From e8a0d6ffc59aa3ff40664080d99362e188cf48eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mabw-rte <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 11:35:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat(permission-db): check user permission through the db
 query (#1931)

Additionally to ANT-1107 related tags db management, another problem of
permission filtering is blocking the pagination from working properly.

The permission to read studies in the search engine function is
performed after the db query. This is creating a problem for our
pagination process.

Pass on the permission status directly in queries to the db.
 antarest/launcher/                  |   8 +-
 antarest/study/                  | 142 ++++-
 antarest/study/                     |  39 +-
 .../study/storage/     |   7 +-
 antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/    |   1 +
 antarest/study/web/       |   9 +-
 .../studies_blueprint/     | 599 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/storage/repository/        |   4 +-
 tests/storage/                 |  23 +-
 tests/study/                | 373 ++++++++++-
 10 files changed, 1111 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/antarest/launcher/ b/antarest/launcher/
index 4c4ea9aa15..3165df48c7 100644
--- a/antarest/launcher/
+++ b/antarest/launcher/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 from antarest.launcher.repository import JobResultRepository
 from antarest.launcher.ssh_client import calculates_slurm_load
 from antarest.launcher.ssh_config import SSHConfigDTO
-from import StudyFilter
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter
 from import StudyService
 from import assert_permission, extract_output_name, find_single_output_path
@@ -312,7 +312,11 @@ def _filter_from_user_permission(self, job_results: List[JobResult], user: Optio
         if study_ids:
             studies = {
-                for study in self.study_service.repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(study_ids=study_ids))
+                for study in self.study_service.repository.get_all(
+                    study_filter=StudyFilter(
+                        study_ids=study_ids, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(user)
+                    )
+                )
             studies = {}
diff --git a/antarest/study/ b/antarest/study/
index 25cdd77dd7..6e89d33d5a 100644
--- a/antarest/study/
+++ b/antarest/study/
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
 import typing as t
 from pydantic import BaseModel, NonNegativeInt
-from sqlalchemy import func, not_, or_  # type: ignore
-from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, joinedload, with_polymorphic  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy import and_, func, not_, or_, sql  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session, joinedload, with_polymorphic  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.interfaces.cache import ICache
+from antarest.core.jwt import JWTUser
+from antarest.core.model import PublicMode
+from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
 from antarest.login.model import Group
 from import DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME, RawStudy, Study, StudyAdditionalData, Tag
@@ -34,6 +37,43 @@ def escape_like(string: str, escape_char: str = "\\") -> str:
     return string.replace(escape_char, escape_char * 2).replace("%", escape_char + "%").replace("_", escape_char + "_")
+class AccessPermissions(BaseModel, frozen=True, extra="forbid"):
+    """
+    This class object is build to pass on the user identity and its associated groups information
+    into the listing function get_all below
+    """
+    is_admin: bool = False
+    user_id: t.Optional[int] = None
+    user_groups: t.Sequence[str] = ()
+    @classmethod
+    def from_params(cls, params: t.Union[RequestParameters, JWTUser]) -> "AccessPermissions":
+        """
+        This function makes it easier to pass on user ids and groups into the repository filtering function by
+        extracting the associated `AccessPermissions` object.
+        Args:
+            params: `RequestParameters` or `JWTUser` holding user ids and groups
+        Returns: `AccessPermissions`
+        """
+        if isinstance(params, RequestParameters):
+            user = params.user
+        else:
+            user = params
+        if user:
+            return cls(
+                is_admin=user.is_site_admin() or user.is_admin_token(),
+      ,
+                user_groups=[ for group in user.groups],
+            )
+        else:
+            return cls()
 class StudyFilter(BaseModel, frozen=True, extra="forbid"):
     """Study filter class gathering the main filtering parameters
@@ -50,6 +90,7 @@ class StudyFilter(BaseModel, frozen=True, extra="forbid"):
         exists: if raw study missing
         workspace: optional workspace of the study
         folder: optional folder prefix of the study
+        access_permissions: query user ID, groups and admins status
     name: str = ""
@@ -64,6 +105,7 @@ class StudyFilter(BaseModel, frozen=True, extra="forbid"):
     exists: t.Optional[bool] = None
     workspace: str = ""
     folder: str = ""
+    access_permissions: AccessPermissions = AccessPermissions()
 class StudySortBy(str, enum.Enum):
@@ -198,6 +240,63 @@ def get_all(
         # efficiently (see: `AbstractStorageService.get_study_information`)
         entity = with_polymorphic(Study, "*")
+        q = self._search_studies(study_filter)
+        # sorting
+        if sort_by:
+            if sort_by == StudySortBy.DATE_DESC:
+                q = q.order_by(entity.created_at.desc())
+            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.DATE_ASC:
+                q = q.order_by(entity.created_at.asc())
+            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.NAME_DESC:
+                q = q.order_by(func.upper(
+            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.NAME_ASC:
+                q = q.order_by(func.upper(
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError(sort_by)
+        # pagination
+        if pagination.page_nb or pagination.page_size:
+            q = q.offset(pagination.page_nb * pagination.page_size).limit(pagination.page_size)
+        studies: t.Sequence[Study] = q.all()
+        return studies
+    def count_studies(self, study_filter: StudyFilter = StudyFilter()) -> int:
+        """
+        Count all studies matching with specified filters.
+        Args:
+            study_filter: composed of all filtering criteria.
+        Returns:
+            Integer, corresponding to total number of studies matching with specified filters.
+        """
+        q = self._search_studies(study_filter)
+        total: int = q.count()
+        return total
+    def _search_studies(
+        self,
+        study_filter: StudyFilter,
+    ) -> Query:
+        """
+        Build a `SQL Query` based on specified filters.
+        Args:
+            study_filter: composed of all filtering criteria.
+        Returns:
+            The `Query` corresponding to specified criteria (except for permissions).
