits.
  • vim-visual-multi: Multiple cursors plugin.
  • nvim-surround: Surroundings operations (add, change, delete).
  • nvim-treesitter-textobjects: Advanced textobjects based on treesitter.
  • nvim-treesitter-endwise: Endwise motion based on treesitter.

FZF (Fuzzy Finder)

  • telescope.nvim: Highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.


  • gitsigns.nvim: Git signs (add, change, delete) in the sign column.
  • lazygit.nvim: Terminal UI for git commands.
  • diffview.nvim: Side-by-side diff viewer for git in Neovim.


  • copilot.vim: AI pair programming assistant.
  • neotest-rspec: RSpec test runner.
  • nvim-lspconfig: Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client.
  • nvim-treesitter: Parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library.
  • nvim-spectre: Search and replace tool.
  • auto-session: Automatic session save and restore.
  • autoclose.nvim: Auto close pairs of brackets and quotes.
  • markdown.nvim: Markdown support.
  • plantuml-previewer.vim: PlantUML previewer.
  • solarized.nvim: Solarized color scheme.
  • tokyodark.nvim: Tokyo Night color scheme.