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3972 lines (3171 loc) · 68.7 KB

% Introduction to Ada % Raphael Amiard - Adacore % [email protected]


  • In the seventies, the DOD suffers from an explosion of the number of programming languages used.

  • They launch an international competition to design a language that fullfils all the requirements (1974)


  • Several propositions
  • Winner: Jean Ichbiah's team, CII Honeywell Bull
  • First standard of the language langage (ANSI, ISO): 1983
  • Major revisions in 1995, 2005, 2012.


  • General purpose

    • Efficient
    • Simple
    • Implementable
  • Safety critical

    • Results in maintainable code
    • Portable
    • Resilient/safe
  • Standard should be clear and non ambiguous

  • Should work on embedded platforms

  • Should handle concurrency/parallelism

  • Should allow low-level data handling/hardward interface

Result: Ada

  • Syntax: Algol/Pascal derivative
  • Imperative (like Fortran, Cobol, C/C++, Java, Python...)
  • Tasking/parallelism integrated into the language (par opposition aux API type pthread)
  • Modular (packages, modules, libraries)
  • A lot of static AND dynamic checking

Ada today

Priviledged markets

  • Real time systems
  • Safety critical/mission critical systems
  • Security critical systems


  • Arianne 6
  • 787 Dreamliner (Common Core System)
  • Airbus A350 XWB (Air Data Inertial Reference Unit)
  • Sentinel 1 (Environmental Satellite System)
  • Canadian Space Arm
  • Meteor (metro line 14)

This class


  • Introduction to Ada and the GCC/GNAT toolchain
  • Native programming and embedded (STM32F4)
  • Project: develop an embedded app running on bare metal, on a STM32F4 board.


  • Midterm exam: 50%
  • Project: 50%
  • TP exercizes: Bonus points!

Example: Hello, World

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

--  Display a welcome message
procedure Greet is
    Put_Line ("Hello, world!");
end Greet;
$ gnatmake greet.adb
$ ./greet

Imperative language

Imperative language - for loops

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   for I in 1 .. 10 loop
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
   end loop;
end Greet;
  • I here denotes a constant that is only accessible in the loop.
  • "1 .. 10" is a range.
  • Put_Line is a procedure call. procedure is like a fn returning void in C/C++.

Imperative language - while loops

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   --  Variable declaration. Only legal in declarative
   --  parts.
   I : Integer := 1;
   --  Condition. *Must* be of type boolean
   while I < 10 loop
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");

      --  Assignment
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - General loops

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 1;
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      exit when I = 5;
      --  Exit statement - takes a boolean condition
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - If

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 1;
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      if I = 5 then
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - If/Else

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 1;
      if I = 5 then
         Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - If/Elsif/Else

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 0;
      if I = 5 then
      elsif I = 0 then
         Put_Line ("Starting...");
         Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - If/Else

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 1;
      --  "or else" is the short circuit or operator
      if I = 5 or else I = 2 then
         Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - If/Else

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 1;
      --  "and then" is the short circuit or operator
      if I < 5 and then I > 2 then
         Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Imperative language - Case statement

procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 0;
      -- Expression must be of a discrete type. All the
      -- values must be covered.
      case I is
         when 0 => Put_Line ("Starting...");
         when 3 .. 4 => Put_Line ("Hello");
         when 7 | 9 => exit;
         -- ‘when others’ must be the last one and alone (if
         -- present)
         when others => Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
      end case;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz: Imperative language

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

for I in 10 .. 1 loop
    Put_Line("Hello, World!");
end loop;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

for I in reverse 1 .. 10 loop
    Put_Line("Hello, World!");
end loop;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

procedure Hello is
   I : Integer;
   for I in 1 .. 10 loop
      Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
   end loop;
end Hello;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   I : Integer;
   while I < 10 loop
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
    I : Integer := 2;
    while i < 10 loop
        Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
        i := i + 1;
    end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Tools;

procedure Greet is
        Put_Line("Hello, World!");
    end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 0;
      if I = 5 then
         if I = 0 then
            Put_Line ("Starting...");
            Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
         end if;
      end if;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 0;
      case I is
         when 0 =>
            Put_Line ("Starting...");
         when 1 .. 4 =>
            Put_Line ("Hello");
         when 5 =>
      end case;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
      case I is
         when 0 =>
            Put_Line ("Starting...");
         when 1 .. 4 =>
            Put_Line ("Hello");
         when others =>
      end case;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 10: Is there a compilation error?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   I : Integer := 0;
      case I is
         when Integer'First .. 1 =>
            Put_Line ("Starting...");
         when 1 .. 4 =>
            Put_Line ("Hello");
         when others =>
      end case;
      I := I + 1;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Quizz 11: Which one is an error?

V    : Integer;
1V   : Integer;
V_   : Integer;
_V   : Integer;
V__1 : Integer;
V_1  : Integer;

Strongly typed language


What is a type?


  • Integer types are just regular types (not a built-in)
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 1 .. 20;
   --  Declare a signed integer type, and give the bounds

   --  Like variables, declarations can only happen in
   --  declarative region
   for I in My_Int loop
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
   end loop;
end Greet;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 1 .. 20;
   --  Iterates on every value in the range of My_Int
   for I in My_Int loop
      if I = My_Int'Last then
      --           ^ Higher bound of the type
      --  'First is the lower bound
         Put_Line ("Bye");
         Put_Line("Hello, World!");
      end if;
   end loop;
end Greet;


procedure Greet is
   A : Integer := Integer'Last;
   B : Integer;
   B := A + 5;
   --  This operation will overflow, eg. it will
   --  raise an exception at runtime.
end Greet;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 1 .. 20;
   A : My_Int := 12;
   B : My_Int := 15;
   M : My_Int := (A + B) / 2;
   --  No overflow here, overflow checks are done at
   --  specific boundaries.
   for I in 1 .. M loop
      Put_Line("Hello, World!");
   end loop;
end Greet;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
   --  An enumeration type
   for I in Days loop
      case I is
         when Saturday .. Sunday =>
            Put_Line ("Week end!");

         --  Completeness checking on enums
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("Hello on " & Days'Image (I));
            --  'Image attribute, converts a value to a
            --  String
      end case;
   end loop;
end Greet;

Strong typing

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   --  Declare two signed types
   type Meters is range 0 .. 10_000;
   type Miles is range 0 .. 5_000;

   Dist_Us : Miles;
   --  Declare a constant
   Dist_Eu : constant Meters := 100;
   --  Not correct: types mismatch
   Dist_Us := Dist_Eu * 1609 / 1000;
   Put_Line (Miles'Image (Dist_Us));
end Greet;

