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Automating GIS processes/ FEC 2017!

Python <3 GIS

This repo contains the source files of course material available at The course you to the basic concepts of computer programming in the Python programming language and

Materials are based on a python-course taught at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki:

Course topics

Lecture notes

Building the GitHub-pages

This course website has been constructed in a similar way as the full automating GIS-processes pages. The pages are built using Sphinx with modified version of the Read The Docs theme. The following packages are needed in order to modify the pages (We recommend using conda from Anaconda Python distribution package):

  • Sphinx

    conda install -c anaconda sphinx=1.5.1
  • Read The Docs Theme

    conda install -c anaconda sphinx_rtd_theme=0.1.9

.rst files

Sphinx uses .rst -files (reStucturedText), and thus the source for the pages need to be written into .rst-files. Markdown-dokuments .md can be converted to .rst -format using (converts all .md-files from the source directory to .rst-files).

.rst -files for these course pages are found under the source -folder, and .html pages in the docs -folder (these are automatically generated using the make.bat command, see below).

Building the pages

Shinx pages need to be built into html-format before publishing online.

  • If you are starting from scratch, make sure you have a branch gh-pages.

git branch -a

If you can't see gh-pages in the list (in addition to master-branch), create it using

git branch gh-pages -command in the Terminal-window (you only need to do this once!)

Generate html-files

  • html-pages are built using the make.bat -batchfile:

make html (html-files will be under the docs-folder in the master-branch - useful if you don't want to publish changes straight away!)

make gh-pages (html-files are generated under the docs-folder in the gh-pages-branch - by default changes will be published online)

  • Note! When building site with make gh-pages it is necessary to have a folder called data with at least a single template file in the root of the repo. Typically you end up having there many files but it is important to have at least a single file there when starting to build your site.

##Publish gh-pages online

  • in GitHub, go to settings-page of the repo and set the Source for GitHub Pages to gh-pages branch.