# update-synology-index Synology synoindexd service only works with FTP, SMB, AFP this program index all files that synoindexd left you can select extensions, modified time, user and paths for the searching and treatment Usage: update-synoindex.sh --> first for create config file change values of config/update-synoindex-conf.txt update-synoindex.sh Example of config file: for only mkv in the last hour for the user transmission with log directory /volume1/video/movies/ in the path /volume1/video/movies recursive #extensions MKV #Modified time --> none or "command find time" --> 24 hours example = "-mtime 0" ----> 1 hour = "-mmin -60" -mmin -60 #user: none, root, transmission, ftp, etc. transmission #directory for log/filename --> none, or path, or path/filename. for paths only must end with / /volume1/video/movies/ #directories to treat --> 0 recursive, 1 no recursive 0 /volume1/video/movies