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This folder contains sql scripts used in both the API and the old data dump process. The csv_data/ sub-folder contains sql files unique to processing the data from csv dumps.

2. miovision_api Table Structure

Miovision Data Relationships at a Glance

Miovision Data Entity Relationship Diagram

Key Tables


Reference table for each unique intersection at which data has been collected, you can also see them on this map.:

Field Name Data Type Description Example
intersection_uid integer Unique identifier for table 10
id text Unique id from Miovision API 990cd89a-430a-409a-b0e7-d37338394148
intersection_name text Intersection short name in format of [E / W street] / [N / S street] King / Bathurst
date_installed date Installation date of the camera (date of the first available timestamp) 2017-10-03
date_decommissioned date Decommissioned date of the camera (date of the last available timestamp) NULL
lat numeric Latitude of intersection location 43.643945
lng numeric Longitude of intersection location -79.402667
street_main text Name of primary street King
street_cross text Name of secondary street Bathurst
int_id bigint int_id linked to centrelines 13467722
px integer px linked to traffic lights 201
geom geometry Point geometry of that intersection 0101000020E61000006B0BCF4BC5D953C01CB62DCA6CD24540
n_leg_restricted boolean Whether that leg is restricted to vehicles NULL
e_leg_restricted boolean Whether that leg is restricted to vehicles NULL
s_leg_restricted boolean Whether that leg is restricted to vehicles NULL
w_leg_restricted boolean Whether that leg is restricted to vehicles NULL
api_name text Intersection name from API Bathurst Street and King Street West


Reference table for all classifications:

Field Name Data Type Description Example
classification_uid serial Unique identifier for table 2
classification text Textual description of mode Bicycles
location_only boolean If TRUE, represents movement on crosswalk (as opposed to road) FALSE
class_type text General class category (Vehicles, Pedestrians, or Cyclists) Cyclists

Here is a description of the classification_uids and corresponding types. Note that bicycles are available at both a turning movement level and at an approach level. Approach level bicycle counts (classification_uid = 10) should be used for the large majority of applications as the data is considered more accurate.

classification_uid classification location_only class_type definition / notes
1 Light false "Vehicles" Cars and other passenger vehicles (like vans, SUVs or pick-up trucks)
2 Bicycle false "Cyclists" do not use - poor data quality. Tracks bicycle turning movements
3 Bus false A large vehicle that provides transportation for many humans. Since 2019-08-22 this includes streetcars, however initially they were classified under 9, MotorizedVehicle.
Note: This classification is excluded from "Vehicles" class_type because transit vehicle volumes are irrelevant to most of our analyses.
4 SingleUnitTruck false "Vehicles" A truck that has a non-detachable cab and trailer system
5 ArticulatedTruck false "Vehicles" A truck that has a detachable cab and trailer system
6 Pedestrian true "Pedestrians" A walker. May or may not include zombies...
7 Bicycle true "Cyclists" Bicycle in crosswalk. Same movement_uids as 6, Pedestrian. Unclear if it is necessarily being walked or ridden. This movement is exlcuded from aggregate tables.
8 WorkVan A van used for commercial purposes Workvan classification was folded in to "Light" vehicles in the API.
9 MotorizedVehicle false "Vehicles" Miscellaneous vehicles. Prior to 2019-08-22 this included streetcars.
10 Bicycle false "Cyclists" The preferred bike classification. Tracks bicycle entrances and exits passing through manually drawn zones on the SmartSense overlay. Exits are exlcuded from aggregate tables. This classification is only available from 2021-07-11 on. Bicycle data is not great - stay tuned.