Strong typing

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Conv is
   type Meters is range 0 .. 10_000;
   type Miles is range 0 .. 5_000;
   Dist_Us : Miles;
   Dist_Eu : constant Meters := 100;
   Dist_Us := Miles (Dist_Eu * 1609 / 1000);
   --         ^ Type conversion, from Meters to Miles
   --  Now the code is correct

   Put_Line (Miles'Image (Dist_Us));

Strong typing

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   C : Character;
   --  ^ Built-in character type (it's an enum)
   C := '?';
   --   ^ Character literal (enumeration literal)

   C := 64;
   --   ^ Invalid: 64 is not an enumeration literal
end Greet;

Strong typing

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   C : Character;
   C := '?';
   Put_Line ("""Ascii"" code of '" & C & "' is"
   --         ^ Use "" to insert quote in a string
             & Integer'Image (Character'Pos (C)));
   --                                  ^ 'Pos converts a
   --                                     value to its position

   C := Character'Val (64);
   --            ^ 'Val converts a position to its value
end Greet;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
                 Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   --  Declaration of a subtype
   subtype Weekend_Days is Days range Saturday .. Sunday;
   --                           ^ Constraint of the subtype
   for I in Days loop
      case I is
         --  Just like a type, a subtype can be used as a
         --  range
         when Weekend_Days =>
            Put_Line ("Week end!");
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("Hello on " & Days'Image (I));
      end case;
   end loop;
end Greet;

A subtype doesn't define a type

  • All subtypes are of the same type.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
                 Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   subtype Weekend_Days is Days range Saturday .. Sunday;
   Day : Days := Saturday;
   Weekend : Weekend_Days;
   Weekend := Day;
   --         ^ Correct: Same type
   Weekend := Monday;
   --         ^ Wrong value for the subtype
   --  Compiles, but exception at runtime
end Greet;

Quizz: Types

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int is range 1 .. 20.5;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int is range 1 .. 20.0;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

A : Integer := 5;
type My_Int is range A .. 20;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int is range 1 .. Integer'Last;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int_1 is range 1 .. Integer'Last;
type My_Int_2 is range Integer'First .. 0;
type My_Int_3 is range My_Int_2'First .. My_Int_2'Last;

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int_1 is range 1 .. Integer'Last;
subtype My_Int_2 is My_Int_1 range 1 .. 100;

V1 : My_Int_1 := 5;
V2 : My_Int_2;
V2 := V1;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error?

type My_Int_1 is range 1 .. Integer'Last;
type My_Int_2 is range 1 .. 100;

V1 : My_Int_1 := 5;
V2 : My_Int_2;
V2 := V1;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error?

type Enum is (E1, E2);
type Enum2 is (E2, E3);

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error?

type Bit is (‘0’, ‘1’);


Array type declaration

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type Index is range 1 .. 5;

   type My_Int_Array is array (Index) of My_Int;
   --                                    ^ Type of elements
   --                          ^ Bounds of the array
   Arr : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in Index loop
      Put (My_Int'Image (Arr (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Array type declaration

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type Index is range 1 .. 5;
   type My_Int_Array is array (Index) of My_Int;

   Arr : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   --                    ^ Aggregate (array literal)
   for I in Index loop
      Put (My_Int'Image (Arr (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Array index

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type Index is range 11 .. 15;
   --                  ^ Low bound can be any value
   type My_Int_Array is array (Index) of My_Int;
   Tab : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in Index loop
      Put (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Array index

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 1 .. 31;
   type Month is (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
                  Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec);

   type My_Int_Array is array (Month) of My_Int;
   --                          ^ Can use an enum as the
   --                            index

   Tab : constant My_Int_Array :=
   --    ^ constant is like a variable but cannot be
   --      modified
     (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
   --  Maps months to number of days

   Feb_Days : My_Int := Tab (Feb);
   --  Number of days in February
   for I in Month loop
      Put_Line (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;


procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type Index is range 1 .. 5;
   type My_Int_Array is array (Index) of My_Int;
   Tab : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in 2 .. 6 loop
      Put (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
      --                      ^ Indexation
      --                      ^ Will raise an exception when
      --                      I = 6
   end loop;
end Greet;


procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type Index is range 1 .. 5;
   type My_Int_Array is array (Index) of My_Int;
   Tab : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in Integer range 1 .. 5 loop
   --       ^ We say that the type of I is Integer
      Put (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
   --                         ^ Compile time error
   end loop;
end Greet;

Shortcut for index

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type My_Int_Array is array (1 .. 5) of My_Int;
   --                          ^ Subtype of Integer
   Tab : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in 1 .. 5 loop
   --       ^ Likewise
      Put (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Range attribute

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type My_Int is range 0 .. 1000;
   type My_Int_Array is array (1 .. 5) of My_Int;
   Tab : My_Int_Array := (2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
   for I in Tab'Range loop
   --          ^ Gets the range of Tab
      Put (My_Int'Image (Tab (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Unconstrained arrays

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
      Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   type Workload_Type is array (Days range <>) of Natural;
   --  Indefinite array type
   --                           ^ Bounds are of type Days,
   --                             but not known

   Workload : constant Workload_Type (Monday .. Friday) :=
   --                                 ^ Specify the bounds
   --                                   when declaring
      (Friday => 7, others => 8);
   --               ^ Default value
   --  ^ Specify element by name of index
   for I in Workload'Range loop
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Workload (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Declaring arrays

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   type Workload_Type is array (Days range <>) of Natural;

   Workload : constant Workload_Type :=
      (Monday .. Thursday => 8, Friday => 7);
   --  ^ More powerful association by name
   --  Here, no need to specify the bounds of the array
   for I in Workload'Range loop
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Workload (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Predefined array type: String

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   Message : String (1 .. 11) := "dlroW olleH";
   --        ^ Pre-defined array type.
   --          Component type is Character
   for I in reverse 1 .. 11 loop
            ^ Iterate in reverse order
      Put (Message (I));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Predefined array type: String

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   Message : constant String := "Hello World";
   --                 ^ Bounds are automatically computed
   --                   from initialization value
   for I in reverse Message'First .. Message'Last loop
   --                      ^ 'First and 'Last return the low and
   --                      high bound
   -- (But you should use 'Range most of the time)
      Put (Message (I));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Declaring arrays

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   subtype Day_Name is String (1 .. 2);
   --  Subtype of string with known size

   type Days_Name_Type 
   is array (Days) of Day_Name;
   --        ^ Type of the index
   --                 ^ Type of the element. Must be
   --                   definite
end Greet;

Declaring arrays

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
   subtype Day_Name is String (1 .. 2);
   type Days_Name_Type is array (Days) of Day_Name;
   Names : constant Days_Name_Type :=
     ("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su");
   --  Initial value given by aggregate
   for I in Names'Range loop
      Put_Line (Names (I));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Declaring arrays

--  Those two declarations produce the same thing
A : String := "Hello World";
B : String (1 .. 11) := ('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ',
                         'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd');

Quizz: Arrays

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error ?

