PaymentezJS is a library that allows developers to easily connect to the Paymentez CREDITCARDS API
You will need to include jQuery and both paymentez.min.js
and paymentez.min.css
into your web page.
For staging enviroment:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.paymentez.com/js/ccapi/stg/paymentez.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://cdn.paymentez.com/js/ccapi/stg/paymentez.min.js"></script>
For production environment:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.paymentez.com/js/1.0.1/paymentez.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://cdn.paymentez.com/js/1.0.1/paymentez.min.js"></script>
For working examples of using PaymentezJS, see the examples folder of this project.
Any elements with the class paymentez-form
will be automatically converted into a basic credit card input with the expiry date and CVC check.
The easiest way to get started with PaymentezForm is to insert the snippet of code:
<div class="paymentez-form" id="my-card" data-capture-name="true"></div>
To get a Card
object from the PaymentezForm
, you ask the form for its card.
var myCard = $('#my-card');
var cardToSave = myCard.PaymentezForm('card');
if(cardToSave == null){
alert("Invalid Card Data");
If the returned Card
is null, error states will show on the fields that need to be fixed.
Once you have a non-null Card
object from the widget, you can call addCard.
You should initialize the library.
* Init library
* @param env_mode `prod`, `stg`, `local` to change environment. Default is `stg`
* @param paymentez_client_app_code provided by Paymentez.
* @param paymentez_client_app_key provided by Paymentez.
addCard converts sensitive card data to a single-use token which you can safely pass to your server to charge the user.
/* Add Card converts sensitive card data to a single-use token which you can safely pass to your server to charge the user.
* @param uid User identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application; you will receive it in notifications.
* @param email Email of the user initiating the purchase. Format: Valid e-mail format.
* @param card the Card used to create this payment token
* @param success_callback a callback to receive the token
* @param failure_callback a callback to receive an error
Paymentez.addCard(uid, email, cardToSave, successHandler, errorHandler);
var successHandler = function(cardResponse) {
if(cardResponse.card.status === 'valid'){
$('#messages').html('Card Successfully Added<br>'+
'status: ' + cardResponse.card.status + '<br>' +
"Card Token: " + cardResponse.card.token + "<br>" +
"transaction_reference: " + cardResponse.card.transaction_reference
}else if(cardResponse.card.status === 'review'){
$('#messages').html('Card Under Review<br>'+
'status: ' + cardResponse.card.status + '<br>' +
"Card Token: " + cardResponse.card.token + "<br>" +
"transaction_reference: " + cardResponse.card.transaction_reference
}else if(cardResponse.card.status === 'pending'){
$('#messages').html('Card Pending To Approve<br>'+
'status: ' + cardResponse.card.status + '<br>' +
"Card Token: " + cardResponse.card.token + "<br>" +
"transaction_reference: " + cardResponse.card.transaction_reference
'status: ' + cardResponse.card.status + '<br>' +
"message Token: " + cardResponse.card.message + "<br>"
var errorHandler = function(err) {
The third argument to addCard is a Card object. A Card contains the following fields:
- number: card number as a string without any separators, e.g. '4242424242424242'.
- holder_name: cardholder name.
- expiry_month: integer representing the card's expiration month, e.g. 12.
- expiry_year: integer representing the card's expiration year, e.g. 2013.
- cvc: card security code as a string, e.g. '123'.
The Session ID is a parameter Paymentez use for fraud purposes. Call this method if you want to Collect your user's Device Information.
var session_id = Paymentez.getSessionId();
Once you have the Session ID, you can pass it to your server to charge the user.
If you wish to manually alter the fields used by PaymentezForm to add additional classes or set the input field placeholder, name or id. you can pre-populate the form fields as show below.
This could be helpful in case you want to Render the Form in another Language (by default the Form is Rendered in Spanish), or to reference some input by name or id.
