diff --git a/antarest/__init__.py b/antarest/__init__.py
index ada981b5ca..ea7c2d6185 100644
--- a/antarest/__init__.py
+++ b/antarest/__init__.py
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 # Standard project metadata
-__version__ = "2.16.0"
+__version__ = "2.16.1"
 __author__ = "RTE, Antares Web Team"
-__date__ = "2023-11-30"
+__date__ = "2023-12-14"
 # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
 __credits__ = "(c) Réseau de Transport de l’Électricité (RTE)"
diff --git a/antarest/core/exceptions.py b/antarest/core/exceptions.py
index a666394d8b..ab39c3a566 100644
--- a/antarest/core/exceptions.py
+++ b/antarest/core/exceptions.py
@@ -189,6 +189,11 @@ def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
         super().__init__(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, message)
+class DuplicateConstraintName(HTTPException):
+    def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, message)
 class MissingDataError(HTTPException):
     def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
         super().__init__(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, message)
diff --git a/antarest/core/jwt.py b/antarest/core/jwt.py
index ff9ffd1187..16849fa9f0 100644
--- a/antarest/core/jwt.py
+++ b/antarest/core/jwt.py
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
 from pydantic import BaseModel
 from antarest.core.roles import RoleType
-from antarest.login.model import Group, Identity
+from antarest.login.model import ADMIN_ID, Group, Identity
 class JWTGroup(BaseModel):
diff --git a/antarest/core/tasks/model.py b/antarest/core/tasks/model.py
index af3a46b8f7..1d7a9e1566 100644
--- a/antarest/core/tasks/model.py
+++ b/antarest/core/tasks/model.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import uuid
 from datetime import datetime
 from enum import Enum
-from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra
 from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, Sequence, String  # type: ignore
-from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship, sessionmaker  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.persistence import Base
@@ -171,3 +172,29 @@ def __repr__(self) -> str:
             f" result_msg={self.result_msg},"
             f" result_status={self.result_status}"
+def cancel_orphan_tasks(engine: Engine, session_args: Mapping[str, bool]) -> None:
+    """
+    Cancel all tasks that are currently running or pending.
+    When the web application restarts, such as after a new deployment, any pending or running tasks may be lost.
+    To mitigate this, it is preferable to set these tasks to a "FAILED" status.
+    This ensures that users can easily identify the tasks that were affected by the restart and take appropriate
+    actions, such as restarting the tasks manually.
+    Args:
+        engine: The database engine (SQLAlchemy connection to SQLite or PostgreSQL).
+        session_args: The session arguments (SQLAlchemy session arguments).
+    """
+    updated_values = {
+        TaskJob.status: TaskStatus.FAILED.value,
+        TaskJob.result_status: False,
+        TaskJob.result_msg: "Task was interrupted due to server restart",
+        TaskJob.completion_date: datetime.utcnow(),
+    }
+    with sessionmaker(bind=engine, **session_args)() as session:
+        session.query(TaskJob).filter(TaskJob.status.in_([TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, TaskStatus.PENDING.value])).update(
+            updated_values, synchronize_session=False
+        )
+        session.commit()
diff --git a/antarest/core/tasks/repository.py b/antarest/core/tasks/repository.py
index 1994c55fab..294f63255b 100644
--- a/antarest/core/tasks/repository.py
+++ b/antarest/core/tasks/repository.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import datetime
+import typing as t
 from http import HTTPStatus
 from operator import and_
-from typing import Any, List, Optional
 from fastapi import HTTPException
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.tasks.model import TaskJob, TaskListFilter, TaskStatus
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
@@ -11,16 +12,45 @@
 class TaskJobRepository:
+    """
+    Database connector to manage Tasks/Jobs entities.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, session: t.Optional[Session] = None):
+        """
+        Initialize the repository.
+        Args:
+            session: Optional SQLAlchemy session to be used.
+        """
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """
+        Get the SQLAlchemy session for the repository.
+        Returns:
+            SQLAlchemy session.
+        """
+        if self._session is None:
+            # Get or create the session from a context variable (thread local variable)
+            return db.session
+        # Get the user-defined session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, task: TaskJob) -> TaskJob:
-        task = db.session.merge(task)
-        db.session.add(task)
-        db.session.commit()
+        session = self.session
+        task = session.merge(task)
+        session.add(task)
+        session.commit()
         return task
-    def get(self, id: str) -> Optional[TaskJob]:
-        task: TaskJob = db.session.get(TaskJob, id)
+    def get(self, id: str) -> t.Optional[TaskJob]:
+        session = self.session
+        task: TaskJob = session.get(TaskJob, id)
         if task is not None:
-            db.session.refresh(task)
+            session.refresh(task)
         return task
     def get_or_raise(self, id: str) -> TaskJob:
@@ -30,7 +60,7 @@ def get_or_raise(self, id: str) -> TaskJob:
         return task
-    def _combine_clauses(where_clauses: List[Any]) -> Any:
+    def _combine_clauses(where_clauses: t.List[t.Any]) -> t.Any:
         assert_this(len(where_clauses) > 0)
         if len(where_clauses) > 1:
             return and_(
@@ -40,9 +70,9 @@ def _combine_clauses(where_clauses: List[Any]) -> Any:
             return where_clauses[0]
-    def list(self, filter: TaskListFilter, user: Optional[int] = None) -> List[TaskJob]:
-        query = db.session.query(TaskJob)
-        where_clauses: List[Any] = []
+    def list(self, filter: TaskListFilter, user: t.Optional[int] = None) -> t.List[TaskJob]:
+        query = self.session.query(TaskJob)
+        where_clauses: t.List[t.Any] = []
         if user:
             where_clauses.append(TaskJob.owner_id == user)
         if len(filter.status) > 0:
@@ -74,19 +104,21 @@ def list(self, filter: TaskListFilter, user: Optional[int] = None) -> List[TaskJ
         elif len(where_clauses) == 1:
             query = query.where(*where_clauses)
-        tasks: List[TaskJob] = query.all()
+        tasks: t.List[TaskJob] = query.all()
         return tasks
     def delete(self, tid: str) -> None:
-        task = db.session.get(TaskJob, tid)
+        session = self.session
+        task = session.get(TaskJob, tid)
         if task:
-            db.session.delete(task)
-            db.session.commit()
+            session.delete(task)
+            session.commit()
     def update_timeout(self, task_id: str, timeout: int) -> None:
         """Update task status to TIMEOUT."""