--  Natural is a pre-defined subtype.
subtype Natural is Integer range 0 ..  Integer'Last

type Arr is array (Natural) of Integer;
Name : Arr;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error ?

type Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;
Name : Arr;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error ?

type Str_Array is array (1 .. 10) of String;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error ?

A : constant Integer := 5;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error ?

A : constant String (1 .. 12);

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error ?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Greet is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
   type WorkLoad_Type is array (Days range <>) of Natural;
   Workload : constant Workload_Type :=
      (Monday .. Friday => 8, Friday => 7, Saturday | Sunday => 0);
   for I in Workload'Range loop
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Workload (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Modular/Structured programming


package Week is
end Week;


  • Group related declarations together
  • Define an interface (API)
  • Hide the implementation
  • Provide a name space


package Week is

   --  This is a declarative part. You can put only
   --  declarations here, no statements

   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
      Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
   type WorkLoad_Type is array (Days range <>) of Natural;
   Workload : constant Workload_Type :=
      (Monday .. Friday => 8, Friday => 7, Saturday | Sunday => 0);
end Week;

Different from header files in C/C++ because:

  • Language level mechanism (not a preprocessor)

  • Not text based

  • With'ing a package does not "copy/paste" the content of the spec into your file

  • With GNAT, packages specs go in .ads files (here, it would be

With-ing a package

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

with Week;
--  references the package, and adds a dependency on
--  that package

procedure Greet is
   for I in Week.Workload'Range loop
   --       ^ We reference items of the package by prefixing
   --         by package name
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Workload (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Using a package

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

with Week;
use Week;
--  Brings the content of the package in the current
--  namespace

procedure Greet is
   for I in Workload'Range loop
   --       ^ We can reference items of the package directly
   --         now
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Workload (I)));
   end loop;
end Greet;

Package body

package body Week is

   --  The body contains additional declarations, not
   --  visible from the spec, or anywhere outside of the
   --  body
   type WorkLoad_Type is array (Days range <>) of Natural;
   Workload : constant Workload_Type :=
      (Monday .. Friday => 8, Friday => 7, Saturday | Sunday => 0);

   function Get_Workload (Day : Days) return Natural is
      return Workload (Day);
   --  This is a function. It has a return statement
   --  (mandatory for functions)
end Week;
  • With GNAT, packages bodies go in .adb files (here, it would be week.adb)



with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

--  Here we declare and define a procedure without
--  parameters
procedure Greet is
   Put_Line("Hello, World!");
end Greet;


package Week is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   function Get_Workload (Day : Days) return Natural;
   --  We declare (but don't define) a function with one
   --  parameter, returning a Natural integer
end Week;


package Week is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

   function Get_Day_Name
      (Day : Days := Monday) return String;
   --                             ^ We can return any type,
   --                               even indefinite ones
   --           ^ Default value for parameter
end Week;


package body Week is
   --  Implementation of the Get_Day_Name function
   function Get_Day_Name (Day : Days := Monday) return String is
      case Day is
         when Monday => return “Monday”;
         when Tuesday => return “Tuesday”;
         when Sunday => return “Sunday”;
      end case;
   end Get_Day_Name;
end Week;

Parameters modes

package Week is
   type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
   procedure Next_Day (Res : out Days;
   --                        ^ Mode out: not initialized at
   --                          the beginning, procedure body can
   --                          assign it. (Like a return value)
                       Day : Days);
   --                        ^ No mode: defaults to "in",
   --                          which is like a constant
end Week;

Parameters modes

--                You can declare several params at the same
--              ∨ time
procedure Swap (A, B : in out Integer)
--                     ^ In out is initialized at the
--                       beginning with value passed by
--                       caller. procedure can assign it,
--                       caller will get new value. Like
--                       pass by reference
--                       Use it instead of a pointer in C
   Tmp : Integer;
   Tmp := A;
   A := B;
   B := Tmp;
   --  Return statement. Optional for procedures
end Swap;

Subprogram call

procedure Test_Swap
   X, Y : Integer;
   X := 5;
   Y := 7;
   Swap (X, Y);
   --    ^ Positional parameters
   Swap (A => X, B => Y);
   --    ^ Named parameters
   Swap (B => X, A => Y);
   --    ^ You can reverse the order
end Test_Swap;

Function calls

function Double (I : Integer) return Integer is
   return I * 2;
end Double;

function Quadruple (I : Integer) return Integer is
   Res : Integer := Double (Double (I));
   --               ^ Calling the double function
   Double (I);
   --  ILLEGAL: You cannot ignore a function's return value

   return Res;
end Quadruple;

Function calls

function Pi return Float is
--          ^ No parameters, no parentheses
   return 3.1419;
end Pi;

A : Float := Pi;
--           ^ No parameters, no parentheses at call site
--             either!

Mutually recursive subprograms

procedure Compute_A (V : Natural);
--  Forward declaration of Compute_A

procedure Compute_B (V : Natural) is
   if V > 5 then
      Compute_A (V - 1);
   -- ^ Call to Compute_A
   end if;
end Compute_B;

procedure Compute_A (V : Natural) is
   if V > 2 then
      Compute_B (V - 1);
   -- ^ Call to Compute_B
   end if;
end Compute_A;

Nested subprograms

function Quadruple (I : Integer) return Integer is

   function Double (I : Integer) return Integer is
      return I * 2;
   end Double;
   --  Nested function

   return Double (Double (I));
end Quadruple;

Quizz: Packages & subprograms

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error ?

package My_Type is
   type My_Type is range 1 .. 100;
end My_Type;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   function F (A : Integer);
end Pkg;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   function F (A : Integer) return Integer;
   function F (A : Character) return Integer;
end Pkg;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   function F (A : Integer) return Integer;
   procedure F (A : Character);
end Pkg;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   subtype Int is Integer;
   function F (A : Integer) return Integer;
   function F (A : Int) return Integer;
end Pkg;

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : Integer);
   procedure Proc (A : in out Integer);
end Pkg;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : in out Integer := 7);
end Pkg;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : Integer := 7);
end Pkg;

package body Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : Integer) is
   end Proc;
end Pkg;

