Upload your rom to data/roms/
Fill in this sample code and add to index.html or any other game page (i.e. nes.html, segaMD.html, etc.)
<p><a href="launchpad.html" onclick="gameType(x); setNameTxt(this);">Your Game Name Here</a></p>
Replace the letter x in gameType(x) with a ID that corresponds with the game you are uploading. Here is a chart:
1 - 1000 = GBA
1001 - 2000 = NES
2001 - 3500 = SNES
3501 - 4500 = N64
4501 - 6000 = Gameboy
6001 - 7000 = Atari 5200
7001 - 8000 = DS
8001 - 9000 = PS1
Each game MUST have a unique ID. Please include 1 in gba, 1001 in nes, etc. Also, please make sure to start from the beginning of the ranges and count up. Do not skip. If there are already entries for that game type, just increment by one. Do not go over the value range though. Then fill in your Game Name
Navigate to emulatorjs/data/js/loadgame folder, and find the one that corresponds with the game you are trying to add.
Next, navigate to line 8 on any of them, and then put in your game according to the example below.
['data/roms/PokemonSaph.gba', // First ID
'../Binaries/007.gba', // place in order from first ID // Second ID
'../Binaries/0994.gba', // Third ID
'filepath/exampleGame.ext', // example format (would be the fourth ID)
Just use a linebreak, and add the path to the file 'Path/to/Filename', <--- Make sure to have the comma File extension is needed, also do not start the path with a /, just start with data/roms/
Example of our GBA games. Notice how there are multiple file path directories, so if a rom is saved somewhere else, it will be acceptable. You can also use remote server link! just start with an
. For examplehttps://.subdomain.example.com/filepath/exampleGame.ext
Please do not link to servers you don;t have explicit permission for.