+        """
+        # When we fetch a study, we also need to fetch the associated owner and groups
+        # to check the permissions of the current user efficiently.
+        # We also need to fetch the additional data to display the study information
+        # efficiently (see: `AbstractStorageService.get_study_information`)
+        entity = with_polymorphic(Study, "*")
         # noinspection PyTypeChecker
         q = self.session.query(entity)
         if study_filter.exists is not None:
@@ -216,11 +315,9 @@ def get_all(
                 q = q.filter(entity.type == "rawstudy")
                 q = q.filter(RawStudy.workspace != DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME)
         if study_filter.study_ids:
-            q = q.filter(
+            q = q.filter( if study_filter.study_ids else q
         if study_filter.users:
             q = q.filter(entity.owner_id.in_(study_filter.users))
-        if study_filter.groups:
-            q = q.join(entity.groups).filter(
         if study_filter.tags:
             upper_tags = [tag.upper() for tag in study_filter.tags]
             q = q.join(entity.tags).filter(func.upper(Tag.label).in_(upper_tags))
@@ -242,24 +339,27 @@ def get_all(
         if study_filter.versions:
             q = q.filter(entity.version.in_(study_filter.versions))
-        if sort_by:
-            if sort_by == StudySortBy.DATE_DESC:
-                q = q.order_by(entity.created_at.desc())
-            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.DATE_ASC:
-                q = q.order_by(entity.created_at.asc())
-            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.NAME_DESC:
-                q = q.order_by(func.upper(
-            elif sort_by == StudySortBy.NAME_ASC:
-                q = q.order_by(func.upper(
+        # permissions + groups filtering
+        if not study_filter.access_permissions.is_admin and study_filter.access_permissions.user_id is not None:
+            condition_1 = entity.public_mode != PublicMode.NONE
+            condition_2 = entity.owner_id == study_filter.access_permissions.user_id
+            q1 = q.join(entity.groups).filter(
+            if study_filter.groups:
+                q2 = q.join(entity.groups).filter(
+                q2 = q1.intersect(q2)
+                q = q2.union(
+                    q.join(entity.groups).filter(and_(or_(condition_1, condition_2),
+                )
-                raise NotImplementedError(sort_by)
-        # pagination
-        if pagination.page_nb or pagination.page_size:
-            q = q.offset(pagination.page_nb * pagination.page_size).limit(pagination.page_size)
+                q = q1.union(q.filter(or_(condition_1, condition_2)))
+        elif not study_filter.access_permissions.is_admin and study_filter.access_permissions.user_id is None:
+            # return empty result
+            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
+            q = self.session.query(entity).filter(sql.false())
+        elif study_filter.groups:
+            q = q.join(entity.groups).filter(
-        studies: t.Sequence[Study] = q.all()
-        return studies
+        return q
     def get_all_raw(self, exists: t.Optional[bool] = None) -> t.Sequence[RawStudy]:
         query = self.session.query(RawStudy)
diff --git a/antarest/study/ b/antarest/study/
index 9b22ae7638..81af28a473 100644
--- a/antarest/study/
+++ b/antarest/study/
@@ -96,7 +96,13 @@
-from import StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository, StudyPagination, StudySortBy
+from import (
+    AccessPermissions,
+    StudyFilter,
+    StudyMetadataRepository,
+    StudyPagination,
+    StudySortBy,
 from import adjust_matrix_columns_index
 from import FileStudyTreeConfigDTO
 from import ChildNotFoundError
@@ -445,7 +451,6 @@ def edit_comments(
     def get_studies_information(
-        params: RequestParameters,
         study_filter: StudyFilter,
         sort_by: t.Optional[StudySortBy] = None,
         pagination: StudyPagination = StudyPagination(),
@@ -453,7 +458,6 @@ def get_studies_information(
         Get information for matching studies of a search query.
-            params: request parameters
             study_filter: filtering parameters
             sort_by: how to sort the db query results
             pagination: set offset and limit for db query
@@ -472,18 +476,7 @@ def get_studies_information(
             study_metadata = self._try_get_studies_information(study)
             if study_metadata is not None:
                 studies[] = study_metadata
-        return {
-   s
-            for s in filter(
-                lambda study_dto: assert_permission(
-                    params.user,
-                    study_dto,
-                    StudyPermissionType.READ,
-                    raising=False,
-                ),
-                studies.values(),
-            )
-        }
+        return studies
     def _try_get_studies_information(self, study: Study) -> t.Optional[StudyMetadataDTO]:
@@ -2139,10 +2132,24 @@ def update_matrix(
             raise BadEditInstructionException(str(exc)) from exc
     def check_and_update_all_study_versions_in_database(self, params: RequestParameters) -> None:
+        """
+        This function updates studies version on the db.
+        **Warnings: Only users with Admins rights should be able to run this function.**
+        Args:
+            params: Request parameters holding user ID and groups
+        Raises:
+            UserHasNotPermissionError: if params user is not admin.
+        """
         if params.user and not params.user.is_site_admin():
             logger.error(f"User {} is not site admin")
             raise UserHasNotPermissionError()
-        studies = self.repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=False))
+        studies = self.repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=False, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params))
+        )
         for study in studies:
             storage = self.storage_service.raw_study_service
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/ b/antarest/study/storage/
index 911b715f2d..a1eafc40a3 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
 from import RawStudy, Study
-from import StudyFilter
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter
 from import StudyService
 from import VariantStudy
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ def __init__(self, study_service: StudyService, config: Config):
     def _try_archive_studies(self) -> None:
         old_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(
         with db():
-            studies: t.Sequence[Study] = self.study_service.repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=True))
+            # in this part full `Read` rights over studies are granted to this function
+            studies: t.Sequence[Study] = self.study_service.repository.get_all(
+                study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=True, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+            )
             # list of study IDs and boolean indicating if it's a raw study (True) or a variant (False)
             study_ids_to_archive = [
                 (, isinstance(study, RawStudy))
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/ b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/
index d2b5c9883c..8f593ce0d6 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ def _loop(self) -> None:
                 "Removing duplicates, this is a temporary fix that should be removed when previous duplicates are removed"
             with db():
+                # in this part full `Read` rights over studies are granted to this function
         except Exception as e:
             logger.error("Unexpected error when removing duplicates", exc_info=e)
diff --git a/antarest/study/web/ b/antarest/study/web/
index beeecd65c5..9007ed2894 100644
--- a/antarest/study/web/
+++ b/antarest/study/web/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 from antarest.core.filetransfer.service import FileTransferManager
 from antarest.core.jwt import JWTUser
 from antarest.core.model import PublicMode
-from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters
+from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters, UserHasNotPermissionError
 from antarest.core.utils.utils import BadArchiveContent, sanitize_uuid
 from antarest.core.utils.web import APITag
 from antarest.login.auth import Auth
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-from import StudyFilter, StudyPagination, StudySortBy
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter, StudyPagination, StudySortBy
 from import StudyService
 from import FileStudyTreeConfigDTO
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ def get_studies(
         user_list = [int(v) for v in _split_comma_separated_values(users)]
+        if not params.user:
+            raise UserHasNotPermissionError("FAIL permission: user is not logged")
         study_filter = StudyFilter(
@@ -157,10 +160,10 @@ def get_studies(
+            access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params),
         matching_studies = study_service.get_studies_information(
-            params=params,
             pagination=StudyPagination(page_nb=page_nb, page_size=page_size),
diff --git a/tests/integration/studies_blueprint/ b/tests/integration/studies_blueprint/
index 579ad2dfe7..48dadaf829 100644
--- a/tests/integration/studies_blueprint/
+++ b/tests/integration/studies_blueprint/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 from starlette.testclient import TestClient
 from antarest.core.model import PublicMode
+from antarest.core.roles import RoleType
 from antarest.core.tasks.model import TaskStatus
 from tests.integration.assets import ASSETS_DIR
 from tests.integration.utils import wait_task_completion
@@ -802,6 +803,604 @@ def test_study_listing(
         values = list(study_map.values())
         assert values == sorted(values, key=lambda x: x["created"], reverse=True)
+    def test_get_studies__access_permissions(self, client: TestClient, admin_access_token: str) -> None:
+        """
+        Test the access permissions for the `GET /studies` endpoint.
+        Args:
+            client: client App fixture to perform the requests
+            admin_access_token: fixture to get the admin access token
+        Returns:
+        """
+        ##########################
+        # 1. Database initialization
+        ##########################
+        users = {"user_1": "pass_1", "user_2": "pass_2", "user_3": "pass_3"}
+        users_tokens = {}
+        users_ids = {}
+        groups = {"group_1", "group_2", "group_3"}
+        groups_ids = {}
+        user_groups_mapping = {"user_1": ["group_2"], "user_2": ["group_1"], "user_3": []}
+        # create users
+        for user, password in users.items():
+            res =
+                "/v1/users",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                json={"name": user, "password": password},
+            )
+            res.raise_for_status()
+            users_ids[user] = res.json().get("id")
+        # create groups
+        for group in groups:
+            res =
+                "/v1/groups",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                json={"name": group},
+            )
+            res.raise_for_status()
+            groups_ids[group] = res.json().get("id")
+        # associate users to groups
+        for user, groups in user_groups_mapping.items():
+            user_id = users_ids[user]
+            for group in groups:
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res =
+                    "/v1/roles",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                    json={"identity_id": user_id, "group_id": group_id, "type": RoleType.READER.value},
+                )
+                res.raise_for_status()
+        # login users
+        for user, password in users.items():
+            res =
+                "/v1/login",
+                json={"username": user, "password": password},
+            )
+            res.raise_for_status()
+            assert res.json().get("user") == users_ids[user]
+            users_tokens[user] = res.json().get("access_token")
+        # studies creation
+        studies_ids_mapping = {}
+        # create variant studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+        # studies that have owner and groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_1": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_2": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_4": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_5": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_7": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+            "study_8": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": f"dummy_{study}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            res =
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner_id = users_ids[study_info.get("owner")]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner_id}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+            for group in study_info.get("groups"):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # studies that have owner but no groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_10": {"owner": "user_1"},
+            "study_11": {"owner": "user_2"},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": f"dummy_{study}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            res =
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner_id = users_ids[study_info.get("owner")]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner_id}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # studies that have groups but no owner
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_3": {"groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_6": {"groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_9": {"groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": f"dummy_{study}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            res =
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            for group in study_info.get("groups"):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # create variant studies with neither owner nor groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_12": {"public_mode": None},
+            "study_13": {"public_mode": PublicMode.READ.value},
+            "study_14": {"public_mode": PublicMode.EDIT.value},
+            "study_15": {"public_mode": PublicMode.EXECUTE.value},
+            "study_16": {"public_mode": PublicMode.FULL.value},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": f"dummy_{study}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            res =
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            public_mode = study_info.get("public_mode")
+            if public_mode:
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/public_mode/{public_mode}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # create raw studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+        # studies that have owner and groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_17": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_18": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_20": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_21": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_23": {"owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+            "study_24": {"owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner = users_ids[study_info.get("owner")]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+            for group in study_info.get("groups"):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # studies that have owner but no groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_26": {"owner": "user_1"},
+            "study_27": {"owner": "user_2"},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner_id = users_ids[study_info.get("owner")]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner_id}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # studies that have groups but no owner
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_19": {"groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_22": {"groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_25": {"groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            for group in study_info.get("groups"):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # create raw studies with neither owner nor groups
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_28": {"public_mode": None},
+            "study_29": {"public_mode": PublicMode.READ.value},
+            "study_30": {"public_mode": PublicMode.EDIT.value},
+            "study_31": {"public_mode": PublicMode.EXECUTE.value},
+            "study_32": {"public_mode": PublicMode.FULL.value},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            public_mode = study_info.get("public_mode")
+            if public_mode:
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/public_mode/{public_mode}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # create studies for user_3 that is not part of any group
+        # variant studies
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_33": {"groups": ["group_1"]},
+            "study_35": {"groups": []},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": f"dummy_{study}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            res =
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner_id = users_ids["user_3"]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner_id}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+            for group in study_info.get("groups", []):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # raw studies
+        for study, study_info in {
+            "study_34": {"groups": ["group_2"]},
+            "study_36": {"groups": []},
+        }.items():
+            res =
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                params={"name": study},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+            study_id = res.json()
+            studies_ids_mapping[study] = study_id
+            owner_id = users_ids["user_3"]
+            res = client.put(
+                f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/owner/{owner_id}",
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+            for group in study_info.get("groups"):
+                group_id = groups_ids[group]
+                res = client.put(
+                    f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_id}",
+                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+                )
+                assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        # create studies for group_3 that has no user
+        res =
+            STUDIES_URL,
+            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            params={"name": "dummy_study_37"},
+        )
+        assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+        study_id = res.json()
+        res =
+            f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/variants",
+            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            params={"name": "study_37"},
+        )
+        assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+        study_id = res.json()
+        group_3_id = groups_ids["group_3"]
+        res = client.put(
+            f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_3_id}",
+            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+        )
+        assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        studies_ids_mapping["study_37"] = study_id
+        res =
+            STUDIES_URL,
+            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+            params={"name": "study_38"},
+        )
+        assert res.status_code in CREATE_STATUS_CODES, res.json()
+        study_id = res.json()
+        res = client.put(
+            f"{STUDIES_URL}/{study_id}/groups/{group_3_id}",
+            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"},
+        )
+        assert res.status_code == 200, res.json()
+        studies_ids_mapping["study_38"] = study_id
+        # verify the studies creation was done correctly and that admin has access to all studies
+        all_studies = set(studies_ids_mapping.values())
+        studies_target_info = {
+            "study_1": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_1",
+                "groups": ["group_1"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_2": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_1",
+                "groups": ["group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_3": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_1"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_4": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_2",
+                "groups": ["group_1"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_5": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_2",
+                "groups": ["group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_6": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_2"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_7": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_1",
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_8": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_2",
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_9": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": None,
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_10": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": "user_1", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_11": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": "user_2", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_12": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_13": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.READ},
+            "study_14": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.EDIT},
+            "study_15": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.EXECUTE},
+            "study_16": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.FULL},
+            "study_17": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_1"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_18": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_1", "groups": ["group_2"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_19": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_1"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_20": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_1"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_21": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_2", "groups": ["group_2"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_22": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_2"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_23": {
+                "type": "rawstudy",
+                "owner": "user_1",
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_24": {
+                "type": "rawstudy",
+                "owner": "user_2",
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_25": {
+                "type": "rawstudy",
+                "owner": None,
+                "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_26": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_1", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_27": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_2", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_28": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_29": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.READ},
+            "study_30": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.EDIT},
+            "study_31": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.EXECUTE},
+            "study_32": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.FULL},
+            "study_33": {
+                "type": "variantstudy",
+                "owner": "user_3",
+                "groups": ["group_1"],
+                "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE,
+            },
+            "study_34": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_3", "groups": ["group_2"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_35": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": "user_3", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_36": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": "user_3", "groups": None, "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_37": {"type": "variantstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_3"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+            "study_38": {"type": "rawstudy", "owner": None, "groups": ["group_3"], "public_mode": PublicMode.NONE},
+        }
+        res = client.get(STUDIES_URL, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"})
+        assert res.status_code == LIST_STATUS_CODE, res.json()
+        study_map = res.json()
+        assert len(all_studies) == 38
+        assert not all_studies.difference(study_map)
+        for study, study_info in studies_target_info.items():
+            study_id = studies_ids_mapping[study]
+            study_data = study_map[study_id]
+            assert study_data.get("type") == study_info.get("type")
+            if study_data.get("owner") and study_info.get("owner"):
+                assert study_data["owner"]["name"] == study_info.get("owner")
+                assert study_data["owner"]["id"] == users_ids[study_info.get("owner")]
+            else:
+                assert not study_info.get("owner")
+                assert study_data["owner"]["name"] == "admin"
+            if study_data.get("groups"):
+                expected_groups = set(study_info.get("groups"))
+                assert all(
+                    (group["name"] in expected_groups) and groups_ids[group["name"]] == group["id"]
+                    for group in study_data["groups"]
+                )
+            else:
+                assert not study_info.get("groups")
+            assert study_data["public_mode"] == study_info.get("public_mode")
+        ##########################
+        # 2. Tests
+        ##########################
+        # user_1 access
+        requests_params_expected_studies = [
+            # fmt: off
+            ([], {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17",
+                  "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "29", "30", "31", "32", "34"}),
+            (["1"], {"1", "7", "8", "9", "17", "23", "24", "25"}),
+            (["2"], {"2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+            (["3"], set()),
+            (["1", "2"], {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+            (["1", "3"], {"1", "7", "8", "9", "17", "23", "24", "25"}),
+            (["2", "3"], {"2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+            (
+                ["1", "2", "3"],
+                {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"},
+            ),
+        ]
+        for request_groups_numbers, expected_studies_numbers in requests_params_expected_studies:
+            request_groups_ids = [groups_ids[f"group_{group_number}"] for group_number in request_groups_numbers]
+            expected_studies = {
+                studies_ids_mapping[f"study_{study_number}"] for study_number in expected_studies_numbers
+            }
+            res = client.get(
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {users_tokens['user_1']}"},
+                params={"groups": ",".join(request_groups_ids)} if request_groups_ids else {},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == LIST_STATUS_CODE, res.json()
+            study_map = res.json()
+            assert not expected_studies.difference(set(study_map))
+            assert not all_studies.difference(expected_studies).intersection(set(study_map))
+        # user_2 access
+        requests_params_expected_studies = [
+            # fmt: off
+            ([], {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "11", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17",
+                  "19", "20", "21", "23", "24", "25", "27", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33"}),
+            (["1"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+            (["2"], {"5", "7", "8", "9", "21", "23", "24", "25"}),
+            (["3"], set()),
+            (["1", "2"], {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "21", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+            (["1", "3"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+            (["2", "3"], {"5", "7", "8", "9", "21", "23", "24", "25"}),
+            (
+                ["1", "2", "3"],
+                {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "21", "23", "24", "25", "33"},
+            ),
+        ]
+        for request_groups_numbers, expected_studies_numbers in requests_params_expected_studies:
+            request_groups_ids = [groups_ids[f"group_{group_number}"] for group_number in request_groups_numbers]
+            expected_studies = {
+                studies_ids_mapping[f"study_{study_number}"] for study_number in expected_studies_numbers
+            }
+            res = client.get(
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {users_tokens['user_2']}"},
+                params={"groups": ",".join(request_groups_ids)} if request_groups_ids else {},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == LIST_STATUS_CODE, res.json()
+            study_map = res.json()
+            assert not expected_studies.difference(set(study_map))
+            assert not all_studies.difference(expected_studies).intersection(set(study_map))
+        # user_3 access
+        requests_params_expected_studies = [
+            ([], {"13", "14", "15", "16", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"}),
+            (["1"], {"33"}),
+            (["2"], {"34"}),
+            (["3"], set()),
+            (["1", "2"], {"33", "34"}),
+            (["1", "3"], {"33"}),
+            (["2", "3"], {"34"}),
+            (["1", "2", "3"], {"33", "34"}),
+        ]
+        for request_groups_numbers, expected_studies_numbers in requests_params_expected_studies:
+            request_groups_ids = [groups_ids[f"group_{group_number}"] for group_number in request_groups_numbers]
+            expected_studies = {
+                studies_ids_mapping[f"study_{study_number}"] for study_number in expected_studies_numbers
+            }
+            res = client.get(
+                STUDIES_URL,
+                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {users_tokens['user_3']}"},
+                params={"groups": ",".join(request_groups_ids)} if request_groups_ids else {},
+            )
+            assert res.status_code == LIST_STATUS_CODE, res.json()
+            study_map = res.json()
+            assert not expected_studies.difference(set(study_map))
+            assert not all_studies.difference(expected_studies).intersection(set(study_map))
     def test_get_studies__invalid_parameters(
         client: TestClient,
diff --git a/tests/storage/repository/ b/tests/storage/repository/
index 5535f4d074..7aa5fb23cd 100644
--- a/tests/storage/repository/
+++ b/tests/storage/repository/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from antarest.core.model import PublicMode
 from antarest.login.model import Group, User
 from import DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME, RawStudy, Study, StudyAdditionalData, StudyContentStatus
-from import StudyMetadataRepository
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository
 from import VariantStudy
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def test_lifecycle(db_session: Session) -> None:
     c =
     assert a_id ==
-    assert len(repo.get_all()) == 4
+    assert len(repo.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True)))) == 4
     assert len(repo.get_all_raw(exists=True)) == 1
     assert len(repo.get_all_raw(exists=False)) == 1
     assert len(repo.get_all_raw()) == 2
diff --git a/tests/storage/ b/tests/storage/
index fa7ed5c62d..c322b69672 100644
--- a/tests/storage/
+++ b/tests/storage/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-from import StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository
 from import MAX_MISSING_STUDY_TIMEOUT, StudyService, StudyUpgraderTask, UserHasNotPermissionError
 from import PatchService
 from import (
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ def test_study_listing(db_session: Session) -> None:
     config = Config(storage=StorageConfig(workspaces={DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME: WorkspaceConfig()}))
     repository = StudyMetadataRepository(cache_service=Mock(spec=ICache), session=db_session)
     service = build_study_service(raw_study_service, repository, config, cache_service=cache)
+    params: RequestParameters = RequestParameters(user=JWTUser(id=2, impersonator=2, type="users"))
     # retrieve studies that are not managed
     # use the db recorder to check that:
@@ -179,10 +180,7 @@ def test_study_listing(db_session: Session) -> None:
     # 2- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         studies = service.get_studies_information(
-            study_filter=StudyFilter(
-                managed=False,
-            ),
-            params=RequestParameters(user=JWTUser(id=2, impersonator=2, type="users")),
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=False, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params)),
     assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
@@ -196,10 +194,7 @@ def test_study_listing(db_session: Session) -> None:
     # 2- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         studies = service.get_studies_information(
-            study_filter=StudyFilter(
-                managed=True,
-            ),
-            params=RequestParameters(user=JWTUser(id=2, impersonator=2, type="users")),
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=True, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params)),
     assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
@@ -213,10 +208,7 @@ def test_study_listing(db_session: Session) -> None:
     # 2- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         studies = service.get_studies_information(
-            study_filter=StudyFilter(
-                managed=None,
-            ),
-            params=RequestParameters(user=JWTUser(id=2, impersonator=2, type="users")),
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=None, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params)),
     assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
@@ -230,10 +222,7 @@ def test_study_listing(db_session: Session) -> None:
     # 2- the `put` method of `cache` was never used
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         studies = service.get_studies_information(
-            study_filter=StudyFilter(
-                managed=None,
-            ),
-            params=RequestParameters(user=JWTUser(id=2, impersonator=2, type="users")),
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=None, access_permissions=AccessPermissions.from_params(params)),
     assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
     with contextlib.suppress(AssertionError):
diff --git a/tests/study/ b/tests/study/
index 0a6063fac5..4762cc7fed 100644
--- a/tests/study/
+++ b/tests/study/
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 from sqlalchemy.orm import Session  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.interfaces.cache import ICache
+from antarest.core.model import PublicMode
 from antarest.login.model import Group, User
 from import DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME, RawStudy, Tag
-from import StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository
+from import AccessPermissions, StudyFilter, StudyMetadataRepository
 from import VariantStudy
 from tests.db_statement_recorder import DBStatementRecorder
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
         (False, [1, 3, 5, 7], None, {"7"}),
-def test_repository_get_all__general_case(
+def test_get_all__general_case(
     db_session: Session,
     managed: t.Union[bool, None],
     study_ids: t.Sequence[str],
@@ -66,7 +67,14 @@ def test_repository_get_all__general_case(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=managed, study_ids=study_ids, exists=exists))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(
+                managed=managed,
+                study_ids=study_ids,
+                exists=exists,
+                access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True),
+            )
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -77,7 +85,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__general_case(
         assert { for s in all_studies} == expected_ids
-def test_repository_get_all__incompatible_case(
+def test_get_all__incompatible_case(
     db_session: Session,
 ) -> None:
     test_workspace = "workspace1"
@@ -97,7 +105,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__incompatible_case(
     # case 1
-    study_filter = StudyFilter(managed=False, variant=True)
+    study_filter = StudyFilter(managed=False, variant=True, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=study_filter)
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
@@ -108,7 +116,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__incompatible_case(
     assert not { for s in all_studies}
     # case 2
-    study_filter = StudyFilter(workspace=test_workspace, variant=True)
+    study_filter = StudyFilter(
+        workspace=test_workspace, variant=True, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True)
+    )
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=study_filter)
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__incompatible_case(
     assert not { for s in all_studies}
     # case 3
-    study_filter = StudyFilter(exists=False, variant=True)
+    study_filter = StudyFilter(exists=False, variant=True, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
         all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=study_filter)
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
@@ -144,7 +154,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__incompatible_case(
         ("specie-suffix", set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_name_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_name_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     name: str,
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -169,7 +179,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_name_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(name=name))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(name=name, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -188,7 +200,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_name_filter(
         (False, {"6", "7"}),
-def test_repository_get_all__managed_study_filter(
+def test_get_all__managed_study_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     managed: t.Optional[bool],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -214,7 +226,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__managed_study_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=managed))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(managed=managed, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -233,7 +247,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__managed_study_filter(
         (False, {"2", "4"}),
-def test_repository_get_all__archived_study_filter(
+def test_get_all__archived_study_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     archived: t.Optional[bool],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -254,7 +268,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__archived_study_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(archived=archived))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(archived=archived, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -273,7 +289,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__archived_study_filter(
         (False, {"3", "4"}),
-def test_repository_get_all__variant_study_filter(
+def test_get_all__variant_study_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     variant: t.Optional[bool],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -294,7 +310,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__variant_study_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(variant=variant))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(variant=variant, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -315,7 +333,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__variant_study_filter(
         (["3"], set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_version_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_version_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     versions: t.Sequence[str],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -336,7 +354,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_version_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(versions=versions))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(versions=versions, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_version_filter(