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : in out Integer);
end Pkg;

package body Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : in out Integer) is
   end Proc;

   procedure Proc (A : in out Character) is
   end Proc;
end Pkg;

Quizz 10: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : in Integer);
end Pkg;

package body Pkg is
   procedure Proc (A : in Integer);
   procedure Proc (A : in Integer) is
   end Proc;
end Pkg;

Quizz 11: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg1 is
    procedure Proc;
end Pkg1;

with Pkg1;
package Pkg2 is
end Pkg2;

-- main.adb
with Pkg2;

procedure Main is
end Main;

Quizz 12: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg1 is
  procedure Proc;
end Pkg1;

with Pkg1; use Pkg1;
package Pkg2 is
end Pkg2;

--  pkg2.adb
package body Pkg2 is
   procedure Foo is
   end Foo;
end Pkg2;

Quizz 13: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg1 is
procedure Proc;
end Pkg1;

with Pkg1; use Pkg1;
package Pkg2 is
end Pkg2;

--  pkg2.adb
with Pkg1; use Pkg1;
package body Pkg2 is
end Pkg2;

Quizz 14: Is there a compilation error ?

package Pkg1 is
   procedure Proc;
end Pkg1;

with Pkg1;
package Pkg2 is
end Pkg2;

--  pkg2.adb
use Pkg1;

package body Pkg2 is
   procedure Foo is
   end Foo;
end Pkg2;

More about types


Len : Natural := F (5);

--  The size of this array is not known at compile time. But the bounds are
--  fixed.
Buf : String (1 .. Len);

--  This does not change the size of the array.
Len := 3;

Array slices

procedure Main is
    Buf : String := "Hello ...";

    Full_Name : "Raphael Amiard";
    Buf (7 .. 9) := "Bob";
    Put_Line (Buf);  --  Prints "Hello Bob"

    Put_Line ("Hi " & Full_Name (1 .. 7)); --  Prints "Hi Raphael"


type Date is record
   --  The following declarations are components of the record
   Day   : Integer range 1 .. 31;
   Month : Month_Name;
   Year  : Integer range 1 .. 3000; --  You can add custom constraints on fields
end record;

Records - default values

type Date is record
   Day   : Integer range 1 .. 31;
   Month : Month_Name := January;

   --  This component has a default value
   Year  : Integer range 1 .. 3000 := 2012;
   --                                 ^ Default value
end record;

Records - Literals

Today    : Date := (31, November, 2012);
Birthday : Date := (Day => 30, Month => February, Year => 2010);
--                  ^ By name

Records - Selection

Today.Day := 29;

Access types (pointers)

--  Declare an access type
type Date_Acc is access Date;

D : Date_Acc;
D := null;
--   ^ Literal for "access to nothing"


type Date_Acc is access Date;
D : Date_Acc;

Today : Date := D.all;  --  Access derefence
J     : Day := D.Day
--             ^ Implicit dereference for record and array components
--               Equivalent to

Allocation (by type)

D : Date_Acc := new Date;  --  Allocation (using default values)

Allocation (by type)

type String_Acc is access String;
--                        ^ Access to unconstrained array type
Msg : String_Acc;
--    ^ Default value is null

Buffer : String_Acc := new String (1 .. 10);
--                                ^ Constraint required

Allocation (by expression)

D   : Date_Acc := new Date'(30, November, 2011);
Msg : String_Acc := new String'("Hello");

Mutually recursive types

type Node;
--  This is an incomplete type declaration, it must be
--  completed in the same declarative region.

type Node_Acc is access Node;

type Node is record
   Content    : Natural;
   Prev, Next : Node_Acc;
end record;

More about records

Max_Len : constant Natural := Compute_Max_Len;
--                            ^ Not known at compile time

type Person is record
   First_Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
   Last_Name  : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;

Records with discriminant

type Person (Max_Len : Natural) is record
--           ^ Discriminant. Cannot be modified once initialized.
   First_Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
   Last_Name  : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;
--  Person is an indefinite type (like an array)

Records with variant

type Node_Acc is access Node;

type Op_Kind is (Bin_Op, Un_Op);
--  A regular enum

type Node (Op : Op_Kind) is record
--         ^ The discriminant is an enum
   Id : Natural;
   case Op is
      when Un_Op =>
         Operand : Node_Acc;
      when Bin_Op =>
         Left, Right : Node_Acc;
      --  Those fields only exist when Op is Bin_Op
   end case;
   --  Variant part. Only one, at the end of the record
   --  definition
end record;

Quizz: More about types

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

Buf : String (1 .. 10);
Buf (2 .. 4) := "Ab";

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

type Person (Max_Len : Natural) is record
   First_Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
   Last_Name  : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;

A : Person;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

type Person (Max_Len : Natural) is record
   Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;

A : Person (20);

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error?

type Person (Max_Len : Natural) is record
   Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;

A : Person := Person’(6, "Pierre");

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error?

type Person (Max_Len : Natural) is record
   Name : String (1 .. Max_Len);
end record;

A : Person := Person’(20, "Pierre");

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error?

type Date1_Acc is access Date;
type Date2_Acc is access Date;

D1 : Date1_Acc;
D2 : Date2_Acc;

D1 := D2;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error?

type Date_Acc is access Date;

D1 : Date_Acc := new Date;
D2 : Date_Acc;

D1 := D2;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error?

type String_Acc is access String;

S : String_Acc := new String'("Hello");
C : Character;

C := S.all (0);

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error?

type String_Acc is access String;
S : String_Acc := new String'("Hello");
C : Character;

C := S.all (1);

Quizz 10: Is there a compilation error?

type String_Acc is access String;
S : String_Acc := new String'("Hello");
C : Character;

C := S (1);

Quizz 11: Is there a compilation error?

type Node;
type Node_Acc is access Node;
type Op_Kind is (Bin_Op, Un_Op);

type Node (Op : Op_Kind) is record
   Id : Natural;
   case Op is
      when Un_Op =>
         Operand : Node_Acc;
      when Bin_Op =>
         Left, Right : Node_Acc;
   end case;
end record;

N : Node (Un_Op);

Quizz 12: Is there a compilation error?

type Node;
type Node_Acc is access Node;
type Op_Kind is (Bin_Op, Un_Op);

type Node (Op : Op_Kind) is record
   Id : Natural;
   case Op is
      when Un_Op =>
         Operand : Node_Acc;
      when Bin_Op =>
         Left, Right : Node_Acc;
   end case;
end record;

N : Node := (Un_Op, 2, null);

Quizz 13: Is there a compilation error?

type Node;
type Node_Acc is access Node;
type Op_Kind is (Bin_Op, Un_Op);

type Node (Op : Op_Kind) is record
   Id : Natural;
   case Op is
      when Un_Op =>
         Operand : Node_Acc;
      when Bin_Op =>
         Left, Right : Node_Acc;
   end case;
end record;

N : Node (Un_Op);

N.Left.Id := 12;

Quizz 14: Is there a compilation error?

type Node;
type Node_Acc is access Node;
type Op_Kind is (Bin_Op, Un_Op);

type Node (Op : Op_Kind) is record
   Id : Natural;
   case Op is
      when Un_Op =>
         Operand : Node_Acc;
      when Bin_Op =>
         Left, Right : Node_Acc;
   end case;
end record;

N : Node_Acc := ...