-        task: TaskJob = db.session.get(TaskJob, task_id)
+        session = self.session
+        task: TaskJob = session.get(TaskJob, task_id)
         task.status = TaskStatus.TIMEOUT
         task.result_msg = f"Task '{task_id}' timeout after {timeout} seconds"
         task.result_status = False
-        db.session.commit()
+        session.commit()
diff --git a/antarest/core/tasks/service.py b/antarest/core/tasks/service.py
index 28038e2d4c..07832e7365 100644
--- a/antarest/core/tasks/service.py
+++ b/antarest/core/tasks/service.py
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 import datetime
 import logging
 import time
+import typing as t
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
 from http import HTTPStatus
-from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
 from fastapi import HTTPException
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.config import Config
 from antarest.core.interfaces.eventbus import Event, EventChannelDirectory, EventType, IEventBus
-from antarest.core.jwt import DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER
 from antarest.core.model import PermissionInfo, PublicMode
 from antarest.core.requests import MustBeAuthenticatedError, RequestParameters, UserHasNotPermissionError
 from antarest.core.tasks.model import (
@@ -26,13 +26,12 @@
 from antarest.core.tasks.repository import TaskJobRepository
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
-from antarest.core.utils.utils import retry
 from antarest.worker.worker import WorkerTaskCommand, WorkerTaskResult
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-TaskUpdateNotifier = Callable[[str], None]
-Task = Callable[[TaskUpdateNotifier], TaskResult]
+TaskUpdateNotifier = t.Callable[[str], None]
+Task = t.Callable[[TaskUpdateNotifier], TaskResult]
 DEFAULT_AWAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT = 172800  # 48 hours
 """Default timeout for `await_task` in seconds."""
@@ -44,21 +43,21 @@ def add_worker_task(
         task_type: TaskType,
         task_queue: str,
-        task_args: Dict[str, Union[int, float, bool, str]],
-        name: Optional[str],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
+        task_args: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, float, bool, str]],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
-    ) -> Optional[str]:
+    ) -> t.Optional[str]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def add_task(
         action: Task,
-        name: Optional[str],
-        task_type: Optional[TaskType],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
-        custom_event_messages: Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        task_type: t.Optional[TaskType],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
+        custom_event_messages: t.Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
     ) -> str:
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ def status_task(
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> List[TaskDTO]:
+    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> t.List[TaskDTO]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -86,6 +85,26 @@ def noop_notifier(message: str) -> None:
     """This function is used in tasks when no notification is required."""
+class TaskJobLogRecorder:
+    """
+    Callback used to register log messages in the TaskJob table.
+    Args:
+        task_id: The task id.
