Coptic Scriptorium uses CTS URNs to provide persistent, technology-independent, identifiers for the texts in its corpus. It combines these with a URL prefix and format postfixes to provide stable, Linked-Data friendly URIs for the texts.
The scheme used is as follows:
Technology-independent identifier for a text:
Linked-data friendly but format-independent persistent URI for a text:
Visualization and Format specific identifiers for texts:
Visualization | Format | URI |
TEI | XML | http://copticscriptorium.org/<CTSURN>/tei/xml |
PAULA | XML | http://copticscriptorium.org/<CTSURN>/paula/xml |
Diplomatic | HTML | http://copticscriptorium.org/<CTSURN>/dipl/html |
Normalized | HTML | http://copticscriptorium.org/<CTSURN>/norm/html |
Analytical | HTML | http://copticscriptorium.org/<CTSURN>/ana/html |
Coptic Scriptorium uses the exemplar component of a CTS URN to identify specific versions of a text. At the point of "publication" (exact meaning of this TBD), new URNs will be minted for the Coptic Scriptorium texts with either a datetime stamp or a Git commit hash to represent the version information.
Note that Coptic Scriptorium commits to not changing the representation of a text identified by a specific exemplar (i.e. versioned) URN, but it may not provide online access to the texts represented by those versions for perpetuity. It will however always redirect a request for a specific exemplar to a more recent version of the text, if the specifically requested exemplar is no longer available on via the Coptic Scriptorium online publication site. (See below under HTTP Responses for additional details.)
An example of a versioned exemplar URN for a Coptic Scriptorium text might be:
Coptic Scriptorium uses the 303 URI approach to resolve requests for texts identified by the persistent URIs described above.
A request for a text without reference to a specific exemplar will return an HTTP 303 response which redirects the browser or requesting client application to the most recent version of the text. Requests for texts without specification of the format will return a list of links to the available formats and versions.
Example requests, HTTP status code and returned representation are provided below.
URI: http://copticscriptorium.org/urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.A22.MONB_YA
HTTP Response Status: 303
Returned Representation: a list of links to available formats and versions of this text.
URI: http://copticscriptorium.org/urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.A22.MONB_YA.YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ
HTTP Response Status: 303
Returned Representation: a list of links to available formats of the requested exemplar (or if no longer example, the most recent version) of the text
URI: http://copticscriptorium.org/urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.A22.MONB_YA.YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ/tei/xml
HTTP Response Status: 200 or 303
Returned Representation: the TEI XML representation of either the requested exemplar (with status 200) or the most recent version (with status 303)
URI: http://copticscriptorium.org/urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.A22.MONB_YA/norm/html
HTTP Response Status: 303
Returned Representation: Most recent version of the normalized HTML edition of the text
The exact details of the CTS API implementation for Coptic Scriptorium are still TBD.
An initial CTS text inventory can be found at https://github.com/CopticScriptorium/cts/blob/master/inventory/textinventory.xml .
Relationships between the texts in the Coptic Scriptorium corpus are described using the LAWD Ontology.
An N3 representation of the initial CTS text inventory, using the LAWD ontology can be found at https://github.com/CopticScriptorium/cts/blob/master/inventory/textinventory.ttl .