Reference table for road user movements:

Field Name Data Type Description Example
movement_uid integer Identifier representing current turning movement 1
movement_name text Short description of movement thru
crosswalk_movement boolean Whether the movement describes pedestrians on crosswalks false
movement_pretty_name text Long description of movement Through

Here is a description of the movement_uids and corresponding types:

movement_uid movement_pretty_name definition
1 Through Vehicle drove through the intersection (no turns)
2 Left Vehicle turned left
3 Right Vehicle turned right
4 U-Turn Vehicle went back from whence it came - usually excluded from counts
5 Clockwise Pedestrian (or bike in crosswalk) proceeded clockwise around the intersection (a pedestrian on the north leg going clockwise would be heading eastbound)
6 Counter Clockwise Pedestrian (or bike in crosswalk) proceeded counter clockwise around the intersection (a pedestrian on the north leg going counter clockwise would be heading westbound)
7 Bicycle Entrance Used to determine where bicycles entered the intersection. Although typically only used for bicycles, special detection zones set up to monitor TTC right-of-way intrusion also used movement_uid = 7.
8 Bicycle Exit Used to determine where bicycles exited the intersection


Data table storing all 1-minute observations in its transformed form. Records represent total 1-minute volumes for each [intersection]-[classification]-[leg]-[turning movement] combination.
Partitioned by year and month using declarative partitioning.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
volume_uid serial Unique identifier for table 5100431
intersection_uid integer Identifier linking to specific intersection stored in intersections 31
datetime_bin timestamp without time zone Start of 1-minute time bin in EDT 2017-10-13 09:07:00
classification_uid text Identifier linking to specific mode class stored in classifications 1
leg text Entry leg of movement E
movement_uid integer Identifier linking to specific turning movement stored in movements 2
volume integer Total 1-minute volume 12
volume_15min_mvt_uid serial Unenforced foreign key to volumes_15min_mvt The foreign key constraint was removed to support partitioning. 14524
  • A Unique constraint exists on miovision_api.volumes based on intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, and movement_uid.

Aggregated Data

Data are aggregated from 1-minute volume data into two types of 15-minute volume products: Turning Movement Count (TMC) (in volumes_15min_mvt) and Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) (in volumes_15min) equivalents. Have a look at Understanding Legs, Movement and Direction of Travel in for a visual explanation of the differences between the two tables. The diagram below briefly describes the flow of data between key aggregate tables.

  volumes }|--|| volumes_15min_mvt : "aggregate into 15min TMC bins"
  volumes_15min_mvt ||--|{ volumes_15min : "transform into ATR style"
  volumes_15min_mvt {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date datetime_bin
        integer movement_uid
        text leg
        integer volume
  volumes }|--|| volumes_daily_unfiltered : "aggregate to daily"
  volumes }|--|| unacceptable_gaps : "identify runs of zeros"
  unacceptable_gaps }|--|| volumes_15min_mvt : "exclude 15min bins"
  unacceptable_gaps {
    integer intersection_uid
    datetime datetime_bin
  volumes_15min_mvt ||--|{ anomalous_ranges : "identify data anomalies (manual and automated)"
  anomalous_ranges ||--|{ volumes_daily : "exclude"
  anomalous_ranges ||--|{ volumes_15min_filtered : "exclude"
  anomalous_ranges ||--|{ volumes_15min_mvt_filtered : "exclude"
  anomalous_ranges {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        datetime range_start
        datetime range_end
  volumes_daily_unfiltered ||--|{ volumes_daily : "filtered"
  volumes_15min ||--|{ volumes_15min_filtered : "filtered"
  volumes_15min_mvt ||--|{ volumes_15min_mvt_filtered : "filtered"
  volumes_daily_unfiltered {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date dt
        integer volume
  volumes_daily {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date dt
        integer volume
  volumes_15min {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date datetime_bin
        text leg
        integer volume
  volumes_15min_filtered {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date datetime_bin
        text leg
        integer volume
  volumes_15min_mvt_filtered {
        integer intersection_uid
        integer classification_uid
        date datetime_bin
        integer movement_uid
        text leg
        integer volume


(Use view volumes_15min_mvt_filtered to exclude anomalous_ranges)

volumes_15min_mvt contains data aggregated into 15 minute bins. In order to make averaging hourly volumes simpler, the volume can be NULL (for all modes) or 0 for classifications 1, 2, 6, 10 (which corresponds to light vehicles, bicycles (classifications 2 and 10) and pedestrians).

The 1-min data do not identify if a camera is malfunctioning, so gaps in data could either mean there was no volume, or that the camera malfunctioned. Because we have continuous data from these counters, we no longer try to interpolate data during gaps. When our heuristics identify unacceptable_gaps, then the entire hour of data is thrown out and the volume is set to NULL to imply that the data has been processed for this hour, but the results have been discarded.