+        session: The database session created in the same thread as the task thread.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, task_id: str, session: Session):
+        self.session = session
+        self.task_id = task_id
+    def __call__(self, message: str) -> None:
+        task = self.session.query(TaskJob).get(self.task_id)
+        if task:
+            task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message=message, task_id=self.task_id))
+            db.session.commit()
 class TaskJobService(ITaskService):
     def __init__(
@@ -96,24 +115,22 @@ def __init__(
         self.config = config
         self.repo = repository
         self.event_bus = event_bus
-        self.tasks: Dict[str, Future[None]] = {}
+        self.tasks: t.Dict[str, Future[None]] = {}
         self.threadpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=config.tasks.max_workers, thread_name_prefix="taskjob_")
         self.event_bus.add_listener(self.create_task_event_callback(), [EventType.TASK_CANCEL_REQUEST])
         self.remote_workers = config.tasks.remote_workers
-        # set the status of previously running job to FAILED due to server restart
-        self._fix_running_status()
     def _create_worker_task(
         task_id: str,
         task_type: str,
-        task_args: Dict[str, Union[int, float, bool, str]],
-    ) -> Callable[[TaskUpdateNotifier], TaskResult]:
-        task_result_wrapper: List[TaskResult] = []
+        task_args: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, float, bool, str]],
+    ) -> t.Callable[[TaskUpdateNotifier], TaskResult]:
+        task_result_wrapper: t.List[TaskResult] = []
         def _create_awaiter(
-            res_wrapper: List[TaskResult],
-        ) -> Callable[[Event], Awaitable[None]]:
+            res_wrapper: t.List[TaskResult],
+        ) -> t.Callable[[Event], t.Awaitable[None]]:
             async def _await_task_end(event: Event) -> None:
                 task_event = WorkerTaskResult.parse_obj(event.payload)
                 if task_event.task_id == task_id:
@@ -155,11 +172,11 @@ def add_worker_task(
         task_type: TaskType,
         task_queue: str,
-        task_args: Dict[str, Union[int, float, bool, str]],
-        name: Optional[str],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
+        task_args: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, float, bool, str]],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
-    ) -> Optional[str]:
+    ) -> t.Optional[str]:
         if not self.check_remote_worker_for_queue(task_queue):
             logger.warning(f"Failed to find configured remote worker for task queue {task_queue}")
             return None
@@ -176,10 +193,10 @@ def add_worker_task(
     def add_task(
         action: Task,
-        name: Optional[str],
-        task_type: Optional[TaskType],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
-        custom_event_messages: Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        task_type: t.Optional[TaskType],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
+        custom_event_messages: t.Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
     ) -> str:
         task = self._create_task(name, task_type, ref_id, request_params)
@@ -188,9 +205,9 @@ def add_task(
     def _create_task(
-        name: Optional[str],
-        task_type: Optional[TaskType],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        task_type: t.Optional[TaskType],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
     ) -> TaskJob:
         if not request_params.user:
@@ -209,7 +226,7 @@ def _launch_task(
         action: Task,
         task: TaskJob,
-        custom_event_messages: Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
+        custom_event_messages: t.Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
     ) -> None:
         if not request_params.user:
@@ -230,7 +247,7 @@ def _launch_task(
         future = self.threadpool.submit(self._run_task, action, task.id, custom_event_messages)
         self.tasks[task.id] = future
-    def create_task_event_callback(self) -> Callable[[Event], Awaitable[None]]:
+    def create_task_event_callback(self) -> t.Callable[[Event], t.Awaitable[None]]:
         async def task_event_callback(event: Event) -> None:
             self._cancel_task(str(event.payload), dispatch=False)
@@ -275,10 +292,10 @@ def status_task(
                 detail=f"Failed to retrieve task {task_id} in db",
-    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> List[TaskDTO]:
+    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> t.List[TaskDTO]:
         return [task.to_dto() for task in self.list_db_tasks(task_filter, request_params)]
-    def list_db_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> List[TaskJob]:
+    def list_db_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> t.List[TaskJob]:
         if not request_params.user:
             raise MustBeAuthenticatedError()
         user = None if request_params.user.is_site_admin() else request_params.user.impersonator
@@ -297,25 +314,33 @@ def await_task(self, task_id: str, timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_AWAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT)
             logger.warning(f"Task '{task_id}' not handled by this worker, will poll for task completion from db")
             end = time.time() + timeout_sec
             while time.time() < end:
-                with db():
-                    task = self.repo.get(task_id)
-                    if task is None:
-                        logger.error(f"Awaited task '{task_id}' was not found")
-                        return
-                    if TaskStatus(task.status).is_final():
-                        return
+                task_status = db.session.query(TaskJob.status).filter(TaskJob.id == task_id).scalar()
+                if task_status is None:
+                    logger.error(f"Awaited task '{task_id}' was not found")
+                    return
+                if TaskStatus(task_status).is_final():
+                    return
                 logger.info("💤 Sleeping 2 seconds...")
             logger.error(f"Timeout while awaiting task '{task_id}'")
-            with db():
-                self.repo.update_timeout(task_id, timeout_sec)
+            db.session.query(TaskJob).filter(TaskJob.id == task_id).update(
+                {
+                    TaskJob.status: TaskStatus.TIMEOUT.value,
+                    TaskJob.result_msg: f"Task '{task_id}' timeout after {timeout_sec} seconds",
+                    TaskJob.result_status: False,
+                }
+            )
+            db.session.commit()
     def _run_task(
         callback: Task,
         task_id: str,
-        custom_event_messages: Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages] = None,
+        custom_event_messages: t.Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages] = None,
     ) -> None:
+        # attention: this function is executed in a thread, not in the main process
@@ -332,22 +357,32 @@ def _run_task(
         logger.info(f"Starting task {task_id}")
         with db():
-            task = retry(lambda: self.repo.get_or_raise(task_id))
-            task.status = TaskStatus.RUNNING.value
-            self.repo.save(task)
-            logger.info(f"Task {task_id} set to RUNNING")
+            db.session.query(TaskJob).filter(TaskJob.id == task_id).update({TaskJob.status: TaskStatus.RUNNING.value})
+            db.session.commit()
+        logger.info(f"Task {task_id} set to RUNNING")
             with db():
-                result = callback(self._task_logger(task_id))
-            logger.info(f"Task {task_id} ended")
+                # We must use the DB session attached to the current thread
+                result = callback(TaskJobLogRecorder(task_id, session=db.session))
+            status = TaskStatus.COMPLETED if result.success else TaskStatus.FAILED
+            logger.info(f"Task {task_id} ended with status {status}")
             with db():
-                self._update_task_status(
-                    task_id,
-                    TaskStatus.COMPLETED if result.success else TaskStatus.FAILED,
-                    result.success,
-                    result.message,
-                    result.return_value,
+                # Do not use the `timezone.utc` timezone to preserve a naive datetime.
