All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file using the standards as defined at Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
First version of the Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK - Unity Ads Adapter.
Support for the following
Unity Ads
dependencies. Notice adapter dependencies are optimistic and any patches and hot-fixes will be automatically picked up.:- Android:
- iOS:
ChartboostMediationAdapterUnityAds ~>
- Android:
with Configuration Properties forUnity Ads
. -
The following properties have been added in
string AdapterUnityVersion
string AdapterNativeVersion
string PartnerSDKVersion
string PartnerIdentifier
string PartnerDisplayName
bool TestMode
The following methods have been added in
void SetGDPRConsentOverride(bool gdprStatus)
void SetPrivacyConsentOverride(bool consentStatus)