A 0 value implies the process identifies the camera was working, but there was no volume for that mode. Only volumes for pedestrians, cyclists and light vehicles (classification_uid IN (1,2,6,10)) are filled in because those are the modes we report on more frequently. Other modes are not filled because they have much lower volumes, so the 0s would expand the size of the dataset considerably.

The aggregate_15_min_mvt() function performs zero-filling by cross-joining a table containing all possible movements described in (intersection_movements). The only type of movement tracked in the 1-minute volume data, but not the aggregated data, is bicycle exits (classification_uid = 10 and movement_uid = 8). The vendor recommended that bicycle exits not be used due to data quality concerns.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
volume_15min_mvt_uid integer Unique identifier for table from sequence miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt_volume_15min_mvt_uid_seq. 14524
intersection_uid integer Identifier linking to specific intersection stored in intersections 31
datetime_bin timestamp without time zone Start of 15-minute time bin in EDT 2017-12-11 14:15:00
classification_uid text Identifier linking to specific mode class stored in classifications 1
leg text Entry leg of movement E
movement_uid integer Identifier linking to specific turning movement stored in movements 2
volume integer Total 15-minute volume 78
processed boolean Flag if data has been aggregated to miovision_15min TRUE

Please note that movements for vehicles (including bicycles) are different than those for pedestrians.

Please see this diagram for a visualization of turning movements for vehicles (including bicycles) and this diagram for a visualization of pedestrian movements.

  • A Unique constraint was added to miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt table based on intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg and movement_uid.


(Use view volumes_15min_filtered to exclude anomalous_ranges)

Data table storing ATR versions of the 15-minute turning movement data. Data in volumes is stored in TMC format, so must be converted to ATR to be included in volumes_15min.

ATR movements define leg as the approach direction of vehicles (like TMCs), and direction as the cardinal direction of traffic travelling through that side of the intersection. For a typical '+' intersection, there will be 8 possible ATR since there are 4 legs and 2 directions of travel for each ATR leg.

If you are having trouble picturing it, check out this diagram.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
volume_15min_uid integer Unique identifier for table from sequence miovision_api.volumes_15min_volume_15min_uid_seq. 12412
intersection_uid integer Identifier linking to specific intersection stored in intersections 31
datetime_bin timestamp without time zone Start of 15-minute time bin in EDT 2017-12-11 14:15:00
classification_uid text Identifier linking to specific mode class stored in classifications 1
leg text Segment leg of intersection E
dir text Direction of traffic on specific leg EB
volume integer Total 15-minute volume 107

miovision_api.movement_map is used to convert the TMC data to the ATR data.

A Unique constraint was added to the miovision_api.volumes_15min table based on intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg and dir.


Daily volumes by intersection_uid, classification_uid. Excludes anomalous_ranges (use discouraged based on investigations) but does not exclude time around unacceptable_gaps (zero volume periods). Note the table volumes_daily_unfiltered can be used (with caution) to include data labelled as anomalous.

Field Name Comments Data Type Exmple
dt date 2023-09-05
intersection_uid integer 1
classification_uid integer 1
daily_volume integer 13830
isodow Use WHERE isodow <= 5 AND holiday is False for non-holiday weekdays. smallint 2
holiday boolean False
datetime_bins_missing Minutes with zero vehicle volumes out of a total of possible 1440 minutes. smallint 69
unacceptable_gap_minutes Periods of consecutive zero volumes deemed unacceptable based on avg intersection volume in that hour. smallint 0
avg_historical_gap_vol Avg historical volume for that classification and gap duration based on averages from a 60 day lookback in that hour. integer


Data table storing all the hours containing gaps larger than 5-20 minutes (this minimum threshold is set based on gapsize_lookup) for each intersection, including those with no data. Generated daily using the find_gaps(start_date) function. More information can be found at #3. Finding gaps and malfunctioning camera. This table is used in the aggregate_15_min_mvt function to set any data during unacceptable hours to null to prevent it from being included in AVG calculations.

