GLSL Ray Marching
University of Pennsylvania, CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture, Project 5
- xinyue Zhu
- Tested on: Chrome - Version 45.0.2454.93 m Windows 10, i5-5200U @ 2.20GHz 8.0GB, GTX 960M
This Shadertoy uses material from the following resources:
iq Cloudy Terrain:
iq RayMarching Primitives:
Numerical Methods for Ray Tracing Implicitly Defined Surfaces:
### ReadMe note: to use "#define terrMap" the "#define naive" should be used at the same timeFeatures:
- Two ray marching methods:
- Naive ray marching :#define naive
- Sphere tracing
- different distance estimators & operation
- Box,wheel,roundBox,plane,cone,Torus,cylinder
- operation: subtraction,repeat
- With normal computation
- One simple lighting computatio: Blinn-Phong.
- Union operator :float opU(...){}
- Transformation operator: float opTrans(..){}
- Lighting effects
- Debug views
- Distance to surface for each pixel: #define debugView1
- Number of ray march iterations used for each pixel: #define debugView2
- Advanced distance estimators
- Height-mapped terrain rendering: (texture base)
- Provide an analysis comparing naive ray marching with sphere tracing
naive ray marching: 5.6fps; 132 ms
accelated ray marching : 60.1fps; 22.5 ms
* the "most expensive" fragments by number of iterations required for each pixel. the first one is using naive ray marching, the whiter the number of iteration is bigger. the shadow I calculate using
the fixed footstep, so it iterates much. The naive ray marching is much more "expensive"
- Compare time spent ray marching vs. time spent shading/lighting:
##Branch divergence I think I have optimized my branch as much as I can. So the functions are all called onece, do not need to recalculate.
For any code/material in the 565 slides, please reference the source found at the bottom of the slide.
- {McGuire}
Morgan McGuire, Williams College.
Numerical Methods for Ray Tracing Implicitly Defined Surfaces (2014).
- You may credit and use code from this reference.
- {iq-prim} Iñigo Quílez. Raymarching Primitives (2013). Shadertoy
- {iq-terr}
Iñigo Quílez.
Terrain Raymarching (2007).
- You may credit and use code from this reference.
- {iq-rwwtt} Iñigo Quílez. Rendering Worlds with Two Triangles with raytracing on the GPU (2008). Slides
- {Ashima}
Ashima Arts, Ian McEwan, Stefan Gustavson.
- You may use this code under the MIT-expat license.