When a new document is uploaded, the document is processed and marked ready to process. The /filebatch/upload
endpoint in the .\src\ChatWYData.DocumentsApi\EndPoints\FileBatchEndpoints.cs
file handles the uploading of files and their processing for storage and further operations. Here is a high-level overview of its functionality:
- Document Initialization. Creates a new Document object with the file name and content type from the upload request.
- Upload the file to Azure Blob Storage.
- Checks if the file already exists in the blob storage and updates it if necessary.
- Update Process Batch Queue. Checks if a FileProcessBatch entry already exists for the file.
- Saves the changes to the database.
- Return Response
[*] --> StartUpload: Start file upload
StartUpload --> LogUploadRequest: Log file upload request
LogUploadRequest --> InitializeDocument: Initialize document object
InitializeDocument --> UploadToBlob: Upload file to blob storage
UploadToBlob --> CheckFileProcessBatch: Check if file process batch exists
CheckFileProcessBatch --> CreateFileProcessBatch: Create new file process batch
CheckFileProcessBatch --> UpdateFileProcessBatch: Update existing file process batch
CreateFileProcessBatch --> SaveChanges: Save changes to database
UpdateFileProcessBatch --> SaveChanges: Save changes to database
SaveChanges --> CreateResponse: Create file batch upload response
CreateResponse --> LogCompletion: Log upload completion
LogCompletion --> [*]: Return response
The /filebatch/processdoc
endpoint in the .\src\ChatWYData.DocumentsApi\EndPoints\FileBatchEndpoints.cs
file handles the processing of uploaded documents.
Here is a high-level overview of its functionality:
- Retrieve File Batch from Database. Fetches the FileProcessBatch entry for the given file name from the database.
- Download File from Blob Storage. Retrieves the file content from Azure Blob Storage using the Blob URI.
- Search or Create Document in Database
- Generate Markdown Content
- Converts the file content to Markdown using the MarkdownApiService.
- Updates the document with the generated Markdown content.
- Important: in Windows development, the app uses the
project to generate the markdown content. When the app is running on Linux (like when deployed to Azure)m the app usesChatWYData.MarkDown.MarkitdownBashApi
to generate the markdown content.
- Upsert Document in Vector Store. Adds the document to the vector store using the VectorStoreApiService.
- Generate Document Description. Generates a description for the document using the DescriptionApiService.
- Update Database with Document Information
- Complete Processing. Returns the response object.
This endpoint ensures that documents are processed, converted to Markdown, added to the vector store, described, and updated in the database, providing a comprehensive workflow for document management.
[*] --> StartProcessing: Start processing document
StartProcessing --> RetrieveFileBatch: Retrieve file batch from database
RetrieveFileBatch --> FileBatchNotFound: File batch not found
RetrieveFileBatch --> UpdateStatusStart: Update status to "starting process"
UpdateStatusStart --> DownloadFile: Download file from blob storage
DownloadFile --> SearchOrCreateDocument: Search or create document in database
SearchOrCreateDocument --> UpdateStatusSaved: Update status to "document saved to database"
UpdateStatusSaved --> GenerateMarkdown: Generate Markdown content
GenerateMarkdown --> UpdateStatusMarkdown: Update status to "document markdown generated"
UpdateStatusMarkdown --> UpsertVectorStore: Upsert document in vector store
UpsertVectorStore --> UpdateStatusVector: Update status to "vector store document information saved"
UpdateStatusVector --> GenerateDescription: Generate document description
GenerateDescription --> UpdateStatusDescription: Update status to "document description generated"
UpdateStatusDescription --> SaveOrUpdateDatabase: Save or update document in database
SaveOrUpdateDatabase --> UpdateStatusDone: Update status to "document updated in the database"
UpdateStatusDone --> CompleteProcessing: Update status to "done"
CompleteProcessing --> [*]: Return response
Each conversation in the Chat App:
- Initialize Response
- Generate a query for Azure AI Search.
- Generate an embedding for the search query.
- Search
- Define search options like maximum results and vector property name.
- Execute a vectorized search on the document collection.
- Filter and collect documents based on the minimum score.
- Generate Response Message:
- If documents are found, generate a friendly response message.
- If no documents are found, generate a response from the user's query.
- Return the Response
[*] --> StartSearch: Start search request
StartSearch --> LogSearchRequest: Log search request details
LogSearchRequest --> InitializeResponse: Initialize search response object
InitializeResponse --> GenerateSearchQuery: Generate search query for Azure AI Search
GenerateSearchQuery --> GenerateEmbedding: Generate embedding for search query
GenerateEmbedding --> DefineSearchOptions: Define search options
DefineSearchOptions --> PerformSearch: Perform vectorized search
PerformSearch --> FilterResults: Filter and collect search results
FilterResults --> CheckDocumentsFound: Check if any documents were found
CheckDocumentsFound --> GenerateFriendlyResponse: Generate friendly response message
CheckDocumentsFound --> GenerateDirectResponse: Generate response from user's query
GenerateFriendlyResponse --> LogCompletion: Log search completion
GenerateDirectResponse --> LogCompletion: Log search completion
LogCompletion --> [*]: Return response