+                completion_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if status.is_final() else None
+                db.session.query(TaskJob).filter(TaskJob.id == task_id).update(
+                    {
+                        TaskJob.status: status.value,
+                        TaskJob.result_msg: result.message,
+                        TaskJob.result_status: result.success,
+                        TaskJob.result: result.return_value,
+                        TaskJob.completion_date: completion_date,
+                    }
+                db.session.commit()
             event_type = {True: EventType.TASK_COMPLETED, False: EventType.TASK_FAILED}[result.success]
             event_msg = {True: "completed", False: "failed"}[result.success]
@@ -368,13 +403,19 @@ def _run_task(
         except Exception as exc:
             err_msg = f"Task {task_id} failed: Unhandled exception {exc}"
             logger.error(err_msg, exc_info=exc)
             with db():
-                self._update_task_status(
-                    task_id,
-                    TaskStatus.FAILED,
-                    False,
-                    f"{err_msg}\nSee the logs for detailed information and the error traceback.",
+                result_msg = f"{err_msg}\nSee the logs for detailed information and the error traceback."
+                db.session.query(TaskJob).filter(TaskJob.id == task_id).update(
+                    {
+                        TaskJob.status: TaskStatus.FAILED.value,
+                        TaskJob.result_msg: result_msg,
+                        TaskJob.result_status: False,
+                        TaskJob.completion_date: datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
+                    }
+                db.session.commit()
             message = err_msg if custom_event_messages is None else custom_event_messages.end
@@ -384,44 +425,3 @@ def _run_task(
                     channel=EventChannelDirectory.TASK + task_id,
-    def _task_logger(self, task_id: str) -> Callable[[str], None]:
-        def log_msg(message: str) -> None:
-            task = self.repo.get(task_id)
-            if task:
-                task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message=message, task_id=task_id))
-                self.repo.save(task)
-        return log_msg
-    def _fix_running_status(self) -> None:
-        with db():
-            previous_tasks = self.list_db_tasks(
-                TaskListFilter(status=[TaskStatus.RUNNING, TaskStatus.PENDING]),
-                request_params=RequestParameters(user=DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER),
-            )
-            for task in previous_tasks:
-                self._update_task_status(
-                    task.id,
-                    TaskStatus.FAILED,
-                    False,
-                    "Task was interrupted due to server restart",
-                )
-    def _update_task_status(
-        self,
-        task_id: str,
-        status: TaskStatus,
-        result: bool,
-        message: str,
-        command_result: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        task = self.repo.get_or_raise(task_id)
-        task.status = status.value
-        task.result_msg = message
-        task.result_status = result
-        task.result = command_result
-        if status.is_final():
-            # Do not use the `timezone.utc` timezone to preserve a naive datetime.
-            task.completion_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        self.repo.save(task)
diff --git a/antarest/core/utils/fastapi_sqlalchemy/exceptions.py b/antarest/core/utils/fastapi_sqlalchemy/exceptions.py
index 7e435ba286..ad1eccff2c 100644
--- a/antarest/core/utils/fastapi_sqlalchemy/exceptions.py
+++ b/antarest/core/utils/fastapi_sqlalchemy/exceptions.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 class MissingSessionError(Exception):
-    """Excetion raised for when the user tries to access a database session before it is created."""
+    """Exception raised for when the user tries to access a database session before it is created."""
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         msg = """
diff --git a/antarest/login/main.py b/antarest/login/main.py
index 9b487de5b7..d87a082abd 100644
--- a/antarest/login/main.py
+++ b/antarest/login/main.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def build_login(
     if service is None:
-        user_repo = UserRepository(config)
+        user_repo = UserRepository()
         bot_repo = BotRepository()
         group_repo = GroupRepository()
         role_repo = RoleRepository()
diff --git a/antarest/login/model.py b/antarest/login/model.py
index 52106685bc..5012a4995c 100644
--- a/antarest/login/model.py
+++ b/antarest/login/model.py
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+import contextlib
 import typing as t
 import uuid
 import bcrypt
 from pydantic.main import BaseModel
 from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Enum, ForeignKey, Integer, Sequence, String  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError  # type: ignore
 from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property  # type: ignore
-from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.persistence import Base
 from antarest.core.roles import RoleType
@@ -15,6 +18,19 @@
     from antarest.launcher.model import JobResult
+GROUP_ID = "admin"
+"""Unique ID of the administrator group."""
+GROUP_NAME = "admin"
+"""Name of the administrator group."""
+"""Unique ID of the site administrator."""
+ADMIN_NAME = "admin"
+"""Name of the site administrator."""
 class UserInfo(BaseModel):
     id: int
     name: str
@@ -282,3 +298,32 @@ class CredentialsDTO(BaseModel):
     user: int
     access_token: str
     refresh_token: str
+def init_admin_user(engine: Engine, session_args: t.Mapping[str, bool], admin_password: str) -> None:
+    """
+    Create the default admin user, group and role if they do not already exist in the database.
+    Args:
+        engine: The database engine (SQLAlchemy connection to SQLite or PostgreSQL).
+        session_args: The session arguments (SQLAlchemy session arguments).
+        admin_password: The admin password extracted from the configuration file.
