.. automodule:: jax.lax
:mod:`jax.lax` is a library of primitives operations that underpins libraries such as :mod:`jax.numpy`. Transformation rules, such as JVP and batching rules, are typically defined as transformations on :mod:`jax.lax` primitives.
Many of the primitives are thin wrappers around equivalent XLA operations, described by the XLA operation semantics documentation. In a few cases JAX diverges from XLA, usually to ensure that the set of operations is closed under the operation of JVP and transpose rules.
Where possible, prefer to use libraries such as :mod:`jax.numpy` instead of using :mod:`jax.lax` directly. The :mod:`jax.numpy` API follows NumPy, and is therefore more stable and less likely to change than the :mod:`jax.lax` API.
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary abs add acos asin atan atan2 batch_matmul bessel_i0e bessel_i1e betainc bitcast_convert_type bitwise_not bitwise_and bitwise_or bitwise_xor population_count broadcast broadcasted_iota broadcast_in_dim ceil clamp collapse complex concatenate conj conv convert_element_type conv_general_dilated conv_with_general_padding conv_transpose cos cosh digamma div dot dot_general dynamic_index_in_dim dynamic_slice dynamic_slice_in_dim dynamic_update_index_in_dim dynamic_update_slice_in_dim eq erf erfc erf_inv exp expand_dims expm1 fft floor full full_like gather ge gt igamma igammac imag index_in_dim index_take iota is_finite le lt lgamma log log1p max min mul ne neg nextafter pad pow real reciprocal reduce reduce_window reshape rem rev round rsqrt scatter scatter_add select shift_left shift_right_arithmetic shift_right_logical slice slice_in_dim sign sin sinh sort sort_key_val sqrt square squeeze sub tan tie_in top_k transpose
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary cond fori_loop map scan while_loop
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary stop_gradient custom_linear_solve custom_root
Parallelism support is experimental.
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary all_gather all_to_all psum pmax pmin pmean ppermute pswapaxes axis_index