usage: [-h] [--url URL | --host HOST] [--index INDEX] [--size SIZE] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--fields FIELDS]
[--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [-C C] [--kibana] [--query QUERY | --q Q]
[--scroll_jump_id SCROLL_JUMP_ID] [--slices SLICES | --search_after SEARCH_AFTER]
Dump elasticsearch index/indices without breaking.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL Full ES query url to dump, http[s]://host:port/index/_search?q=...
--host HOST ES OR Kibana host, http[s]://host:port
--index INDEX Index name or index pattern, for example, logstash-* will work as well. Use _all for all indices
--size SIZE Scroll size
--timeout TIMEOUT Read timeout. Wait time for long queries.
--fields FIELDS Filter output source fields. Separate keys with , (comma).
--username USERNAME Username to auth with
--password PASSWORD Password to auth with
-C C Enable HTTP compression. Might not work on some older ES versions.
--kibana Whether target is Kibana
--query QUERY Query string in Elasticsearch DSL format. Include parts inside \{\} only.
--q Q Query string in Lucene query format.
--scroll_jump_id SCROLL_JUMP_ID
When scroll session is expired, use this to jump to last doc _id. (Must delete existing .session file)
--slices SLICES Number of slices to use. Default to None (no slice). This uses sliced scroll in ES.
--search_after SEARCH_AFTER
Recover dump using search_after with sort by _doc