Here you can find the Fuzzbench reports from our paper. After cloning the repository, just open the .html
files with a browser to display the reports.
There are the following reports:
- refers to Experiment 1 - 4 in the papersampling_reports
- refers to Experiment 5 in the paperbug_reports
- refers to Experiment 6 in the paper
The names of our Sileo strategies differ in our code compared to the paper, each strategy refers to a own fuzzer in FuzzBench and can be found in fuzzers/sileo_aflpp_*
. In the following, you can find the mapping between the name from our code and the name in the paper:
- corpus_del: Sileo Corus Pruning
- input_shuffle: Sileo Input Shuffle
- rnd: Sileo Reset
- tree_chopper: Sileo Tree Chopper
- tree_planter: Sileo Tree Planter
- timeback_plain: Sileo Timeback
- adaptive: Sileo Ensemble
- continue: Not named in the paper, but refers to input_shuffle without copying all inputs (See Discussion Section). We recommend this instead of input_shuffle to reduce disk usage.
The fuzzer names also show its restart heuristic:
- *_purge: threshold-based restarts
- *_force_MINUTES: force restart after restart time in MINUTES
- *_sampling: the fuzzer / strategy is configured using our patched aflplusplus (for sampling experiments)
- *_cmin: the fuzzer / strategy uses afl-cmin (using AFL++ 4.06)