Field Name Comments Data Type Example
dt The date for which the function miovision_api.find_gaps was run to insert this row. date 2023-09-05
intersection_uid integer 4
gap_start The timestamp when the unacceptable gap starts. timestamp without time zone 2023-09-05 07:57:00
gap_end The timestamp when the unacceptable gap ends. timestamp without time zone 2023-09-05 10:18:00
gap_minutes_total Duration of gap in minutes (gap_end - gap_start) integer 141
allowable_total_gap_threshold The minimum duration of zero volume to be considered an unacceptable gap for this intersection, hour, and day type (weekend/weekday) based on a 60 day lookback and calculated in miovision_api.gapsize_lookup_insert. integer 5
datetime_bin A 15 datetime_bin which falls within the gap, to be used for joining to volumes_15min* tables. timestamp without time zone 2023-09-05 07:45:00
gap_minutes_15min The portion of the total gap which falls within the 15 minute bin starting with datetime_bin. integer 3


Data table storing a 60 day lookback average hourly volume for each intersection_uid, classification_uid. Used to determine the maximum acceptable gap for use in unacceptable_gaps table and to determine the average historical volume associated with those gaps by mode.

column_name Comments data_type sample
dt The date for which miovision_api.gapsize_lookup_insert was run to generate this row. The lookback period used to is the 60 days preceeding this date, matching the same day type (weekday/weekend) date 2023-11-01
intersection_uid nan integer 20
classification_uid A null classification_uid refers to the total volume for that intersection which is used to determine the gap_tolerance. integer 5
hour_bin Hour of the day from 0-23. smallint 18
weekend True if Saturday/Sunday or holiday (based on table). boolean False
avg_hour_vol The average volume for this hour/intersection/weekend combination based on a 60 day lookback. numeric 1.6666666666666667
gap_tolerance The minimum gap duration to be considered an unacceptable_gap. Only valid for the overall intersection volume (classification_uid IS NULL). smallint

Reference Tables


The breaks table contains Moments in time when data collection methods changed in such a way that we would expect clear pre- and post-change paradigms that may not be intercomparable.

column_name Comments data_type sample
uid simple incrementing primary key serial 1
intersection_uid Reference to intersections table. A null intersection_uid refers to all intersections. integer
classification_uid Reference to classifications table. A null classification_uid refers to all classifications. integer
break_time Moment the change takes place timestamp
give_or_take approximate bounds if the precise time is not known interval
notes required description of what changed - be verbose! text


The anomalous_ranges table is used to log issues related to specific intersection / classification combos as identified either by a human or an automated process. See below for more information and examples of how to use this table.

Column Description
uid simple incrementing primary key
intersection_uid the intersection; NULL if applies to all intersections, e.g. an algorithm change
classification_uid the classification; NULL if applies to all classifications e.g. a badly misaligned camera
range_start the beginning of the anomalous range in question; may be open-ended (NULL). Inclusive. The precision here is to the second, so if you're unsure about alignment with time bins, it may be best to be conservative with this and extend the range_start slightly before the problem area.
range_end the end of the anomalous range in question; may be open-ended (NULL). Exclusive. The precision here is to the second, so if you're unsure about alignment with time bins, it may be best to be conservative with this and extend the range_end slightly past the problem area.
notes as detailed a description of the issue as reasonably possible; if there are unknowns or investigations in progress, describe them here also
investigation_level references miovision_api.anomaly_investigation_levels; indicates the degree to which the issue has been investigated. Is it just a suspicion? Has it been authoritatively confirmed? Etc.
problem_level references miovision_api.anomaly_problem_levels; indicates the degree or nature of the problem. e.g. valid with a caveat vs do-not-use under any circumstance
leg Intersection leg which is affected by range. Null refers to all legs.


open_issues is a complementary table to anomalous_ranges. It is similar to a view of anomalous ranges which are currently open, except it is a table to allow interactive editing in PgAdmin. Each day via Airflow DAG, issues which are no longer active are removed, but the "logged" and "reviewer_notes" columns remain and other columns may be updated.

column_name data_type sample
uid smallint 1797
intersection_uid smallint 1
intersection_id text 8184ba7d-a2e3-4a1c-b70f-31da15e7462a
intersection_name text Bathurst Street and Adelaide Street West
classification_uid smallint 2
classification text Bicycle TMC
leg text W
range_start date 2024-11-20
num_days integer 8
notes text Zero counts, identified by a daily airflow process running function miovision_api.identify_zero_counts
volume bigint
alerts text
logged boolean
reviewer_notes text

miovision_api.anomaly_investigation_levels and miovision_api.anomaly_problem_levels

These two tables are used to enforce standardized descriptions in the investigation_level and problem_level columns of anomalous_ranges.

