1 | 1 | ## nwtest
2 | 2 |
3 |
| -This program implements a network response time and throughput test. |
| 3 | +A macOS & Linux utility for performing network performance tests. The tool can be used to measure both throughput and latency for TCP/IP connections and can operate in either synchronous (request/response) or asynchronous (streaming) modes. |
4 | 4 |
5 |
| -The client opens one or more connections to a server and exchanges messages |
6 |
| -of a given size with the server for a given period of time. At the end of the |
7 |
| -test various performance metrics are displayed. |
8 |
| - |
9 |
| -The size of the messages exchanged, the duration of the test measurement phase, |
10 |
| -the amount of load ramp-up and ramp-down time and the number of connections |
11 |
| -(and hence threads) are all configurable. |
12 |
| - |
13 |
| -The test can run in two modes. In synchronous (request/response) mode, each |
14 |
| -connection has a single thread in both the client and the server. Once the |
15 |
| -connection is established the client sends a message to the server and waits |
16 |
| -for a response. As soon as the server receives a message it sends it straight |
17 |
| -back to the client. This sequence is repeated until the test ends. |
18 |
| - |
19 |
| -In asynchronous (streaming) mode, each connection has two threads in both the |
20 |
| -client and the server. Once the connection is established the client sends a |
21 |
| -continuous stream of messages to the server and the server simultaneously |
22 |
| -sends a continuous stream of messages to the client. |
23 |
| - |
24 |
| - |
25 |
| -Usage: |
26 |
| - |
27 |
| - nwtest h[elp] { h[elp] | u[sage] | g[eneral] | c[lient] | |
28 |
| - s[erver] | m[etrics] | f[ull] } |
29 |
| - |
30 |
| - nwtest s[erver] *port* [ -4 | -6 ] [ -h[ost] *h* ] [ -m[sgsz] *m* ] [ -c[onn] *c* ] [ -l[og] *logpath* ] |
31 |
| - |
32 |
| - nwtest c[lient] *host* *port* [ -s[rc] *srcaddr*] [ -4 | -6 ] [ -a[sync] ] [ -c[onn] *c* ] [ -d[ur] *d* ] [ -r[amp] *r* ] [ -m[sgsz] *m* ] [ -l[og] *logpath* ] [-bsz *bsz* | [ -sbsz *sbsz* ] [ -rbsz *rbsz* ] ] [ -n[odelay] ] [ -b[rief] | -v[erbose] ] |
33 |
| - |
34 |
| -**nwtest h[elp] { u[sage] | g[eneral] | c[lient] | s[erver] | m[etrics] | f[ull] }** |
35 |
| - |
36 |
| -Display help on the specified topic. |
37 |
| - |
38 |
| - |
39 |
| -**nwtest s[erver] *port* [ -4 | -6 ] [ -h[ost] *h* ] [ -m[sgsz] *m* ] [ -c[onn] *c* ] [ -l[og] *logpath* ]** |
40 |
| - |
41 |
| -Run as a server on local port *port*. If a specific host is specified *h*) then bind to the address(es) for that host, otherwise bind to INADDR[6]_ANY. The host can be specified as a hostname or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6); the address specified must be an address for an interface on the local system. If a hostname is specified then you can use the '-4' or '-6' options to limit |
42 |
| -communication to only IPv4 or IPv6. |
43 |
| - |
44 |
| -The maximum message size, in bytes, that the server will accept is specified by *m* where 28 <= *m* <= 1,048,576. Connections requesting a message size larger than this will be rejected. The default is 1,048,576. This size represents the size of the user data; it excludes network protocol overheads (ethernet, IPv4/6 etc.). The size may be specified using a suffix of 'k' to repesent KB (1,024 bytes) or 'm' to represent MB (1,048,576 bytes). |
45 |
| - |
46 |
| -The maximum number of concurrent connections that the server will allow is set using *c* where 2 <= *c* <= 128. Connections that exceed this number will be rejected. The default is 32. |
47 |
| - |
48 |
| -Normally all output goes to stdout/stderr, but if '-log' is specified then after initial argument parsing any subsequent messages will be written only to *logpath* with microsecond resolution timestamps. A *logpath* of '-' equates to 'stdout' and '--' equates to 'stderr'. |
49 |
| - |
50 |
| - |
51 |
| -**nwtest c[lient] *host* *port* [ -s[rc] *srcaddr*] [ -4 | -6 ] [ -a[sync] ] [ -c[onn] *c* ] [ -d[ur] *d* ] [ -r[amp] *r* ] [ -m[sgsz] *m* ] [ -l[og] *logpath* ] [ -bsz *bsz* | [ -sbsz *sbsz* ] [ -rbsz *rbsz* ] ] [ -n[odelay] ] [ -b[rief] | -v[erbose] ]** |
52 |
| - |
53 |
| -Run as a client connecting to a server at host *host* and port *port*. The |
54 |
| -host can be specified as either a host name or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). |
55 |
| -If a hostname is specified then you can use the '-4' or '-6' options to limit |
56 |
| -communication to only IPv4 or IPv6. |
57 |
| - |
58 |
| -Normally the OS will determine the local source IP address (interface) to use |
59 |
| -for the outgoing connection, but this can be overridden by specifying an |
60 |
| -explicit local address using the '-src' option. This value must be an IP |
61 |
| -address, not a hostname, and it must correspond to the address of an |
62 |
| -interface on the local system. If *host* has been specified using an IP |
63 |
| -address then the address type (IPv4 or IPv6) for *srcaddr* must be the same |
64 |
| -as that of *host*. Furthermore, if the allowed connection type has been |
65 |
| -restricted by way of '-4' or '-6' then the value of *srcaddr* must be of |
