This architecture aims to clearly separate responsibilities into layers, making code maintenance, testability, and scalability easier. Each layer has a specific purpose, and dependencies are organized so that business logic is not tightly coupled to technical implementation, allowing flexibility and ease of system evolution.
Encompasses all pages and subpages of the application.
- Pages:
- Represents the user interface layer.
- Should be decoupled as much as possible from non-essential UI packages.
- Widgets:
- Contains specific visual components for a single page.
Encompasses business rules and yours interfacer.
- Atoms:
- Small building blocks representing atomic units of functionality.
- Actions:
- Represents actions that can be performed in the system.
- Interfaces of Repositories and Services:
- Defines contracts for interactions with data layers.
Encompasses the execution of business rules.
- Implementations:
- Repositories and Services:
- Contains concrete implementations of contracts defined in the Interactor layer.
- Responsible for interacting with external data sources such as databases or APIs.
- Repositories and Services:
Encompasses global data for the application.
- Themes:
- Defines visual styles and themes for the application.
- Assets:
- Stores static resources such as images, icons, etc.
- Every type of asset requires a specific file, with its names listed and pre-cached in a function.
- Widgets:
- Reusable components that can be used in different parts of the application.
- Other Global Data:
- Includes other elements essential for the global operation of the application.
This section outlines the naming conventions for different components of our application including widgets, actions, atoms, repositories, and services.
- Suffix "Widget": All widget classes should consistently use the "Widget" suffix. This makes it easier to identify them in the codebase.
- Clarity and Consistency: The name should clearly reflect the widget's functionality.
- Example:
class LoginButtonWidget extends StatelessWidget { }
- Verb-Noun Format: Names of actions should typically follow a verb-noun format, indicating what the action does.
- Descriptive: Ensure the name gives a clear indication of its purpose.
- Example:
Future<T> fetchConfig() {}
Future<T> saveConfig() {}
- Descriptive and Concise: Atom names should be concise yet descriptive enough to indicate their role and usage.
- Component Specific: Name atoms based on their functionality or the data they handle.
- Example:
final configState = Atom<T>();
- Noun Format: Repository names should be clear, concise nouns.
- Reflect Data Model: They should closely reflect the data model or resource they are associated with.
- Example:
class GameRepository { }
- Noun or Verb-Noun Format: Service names can be nouns or verb-noun combinations, indicating the service provided.
- Purpose-Clear: The name should clearly reflect the functionality or the domain of the service.
- Example:
class AuthenticationService { }
This structured approach provides a clear and organized set of naming conventions across different elements of the application, ensuring consistency and clarity in the codebase.
Testing is a crucial part of software development. It ensures code quality and functionality, and helps in maintaining the software over time. Our testing approach adheres to the triple-A pattern (Arrange, Act, Assert) for its clarity and structure.
For an in-depth understanding, refer to this article on the Triple-A Pattern.
test('should execute a sum correctly', () {
// arrange
int number1 = 2;
int number2 = 1;
// act
final result = sumFunction(number1, number2);
// assert
expect(result, 3);
The description of each test should clearly articulate the expected outcome based on the specific action or condition being tested. Avoid generic or obvious descriptions. Instead, focus on what is being verified in each test case.
- Clearly state the purpose of the test.
- Describe the specific condition or scenario.
- Indicate the expected result or behavior.
- Correct: "should return the sum of two numbers when both inputs are positive".
- Avoid: "Should return a result".
Grouping tests is essential for organization and readability, especially in large codebases. Group names should correspond to the class or functionality they are testing, with an optional method name if applicable. Use " | " (space, pipe, space) at the end of each group name for clarity.
- Group tests by functionality or class.
- Use descriptive names that reflect the group's purpose.
- Optionally include the specific method being tested.
group('SaveGameAction | ', () {
// Tests for SaveGameAction
group('AndroidAppsRepository.openAppSettings | ', () {
// Tests for AndroidAppsRepository.openAppSettings
- Test Isolation: Ensure each test is independent and can run alone.
- Code Coverage: Aim for high test coverage, but prioritize meaningful tests over merely inflating coverage metrics.
- Mocking and Stubbing: Use mocks and stubs where necessary to isolate the unit of test.
Remember, good tests not only check for correct outcomes but also contribute to the overall quality and maintainability of the software.
Localization is key to making an application accessible and user-friendly to a global audience. This section provides guidelines and best practices for implementing localizations.
Create a JSON file in the i18n folder, this file should be named xx.json
where xx should be replaced with the locale, for example: en_US.json. These files must contain key-value pairs for strings in different languages.
Example of content to pt_BR.json file:
"home": "Início",
"apps": "Apps",
"settings": "Configurações",
"favorite": "Favoritar",
"play": "Jogar",
"syncing": "Sincronizando",
"search_a_game": "Pesquise um jogo",
"platforms": "Plataformas",
"preferences": "Preferencias",
"feedback": "Feedback",
"about": "Sobre",
"add_platorm": "Adicionar Plataforma"
Configure the list of supported locales in the app_widget.dart file.
We use the localization
package to load and retrieve localized data based on the current locale.
Implement dynamic text replacement in the UI using localized strings.
Set up a fallback locale for scenarios where the user's locale doesn't match any supported locales.
Key Consistency: Ensure consistency in the naming of keys across different localization files.
Regular Updates: Regularly update localization files whenever there are changes in the text of the application.
Testing for Different Locales: Test the application in different languages to ensure that the translations fit well in the UI and are contextually accurate.
Cultural Considerations: Pay attention to cultural nuances in translations to avoid misunderstandings or offense.
Automated Tools and Human Review: Consider using automated translation tools for efficiency, but always have translations reviewed by native speakers for accuracy and context.