+    """
+    make_session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, **session_args)
+    with make_session() as session:
+        group = Group(id=GROUP_ID, name=GROUP_NAME)
+        with contextlib.suppress(IntegrityError):
+            session.add(group)
+            session.commit()
+    with make_session() as session:
+        user = User(id=ADMIN_ID, name=ADMIN_NAME, password=Password(admin_password))
+        with contextlib.suppress(IntegrityError):
+            session.add(user)
+            session.commit()
+    with make_session() as session:
+        role = Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, identity_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id=GROUP_ID)
+        with contextlib.suppress(IntegrityError):
+            session.add(role)
+            session.commit()
diff --git a/antarest/login/repository.py b/antarest/login/repository.py
index 4f68e1924c..d70fa57e13 100644
--- a/antarest/login/repository.py
+++ b/antarest/login/repository.py
@@ -2,13 +2,10 @@
 from typing import List, Optional
 from sqlalchemy import exists  # type: ignore
-from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, joinedload  # type: ignore
-from antarest.core.config import Config
-from antarest.core.jwt import ADMIN_ID
-from antarest.core.roles import RoleType
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
-from antarest.login.model import Bot, Group, Password, Role, User, UserLdap
+from antarest.login.model import Bot, Group, Role, User, UserLdap
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -18,37 +15,46 @@ class GroupRepository:
     Database connector to manage Group entity.
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        with db():
-            self.save(Group(id="admin", name="admin"))
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        session: Optional[Session] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, group: Group) -> Group:
-        res = db.session.query(exists().where(Group.id == group.id)).scalar()
+        res = self.session.query(exists().where(Group.id == group.id)).scalar()
         if res:
-            db.session.merge(group)
+            self.session.merge(group)
-            db.session.add(group)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(group)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Group {group.id} saved")
         return group
     def get(self, id: str) -> Optional[Group]:
-        group: Group = db.session.query(Group).get(id)
+        group: Group = self.session.query(Group).get(id)
         return group
     def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Group:
-        group: Group = db.session.query(Group).filter_by(name=name).first()
+        group: Group = self.session.query(Group).filter_by(name=name).first()
         return group
     def get_all(self) -> List[Group]:
-        groups: List[Group] = db.session.query(Group).all()
+        groups: List[Group] = self.session.query(Group).all()
         return groups
     def delete(self, id: str) -> None:
-        g = db.session.query(Group).get(id)
-        db.session.delete(g)
-        db.session.commit()
+        g = self.session.query(Group).get(id)
+        self.session.delete(g)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Group {id} deleted")
@@ -58,49 +64,46 @@ class UserRepository:
     Database connector to manage User entity.
-    def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
-        # init seed admin user from conf
-        with db():
-            admin_user = self.get_by_name("admin")
-            if admin_user is None:
-                self.save(
-                    User(
-                        id=ADMIN_ID,
-                        name="admin",
-                        password=Password(config.security.admin_pwd),
-                    )
-                )
-            elif not admin_user.password.check(config.security.admin_pwd):  # type: ignore
-                admin_user.password = Password(config.security.admin_pwd)  # type: ignore
-                self.save(admin_user)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        session: Optional[Session] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, user: User) -> User:
-        res = db.session.query(exists().where(User.id == user.id)).scalar()
+        res = self.session.query(exists().where(User.id == user.id)).scalar()
         if res:
-            db.session.merge(user)
+            self.session.merge(user)
-            db.session.add(user)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(user)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"User {user.id} saved")
         return user
-    def get(self, id: int) -> Optional[User]:
-        user: User = db.session.query(User).get(id)
+    def get(self, id_number: int) -> Optional[User]:
+        user: User = self.session.query(User).get(id_number)
         return user
     def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[User]:
-        user: User = db.session.query(User).filter_by(name=name).first()
+        user: User = self.session.query(User).filter_by(name=name).first()
         return user
     def get_all(self) -> List[User]:
-        users: List[User] = db.session.query(User).all()
+        users: List[User] = self.session.query(User).all()
         return users
     def delete(self, id: int) -> None:
-        u: User = db.session.query(User).get(id)
-        db.session.delete(u)
-        db.session.commit()
+        u: User = self.session.query(User).get(id)
+        self.session.delete(u)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"User {id} deleted")
@@ -110,39 +113,54 @@ class UserLdapRepository:
     Database connector to manage UserLdap entity.
