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Introduction to Learning Theory - Part 2 |
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In the [first part]({% post_url 2018-01-15-intro-learning-theory-1 %}) of this series on learning theory, we looked only at the case of finite hypothesis sets, and derived some generalization bounds using the PAC learning framework. However, in most practical cases, the hypothesis class is usually infinite. To measure the complexity of the class in such cases, 3 different measures are often used — Rademacher complexity, growth function, and VC dimension. In this article, I will discuss all of these.
Given a family of functions, one of the ways to measure its complexity is to see how well it can fit a random assignment of labels. A more complex hypothesis set would be able to fit a random noise better, and vice versa. For this purpose, we define
$$ \hat{\mathcal{R}S}(G) = \mathbb{E}{\sigma}[\text{sup}_{g\in G}\frac{1}{m}\sigma_i g(z_i)] $$
Here the summation term is essentially the inner product of the vector of noise (Rademacher variables) and the labels with some
Therefore, a higher Rademacher complexity would imply that the function class
However, this is just the empirical R.C. since we are computing the mean on the given sample set. The actual R.C. is obtained by taking the expectation of this value by sampling
Note that if we take the first term on RHS to LHS, the LHS becomes the maximum difference between the empirical and general loss (function value if function is binary-valued). We have access to the empirical values, but not the expectation. So we take 2 sample sets A and B which differ at only 1 point, so that we can use the McDiarmid’s inequality.
The McDiarmid’s inequality bounds the probability that the actual mean and expected mean of a function differ by more than a fixed quantity, given that the function does not deviate by a large amount on perturbing a single element.
The actual proof then becomes simply manipulating the expectation and supremum using Jensen’s inequality (function of an expectation is at most expectation of the function, if the function itself is convex). I do not go into the details of the proof here since it is readily available.
Till now, we have only computed the bounds on the expectation of the set of loss functions
$$ \hat{\mathcal{R}S} (G) = \frac{1}{2}\hat{\mathcal{R}{S_X}}(G) $$
From this and the earlier result, we easily arrive at an upper bound on the generalization error of the hypothesis class in terms of its Rademacher complexity.
Here, computing the empirical loss is simple, but computing the R.C. for some hypothesis sets may be hard (since it is equivalent to an empirical risk minimization problem). Therefore, we need some complexity measures which are easier to compute.
The growth function of a hypothesis class
The Rademacher complexity and the growth function are related by Massart’s lemma as
The Massart’s lemma bounds the expected correlation of a given vector taken from a set with a vector of random noise, in terms of the size of the set, dimensionality of the set, and the maximum L2-norm of the set.
As soon as we see “expected correlation,” we should think of the Rademacher complexity. To introduce the growth function, we use the term for the size of the set, since it essentially denotes the size of set containing all possible assignments for a sample.
Using this relation in the earlier obtained upper bound, we can bound the generalization error in terms of the growth function.
Although it is a combinatorial quantity, the growth function still depends on the sample size
The VC-dimension of a hypothesis class is the size of the largest set that can be fully shattered by it. By shattering, we mean that
It is important to understand 2 things:
- If
$VCdim(H) = d$ , then there exists a set of size$d$ that can be fully shattered. This does not mean that all sets of size$d$ or less are fully shattered by$H$ . - Also, in this case, no set of size greater than
$d$ can ever be shattered by$H$ .
To relate VC-dimension with the growth function, we use the Sauer’s lemma:
Here, the LHS, which is the growth function, represents the number of possible behaviors that
Using some manipulations on the combinatorial, we arrive at
Now we can use this relation with the earlier results to bound the generalization error in terms of the VC-dimension of the hypothesis class.
Here is a quick recap:
- Rademacher complexity — ability to fit random labels (using correlation)
- Growth function — number of distinct behaviors on
$m$ - VC-dimension — largest set size that can be fully shattered
This blog post is loosely based on notes made from Chapter 3 “Rademacher complexity and VC-Dimension” of Foundations of Machine Learning.