Put_Line (N.Left.Op'Image);


Private part

package Stacks is
   procedure Hello;


   procedure Hello2;
   --  Not visible from external units
end Stacks;

Abstract data types: Declaration

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   --  Declare a private type: You cannot depend on its
   --  implementation. You can only assign and test for
   --  equality.

   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; Val : out Integer);

   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;

   type Stack is record
      Top : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;
end Stacks;

Abstract data types: vocabulary

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   --  Partial view

   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; Val : out Integer);

   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;

   type Stack is record
      Top     : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   --  Full view
   end record;
end Stacks;

Abstract data types

--  No need to read the private part to use the package
package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;

   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; Val : out Integer);
end Stacks;
--  Example of use
with Stacks; use Stacks;

procedure Test_Stack is
   S : Stack;
   Res : Integer;
   Push (S, 5);
   Push (S, 7);
   Pop (S, Res);
end Test_Stack;

## Limited types

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   --  Limited type. Cannot assign nor compare.

   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; Val : out Integer);
   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;

   type Stack is limited record
      Top     : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;
end Stacks;

## Limited types

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   type Stack is record  -- Full view is not limited
   end record;
end Stacks;
package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   type Stack is limited record -- Full view is limited
   end record;
end Stacks;

Quizz: Privacy

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;
   type Stack is record
      Top : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;
end Stacks;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   type Stack is range 1 .. 100;
end Stacks;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
end Stacks;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   type Stack is range 1 .. 100;
end Stacks;

--  test.adb
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Test is
   T : Stack;
   T := 3;
end Test;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   type Stack is range 1 .. 100;
end Stacks;

with Stacks; use Stacks;

package Stacks2 is
   type Stack2 is record
      S1 : Stack;
      S2 : Stack;
   end record;
end Stacks2;

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   type Stack is range 1 .. 100;
end Stacks;

--  test.adb
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Test is
   T : Stack := 3;
end Test;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   function Init return Stack;
end Stacks;

--  test.adb
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Test is
   T : Stack := Init;
end Test;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   function Init return Stack;
end Stacks;

--  test.adb
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Test is
   T : Stack;
   T := Init;
end Test;

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Init (S : out Stack);
end Stacks;

--  test.adb
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Test is
   T : Stack;
   Init (T);
end Test;

Quizz 10: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Init (S : out Stack);
   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;
   type Stack is record
      Top : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;
end Stacks;

--  stacks.adb
package body Stacks is
   procedure Init (S : out Stack) is
      S := (Top => 1, Content => (others => <>));
   end Init;
end Stacks;

Quizz 11: Is there a compilation error?

package Stacks is
   type Stack is limited private;
   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; Val : Integer);
   procedure Init (S : out Stack);
   subtype Stack_Index is Natural range 1 .. 10;
   type Content_Type is array (Stack_Index) of Natural;
   type Stack is limited record
      Top : Stack_Index;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;
end Stacks;

--  stacks.adb
package body Stacks is
   procedure Init (S : out Stack) is
      S := (Top => 1, Content => (others => <>));
   end Init;
end Stacks;

Quizz 12: Is there a compilation error?

package P1 is
   type Stack is limited private;
end P1;

with P1;
package P2 is
   type T2 is record
      A : P1.Stack;
   end record;
end P2;

with P2; use P2;
   V1, V2 : T2;
   V2 := V1;


Generic declaration

--  A generic subprogram is not a subprogram
   --  Formal part
   type Elem is private;
procedure Exchange (A, B: in out Elem);

   type Item is private;
   with function "*" (A, B : Item) return Item is <>;
function Squaring (X : Item) return Item;

--  A generic package is not a package
   type Item is private;
package My_Pkg is
   procedure Exchange (A, B: in out Elem);
end My_Pkg;

--  Only packages and subprograms can be generic. Not types !

Generic body

procedure Exchange (A, B: in out Elem) is
   T : Elem := A;
   A := B;
   B := T;
end Exchange;

Generic instantiation

--  declare block: Introduces a declarative part in a
--  statements part
   procedure Int_Exchange is new Exchange (Integer);
   A, B : Integer;
   Int_Exchange (A, B);

Formal type

  • Validity of the body is checked against the spec, not against the uses (not like C++)
  • Not all operators are available with all types
  • A formal type specifies the kind of types
type T (<>) is limited private; --  Any type
type T is limited private; --  Any definite type
type T (<>) is private; --  Any non-limited type
type T is private; --  Any non-limited definite type (most used)
type T is (<>); --  Discrete types (enum, int, modular)
type T is range <>; --  Signed integer types
type T is mod <>; --  Modular types
type T is digits <>; --  Floating point types
type T is delta <>; --  Fixed point types
type T is array ...  --  Array type
type T is access ...  --  Access type

Formal type


type Item is private;
type Index is (<>);
type Vector is array (Index range <>) of Item;
type Link is access Item;

Formal objects

   type Element_Type is private;
   Max_Size : Integer;
   --  This is a formal object
package Stacks is
end Stacks;

Formal subprograms

   type Element_Type is private;
   with function Less_Than (L, R: Element_Type) return Boolean;
   --  This is a formal subprogram. Expands the operation
   --  you can do on Element_Type.
package Ordered_Maps is
    type Ordered_Map is private;
end Stacks;


Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

   type Elem is private;
procedure P;

procedure P1 is new P (Elem => String);

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

   type Elem (<>) is private;
procedure P;

procedure P is
   Var : Elem;
end P;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

   type Elem is private;
procedure P;

--  p.adb
procedure P is
   Var : Elem;
end P;

--  main.adb
with P;

procedure Main is
    procedure Str_P is new P (String);
end P;

Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error?

   type Elem is private;
procedure P;

--  p.adb
procedure P is
   Var : Elem;
end P;

--  main.adb
with P;

procedure Main is
    procedure Str_P is new P (String (1 .. 10));
end P;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error ?

   type T is private;
package G is
   V : T;
end G;

--  p.adb
with G;

procedure P is
   type My_Integer is new Integer;

   package I1 is new G (Integer);
   package I2 is new G (My_Integer);

   use I1, I2;
   V := 0;
end P;

Quizz 6: Is there a compilation error ?

   type T is private;
package G is
   V : T;
end G;

--  p.adb
with G;

procedure P is
   type My_Integer is new Integer;

   package I1 is new G (Integer);
   package I2 is new G (My_Integer);

   use I1;
   V := 0;
end P;

Quizz 7: Is there a compilation error ?

   type Element_Type is private;
procedure P (El : Element_Type);

procedure P (El : Element_Type) is
   Put_Line ("El = " & Element_Type'Image (El));
end P;


Exception declaration

My_Except : exception;
  • Like an object. NOT a type !

