What is Civic Hacking? To paraphrase this article on opengovdata.io:
"Civic hackers are programmers, designers, data scientists, good communicators, civic organizers, entrepreneurs, government employees and anyone willing to get her hands dirty solving problems."
We're a Code for America Brigade.
There is a Slack group set up: bmghack.slack.com
Link to join(updated 2020.02)
We've also configured a low volume Google Group so that everyone can stay connected: Google Group
Meetings happen on the first Thursday of every month, although lately more activity has been happening on Slack. Tech skills aren't necessary to participate, only a willingness to collaborate to make our community better.
Our scheduled meetings are:
Have an idea for a civic problem that needs a solution? Add it to the project page and find others interested in solving the problem. You can also browse code for america's civic tech project page for additional ideas.