66 |
| -the selected type. |
67 |
| - |
68 |
| -By default the test is performed in request/response (synchronous) mode but if '-async' is specified the test is performed in streaming mode. |
69 |
| - |
70 |
| -The measurement part of the test will run for *d* seconds with a ramp-up/down |
71 |
| -of *r* seconds. 10 <= *d* <= 300 with a default of 30 and 0 <= *r* <= 30 |
72 |
| -with a default of 10. |
73 |
| - |
74 |
| -The message size used for the test is specified by *m* where 28 <= *m* <= |
75 |
| -1,048,576 with a default of 1,024. This size represents the size of the user |
76 |
| -data; it excludes network protocol overheads (ethernet, IPv4/6 etc.). The |
77 |
| -size may be specified using a suffix of 'k' to repesent KB (1,024 bytes) or |
78 |
| -'m' to represent MB (1,048,576 bytes). |
79 |
| - |
80 |
| -The number of concurrent connections used is specified by <c> where 1 <= |
81 |
| -<c> <= 64 with a default of 1. |
82 |
| - |
83 |
| -Normally all output goes to stdout/stderr, but if '-log' is specified |
84 |
| -then after initial argument parsing any subsequent messages will be |
85 |
| -written only to <logpath> with microsecond resolution timestamps. A |
86 |
| -<logpath> of '-' equates to 'stdout' and '--' equates to 'stderr'. |
87 |
| - |
88 |
| -Normally the OS will allocate the sizes for the socket send and receive |
89 |
| -buffers, and these sizes will be reported in the connection messages. If |
90 |
| -you want to specify different values for the socket send and receive buffer |
91 |
| -sizes then you can do so using '-bsz' (sets size for both send and receive |
92 |
| -buffers), '-sbsz' (sets size for the send buffer) and '-rbsz' (sets size |
93 |
| -for receive buffer). These values are specified in bytes and each must be |
94 |
| -between 8,192 and 8,388,608. Also, the total of the sizes must be <= 8,388,608. |
95 |
| -Explicitly specified values will be sent to, and used by, the server. The |
96 |
| -size may be specified using a suffix of 'k' to repesent KB (1,024 bytes) or |
97 |
| -'m' to represent MB (1,048,576 bytes). |
98 |
| - |
99 |
| -If '-nodelay' is specified then the TCP_NODELAY option is enabled on all |
100 |
| -sockets used for data transfer in both the client and the server. |
101 |
| - |
102 |
| -Normally only aggregate performance metrics are displayed, but if '-verbose' |
103 |
| -is specified then per connection metrics are also displayed. If '-brief' |
104 |
| -is specified then just key metrics are displayed on a single line. |
105 |
| - |
106 |
| -For each connection successfully established, the client and server will |
107 |
| -report the TCP MSS (maxseg) value and the size of the socket send and |
108 |
| -receive buffers (sndbsz anb rcvbsz). |
109 |
| - |
110 |
| -The metrics measured and reported by this program for each test mode are |
111 |
| -as follows. |
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| - |
113 |
| -_All modes_ |
114 |
| - |
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| -Elapsed time - The wall clock elapsed time for the test including |
116 |
| - ramp up/down time. |
117 |
| - |
118 |
| -User CPU time - The amount of user CPU time consumed during the |
119 |
| - elapsed time. |
120 |
| - |
121 |
| -System CPU time - The amount of system CPU time consumed during the |
122 |
| - elapsed time. |
123 |
| - |
124 |
| -Total CPU time - User time plus system time. |
125 |
| - |
126 |
| -Process CPU usage - The average CPU usage for the nwtest process during |
127 |
| - the test interval, expressed as a percentage of one |
128 |
| - CPU core. |
129 |
| - |
130 |
| -System CPU usage - The average CPU usage for the nwtest process during |
131 |
| - the test interval, expressed as a percentage of total |
132 |
| - available system CPU resources. |
133 |
| - |
134 |
| -_Sync (request/response) mode_ |
135 |
| - |
136 |
| -Total messages - The total number of data messages sent during the |
137 |
| - measurement period. The number of received messages |
138 |
| - is the same. |
139 |
| - |
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| -Total data - The total number of bytes sent during the measurement |
141 |
| - period. The number of received bytes is the same. |
142 |
| - |
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| -Avg measure time - The average measurement time across all threads (µs). |
144 |
| - |
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| -Start variance - The maximum difference between the start times of all |
146 |
| - the threads (µs). Only displayed if connections > 1. |
147 |
| - |
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| -Run variance - The maximum difference between the measurement times of |
149 |
| - all the threads (µs). Only displayed if connections > 1. |
150 |
| - |
151 |
| -Throughput - The send throughput (application data) aggregated across |
152 |
| - all connections during the measurement period (bytes/ |
153 |
| - second). |
154 |
| - |
155 |
| -Minimum R/T - The lowest round trip time across all connections during |
156 |
| - the measurement period (µs). |
157 |
| - |
158 |