Raising an exception

raise My_Except; 
--  Execution of current control flow abandoned

Handling an exception

--  Block (sequence of statements)
   Open (File, In_File, “input.txt”);
   when E : Name_Error =>
   --       ^ Exception to be handled
      Put ("Cannot open input file : ");
      Put_Line (Exception_Message (E));
      --  Reraise current occurence

Handling an exception

procedure Main is
   Open (File, In_File, “input.txt”);
--  Exception block can be added to any block
   when Name_Error =>
      Put (“Cannot open input file“);

Handling an exception

procedure Main is
   Open (File, In_File, “input.txt”);
   when Name_Error | Constraint_Error =>
   --   ^ Can handle several occurences in the same block
   when others =>
   --   ^ Catch-all

Predefined exceptions

  • Constraint_Error

    • raised when bounds or subtype doesn’t match
    • raised in case of overflow (-gnato for GNAT)
    • null dereferenced
    • division by 0
  • Program_Error

    • weird stuff (eg: elaboration, erroneous execution)
  • Storage_Error

    • not enough memory (allocator)
    • not enough stack
  • Tasking_Error

Quizz: Exceptions

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error

procedure P is
   Ex : exception;
   raise Ex;

Quizz 2: What will be printed

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure E is
      A : Positive;
      A := -5;
      when Constraint_Error =>
         Put_Line ("caught it");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("last chance handler");

Quizz 3: What will be printed

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure E is
      A : Positive;
      A := -5;
      when Constraint_Error =>
         Put_Line ("caught it");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("last chance handler");

Quizz 4: What will be printed

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure E is
      A : Positive := -1;
      A := -5;
      when Constraint_Error =>
         Put_Line ("caught it");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("last chance handler");

Quizz 4: What will be printed

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure E is
      A, B, C : Positive;
      A := 10;
      B := 9;
      C := 2;
      A := B – A + C;
      when Constraint_Error =>
         Put_Line ("caught it");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("last chance handler");


Simple task

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
   task T;

   task body T is
      Put_Line ("In task T");
   Put_Line ("In main");
end Main;

Simple synchronization

procedure P is
   task T;
   task body T is
      for I in 1 .. 10 loop
         Put_Line (“hello”);
      end loop;
   --  Will wait here until all tasks have terminated

Simple synchronization

procedure P is
   task T;
   task body T is
      for I in 1 .. 10 loop
         Put_Line (“hello”);
      end loop;
   --  Will wait here until all tasks have terminated

Simple synchronization

package P is
   task T;
end P;

--  p.adb
package body P is
   task body T is
      for I in 1 .. 10 loop
         Put_Line (“hello”);
      end loop;

--  main.adb
with P;
procedure Main is
   --  Will wait here until all tasks have terminated


task T;

task body T is
   for I in 1 .. 10 loop
      Put_Line (“hello”);
      delay 1.0;
      --    ^ Wait 1.0 seconds
   end loop;

Synchronization: rendez-vous

task T is
   entry Start;
end T;

task body T is
   accept Start; -- Waiting for somebody to call the entry
   Put_Line ("In T");
end T;

procedure Main is
   Put_Line ("In Main");
   T.Start --  Calling T's entry
end Main;

Synchronization: rendez-vous

task T is
   entry Start;
end T;

task body T is
   accept Start; -- Waiting for somebody to call the entry
   Put_Line ("In T");
end T;

procedure Main is
   Put_Line ("In Main");
   T.Start --  Calling T's entry
end Main;

Synchronization: rendez-vous

task T is
   entry Start;
end T;

task body T is
      accept Start;
      Put_Line ("In T's loop");
   end loop;
end T;

Synchronization: rendez-vous

procedure Main is
   task T is
      entry Start (M : String);
      --           ^ Entry parameter
   end T;

   task T1;

   task body T is
      accept Start (M : String) do
         Put_Line (M);
      end Start;
   end T;

   task body T1 is
      T.Start ("Hello");
      --       ^ Pass parameter to entry
end Main;

Cycling tasks

with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;

procedure Main is
   task T;

   task body T is
      Next : Time := Clock;
      Cycle : constant Time_Span := Milliseconds (100);
      while True loop
         delay until Next;
         Next := Next + Cycle;
      end loop;
end Main;

Protected objects

Provides Exclusive access/mutual exclusion

protected Obj is
   --  Operations go here (only subprograms)
   procedure Set (V: Integer);
   function Get return Integer;
   --  Data goes here
   Local : Integer;
end Obj;

Protected objects: body

Provides Exclusive access/mutual exclusion

protected Obj is
   procedure Set (V: Integer);
   function Get return Integer;
   Local : Integer;
end Obj;

protected body Obj is
   --  procedures can modify the data
   procedure Set (V: Integer) is
      Local := V;
   end Set;

   --  functions cannot modify the data
   function Get return Integer is
      return Local;
   end Get;
end Obj;

Protected objects: entries

protected Obj is
   procedure Set (V: Integer);
   entry Get (V : out Integer);
   Value : Integer;
   Is_Set : Boolean := False;
end Obj;

protected body Obj is
   procedure Set (V: Integer) is
      Local := V;
      Is_Set := True;
   end Set;

   entry Get (V : out Integer) when Is_Set is  --  Barrier
      V := Local;
      Is_Set := False;
   end Get;
end Obj;

Protected objects: entries

protected body Obj is
   procedure Set (V: Integer) is
      Local := V;
      Is_Set := True;
   end Set;

   entry Get (V : out Integer)
      when Is_Set is
      -- Entry will be blocked until the condition is true.
      -- Barrier is evaluated at call of entry, and at exit of
      -- procedures and entries.
      -- Calling task will sleep until the barrier is relieved 
      V := Local;
      Is_Set := False;
   end Get;
end Obj;