Column Description
uid very short descriptive text; primary key
description full description / documentation of the category; refer directly to these tables for documentation of the available classifications.


Reference table for transforming aggregated turning movement counts (see volumes_15min_mvt) into segment-level volumes (see volumes_15min):

Field Name Data Type Description Example
leg_new text Intersection leg on which 15-minute volume will be assigned E
dir text Direction on which 15-minute volume will be assigned EB
leg_old text Intersection leg on which 15-minute turning movement volume is currently assigned W
movement_uid integer Identifier representing current turning movement - see movements 1

Here are some example rows from the table:

leg_new dir leg_old movement_uid description of movement
E EB E 4 Approached intersection from the east leg, u-turned, exited intersection from the east leg
E EB S 3 Approached intersection from the south leg, turned right, exited intersection from the east leg
E EB W 1 Approached intersection from the west leg, proceeded straight ahead, exited intersection from the east leg
E EB N 2 Approached intersection from the north leg, turned left, exited intersection from the east leg
  • leg_new (leg for ATR) - anything that crosses that side of the intersection
  • dir - heading of traffic crossing leg_new
  • leg_old (leg for TMC) - direction the vehicles approach into intersection
  • movement_uid - turning movement stored in movements

The example above represents a mapping from TMC to ATR E leg and EB direction. The blue and green arrows in this diagram will help you visualize the movements described in the table.


Reference table for all unique time periods. Used primarily to aggregate 15-minute data for reporting purposes:

Field Name Data Type Description Example
period_id integer Unique identifier for table 3
day_type text Day type for date filter [Weekday OR Weekend]
period_name text Textual description of period 14 Hour
period_range timerange Specific start and end times of period [06:00:00,20:00:00)
report_flag boolean Indicates whether the period is used in a report true


This was created using create-table-intersection_movements.sql and is a reference table of all observed movements for each classification at each intersection. This is used in aggregating to the 15-minute TMC's in order to fill in 0s in the volumes. Subsequently, movements present in the volumes data which were erroneous were deleted from the table. This table will include movements which are illegal, such as left turns at intersections with turn restrictions but not movements like a turn onto the wrong way of a one-way street. It will need to be manually updated when a new location is added.

Since this reference table must be updated every time a new intersection is added, there are several iterations of it. The earliest is miovision_api.intersection_movements_20200805; the latest is intersection_movements_20210712. Users should use intersection_movements and may find their permissions restricted on the dated versions of this table.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
intersection_uid integer ID for intersection 1
classification_uid integer Identifier linking to specific mode class stored in classifications 1
leg text Entry leg of movement E
movement_uid integer Identifier linking to specific turning movement stored in movements 2


This table maps all miovision intersection legs to centreline street segments. It needs to be updated manually using this script when intersections are added.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
centreline_id numeric Corresponds to centreline_id in gis_core.centreline 14016757
intersection_uid integer ID for intersection 1
leg text A segment that forms part of a miovision intersection, identified by its location relative to the centre of the intersection W

Known issues:

  • 91: Lakeshore and Spadina - Two centrelines matched to West leg are actually legit. One is for the Gardiner off-ramp (Left turns only) and one is for Lakeshore (Thru + Right). They could be differentiated by movement.
  • 78: Bloor and Kingsway is a 4 legged intersection, but the south leg is not in the centreline (private road / cemetery entrance).
  • 68: Steeles and Jane, N leg is outside of TO.


This table contains alerts for Miovision intersections pulled daily from the API by the pull_alerts task in the miovision_pull DAG. Both ongoing and closed issues that intersect with the current day are pulled. The alerts can also be found in Miovision Alert emails or in the in the Miovision One UI.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
alert_id text A unique id for the alert, from the API. 75dc5b77-faa4-487e-a3de-a6b11358fdf5
intersection_id text The intersection id, corresponding to intersections.intersection_id column c04704a0-e1e2-4101-9c29-6823d0f41c52
intersection_uid integer The intersection uid, a foreign key referencing intersections.intersection_uid column 6
alert text Short text description of the alert. More detail and tips for resolution are available in this Miovision help article PERIPHERAL_UNAVAILABLE
start_time timestamp Start of the alert. 2024-01-12 10:20:00
end_time timestamp Start of the alert. Note when the end_time is null it means the alert is ongoing. 2024-01-21 15:35:00

Below is an example of how to anti-join the alerts table:

FROM miovision_api.volumes AS v
--anti join alerts
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.alerts AS a
    ON a.intersection_uid = v.intersection_uid
    AND v.datetime_bin >= a.start_time
    AND v.datetime_bin < a.end_time
WHERE a.intersection_uid IS NULL


This table contains details of Miovision cameras, which we are sometimes required to provide to maintenance. It is updated daily by miovision_hardware Airflow DAG. Join to miovision_api.active_intersections AS ai ON = camera_details.intersection_id.

column_name data_type sample
intersection_id text 253a327c-4e4b-4e4e-b3a9-c2c3e7753825
camera_id text Miovision SmartView 360 NWC
camera_label text 1ebf4ec0-88fd-49ec-8cf4-3e0ae0af0128
last_seen date 2024-12-05


This table stores the last updated date of Miovision detection configurations. This may be useful at some point in the future to determine for which dates calibration studies are relevant. It was only populated starting 2024-12-05, so the MIN updated_time was the most recent update at that point. Further configuration details can be seen in Miovision One.

column_name data_type sample
intersection_uid integer 97
updated_time timestamp without time zone 2024-02-23 03:09:36.684000

Primary and Foreign Keys

To create explicit relationships between tables, volumes, volume_15min_mvt, atr_mvt_uid and volume_15min have primary and foreign keys. Primary keys are unique identifiers for each entry in the table, while foreign keys refer to a primary key in another table and show how an entry is related to that entry.

List of primary and foreign keys

  • volumes has the primary key volume_uid and foreign key volume_15min_mvt_uid which refers to volume_15min_mvt
  • volumes_15min_mvt has the primary key volume_15min_mvt_uid
  • volume_15min has the primary key volume_15min_uid

The current primary purpose for the keys is so that on deletion, the delete cascades through all tables. The keys also indicate whether it is new data if the foreign key is null, and tells the function to aggregate the data if it is new data. The keys can also be used in selecting data.

Other Tables

The tables below are produced using functions explained here. They produce a lookup table of date-intersection combinations to be used for checking purposes or even for formal reporting. They are not used regularly.

Table Purpose
api_log Contains a record of the start_date and end_date for an intersection_uid and when the data was pulled as date_added
missing_dates Contains a record of the intersection_uid and the dt that were missing in the volumes_15min table, with period_type stated
report_dates Contains a record for each intersection-date combination in which at least forty 15-minute time bins exist between 6AM and 8PM


This is a crossover table to link volumes_15min_mvt to the volumes_15min table. As described above, the TMC to ATR relationship is a many to many relationship. The aggregate_15_min() function that populates volumes_15min also populates this table so that a record of which volume_15min_mvt bin corresponds to which volume_15min bin is kept, and vice versa. As a result, multiple entries of both volume_15min_uid and volume_15min_mvt_uid can be found in the query.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
volume_15min_mvt_uid int Unique identifier for volumes_15min_mvt table 14524
volume_15min_uid serial Unique identifier for table 12412

PostgreSQL Functions

This section describes the SQL functions in the miovision_api schema used to aggregate data and many helper functions including those used to clear data for re-processing and to create partition tables.

Aggregation Functions

Function Comment
aggregate_15_min(start_date date, end_date date, intersections integer[]) Aggregates data from miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt (turning movements counts/TMC) into miovision_api.volumes_15min (automatic traffic recorder /ATR). Also updates miovision_api.volumes_mvt_atr_xover and miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt.processed column. Takes an optional intersection array parameter to aggregate only specific intersections. Use clear_volumes_15min() to remove existing values before summarizing.
aggregate_15_min_mvt(start_date date, end_date date) Aggregates valid movements from miovision_api.volumes in to miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt as 15 minute turning movement counts (TMC) bins and fills in gaps with 0-volume bins. Also updates foreign key in miovision_api.volumes. Takes an optional intersection array parameter to aggregate only specific intersections. Use clear_15_min_mvt() to remove existing values before summarizing.
aggregate_volumes_daily(start_date date, end_date date) Aggregates data from miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt into miovision_api.volumes_daily. Includes a delete clause to clear the table for those dates before any inserts.
api_log(start_date date, end_date date, intersections integer[]) Logs inserts from the api to miovision_api.volumes via the miovision_api.api_log table. Takes an optional intersection array parameter to aggregate only specific intersections. Use clear_api_log() to remove existing values before summarizing.
get_report_dates(start_date timestamp, end_date timestamp, intersections integer[]) Logs the intersections/classes/dates added to miovision_api.volumes_15min to miovision_api.report_dates. Takes an optional intersection array parameter to aggregate only specific intersections. Use clear_report_dates() to remove existing values before summarizing.
find_gaps(start_date date, end_date date) Find unacceptable gaps and insert into table miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps.
identify_zero_counts(start_date date) Identifies intersection / classification (only classification_uids 1,2,6,10) combos with zero volumes for the start_date called. Inserts or updates anomaly into anomalous_range table unless an existing, overlapping, manual entery exists.

Clear Functions

Function Comment
clear_15_min_mvt(start_date timestamp, end_date timestamp, intersections integer[]) Clears data from miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt in order to facilitate re-pulling. intersections param defaults to all intersections.
clear_api_log(_start_date date, _end_date date, intersections integer[]) Clears data from miovision_api.api_log in order to facilitate re-pulling. intersections param defaults to all intersections.
clear_report_dates(_start_date date, _end_date date, intersections integer[]) Clears data from miovision_api.report_dates in order to facilitate re-pulling. intersections param defaults to all intersections.
clear_volumes(start_date timestamp, end_date timestamp, intersections integer[]) Clears data from miovision_api.volumes in order to facilitate re-pulling. intersections param defaults to all intersections.
clear_volumes_15min(start_date timestamp, end_date timestamp, intersections integer[]) Clears data from miovision_api.volumes_15min in order to facilitate re-pulling. intersections param defaults to all intersections.

Helper Functions

Function Comment
find_invalid_movements(start_date timestamp, end_date timestamp) Used exclusively within insert_data function to raise notice in the logs about invalid movements.
get_intersections_uids(intersections integer[]) Returns all intersection_uids if optional intersections param is omitted, otherwise returns only the intersection_uids provided as an integer array to intersections param. Used in miovision_api.clear_* functions. Example usage: SELECT miovision_api.get_intersections_uids() --returns all intersection_uids or SELECT miovision_api.get_intersections_uids(ARRAY[1,2,3]::integer[]) --returns only {1,2,3}

Partitioning Functions

Function Comment
create_mm_nested_volumes_partitions(base_table text, year_ integer, mm_ integer) Create a new month partition under the parent year table base_table. Only to be used for miovision_api volumes_15min and volumes_15min_mvt tables. Example: SELECT miovision_api.create_yyyy_volumes_partition('volumes_15min', 2023)
create_yyyy_volumes_15min_partition(base_table text, year_ integer) Create a new year partition under the parent table base_table. Only to be used for miovision_api volumes_15min and volumes_15min_mvt tables. Example: SELECT miovision_api.create_yyyy_volumes_partition('volumes_15min', 2023)
create_yyyy_volumes_partition(base_table text, year_ integer, datetime_col text) Create a new year partition under the parent table base_table. Only to be used for miovision_api volumes table. Use parameter datetime_col to specify the partitioning timestamp column, ie. datetime_bin. Example: SELECT miovision_api.create_yyyy_volumes_partition('volumes', 2023, 'datetime_bin')

Deprecated Functions

Function Comment
determine_working_machine(start_date date, end_date date) Function no longer in use. Previously used in check_miovision DAG to determine if any cameras had gaps larger than 4 hours. See: miovision_check DAG check_gaps task for new implementation.
missing_dates(_date date) Function no longer in use. Previously used to log dates with missing data to miovision_api.missing_dates.