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        session: Optional[Session] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, user_ldap: UserLdap) -> UserLdap:
-        res = db.session.query(exists().where(UserLdap.id == user_ldap.id)).scalar()
+        res = self.session.query(exists().where(UserLdap.id == user_ldap.id)).scalar()
         if res:
-            db.session.merge(user_ldap)
+            self.session.merge(user_ldap)
-            db.session.add(user_ldap)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(user_ldap)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"User LDAP {user_ldap.id} saved")
         return user_ldap
-    def get(self, id: int) -> Optional[UserLdap]:
-        user_ldap: Optional[UserLdap] = db.session.query(UserLdap).get(id)
+    def get(self, id_number: int) -> Optional[UserLdap]:
+        user_ldap: Optional[UserLdap] = self.session.query(UserLdap).get(id_number)
         return user_ldap
     def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[UserLdap]:
-        user: UserLdap = db.session.query(UserLdap).filter_by(name=name).first()
+        user: UserLdap = self.session.query(UserLdap).filter_by(name=name).first()
         return user
     def get_by_external_id(self, external_id: str) -> Optional[UserLdap]:
-        user: UserLdap = db.session.query(UserLdap).filter_by(external_id=external_id).first()
+        user: UserLdap = self.session.query(UserLdap).filter_by(external_id=external_id).first()
         return user
-    def get_all(self) -> List[UserLdap]:
-        users_ldap: List[UserLdap] = db.session.query(UserLdap).all()
+    def get_all(
+        self,
+    ) -> List[UserLdap]:
+        users_ldap: List[UserLdap] = self.session.query(UserLdap).all()
         return users_ldap
-    def delete(self, id: int) -> None:
-        u: UserLdap = db.session.query(UserLdap).get(id)
-        db.session.delete(u)
-        db.session.commit()
+    def delete(self, id_number: int) -> None:
+        u: UserLdap = self.session.query(UserLdap).get(id_number)
+        self.session.delete(u)
+        self.session.commit()
-        logger.debug(f"User LDAP {id} deleted")
+        logger.debug(f"User LDAP {id_number} deleted")
 class BotRepository:
@@ -150,42 +168,57 @@ class BotRepository:
     Database connector to manage Bot entity.
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        session: Optional[Session] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, bot: Bot) -> Bot:
-        res = db.session.query(exists().where(Bot.id == bot.id)).scalar()
+        res = self.session.query(exists().where(Bot.id == bot.id)).scalar()
         if res:
             raise ValueError("Bot already exist")
-            db.session.add(bot)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(bot)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Bot {bot.id} saved")
         return bot
-    def get(self, id: int) -> Optional[Bot]:
-        bot: Bot = db.session.query(Bot).get(id)
+    def get(self, id_number: int) -> Optional[Bot]:
+        bot: Bot = self.session.query(Bot).get(id_number)
         return bot
-    def get_all(self) -> List[Bot]:
-        bots: List[Bot] = db.session.query(Bot).all()
+    def get_all(
+        self,
+    ) -> List[Bot]:
+        bots: List[Bot] = self.session.query(Bot).all()
         return bots
-    def delete(self, id: int) -> None:
-        u: Bot = db.session.query(Bot).get(id)
-        db.session.delete(u)
-        db.session.commit()
+    def delete(self, id_number: int) -> None:
+        u: Bot = self.session.query(Bot).get(id_number)
+        self.session.delete(u)
+        self.session.commit()
-        logger.debug(f"Bot {id} deleted")
+        logger.debug(f"Bot {id_number} deleted")
     def get_all_by_owner(self, owner: int) -> List[Bot]:
-        bots: List[Bot] = db.session.query(Bot).filter_by(owner=owner).all()
+        bots: List[Bot] = self.session.query(Bot).filter_by(owner=owner).all()
         return bots
     def get_by_name_and_owner(self, owner: int, name: str) -> Optional[Bot]:
-        bot: Bot = db.session.query(Bot).filter_by(owner=owner, name=name).first()
+        bot: Bot = self.session.query(Bot).filter_by(owner=owner, name=name).first()
         return bot
-    def exists(self, id: int) -> bool:
-        res: bool = db.session.query(exists().where(Bot.id == id)).scalar()
+    def exists(self, id_number: int) -> bool:
+        res: bool = self.session.query(exists().where(Bot.id == id_number)).scalar()
         return res
@@ -194,29 +227,31 @@ class RoleRepository:
     Database connector to manage Role entity.
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        with db():
-            if self.get(1, "admin") is None:
-                self.save(
-                    Role(
-                        type=RoleType.ADMIN,
-                        identity=User(id=1),
-                        group=Group(id="admin"),
-                    )
-                )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        session: Optional[Session] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, role: Role) -> Role:
-        role.group = db.session.merge(role.group)
-        role.identity = db.session.merge(role.identity)
+        role.group = self.session.merge(role.group)
+        role.identity = self.session.merge(role.identity)
-        db.session.add(role)
-        db.session.commit()
+        self.session.add(role)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Role (user={role.identity}, group={role.group} saved")
         return role
     def get(self, user: int, group: str) -> Optional[Role]:
-        role: Role = db.session.query(Role).get((user, group))
+        role: Role = self.session.query(Role).get((user, group))
         return role
     def get_all_by_user(self, /, user_id: int) -> List[Role]:
@@ -231,17 +266,17 @@ def get_all_by_user(self, /, user_id: int) -> List[Role]:
         # When we fetch the list of roles, we also need to fetch the associated groups.
         # We use a SQL query with joins to fetch all these data efficiently.
-        stm = db.session.query(Role).options(joinedload(Role.group)).filter_by(identity_id=user_id)
+        stm = self.session.query(Role).options(joinedload(Role.group)).filter_by(identity_id=user_id)
         roles: List[Role] = stm.all()
         return roles
     def get_all_by_group(self, group: str) -> List[Role]:
-        roles: List[Role] = db.session.query(Role).filter_by(group_id=group).all()
+        roles: List[Role] = self.session.query(Role).filter_by(group_id=group).all()
         return roles
     def delete(self, user: int, group: str) -> None:
-        r = db.session.query(Role).get((user, group))
-        db.session.delete(r)
-        db.session.commit()
+        r = self.session.query(Role).get((user, group))
+        self.session.delete(r)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Role (user={user}, group={group} deleted")
diff --git a/antarest/main.py b/antarest/main.py
index 1e0c9183dd..700947a4dd 100644
--- a/antarest/main.py
+++ b/antarest/main.py
@@ -30,15 +30,18 @@
 from antarest.core.logging.utils import LoggingMiddleware, configure_logger
 from antarest.core.requests import RATE_LIMIT_CONFIG
 from antarest.core.swagger import customize_openapi
+from antarest.core.tasks.model import cancel_orphan_tasks
+from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
 from antarest.core.utils.utils import get_local_path
 from antarest.core.utils.web import tags_metadata
 from antarest.login.auth import Auth, JwtSettings
+from antarest.login.model import init_admin_user
 from antarest.matrixstore.matrix_garbage_collector import MatrixGarbageCollector
-from antarest.singleton_services import SingletonServices
+from antarest.singleton_services import start_all_services
 from antarest.study.storage.auto_archive_service import AutoArchiveService
 from antarest.study.storage.rawstudy.watcher import Watcher
 from antarest.tools.admin_lib import clean_locks
-from antarest.utils import Module, create_services, init_db
+from antarest.utils import SESSION_ARGS, Module, create_services, init_db_engine
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -246,7 +249,8 @@ def fastapi_app(
     # Database
-    init_db(config_file, config, auto_upgrade_db, application)
+    engine = init_db_engine(config_file, config, auto_upgrade_db)
+    application.add_middleware(DBSessionMiddleware, custom_engine=engine, session_args=SESSION_ARGS)
@@ -401,6 +405,7 @@ def handle_all_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> Any:
+    init_admin_user(engine=engine, session_args=SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=config.security.admin_pwd)
     services = create_services(config, application)
     if mount_front:
@@ -428,6 +433,7 @@ def handle_all_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> Any:
+    cancel_orphan_tasks(engine=engine, session_args=SESSION_ARGS)
     return application, services
@@ -455,8 +461,7 @@ def main() -> None:
         # noinspection PyTypeChecker
         uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8080, log_config=LOGGING_CONFIG)
-        services = SingletonServices(arguments.config_file, [arguments.module])
-        services.start()
+        start_all_services(arguments.config_file, [arguments.module])
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/antarest/matrixstore/model.py b/antarest/matrixstore/model.py
index 1f6e500c42..aa9a4a91a9 100644
--- a/antarest/matrixstore/model.py
+++ b/antarest/matrixstore/model.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import datetime
+import typing as t
 import uuid
-from typing import Any, List, Union
 from pydantic import BaseModel
 from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table  # type: ignore
@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ class Matrix(Base):  # type: ignore
     height: int = Column(Integer)
     created_at: datetime.datetime = Column(DateTime)
-    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
+        """Returns a string representation of the matrix."""
+        return f"Matrix(id={self.id}, shape={(self.height, self.width)}, created_at={self.created_at})"
+    def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool:
         if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
             return False
@@ -50,9 +54,9 @@ class MatrixInfoDTO(BaseModel):
 class MatrixDataSetDTO(BaseModel):
     id: str
     name: str
-    matrices: List[MatrixInfoDTO]
+    matrices: t.List[MatrixInfoDTO]
     owner: UserInfo
-    groups: List[GroupDTO]
+    groups: t.List[GroupDTO]
     public: bool
     created_at: str
     updated_at: str
@@ -85,7 +89,11 @@ class MatrixDataSetRelation(Base):  # type: ignore
     name: str = Column(String, primary_key=True)
     matrix: Matrix = relationship(Matrix)
-    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
+        """Returns a string representation of the matrix."""
+        return f"MatrixDataSetRelation(dataset_id={self.dataset_id}, matrix_id={self.matrix_id}, name={self.name})"
+    def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool:
         if not isinstance(other, MatrixDataSetRelation):
             return False
@@ -152,7 +160,18 @@ def to_dto(self) -> MatrixDataSetDTO:
-    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
+        """Returns a string representation of the matrix."""
+        return (
+            f"MatrixDataSet(id={self.id},"
+            f" name={self.name},"
+            f" owner_id={self.owner_id},"
+            f" public={self.public},"
+            f" created_at={self.created_at},"
+            f" updated_at={self.updated_at})"
+        )
+    def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool:
         if not isinstance(other, MatrixDataSet):
             return False
@@ -181,9 +200,9 @@ def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
 class MatrixDTO(BaseModel):
     width: int
     height: int
-    index: List[str]
-    columns: List[str]
-    data: List[List[MatrixData]]
+    index: t.List[str]
+    columns: t.List[str]
+    data: t.List[t.List[MatrixData]]
     created_at: int = 0
     id: str = ""
@@ -198,12 +217,12 @@ class MatrixContent(BaseModel):
         columns: A list of columns indexes or names.
