.. currentmodule:: jax.numpy
.. automodule:: jax.numpy
Implements the NumPy API, using the primitives in :mod:`jax.lax`.
While JAX tries to follow the NumPy API as closely as possible, sometimes JAX cannot follow NumPy exactly.
- Notably, since JAX arrays are immutable, NumPy APIs that mutate arrays
in-place cannot be implemented in JAX. However, often JAX is able to provide a
alternative API that is purely functional. For example, instead of in-place
array updates (
x[i] = y
), JAX provides an alternative pure indexed update function :func:`jax.ops.index_update`. - NumPy is very aggressive at promoting values to
type. JAX sometimes is less aggressive about type promotion.
A small number of NumPy operations that have data-dependent output shapes are incompatible with :func:`jax.jit` compilation. The XLA compiler requires that shapes of arrays be known at compile time. While it would be possible to provide a JAX implementation of an API such as :func:`numpy.nonzero`, we would be unable to JIT-compile it because the shape of its output depends on the contents of the input data.
Not every function in NumPy is implemented; contributions are welcome!
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary abs absolute add all allclose alltrue amax amin angle any append arange arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctan2 arctanh argmax argmin argsort argwhere around array array_repr array_str asarray atleast_1d atleast_2d atleast_3d bartlett bincount bitwise_and bitwise_not bitwise_or bitwise_xor blackman block broadcast_arrays broadcast_to can_cast ceil clip column_stack compress concatenate conj conjugate convolve copysign corrcoef correlate cos cosh count_nonzero cov cross cumsum cumprod cumproduct deg2rad degrees diag diag_indices diagflat diagonal digitize divide divmod dot dsplit dstack ediff1d einsum equal empty empty_like exp exp2 expand_dims expm1 extract eye fabs fix flatnonzero flip fliplr flipud float_power floor floor_divide fmax fmin fmod frexp full full_like gcd geomspace greater greater_equal hamming hanning heaviside histogram histogram_bin_edges hsplit hstack hypot identity imag in1d indices inner isclose iscomplex isfinite isin isinf isnan isneginf isposinf isreal isscalar issubdtype issubsctype ix_ kaiser kron lcm ldexp left_shift less less_equal linspace log log10 log1p log2 logaddexp logaddexp2 logical_and logical_not logical_or logical_xor logspace matmul max maximum mean median meshgrid min minimum mod moveaxis msort multiply nan_to_num nanargmax nanargmin nancumprod nancumsum nanmax nanmin nanprod nansum negative nextafter nonzero not_equal ones ones_like outer packbits pad percentile polyadd polymul polysub polyval power positive prod product promote_types ptp quantile rad2deg radians ravel real reciprocal remainder repeat reshape result_type right_shift rint roll rollaxis roots rot90 round row_stack searchsorted select sign signbit sin sinc sinh sometrue sort split sqrt square squeeze stack std subtract sum swapaxes take take_along_axis tan tanh tensordot tile trace transpose tri tril tril_indices tril_indices_from triu triu_indices triu_indices_from true_divide trunc unique unpackbits unravel_index vander var vdot vsplit vstack where zeros zeros_like
.. automodule:: jax.numpy.fft
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary fft ifft fft2 ifft2 fftn ifftn rfft irfft rfft2 irfft2 rfftn irfftn fftfreq rfftfreq fftshift ifftshift
.. automodule:: jax.numpy.linalg
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary cholesky cond det eig eigh eigvals eigvalsh inv lstsq matrix_power matrix_rank multi_dot norm pinv qr slogdet solve svd tensorinv tensorsolve