either run from command line with
python explore.py
or load up python from command line and import * from utils
basic_utils.py is just all the old graphs, stack, queue and search funtions from our assignments
mappy = mapper()
mappy.accumulate = True # auto pick up items
mappy.save_map_to_text = True #overwrite current map.txt with fresh map.txt
mappy.import_text_map = True #load current map.txt as starting map #MUST BE DONE BEFORE create_starting_map
#if you don't want fresh map
mappy.explore_random(50) #exploring 50 unkown rooms (not including backtracking)
mappy.room_check() #given how you have set certain variables like pray or accumulate will automate actions
# given certain cues from the server json responses
mappy.get_info('init') # initialize and get current room details
mappy.get_info('move','n') # move north
mappy.get_info('backtrack','e','254') # back track specifying room and direction
mappy.action('take','tiny treasure') # pick up some treasure
mappy.action('drop','tiny treasure') # drop some treasure in your inventory
mappy.action('sell','tiny treasure') # sell some treasure in your inventory
mappy.action('sell_confirm','tiny treasure') # confirm sell some treasure in your inventory
mappy.action('examine','tiny treasure') # examine tiny treasure in your inventory
mappy.action('status') # get status update
mappy.action('pray') # pray in shrine room