Documentation and video/image assets created for the website should be licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 International license, unless otherwise prevented (such as if an asset is derived from another work). Code, markup, and data (twig, HTML, JS, CSS, sass, yaml, json) created for the site will be licensed under the MIT license.
- _documentation/
- assets/images/announcements/
- assets/images/documentation/
- assets/images/hexagonal-camo.png
- assets/images/opengraph.jpg
- assets/images/home/bzteaser.jpg
- assets/images/home/flying_tank.jpg
- assets/images/media/
- assets/images/screenshots/
- assets/images/home/blue_laser.png
- assets/images/home/blue_super_bullet.png
- assets/images/home/guided_missile.png
- assets/bzflag-logo-combo.svg (the logo part of the SVG, not the font)
- favicon.ico
- assets/js/main.js (except for the getOS function)
- assets/js/screenshots.js
- _data
- _datasets
- _includes
- _layouts
- _pages
- _sass/abstracts/functions/_math.scss
- _sass/abstracts/_mixins.scss
- _sass/abstracts/_variables.scss
- _sass/components/
- _sass/layout/_background.scss
- _sass/layout/_base.scss
- _sass/layout/_documentation.scss
- _sass/layout/_footer.scss
- _sass/layout/_header.scss
- _sass/layout/_navigation.scss
- _sass/layout/_typography.scss
- _sass/pages/
- _sass/utilities/
- _sass/styles.scss.twig
- _sources/hexagonal-camo.php
- _sass/layout/_hamburger.scss
- _sass/abstracts/functions/_assets.scss
- _sass/abstracts/functions/_gradients.scss (CodePen's terms state that public pens are MIT licensed)
- _sass/abstracts/functions/_strings.scss
- Bootstrap
- _sass/_bootstrap.scss
- _sass/vendor/_bootstrap-reboot.scss
- PhotoSwipe by Dmitry Semenov - MIT License (with one exception: "Do not create a public WordPress plugin based on it")
- assets/images/photoswipe/
- assets/js/photoswipe*.js
- _sass/vendor/photoswipe/
- Plyr
- assets/images/plyr.svg
- assets/js/plyr.js
- _sass/vendor/_plyr.scss
- assets/images/help/megaphone.svg - Megaphone by Creative Stall from the Noun Project - CC-BY 3.0 US License
- assets/images/help/bug.svg - debug by Lemon Liu from the Noun Project - CC-BY 3.0 US License
- assets/images/help/book.svg - Book by Deemak Daksina from the Noun Project - CC-BY 3.0 US License
- assets/images/help/question.svg - FAQ by ProSymbols from the Noun Project - CC-BY 3.0 US License
- assets/images/help/chat-bubbles.svg - chat icon from the Starter Icons Collection from the Noun Project - Public Domain
- assets/images/macOS.svg - Apple by zidney from the Noun Project - CC-BY 3.0 US License
- assets/images/Windows.svg - Windows Logo - Public Domain
- Operating system logos are copyright and/or trademark their respective owners.
- highlight.js (just the monokai.css file for styling) - BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
- _sass/vendor/highlightjs/
- assets/js/main.js - (the getOS function only) by Vladyslav Turak - CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported