Antares_Simulator is quite a large project, with a few large submodules. In file .git/config, you can add this line to all [submodule] sections
ignore = all
This way git won't waste time computing diff on these when checking out, diffing commits, etc. git operations should be a lot faster. Keep in mind that your submodules won't be updated.
The UI takes up a good chunk of compilation time. It is enabled by default, byt you can disable it by providing CMake with this option at configure time
cmake -S src [...] -DBUILD_UI=OFF
At configure time, you may specify Ninja for generation instead of traditional Make. This will speed up the update step after you made small changes to the code.
cmake -S src [...] -G Ninja
Note that you may need to install Ninja first (package ninja-build
on Ubuntu).
If you use antares-x.y-solver
often, you may find it convenient to add it's location to your PATH. In your .bashrc, add (with slight variations)
export PATH="$PATH:path/to/Antares_Simulator/build/solver
Then you can open a terminal and execute antares-x.y-solver by just typing