Protected types

protected type Obj is
   procedure Set (V: Integer);
   function Get return Integer;
   entry Get_Non_Zero (V : out Integer);
   Local : Integer;
end Obj;


Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error ?

task type T;
type T_array is array (Natural range <>) of T;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error ?

task type T;
type Rec is record
   N : Natural;
   P : T;
end record;

P1, P2: Rec;
P1 := P2;

Quizz 3: Does this code terminate ?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
   Ok : Boolean := False;
   protected O is
      entry P;
   end O;

   protected body O
      entry P when Ok is
         Put_Line ("OK");
      end P;
   end O;

   task T;

   task body T is begin
      delay 1.0;
      Ok := True;
   end T;

Quizz 4: Does this code terminate ?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
   Ok : Boolean := False;
   protected O is
      entry P;
      procedure P2;
   end O;
   protected body O is
      entry P when Ok is begin
         Put_Line ("OK");
      end P;
      procedure P2 is begin
      end P2;
   end O;
   task T;
   task body T is begin
      delay 1.0;
      Ok := True;
   end T;

Quizz 5: How does this code terminate ?

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is
   task T is
      entry Start;
   end T;

   task body T is
      accept Start;
      Put_Line ("I'm out");
   end T;
end Main;

Quizz 6: When does this procedure terminate ?

procedure Main is
   task type T;
   task body T is
      delay 2.0;
   end T;
   type T_Acc is access T;
   T1 : T_Acc;
   T1 := new T;
end Main;

Quizz 7: What does this code print ?

procedure Main is
   task T is
      entry Start;

   task body T is
      accept Start do
         Put_Line ("In start");
      end Start;
      Put_Line ("Out of start");
   end T;
   Put_Line ("In main");
   Put_Line ("In main 2");
end Main;

Quizz 8: Is there a compilation error ?

procedure Main is
   Ok : Boolean := False;

   protected O is
      function F return Boolean;
   end O;

   protected body O is
      function F return Boolean is
         Ok := not Ok;
         return Ok;
      end F;
   end O;

   V : Boolean;
   V := O.F;

Quizz 9: Is there a compilation error ?

procedure Main is
   protected O is
      function F return Boolean;
      Ok : Boolean := False;
   end O;

   protected body O is
      function F return Boolean is
         Ok := not Ok;
         return Ok;
      end F;
   end O;

   V : Boolean;
   V := O.F;


Type convention

type Enum is (A, B, C);
pragma Convention (C, Enum);
--                 ^ Use C convention for Enum

Type convention

with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
--  Provides C-compatible declarations

type C_Type is record
   A : int;
   B : long;
   C : unsigned;
end record;

Foreign subprograms

int my_func (int a);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

function my_func (a : int) return int
  with Import        => True,
       Convention    => C;
--  Imports function 'my_func' from C. You can now call it from Ada.

Foreign subprograms

void my___func (int a);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

procedure my_func (a : int)
  with Import        => True,
       Convention    => C,
       External_Name => "my___func";
--  Imports function 'my___func' from C.

Foreign subprograms

with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

package C_API is
   procedure My_Func (a : int)
     with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "my_func";
end C_API;

-- c_api.adb
package body C_API is
   procedure My_Func (a : int) is
      Put_Line (int'Image (a));
   end My_Func;
end C_API;
extern void my_func (int a);

Foreign variables

extern int my_var;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

my_var : int;
pragma Export (C, my_var);

Multi-language project

project Multilang is

   for Languages use ("ada", "c");

   for Source_Dirs use ("src");
   for Main use ("main.adb");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";

end Multilang;


Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error

procedure P;
   with Import => True,
        Convention => C;

procedure P is

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error

procedure P 
   with Export => True, Convention => C

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error

procedure P is
   procedure P1;
     with Export => True, Convention => C;

   procedure P1 is
   end P1;


Quizz 4: Is there a compilation error

function Get_Version return String
  with Import => True, Convention => C;

Quizz 5: Is there a compilation error

procedure Put_Str (S : String)
  with Import => True, Convention => C;

Low level


with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

procedure Dealloc is 
   type My_Acc is access My_Type;
   procedure Deallocate is new
   Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (My_Type, My_Acc);
   V : My_Acc;
   V := new My_Type;
   Deallocate (V);
   --  Release the memory, and set V to null (noop if V is already null)
end Dealloc;

Querying address

with System; use System;

package P is
   V : Integer;
   V_Addr : Address := V'Address;
   --                  ^ Address of V
end P;

Querying alignment

package P is
   V : Integer;
   V_Alignment : Integer := V'Alignment;
   --                       ^ Alignment of V
end P;

Querying size

package P is
   V : Integer;

   Typ_Size : Integer := Integer'Size;
   --                    ^ Minimum size for an Integer, in
   --                      bits (== 32)

   Typ_Size : Integer := Natural'Size;
   --                    ^ Minimum size for a Natural, in
   --                      bits (== 31)

end P;

Querying size

package P is
   Instance_Size : Integer := V'Size;
   --                         ^ Actual size, in bits

   Typ_Size : Integer := Integer'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements;
   --                    ^ Max size, in storage elements,
   --                      used to store an Int
   --                      (storage element -> byte)
end P;

Specifying address

with System; use System;

package P is
   V : Integer;

   for V’Address
   use System.Storage_Elements.To_Address (16#fff_0000#);
   --                                      ^ Must be correctly aligned
end P;

Specifying address

with System; use System;

package P is
   V : Integer
   with Address => System’To_Address (16#fff_0000#);
   --                    ^ GNAT specific attribute

   pragma Import (Ada, V);
   -- Prevents initialization
end P;

Specifying address

procedure Pouet is
   A : array (1 .. 32) of Integer;

   B : array (1 .. 32 * 4) of Character
   with Address => A'Address;
   --  B is now an overlay for A, except you manipulate
   --  memory in bytes.

   type Rec is record
      A, B : Integer;
   end Rec;

   Inst : Rec;

   C : Integer
   with Address => Inst'Address;
end Pouet;

Specifying size

with System; use System;

package P is
   V : Natural
   with Size => 32;
   --           ^ Must be large enough.
   --           ^ Compiler can choose bigger size.
end P;

Specifying alignment

with System; use System;

package P is
   V : Integer;
   with Alignment => 1;
   --                ^ Address must be a multiple of this.   
   --                  So compiler can over align.
end P;

