(Git for Windows)
Link: https://git-for-windows.github.io/
Version: 2.11.0 (as of 1/2/2017)
Installation: accept all the default configuration during installation
You should receive an email inviting you to collaborate on the repositories. Accept the invitation. There are two Github repositories for this application:
- Frontend Repository: https://github.com/Code4SocialGood/c4sg-web
- Backend Repository: https://github.com/Code4SocialGood/c4sg-web
In the top right corner of the repository page, click the button "Fork"
- Click the button: "Clone or download", copy the web URL. This URL is like: https://github.com/<your_username>/c4sg-web.git
- Click Windows Start button, launch "Git CMD"
- Create a new directory
to copy the repository locally cd <your_prefered_path> mkdir <your_local_repository_directory> cd <your_local_repository_directory> - Clone the repository to local: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/c4sg-web.git
- Repository is copied locally to: <your_local_repository_directory><your_local_repository_directory>\c4sg-web
Clone the repository of c4sg-services
Install your preferred IDE: Sublime, WebStorm, etc
- Software: Node.js (we install Node.js in order to get npm package manager from Node.js)
- Link: https://nodejs.org/
- Version: v6.9.2 LTS (as of 1/2/2017)
- Accept all the default configuration during installation
Click Windows Start button, launch "Node.js command prompt"
Run the commands:
cd <path_to_local_repository>\c4sg-web
npm install
A new folder is created under C4SGWeb: \node_modules
If you experience this error during npm install, just ignore it: Environment "${C4SG_NG_ENV-'staging_remote'}" does not exist.
Run the command: npm run start:dev:heroku
Launch the applicaiton in browser: http://localhost:4200/
Click Projects, verify that you can see test projects retrieved from database.
For full stack development, complete Section 3: Database and Section4: Backend.
Start the backend application locally.
Then run the command: npm run start:dev:local
- Software: MySQL Community Edition
- Link: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/
- Click: MySQL Community Server
- Version: 5.7.17 (as of 1/2/2017)
- File: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/5.7.html - (mysql-installer-web-community- - 1.7M
Accept all the default configuration during installation.
Some of the components may fail to install. Make sure you have the following installed successfully:
- MySQL Server
- MySQL Workbench
- Connector/ODBC (?)
MySQL Root Password:
- Enter the password that C4SG configuration uses: mysql
- If you use a different password, please change the config setting in application.properties:
Username and secret
spring.datasource.username = root
spring.datasource.password = mysql
Launch MySQL Workbench.
Create Schema: c4sg
Note: You don’t need to create tables. Table creation is handled by Flyway database migration tool. Tables will be create automatically when you first run the Spring Boot application.
- Install your preferred IDE: Eclipse, STS, IntelliJ Idea, etc.
- Import c4sg-services source code.
- Run the application in IDE.
- Make sure MySQL is running.
Test Rest API from browser: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
- Version: 8u112 ( as of 1/2/2017)
- Accept all the default configuration during installation
- Link: https://eclipse.org/downloads/
- Version: Neon (as of 1/2/2017)
- Type: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Select a directory as workspace: Click "browse" to create a new folder as your workspace
- Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
- Install Plugin:
- Spring Tool Suite (STS) for Eclipse 3.8.3.RELEASE
- Buildship
- File -> Import -> Gradle -> Existing Gradle Project
- Import Source: c4sg-services
- Take all the default settings.
- Right click on project: C4SGSvc
- Run as: Run Configurations
- In theSpring Boot tab, add properties:
Property | Value |
c4sg_web_url | localhost:4200 |
google_map_api_key | you can put any dummy value here, unless you work on gencoding. |
sendgrid_api_key | you can put any dummy value here, unless you work on email delivery. |
slack.auth.token | you can put any dummy value here |
- Click Run.
Verify Last line in console: org.c4sg.C4SgApplication : Started C4SgApplication in 9.852 seconds
If you are interested in collaborating on this project, please contact: [email protected]
Date | Version | Description | Author |
10/18/2017 | 1.0 | Update commands to launch the application in local environment: npm run start:dev:heroku , npm run start:dev:local |
C4SG |
10/18/2017 | 1.1 | Remove the property on backend server: auth0.issuer=https://c4sg-local.auth0.com/ |
C4SG |
11/14/2017 | 1.2 | Moved this document to github and converted to markdown | SunyataZero |