| -Average R/T - The average round trip time across all threads during the |
159 |
| - measurement period (µs). |
160 |
| - |
161 |
| -Maximum R/T - The highest round trip time across all threads during the |
162 |
| - measurement period (µs). |
163 |
| - |
164 |
| -In brief mode the output consists of a single line as follows: |
165 |
| - |
166 |
| -info: results S,<nconn>,<throughput>,<minrt>,<avgrt>,<maxrt>,<proccpu>,<syscpu> |
167 |
| - |
168 |
| -_Async (streaming) mode_ |
169 |
| - |
170 |
| -Total msg sent - The total number of messages sent during the measurement |
171 |
| - period. |
172 |
| - |
173 |
| -Total msg rcvd - The total number of messages received during the measurement |
174 |
| - period. |
175 |
| - |
176 |
| -Total data sent - The total number of bytes sent during the measurement |
177 |
| - period. |
178 |
| - |
179 |
| -Total data rcvd - The total number of bytes received during the measurement |
180 |
| - period. |
181 |
| - |
182 |
| -Avg measure time - The average measurement time across all threads (µs). |
183 |
| - |
184 |
| -Start variance - The maximum difference between the start times of all |
185 |
| - the threads (µs). |
186 |
| - |
187 |
| -Run variance - The maximum difference between the measurement times of |
188 |
| - all the threads (µs). |
189 |
| - |
190 |
| -Send throughput - The send throughput (application data) aggregated across |
191 |
| - all connections during the measurement period (bytes/ |
192 |
| - second). |
193 |
| - |
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| -Recv throughput - The receive throughput (application data) aggregated across |
195 |
| - all connections during the measurement period (bytes/ |
196 |
| - second). |
197 |
| - |
198 |
| -In brief mode the output consists of a single line as follows: |
199 |
| - |
200 |
| -info: results A,<nconn>,<sendthroughput>,<recvthroughput>,<proccpu>,<syscpu> |
201 |
| - |
202 |
| -_Network overheads_ |
203 |
| - |
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| -The message size that you specify defines the size of the 'application data' |
205 |
| -in each message sent or received. The actual amount of data for each message |
206 |
| -will be larger than this due to various network protocol related overheads. |
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| - |
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| -For IPv4, there is at least 28 bytes of overhead per message and in unusual |
209 |
| -cases this may be as much as 36 bytes. In addition the TCPv4 header is another |
210 |
| -24 bytes In most cases for this program the IPv4 packet size will therefore |
211 |
| -be <message size> + 52 bytes. |
212 |
| - |
213 |
| -For IPv6/TCP, there is at least 72 bytes of overhead per message and in unusual |
214 |
| -cases this may be more due to additional header fields (each is 8 bytes). In |
215 |
| -most cases for this program the IPv6 packet size will be <message size> + 72 |
216 |
| -bytes. |
217 |
| - |
218 |
| -For Ethernet the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is 1500 bytes. Each IP packet |
219 |
| -will be sent as a sequence of one or more Ethernet frames. Each frame has some |
220 |
| -overhead; normally this is 38 bytes but if 802.1q VLANs are used it will be 42 |
221 |
| -bytes. |
222 |
| - |
223 |
| -For WiFi the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is 1500 bytes. Each IP packet |
224 |
| -will be sent as a sequence of one or more WiFi frames. Each frame has some |
225 |
| -overhead; normally this is 36 bytes but it may be as much as 44 bytes. |
| 5 | +## Documentation |
| 6 | +Please see the [User Guide](./UserGuide.md). |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +## License |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0 (the "License.") |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +You may obtain a copy of the License at [https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl](https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl). A copy of the license is also reproduced in [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) and [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt). |
226 | 13 |
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| -To give this some context, with the default message size of 1024 bytes the IPv4 |
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| -packet size will be 1076 bytes and the IPv6 packet size will be 1096 bytes. |
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| -Both will therefore fit into a single Ethernet/WiFi frame. The associated |
230 |
| -Ethernet frame will be 1114 bytes for IPv4 and 1134 bytes for IPv6. With a |
231 |
| -1 Gb Ethernet network the maximum theoretical throughput will therefore be |
232 |
| -112,208 frames/s for IPv4 and 110,229 frames/s for IPv6. This translates to |
233 |
| -a theoretical maximum application data rate of 109.5 Mbyte/s for IPv4 and |
234 |
| -107.6 Mbyte/s for IPv6. |
| 14 | +## Contact |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +You may contact the author at [email protected] |
235 | 17 |
236 | 18 |
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