Packing arrays

procedure BV is
   type Bit_Vector is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean;
   pragma Pack (Bit_Vector);
   B : Bit_Vector;
   Put_Line (Integer'Image (B'Size));
   -- Prints 32

Packing records

procedure Packed_Rec is
   type My_Rec is record
      A : Boolean;
      C : Natural;
   end record
   with Pack;

   R : My_Rec;
   Put_Line (Integer'Image (R'Size));
   -- Prints 32
end Packed_Rec;

Specifying record layout

type Register is range 0 .. 15;
   with Size => 4;
--  Size on type only affects components

type Opcode is (Load, Inc, Dec, ..., Mov);
   with Size => 8;

type RR_370_Instruction is record
   Code : Opcode;
   R1   : Register;
   R2   : Register;
end record;

for RR_370_Instruction use record
   Code at 0 range 0 .. 7;
   R1 at 1 range 0 .. 3;
   R2 at 1 range 4 .. 7;
end record;

Bit to bit conversion

with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;

procedure Unconv is
   subtype Str4 is String (1 .. 4);
   function To_Str4 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer, Str4);

   V : Integer;
   S : Str4;
   S := To_Str4 (V)
end Unconv;

Pragma Volatile

V : Integer;
pragma Volatile (V);

Pragma Atomic

V : Integer;
pragma Atomic (V);

Pragma Inline

package P is
   procedure Proc (A : Integer);
   pragma Inline (Proc);
   --  Compiler can read the body
end P;

Object oriented programming


package P is
   type My_Class is tagged null record;
   --  Just like a regular record, but with tagged qualifier
   --  Methods are outside of the type definition
   procedure Do_Something (Self : in out My_Class);
end P;


package P is
   type My_Class is tagged null record;

   type Derived is new My_Class with record
       A, B : Integer;
       --  You can add field in derived types.
   end record;
end P;


package P is
   type My_Class is tagged record
      Id : Integer;
   end record;

   procedure Foo (Self : My_Class);
   --  If you define a procedure taking a My_Class argument,
   --  in the same package, it will be a method.

   type Derived is new My_Class with null record;

   overriding procedure Foo (Self : My_Class);
   --  overriding qualifier is optional, but if it is here,
   --  it must be valid.
end P;

Dispatching calls

with P; use P;

procedure Main is
   Instance   : My_Class;
   Instance_2 : Derived;
   Foo (Instance);
   --  Static (non dispatching) call to Foo of My_Class

   Foo (Instance_2);
   --  Static (non dispatching) call to Foo of Derived
end Main;

Dispatching calls

with P; use P;

procedure Main is
   Instance   : My_Class'Class := My_Class'(12);
   --           ^ Denotes the classwide type
   --             Needs to be initialized
   --  Classwide type can be My_Class or any descendent of
   --  My_Class
   Instance_2 : My_Class'Class := Derived'(12);
   Foo (Instance);
   --  Dynamic (dispatching) call to Foo of My_Class

   Foo (Instance_2);
   --  Dynamic (dispatching) call to Foo of Derived
end Main;

Dispatching calls

with P; use P;

procedure Main is
   Instance   : My_Class'Class := My_Class'(12);
   Instance_2 : My_Class'Class := Derived'(12);
   Foo (Instance);
   --  Dynamic (dispatching) call to Foo of My_Class

   Foo (Instance_2);
   --  Dynamic (dispatching) call to Foo of Derived
end Main;


with P; use P;

procedure Main is
   Instance   : Derived'Class := Derived'(12);
   Instance_2 : My_Class'Class := Instance;
   -- Implicit conversion from Derived'Class to My_Class'Class
   Instance   : My_Class := My_Class (Instance_2);
   --                       ^ Can convert from 'Class to definite
   Instance_2 : Derived;
   Instance := My_Class (Instance_2);
   --          ^ Explicit conversion from definite derived
   --            object to definite My_Class (called view
   --            conversion)
   Instance_2 := Derived (Instance);
   --            ^ COMPILE ERROR, from definite base to definite subclass
      D : Derived'Class := Derived'Class (Instance_2);
      --                   ^ From classwide base to classwide subclasss
end Main;

Dot notation

with P;

procedure Main is
   Instance   : P.My_Class'Class := My_Class'(12);
   --  Call to procedure Foo, with dot notation.
   --  Procedure is visible even though not in scope.
end Main;

Quizz: Object oriented programming

Quizz 1: Is there a compilation error?

package P is
   type T is tagged null record;
   procedure Proc (V : T);
end P;

-- main.adb
with P;
procedure Main is
   V : P.T;
   Proc (V);
end Main;

Quizz 2: Is there a compilation error?

package P is
   type T1 is record
      F1 : Integer;
   end record;

   type T2 is new T1 with record
      F2 : Integer;
   end record;
end P;

Quizz 3: Is there a compilation error?

package P is
   type T1 is range 1 .. 10;
   procedure Proc (V : T1);

   type T2 is new T1;

   type T3 is new T2;
   overriding procedure Proc (V : T3);
end P;

Quizz 4: Who is called ?

package Pck is
   type Root is tagged null record;
   procedure P (V : Root);

   type Child is new Root with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Child);

   type Grand_Child is new Child with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Grand_Child);
end Pck;

--  main.adb
with Pck;
procedure Main is
   V : Pck.Child;

Quizz 5: Who is called ?

package Pck is
   type Root is tagged null record;
   procedure P (V : Root);

   type Child is new Root with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Child);

   type Grand_Child is new Child with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Grand_Child);
end Pck;

--  main.adb
with Pck;
procedure Main is
   V : Child'Class := Grand_Child'(others => <>);

Quizz 6: Who is called ?

package Pck is
   type Root is tagged null record;
   procedure P (V : Root);

   type Child is new Root with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Child);

   type Grand_Child is new Child with null record;
   overriding procedure P (V : Grand_Child);
end Pck;

--  main.adb
with Pck;
procedure Main is
   W : Grand_Child;
   V : Child := Child (W);

Quizz 7: Who is called ?

with Pck; use Pck;
package body Pck2 is
   procedure Call (V : Root) is
   end Call;
end Pck2;

--  main.adb
with Pck, Pck2; use Pck, Pck2;
procedure Main is
   V : Child;
   Call (Root (V));

Quizz 8: Who is called ?

--  pck2.adb/s
with Pck; use Pck;
package body Pck2 is
   procedure Call (V : Root'Class) is
   end Call;
end Pck2;

--  main.adb
with Pck, Pck2; use Pck, Pck2;
procedure Main is
   V : Child;
   Call (V);