For example if you want to render the form in English and add a custom class to the card-number
<div class="paymentez-form">
<input class="card-number my-custom-class" name="card-number" placeholder="Card number">
<input class="name" id="the-card-name-id" placeholder="Card Holders Name">
<input class="expiry-month" name="expiry-month">
<input class="expiry-year" name="expiry-year">
<input class="cvc" name="cvc">
You can determinate the fields to show on your form.
Field | Description |
data-capture-name | Card Holder Name |
data-capture-email | User Email |
data-capture-cellphone | User Cellphone |
data-icon-colour | Icons color |
data-use-dropdowns | Use dropdowns to set the Card Expiration Date |
The 'data-use-dropdowns' can solve an issue with the expiration mask in not so recent mobiles.
Integrate in the form is so simple like this
<div class="paymentez-form" id="my-card" data-capture-name="true" data-capture-email="true" data-capture-cellphone="true" data-icon-colour="#569B29" data-use-dropdowns="true">
PaymentezForm provides functionality allowing you to read the form field values directly with JavaScript. This can be useful if you wish to submit the values via Ajax.
Create a PaymentezForm element and give it a unique id (in this example my-card
<div class="paymentez-form" id="my-card" data-capture-name="true"></div>
The javascript below demonstrates how to read each value of the form into local variables.
var myCard = $('#my-card');
var cardNumber = myCard.PaymentezForm('cardNumber');
var cardType = myCard.PaymentezForm('cardType');
var name = myCard.PaymentezForm('name');
var expiryMonth = myCard.PaymentezForm('expiryMonth');
var expiryYear = myCard.PaymentezForm('expiryYear');
var cvc = myCard.PaymentezForm('cvc');
var fiscalNumber = myCard.PaymentezForm('fiscalNumber');
var validationOption = myCard.PaymentezForm('validationOption');
To call a function on a PaymentezForm element, follow the pattern below. Replace the text 'function' with the name of the function you wish to call.
The functions available are listed below:
Function | Description |
card | Get the card object |
cardNumber | Get the card number entered |
cardType | Get the type of the card number entered |
name | Get the name entered |
expiryMonth | Get the expiry month entered |
expiryYear | Get the expiry year entered |
cvc | Get the CVC entered |
fiscalNumber | Get the fiscal number |
validationOption | Get the validation option |
The cardType
function will return one of the following strings based on the card number entered.
If the card type cannot be determined an empty string will be given instead.
Card Type |
Diners |
Diners - Carte Blanche |
Discover |
Mastercard |
Visa |
Visa Electron |
Exito |
If you just want to perform simple operations without the PaymentezForm form, there are a number of static functions provided by the PaymentezForm library that are made available.
var cardNumber = '4242 4242 4242 4242'; // Spacing is not important
var cardType = PaymentezForm.cardTypeFromNumber(cardNumber);
// var formatMask = 'XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'; // You can manually define an input mask
// var formatMask = 'XX+X X XXXX XXXX XXXX'; // You can add characters other than spaces to the mask
var formatMask = PaymentezForm.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER_VISA_MASK; // Or use a standard mask.
var cardNumber = '424 2424242 42 42 42';
var cardNumberWithoutSpaces = PaymentezForm.numbersOnlyString(cardNumber);
var formattedCardNumber = PaymentezForm.applyFormatMask(cardNumberWithoutSpaces, formatMask);
Variable Name | Mask |
The expiry month can be in the range: 1 = January to 12 = December In the case of 'Exito' cards, they do not have an expiration date
var month = 3;
var year = 2019;
var valid = PaymentezForm.isExpiryValid(month, year);
The expiry month and year can be either and integer or a string.
var month = "3";
var year = "2019";
var valid = PaymentezForm.isExpiryValid(month, year);
The expiry year can be either 4 digits or 2 digits long.
var month = "3";
var year = "19";
var valid = PaymentezForm.isExpiryValid(month, year);
There are three card validation options
Validation Option | Description |
PaymentezForm.AUTH_CVC | Card validation by cvc, the most common option |
PaymentezForm.AUTH_NIP | Card validation by nip (Available only by Exito cards) |
PaymentezForm.AUTH_OTP | Card validation by otp (Available only by Exito cards) |