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158 lines (127 loc) · 6.07 KB

Custom Code Injector

Custom Code Injector Chrome Extension

Build Status Coverage Status

Table of Contents:

  • About
  • Setup (Mac based)
  • CLI Command
  • Folder Structure


Primary Tech Stack:

  • SCSS (CSS)
  • TypeScript 3.8.3
  • Node 13.12.0 | Npm 6.14.4
  • React 16.13.1
  • Jest (Unit Testing)

Setup (Mac based)

VisualStudio Code Editor (if any)

  • Go to Menu: Preference > Settings, in your user settings, make sure the settings has the following set:
    "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
    "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
    "[markdown]": {
        "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": false

CLI Command

  • Generate Compnents (dev):
npm run cmp-[s|p|g|v|c]
  • Start a Server to View All UI Components (dev):
npm run sb
  • Build
npm run build[:dev]?
  • Unit Test Typescript:
npm run test

Folder Structure

.storybook/                 // setting for Storybook (doc generation tool)
    base.story.tsx          // hack for importing the common css file
    main.js                 // webpack config to be merged with storybook's default config
    preview-head.html       // content to be included in the UI component index page's <head> tag (used for loading css)

.vscode/                    // vscode editor setting (contains unit test debug settings)

dist/                       // output files
    build/                  // unzipped files used for test
        asset/              // common assets for different pages
        option/             // option page
        popup/              // popup page
        bg/                 // background script (service worker)
        manifest.json       // copy of `src/manifest.json`
    <name>.zip              // zipped file for uploading to chrome store

doc/                        // Documentation
    chrome-store/           // for chrome web store
    design/                 // wireframe, ui design files, notes and diagram (on separate repo)
    user-guide/             // tutorial/how-to  (separate repo)
    test-report/            // unit test report
    ui-component/           // output for doc generated by storybook (if any)                 // todo list in general
node_modules/               // dev dependencies

gulp/                       // gulp plugin config
        config.js           // task config
        task.js             // task logic

schematic/                  // based template files used for generating different types of component

src/                        // source code
    asset/                  // common/shared assets
            type/           // typings
            test-util/      // Unit Test Utility/Helper Module for simplifying testing                
            mixin/          // scss reusable extendables and mixins
            var/            // scss variables
            vendor/         // css generated by or from vendor/site

    component/              // various categories of components (presentation only)
        base/               // presentation component
        group/              // presentation component group
        widget/             // presentation composition components (i.e. complex/full functionalities)
        structural/         // structural wrapper component only
        static/             // static component (fixed html)
        view/               // view (for used with router)
        app/                // app root (i.e. multiple apps)

    constant/               // immutatable object or literal value

    handle/                 // generic class/modular services/handle
        <handle-name>/      // `app-state/<handler-name>/` is state handler for specific group such as modal, view

    mock/                   // mocked data or function that generates mock data, e.g. state, json
    model/                  // model class for data, root state, partial state etc
        <page-name>/        // bg-script (background script), ct-script (context script), option page, popup page
            main.ts         // if the page doesnt just run a script (e.g. background script)
            main.spec.ts?   // test file
            index.pug?      // index page (if the pages doesn't just run a script)
            style.scss?     // styel for index page                

    manifest.json           // manifest ("config") for the chrome extension 

.eslintrc.json              // Typescript/js linting config
tsconfig.json               // TypeScript config 
typedoc.json                // TypeScript documentation config
babel.config.js             // Babel config - transform TS and new Js features into ES5/Standard JavaScript
jest.config.js              // Jest config - unit test
webpack.config.js           // webpack config file for bundling typescript

gulpfile.js                 // build task registrations, corresp. to `gulp` folder   
package.json                // dev-dependencies, dependencies for the project    
.gitignore                  // git ignored (source control)                   // entry readme file