As we are finalizing the code for GA, we need to make a small breaking to the VHD Output, where we will not return a SAS URI, but a BLOB URI.
NOTE: This will only impact builds from the 25th May 2021.
When you specify a VHD output the VHD is placed in the staging resource group, you then query the runOutput:
az resource show \
--ids "/subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourcegroups/$imageResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/$imageTemplateName/runOutputs/$runOutputName" \
--api-version=2020-02-14 | grep artifactUri
This then would return a SAS URI which could be downloaded, for example:\u0026sig=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\u0026sp=r\u0026spr=https\u0026sr=b\u0026sv=2018-03-28
Instead of returning the SAS URI, we will just return the BLOB URI:
If you wish to download them, you will need to either:
- Generate a SAS URI as a post build step
- Use an Azure storage client to download the VHD.
In this example we will create another resource group and create a managed disk from the VHD URI emitted from image builder. A SAS token is generated from the managed disk.
# location must be same as AIB service location
az group create -n $diskResGrp -l $location
# get disk URI from build
vhdResId=$(az resource show --ids /subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourcegroups/$imageResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/$imageTemplateName/runOutputs/$runOutputName --query 'properties.artifactUri')
# create a disk
# Note! This command will fail with 'Bad Request if a SAS token' is in the $vhdResId, it must be a resourceId.
az disk create -g $diskResGrp -n $buildDiskName --source $vhdResId
# get the SAS from the disk
sasURI=$(az disk grant-access --access-level Read --duration-in-seconds 36 --name $buildDiskName --resource-group $diskResGrp --query 'accessSas')
# download the disk
Use the same technique as you have previously done (curl, wget, invoke-webrequest etc..).
# cleanup
az group delete -g $diskResGrp -y