         (["3000"], set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_users_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_users_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     users: t.Sequence["int"],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -384,7 +404,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_users_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(users=users))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(users=users, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -405,7 +427,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_users_filter(
         (["3000"], set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_groups_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_groups_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     groups: t.Sequence[str],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -432,7 +454,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_groups_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(groups=groups))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(groups=groups, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -454,7 +478,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_groups_filter(
         (["3000"], set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_ids_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_ids_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     study_ids: t.Sequence[str],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -475,7 +499,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_ids_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(study_ids=study_ids))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(study_ids=study_ids, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -494,7 +520,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_ids_filter(
         (False, {"3"}),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_existence_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_existence_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     exists: t.Optional[bool],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -515,7 +541,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_existence_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(exists=exists))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(exists=exists, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -535,7 +563,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_existence_filter(
         ("workspace-3", set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_workspace_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_workspace_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     workspace: str,
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -556,7 +584,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_workspace_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(workspace=workspace))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(workspace=workspace, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -578,7 +608,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_workspace_filter(
         ("folder-1", set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_folder_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_folder_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     folder: str,
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -599,7 +629,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_folder_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(folder=folder))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(folder=folder, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -621,7 +653,7 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_folder_filter(
         (["no-study-tag"], set()),
-def test_repository_get_all__study_tags_filter(
+def test_get_all__study_tags_filter(
     db_session: Session,
     tags: t.Sequence[str],
     expected_ids: t.Set[str],
@@ -650,7 +682,9 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_tags_filter(
     # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
     # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
     with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
-        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=StudyFilter(tags=tags))
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(
+            study_filter=StudyFilter(tags=tags, access_permissions=AccessPermissions(is_admin=True))
+        )
         _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
         _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
@@ -662,6 +696,283 @@ def test_repository_get_all__study_tags_filter(
         assert { for s in all_studies} == expected_ids
+    "user_id, study_groups, expected_ids",
+    [
+        # fmt: off
+        (101, [], {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18",
+                   "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "29", "30", "31", "32", "34"}),
+        (101, ["101"], {"1", "7", "8", "9", "17", "23", "24", "25"}),
+        (101, ["102"], {"2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+        (101, ["103"], set()),
+        (101, ["101", "102"], {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+        (101, ["101", "103"], {"1", "7", "8", "9", "17", "23", "24", "25"}),
+        (101, ["102", "103"], {"2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+        (101, ["101", "102", "103"], {"1", "2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18", "21", "22",
+                                      "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+        (102, [], {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "11", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "19",
+                   "20", "21", "23", "24", "25", "27", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33"}),
+        (102, ["101"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+        (102, ["102"], {"5", "7", "8", "9", "21", "23", "24", "25"}),
+        (102, ["103"], set()),
+        (102, ["101", "102"], {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "21", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+        (102, ["101", "103"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+        (102, ["102", "103"], {"5", "7", "8", "9", "21", "23", "24", "25"}),
+        (102, ["101", "102", "103"], {"1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "21",
+                                      "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+        (103, [], {"13", "14", "15", "16", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"}),
+        (103, ["101"], {"33"}),
+        (103, ["102"], {"34"}),
+        (103, ["103"], set()),
+        (103, ["101", "102"], {"33", "34"}),
+        (103, ["101", "103"], {"33"}),
+        (103, ["102", "103"], {"34"}),
+        (103, ["101", "102", "103"], {"33", "34"}),
+        (None, [], set()),
+        (None, ["101"], set()),
+        (None, ["102"], set()),
+        (None, ["103"], set()),
+        (None, ["101", "102"], set()),
+        (None, ["101", "103"], set()),
+        (None, ["102", "103"], set()),
+        (None, ["101", "102", "103"], set()),
+        # fmt: on
+    ],
+def test_get_all__non_admin_permissions_filter(
+    db_session: Session,
+    user_id: t.Optional[int],
+    study_groups: t.Sequence[str],
+    expected_ids: t.Set[str],
+) -> None:
+    icache: Mock = Mock(spec=ICache)
+    repository = StudyMetadataRepository(cache_service=icache, session=db_session)
+    user_1 = User(id=101, name="user1")
+    user_2 = User(id=102, name="user2")
+    user_3 = User(id=103, name="user3")
+    group_1 = Group(id=101, name="group1")
+    group_2 = Group(id=102, name="group2")
+    group_3 = Group(id=103, name="group3")
+    user_groups_mapping = {101: [], 102: [], 103: []}
+    # create variant studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+    study_1 = VariantStudy(id=1, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1])
+    study_2 = VariantStudy(id=2, owner=user_1, groups=[group_2])
+    study_3 = VariantStudy(id=3, groups=[group_1])
+    study_4 = VariantStudy(id=4, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1])
+    study_5 = VariantStudy(id=5, owner=user_2, groups=[group_2])
+    study_6 = VariantStudy(id=6, groups=[group_2])
+    study_7 = VariantStudy(id=7, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_8 = VariantStudy(id=8, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_9 = VariantStudy(id=9, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_10 = VariantStudy(id=10, owner=user_1)
+    study_11 = VariantStudy(id=11, owner=user_2)
+    # create variant studies with neither owner nor groups
+    study_12 = VariantStudy(id=12)
+    study_13 = VariantStudy(id=13, public_mode=PublicMode.READ)
+    study_14 = VariantStudy(id=14, public_mode=PublicMode.EDIT)
+    study_15 = VariantStudy(id=15, public_mode=PublicMode.EXECUTE)
+    study_16 = VariantStudy(id=16, public_mode=PublicMode.FULL)
+    # create raw studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+    study_17 = RawStudy(id=17, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1])
+    study_18 = RawStudy(id=18, owner=user_1, groups=[group_2])
+    study_19 = RawStudy(id=19, groups=[group_1])
+    study_20 = RawStudy(id=20, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1])
+    study_21 = RawStudy(id=21, owner=user_2, groups=[group_2])
+    study_22 = RawStudy(id=22, groups=[group_2])
+    study_23 = RawStudy(id=23, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_24 = RawStudy(id=24, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_25 = RawStudy(id=25, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_26 = RawStudy(id=26, owner=user_1)
+    study_27 = RawStudy(id=27, owner=user_2)
+    # create raw studies with neither owner nor groups
+    study_28 = RawStudy(id=28)
+    study_29 = RawStudy(id=29, public_mode=PublicMode.READ)
+    study_30 = RawStudy(id=30, public_mode=PublicMode.EDIT)
+    study_31 = RawStudy(id=31, public_mode=PublicMode.EXECUTE)
+    study_32 = RawStudy(id=32, public_mode=PublicMode.FULL)
+    # create studies for user_3 that is not part of any group
+    study_33 = VariantStudy(id=33, owner=user_3, groups=[group_1])
+    study_34 = RawStudy(id=34, owner=user_3, groups=[group_2])
+    study_35 = VariantStudy(id=35, owner=user_3)
+    study_36 = RawStudy(id=36, owner=user_3)
+    # create studies for group_3 that has no user
+    study_37 = VariantStudy(id=37, groups=[group_3])
+    study_38 = RawStudy(id=38, groups=[group_3])
+    db_session.add_all([user_1, user_2, user_3, group_1, group_2, group_3])
+    db_session.add_all(
+        [
+            # fmt: off
+            study_1, study_2, study_3, study_4, study_5, study_6, study_7, study_8, study_9, study_10,
+            study_11, study_12, study_13, study_14, study_15, study_16, study_17, study_18, study_19, study_20,
+            study_21, study_22, study_23, study_24, study_25, study_26, study_27, study_28, study_29, study_30,
+            study_31, study_32, study_33, study_34, study_35, study_36, study_37, study_38,
+            # fmt: on
+        ]
+    )
+    db_session.commit()
+    access_permissions = (
+        AccessPermissions(user_id=user_id, user_groups=user_groups_mapping.get(user_id))
+        if user_id
+        else AccessPermissions()
+    )
+    study_filter = (
+        StudyFilter(groups=study_groups, access_permissions=access_permissions)
+        if study_groups
+        else StudyFilter(access_permissions=access_permissions)
+    )
+    # use the db recorder to check that:
+    # 1- retrieving all studies requires only 1 query
+    # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
+    # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
+    with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=study_filter)
+        _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.tags for s in all_studies]
+    assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
+    if expected_ids is not None:
+        assert { for s in all_studies} == expected_ids
+    "is_admin, study_groups, expected_ids",
+    [
+        # fmt: off
+        (True, [], {str(e) for e in range(1, 39)}),
+        (True, ["101"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33"}),
+        (True, ["102"], {"2", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "18", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "34"}),
+        (True, ["103"], {"37", "38"}),
+        (True, ["101", "102"], {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18", "19",
+                                "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "33", "34"}),
+        (True, ["101", "103"], {"1", "3", "4", "7", "8", "9", "17", "19", "20", "23", "24", "25", "33", "37", "38"}),
+        (True, ["101", "102", "103"], {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "17", "18",
+                                       "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "33", "34", "37", "38"}),
+        (False, [], set()),
+        (False, ["101"], set()),
+        (False, ["102"], set()),
+        (False, ["103"], set()),
+        (False, ["101", "102"], set()),
+        (False, ["101", "103"], set()),
+        (False, ["101", "102", "103"], set()),
+        # fmt: on
+    ],
+def test_get_all__admin_permissions_filter(
+    db_session: Session,
+    is_admin: bool,
+    study_groups: t.Sequence[str],
+    expected_ids: t.Set[str],
+) -> None:
+    icache: Mock = Mock(spec=ICache)
+    repository = StudyMetadataRepository(cache_service=icache, session=db_session)
+    user_1 = User(id=101, name="user1")
+    user_2 = User(id=102, name="user2")
+    user_3 = User(id=103, name="user3")
+    group_1 = Group(id=101, name="group1")
+    group_2 = Group(id=102, name="group2")
+    group_3 = Group(id=103, name="group3")
+    # create variant studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+    study_1 = VariantStudy(id=1, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1])
+    study_2 = VariantStudy(id=2, owner=user_1, groups=[group_2])
+    study_3 = VariantStudy(id=3, groups=[group_1])
+    study_4 = VariantStudy(id=4, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1])
+    study_5 = VariantStudy(id=5, owner=user_2, groups=[group_2])
+    study_6 = VariantStudy(id=6, groups=[group_2])
+    study_7 = VariantStudy(id=7, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_8 = VariantStudy(id=8, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_9 = VariantStudy(id=9, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_10 = VariantStudy(id=10, owner=user_1)
+    study_11 = VariantStudy(id=11, owner=user_2)
+    # create variant studies with neither owner nor groups
+    study_12 = VariantStudy(id=12)
+    study_13 = VariantStudy(id=13, public_mode=PublicMode.READ)
+    study_14 = VariantStudy(id=14, public_mode=PublicMode.EDIT)
+    study_15 = VariantStudy(id=15, public_mode=PublicMode.EXECUTE)
+    study_16 = VariantStudy(id=16, public_mode=PublicMode.FULL)
+    # create raw studies for user_1 and user_2 that are part of some groups
+    study_17 = RawStudy(id=17, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1])
+    study_18 = RawStudy(id=18, owner=user_1, groups=[group_2])
+    study_19 = RawStudy(id=19, groups=[group_1])
+    study_20 = RawStudy(id=20, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1])
+    study_21 = RawStudy(id=21, owner=user_2, groups=[group_2])
+    study_22 = RawStudy(id=22, groups=[group_2])
+    study_23 = RawStudy(id=23, owner=user_1, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_24 = RawStudy(id=24, owner=user_2, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_25 = RawStudy(id=25, groups=[group_1, group_2])
+    study_26 = RawStudy(id=26, owner=user_1)
+    study_27 = RawStudy(id=27, owner=user_2)
+    # create raw studies with neither owner nor groups
+    study_28 = RawStudy(id=28)
+    study_29 = RawStudy(id=29, public_mode=PublicMode.READ)
+    study_30 = RawStudy(id=30, public_mode=PublicMode.EDIT)
+    study_31 = RawStudy(id=31, public_mode=PublicMode.EXECUTE)
+    study_32 = RawStudy(id=32, public_mode=PublicMode.FULL)
+    # create studies for user_3 that is not part of any group
+    study_33 = VariantStudy(id=33, owner=user_3, groups=[group_1])
+    study_34 = RawStudy(id=34, owner=user_3, groups=[group_2])
+    study_35 = VariantStudy(id=35, owner=user_3)
+    study_36 = RawStudy(id=36, owner=user_3)
+    # create studies for group_3 that has no user
+    study_37 = VariantStudy(id=37, groups=[group_3])
+    study_38 = RawStudy(id=38, groups=[group_3])
+    db_session.add_all([user_1, user_2, user_3, group_1, group_2, group_3])
+    db_session.add_all(
+        [
+            # fmt: off
+            study_1, study_2, study_3, study_4, study_5, study_6, study_7, study_8, study_9, study_10,
+            study_11, study_12, study_13, study_14, study_15, study_16, study_17, study_18, study_19, study_20,
+            study_21, study_22, study_23, study_24, study_25, study_26, study_27, study_28, study_29, study_30,
+            study_31, study_32, study_33, study_34, study_35, study_36, study_37, study_38,
+            # fmt: on
+        ]
+    )
+    db_session.commit()
+    access_permissions = AccessPermissions(is_admin=is_admin)
+    study_filter = (
+        StudyFilter(groups=study_groups, access_permissions=access_permissions)
+        if study_groups
+        else StudyFilter(access_permissions=access_permissions)
+    )
+    # use the db recorder to check that:
+    # 1- retrieving all studies requires only 1 query
+    # 2- accessing studies attributes does not require additional queries to db
+    # 3- having an exact total of queries equals to 1
+    with DBStatementRecorder(db_session.bind) as db_recorder:
+        all_studies = repository.get_all(study_filter=study_filter)
+        _ = [s.owner for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.groups for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.additional_data for s in all_studies]
+        _ = [s.tags for s in all_studies]
+    assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 1, str(db_recorder)
+    if expected_ids is not None:
+        assert { for s in all_studies} == expected_ids
 def test_update_tags(
     db_session: Session,
 ) -> None: