All your contributions are welcome!
There are many ways to help out:
- If you have found a bug, Create an issue on GitHub
- Fix and write test cases for open bug issues
- Improve the documentation
- Blog about how to use tools or brag about how they work for you
- Create new tools based on Arwes
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue with the owners of this repository before making a change.
Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions.
editorconfig is used for common file conventions.
standardjs style guide is used with minor tweaks with eslint.
Please install in your editor/IDE the respective plugins/packages.
The React components follow this file structure:
[componentNameInCamelCase].component.js - Code
[componentNameInCamelCase].styles.js - Styles
[componentNameInCamelCase].test.js - Tests
[componentNameInCamelCase].[feature].test.js - Tests for a feature
index.js - Integration Exports
sandbox.js - Playground sandbox
README.js - Documentation
- Use
when applicable. - Dependency injection and integrations are setup using high-order components, and the components receive their dependencies via props.
- Components styles main class should be named "root" using CSSinJS.
- Patterns like Render Props are not used since some Arwes functionalities need to keep the components life-cycles and these patterns make components re-mount on re-render.
- Use named export variables instead of default.
- Imports should be at the beginning and exports at the end of file.
Example: In a "jungle" package, this is a simple styled "Hawk" component (without animations and without sounds) which uses another component named "Wings" in the same package.
// packages/jungle/src/Hawk/Hawk.component.js
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import cx from 'classnames';
class Component extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
Wings: PropTypes.element.isRequired,
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
className: PropTypes.string
children: PropTypes.any
render () {
const { Wings, classes, className, children, ...otherProps } = this.props;
const rootClassname = cx(classes.root, className);
return (
<div className={rootClassname} {...otherProps}>
<div className={classes.head}>Hawk</div>
<div className={classes.body}>{children}</div>
<Wings className={classes.wings} />
export { Component };
// packages/jungle/src/Hawk/Hawk.styles.js
const styles = () => ({
root: { ... },
head: { ... },
body: { ... },
wings: { ... }
export { styles };
// packages/jungle/src/Hawk/index.js
import React from 'react';
import { withStyles } from '...';
import { Wings } from '../Wings';
import { Component } from './Hawk.component';
import { styles } from './Hawk.styles';
const ComponentWithDependencies = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<Component Wings={Wings} {...props} ref={ref} />
const Hawk = withStyles(styles)(ComponentWithDependencies);
export { Hawk };
There are modules to create tools instances. They make functions loosely coupled and simpler to understand. "Partial application" is used as dependency injection pattern.
- There should not be any call to either node or browser APIs on imports.
- When using the browser APIs, always reference the
object. e.g.window.document
... - Imports should be at the beginning and exports at the end of file.
The tools makers should follow the name convention: make[Tool]
make[Tool].js - Decoupled module
make[Tool].test.js - Test cases
index.js - Exports - Documentation
Example: in a "water" package, this is a water cleaner maker tool.
// packages/water/src/makeClearWater/makeClearWater.js
const makeClearWater = dependencies => {
const { removeBacteria, removeDirt } = dependencies;
return water => removeBacteria(removeDirt(water));
export { makeClearWater };
// packages/water/src/makeClearWater/index.js
export { makeClearWater } from './makeClearWater';
Tool modules should be created internally with a tool maker.
make[Tool].js - Decoupled module
make[Tool].test.js - Unit test cases
index.js - Integrations and Exports - Documentation
Example: in a "water" package, this is a "clearWater" tool.
// packages/water/src/clearWater/makeClearWater.js
const makeClearWater = dependencies => {
const { removeBacteria, removeDirt } = dependencies;
return water => removeBacteria(removeDirt(water));
export { makeClearWater };
// packages/water/src/clearWater/index.js
import { removeBacteria } from '...';
import { removeDirt } from '...';
import { makeClearWater } from './makeClearWater';
const clearWater = makeClearWater({ removeBacteria, removeDirt });
export { clearWater };
This is a monorepo maintained with lerna.
To install repository dependencies and bootstrap repository packages:
npm install
Post-installation, the packages source code is compiled.
The packages are interconnected by NPM dependencies. They use the compiled/transpiled code, not the source code. So they need to be compiled for them to work with their dependencies.
npm run compile
To test the components and modules jest, and @testing-library/react are used. Run them using:
npm run test # test all packages once
npm run test-dev # test with watcher
npm run lint # run linter
npm run lint-fix # format code if needed
All components should have playgrounds, where the integrated components can be tested a real environment.
It is a webpack-dev-server
listing the components sandboxes and letting
the user choose which one to render.
Each component sandbox should export default
a React component with the
components tests.
# run plaground at http://localhost:9000
npm run playground
For Git commit messages we use the following format: type: message
The categories are:
- feat: add a new feature with tests
- update: improve a current feature with tests
- fix: resolve a bugfix or issue
- refactor: change code structure with possibly breaking changes
- docs: update documentation either in code or markdown
- chore: changes in building, playing, testing, or any other process
- release: release project breakpoint
feat: SoundsProvider nested support
fix: animation Stream subscription
release: v1.0.0-alpha.14
In the master
branch, at root path, run:
npm run release
It will execute the following processes:
- Compile the code.
- Check linter.
- Run tests.
- Lerna publish.
Lerna will take care of publishing to NPM and releasing in GitHub.
To update the changelog after release:
npm run changelog
git add
git commit -m "chore: changelog"
Have a question or an idea? Share it on Discord!
Thank you for your contributions! 👽 💙