3. Finding Gaps and Malfunctioning Camera

In order to better determine if a camera is still working, we have decided to use the gaps and islands method to figure where the gaps are (gaps as in the unfilled space or interval between the 1min bins; a break in continuity) and their sizes. There are two parts of this in the whole process.

Part I - Unacceptable Gaps

The following process is used to determine camera wide data outages and then find out if the gaps are within the acceptable range or not. The timebins exceeding the allowed gap_size will then be inserted an unacceptable_gaps table. Finding gaps is important so that we know how reliable the data is for that time period based on past volume and not include those bins found within the unacceptable gaps range.

  1. Within find_gaps function, the gapsize_lookup_insert function is run to populate the table gapsize_lookup with acceptable gap sizes based on avg hourly volumes from a 60 day rolling lookback.
  • The set of acceptable gap_tolerance implemented is based on an investigation stated in this notebook.
  1. Then, the function miovision_api.find_gaps identifies all gaps of data in the table miovision_api.volumes and check if they are within the acceptable range of gap sizes or not based on the information from the gapsize_lookup table above. Sensors with no data are not identified - these are instead included in anomalous_ranges via identify_zero_counts function.
  2. Unacceptable gaps are cross joined to 15 minute bins and inserted into the table miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps.
  3. Based on the unacceptable_gaps table, aggregate_15min_mvt function will not aggregate 1min bins found within within 15 minute periods matching unacceptable_gaps' datetime_bin.

Part II - Working Machine

The following process is to determine if a Miovision camera is still working. It is different from the process above because the gap sizes used above are small and do not say much about whether a camera is still working. We roughly define a camera to be malfunctioning if that camera/intersection has a gap greater than 4 hours. This is checked daily by miovision_check DAG, task check_gaps. A slack notification will be sent if there's at least 1 camera that is not working. The function also returns a list of intersections that are not working and from what time to what time that the gaps happen which is helpful in figuring out what has happened.

Identifying Questionable Data Quality

The table miovision_api.anomalous_ranges is used to flag times and places in the data where counts are potentially questionable, suspicious, or irregular. Sometimes counts are clearly not valid or data are missing, and sometimes counts look very weird but have been investigated and confirmed as valid or subject to some specific caveat. This table helps us track the status of these investigations and their results. The basic idea is to identify sections of data (by timerange, intersection, and classification) that have been flagged as suspicious/anomalous for whatever reason, and state what we know about that data-subset in a semi-structured way. This lets us further investigate where that is required and carve out data that has been formally cast into doubt from queries that need only-the-best.

An applied example

When looking for only "typical" data, you can use filtered views volumes_daily, volumes_15min_filtered, volumes_15min_mvt_filtered which filter out anomalous ranges with an anti-join like so:

--anti join anomalous_ranges
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.anomalous_ranges AS ar
    ON ar.problem_level = ANY(ARRAY['do-not-use', 'questionable'])
    AND ar.intersection_uid = v15.intersection_uid
    AND (
        ar.classification_uid = v15.classification_uid
        OR ar.classification_uid IS NULL
    ) AND (
        ar.leg = v15.leg
        OR ar.leg IS NULL
    ) AND v15.datetime_bin >= ar.range_start
    AND (
        v15.datetime_bin <= ar.range_end
        OR ar.range_end IS NULL

You may also wish to use to filter out holidays.

    NOT EXISTS ( -- also exclude official holidays
        SELECT 1 FROM WHERE holiday.dt = v.datetime_bin::date

Identifying new anomalies

The anomalous_ranges table is populated in different ways:

  • manually by miovision_data_detectives after visual inspection or prompting from an Airflow alert
  • automatically by a daily script which identifys zero volume days by intersection/classification.
    • There is an intention to eventually flag more unusual volumes automagically (see Issue #630).
  • initially some records were added after some manual QC work which can can be found in the dev_notebooks (including notebooks and code).