Goal of this sample is to acceleratre deployment of Industrial IoT Visibility Patterns. There is no one size fits all solution, as there are many considerations, please review them before moving your workload to production.
Operational Visiblity enables manufacturers to gain insights & drive decision-making to improve quality and be more efficient and improve safety. There are many data sources including Historians, IIoT telemetry, Operational Systems like MES, ERP, etc. that are key for building a Visibility Control Tower. In this sample we will use the IIoT telemetry data gathered from our previous Connectivity Sample and try to understand trends via time series analysis, perform anomaly detection, root cause analysis and trigger alerts & actions based on anomalies.
You have Connectivity Deployment Sample working, or have your IIoT data in Data Explorer already.
Add new
tag in Kepware which changes every 15 min. Use the LineSimulationDemo-2.json file to update the configuration. -
Add the
tag in opcconfig.json file as shown. -
Copy the update file to EFLOW VM and verify the update in PowerShell:
Copy-EflowVMFile -fromFile "opcconfig.json" -toFile ~\opcconfig\opcconfig.json -pushFile
sudo iotedge logs OPCPublisher --tail 20
Analyzing telemetry data can provide insights such as monitoring service health, physical production processes, and usage trends. Data Explorer contains native support for creation, manipulation, and analysis of multiple time series. For this sample we will build some queries to perform time series analysis and also build a near real-time dashboard to montior all our lines.
Open TimeSeriesQueries.kql file in Data Explorer Web UI
Plot Temperature Sensor for Line 1 with Seasonal, Trend, and Residual components.
Plot Anomalies for Humidity Sensor on Line 1.
In the Data Explorer Web UI, click on Dashboards > New Dashboard > Import Dashboard file and import the iiot-operational-visibility-dashboard.json file.
Click on the
IIoT Operational Visibility
Anomaly detection is the first step towards predicitve maintenance. It helps understand our baseline of what "normal" looks like, and detects values that are above or below the normal line. It depends on the process and sensor calibration but a simple approach could be to set a hard threshold to send alerts if the normal value goes above/below 2 or 3 standard deviations. This works well when in normal scenarios.
For more complex scenarios, which includes analyzing & correlating multiple sensor values, a better approach may be to use machine learning algorithms that can detect trends over a large corpus of data and extract correlations between mulitple variables simultaneously.
In this sample we will use Metrics Advisor service to setup anomaly detection using machine learning (smart detection), and see how we can perform some root cause analysis.
Setup Metrics Advisor
Create a new Metrics Advisor resource using azure portal in the same region as your Data Explorer.
Sign in to the Metrics Advisor Portal and verify the access.
Assign Databse permissions to Metrics Advisor using Managed Identity of the Metrics Advisor resource. Assign Database permissions using Permissions > Add, and then select the Metrics Advisor name in the Principals list.
Create the connection string as:
Data Source=<Data Explorer Cluster URI>;Initial Catalog=<Database>
Data onboarding
Add data feed to fetch data every 1 min using the above connection string and below query:
telemetry | where SourceTimestamp >= datetime(@IntervalStart) and SourceTimestamp < datetime(@IntervalEnd) | summarize avg(todouble(Value)) by ExpandedNodeId, DataSetWriterID, bin(SourceTimestamp, 1m) | project SensorTag = replace_string(ExpandedNodeId,"nsu=KEPServerEX;s=Simulator.",""), SensorValue = avg_Value, SourceTimestamp
Click on
Load Data
, select the Dimension, Measure and Timestamp columns as show below andVerify Schema
Keep the other defaults AS-IS, we don't need to setup automatic rollups as we have already done the 1 minute rollup in our data explorer query. And use Smart filling for missing points.
Provide a data feed name
and clickSubmit
Click on the Visit Data Feed button, it should redirect to the data feed progress page. You can also click on Data feeds in the left navigation menu to see this page.
Anomaly detection
From the Data feed page, click on the
Metric name to setup anomaly configuration. -
Click on
Choose Series
and select all theHumidity
tags. -
For the Metric-level configuration, select
Hard threshold
and click Save. The dashboard should immediately show the anomalies based on the threshold. -
From the image above you can see that
has most number of anomalies in that date range. -
Click on the
and we can drill down further to understand the details of the anomaly.
Root Cause Analysis
Let the Metrics Advisor run for few minutes and then click on
Incident hub
to perform deeper analysis on each of the anomaly incident. -
Click on
for further drill down and cross dimension diagnostic drill down. -
Add/Remove relevant cross dimensions in the chart to perform root cause analysis.
Create Logic App Workflow
For this sample we have created a simple workflow to send an email with the anomal details
Update values in anomaly-alert-workflow.json file
: Key from Metrics Advisor Resource in Azure Portal -
: API key from the Metrics Advisor Portal -
: Email address to send the Alert Email -
Replace additional connector details if you're using another email connector than the Office 365 Outlook connector.
Replace the placeholder subscription values (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) for your connection identifiers (connectionId and id) under the connections parameter ($connections) with your own subscription values. Also replace the resource group name
with your resource group name in connectionId
Deploy new logic app workflow using Azure CLI:
az logic workflow create --resource-group "iiotsample" --location "westus2" --name "anomaly-alert-workflow" --definition "anomaly-alert-workflow.json"
Open the Workflow in Azure Portal and copy HTTP POST URL
Create Metrics Advisor Hook
Open Metrics Advisor Portal and create a new hook as shown below. Use the workflow HTTP POST URL copied from above step
Create Metrics Advisor Alerts
In Metrics Advisor Portal, click on
Data feeds
(Metric name) and add new Alerting Configuration as show below: -
Example Alert Email
Click the Alert count on the Incident hub to drill down on each Alert.
Data Lakehouse is an emerging pattern in the data platform world. The key aspect is that traditional Data Lakes have now advanced and many of the capabilities can overlap with a traditional Data Warehouse. In lot of scenarios it is much more flexible to store the raw data in a Data Lake and use services like Azure Synapse Analytics to process and query that data using T-SQL.
There are multiple ways to push telemetry data from IoT Hub to a Data lake. For this sample we will use the built-in route available in IoT Hub to push the data in AVRO format to a Data Lake. We will use this data in later samples to build machine learning models.
Create Data Lake
Create a Storage Account with hierarchical namespace
az storage account create --name iiotmfgdatalake --resource-group iiotsample --location westus2 --sku Standard_RAGRS --kind StorageV2 --enable-hierarchical-namespace true
az storage fs create -n raw --account-name iiotmfgdatalake --auth-mode login
Create Message Routing in IoT Hub
az iot hub identity assign --name iiotmfghub --resource-group iiotsample --system-assigned
Storage Blob Data Contributor
permissions onraw
data lake container toiiotmfghub
managed identity -
Add new routing endpoint to Storage
Validate data in Data Lake