-    data: List[List[MatrixData]]
-    index: List[Union[int, str]]
-    columns: List[Union[int, str]]
+    data: t.List[t.List[MatrixData]]
+    index: t.List[t.Union[int, str]]
+    columns: t.List[t.Union[int, str]]
 class MatrixDataSetUpdateDTO(BaseModel):
     name: str
-    groups: List[str]
+    groups: t.List[str]
     public: bool
diff --git a/antarest/matrixstore/repository.py b/antarest/matrixstore/repository.py
index 6301e39c7f..9ab44a69ec 100644
--- a/antarest/matrixstore/repository.py
+++ b/antarest/matrixstore/repository.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from filelock import FileLock
 from numpy import typing as npt
 from sqlalchemy import and_, exists  # type: ignore
-from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, aliased  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
 from antarest.matrixstore.model import Matrix, MatrixContent, MatrixData, MatrixDataSet
@@ -20,23 +20,33 @@ class MatrixDataSetRepository:
     Database connector to manage Matrix metadata entity
+    def __init__(self, session: t.Optional[Session] = None) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, matrix_user_metadata: MatrixDataSet) -> MatrixDataSet:
-        res: bool = db.session.query(exists().where(MatrixDataSet.id == matrix_user_metadata.id)).scalar()
+        res: bool = self.session.query(exists().where(MatrixDataSet.id == matrix_user_metadata.id)).scalar()
         if res:
-            matrix_user_metadata = db.session.merge(matrix_user_metadata)
+            matrix_user_metadata = self.session.merge(matrix_user_metadata)
-            db.session.add(matrix_user_metadata)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(matrix_user_metadata)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Matrix dataset {matrix_user_metadata.id} for user {matrix_user_metadata.owner_id} saved")
         return matrix_user_metadata
-    def get(self, id: str) -> t.Optional[MatrixDataSet]:
-        matrix: MatrixDataSet = db.session.query(MatrixDataSet).get(id)
+    def get(self, id_number: str) -> t.Optional[MatrixDataSet]:
+        matrix: MatrixDataSet = self.session.query(MatrixDataSet).get(id_number)
         return matrix
     def get_all_datasets(self) -> t.List[MatrixDataSet]:
-        matrix_datasets: t.List[MatrixDataSet] = db.session.query(MatrixDataSet).all()
+        matrix_datasets: t.List[MatrixDataSet] = self.session.query(MatrixDataSet).all()
         return matrix_datasets
     def query(
@@ -54,7 +64,7 @@ def query(
             the list of metadata per user, matching the query
-        query = db.session.query(MatrixDataSet)
+        query = self.session.query(MatrixDataSet)
         if name is not None:
             query = query.filter(MatrixDataSet.name.ilike(f"%{name}%"))  # type: ignore
         if owner is not None:
@@ -63,9 +73,9 @@ def query(
         return datasets
     def delete(self, dataset_id: str) -> None:
-        dataset = db.session.query(MatrixDataSet).get(dataset_id)
-        db.session.delete(dataset)
-        db.session.commit()
+        dataset = self.session.query(MatrixDataSet).get(dataset_id)
+        self.session.delete(dataset)
+        self.session.commit()
 class MatrixRepository:
@@ -73,28 +83,38 @@ class MatrixRepository:
     Database connector to manage Matrix entity.
+    def __init__(self, session: t.Optional[Session] = None) -> None:
+        self._session = session
+    @property
+    def session(self) -> Session:
+        """Get the SqlAlchemy session or create a new one on the fly if not available in the current thread."""
+        if self._session is None:
+            return db.session
+        return self._session
     def save(self, matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix:
-        if db.session.query(exists().where(Matrix.id == matrix.id)).scalar():
-            db.session.merge(matrix)
+        if self.session.query(exists().where(Matrix.id == matrix.id)).scalar():
+            self.session.merge(matrix)
-            db.session.add(matrix)
-        db.session.commit()
+            self.session.add(matrix)
+        self.session.commit()
         logger.debug(f"Matrix {matrix.id} saved")
         return matrix
     def get(self, matrix_hash: str) -> t.Optional[Matrix]:
-        matrix: Matrix = db.session.query(Matrix).get(matrix_hash)
+        matrix: Matrix = self.session.query(Matrix).get(matrix_hash)
         return matrix
     def exists(self, matrix_hash: str) -> bool:
-        res: bool = db.session.query(exists().where(Matrix.id == matrix_hash)).scalar()
+        res: bool = self.session.query(exists().where(Matrix.id == matrix_hash)).scalar()
         return res
     def delete(self, matrix_hash: str) -> None:
-        if g := db.session.query(Matrix).get(matrix_hash):
-            db.session.delete(g)
-            db.session.commit()
+        if g := self.session.query(Matrix).get(matrix_hash):
+            self.session.delete(g)
+            self.session.commit()
             logger.warning(f"Trying to delete matrix {matrix_hash}, but was not found in database!")
         logger.debug(f"Matrix {matrix_hash} deleted")
diff --git a/antarest/matrixstore/service.py b/antarest/matrixstore/service.py
index 4869ed11fa..c0a9d91788 100644
--- a/antarest/matrixstore/service.py
+++ b/antarest/matrixstore/service.py
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
 class ISimpleMatrixService(ABC):
+    def __init__(self, matrix_content_repository: MatrixContentRepository) -> None:
+        self.matrix_content_repository = matrix_content_repository
     def create(self, data: Union[List[List[MatrixData]], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]) -> str:
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -72,15 +75,14 @@ def delete(self, matrix_id: str) -> None:
 class SimpleMatrixService(ISimpleMatrixService):
-    def __init__(self, bucket_dir: Path):
-        self.bucket_dir = bucket_dir
-        self.content_repo = MatrixContentRepository(bucket_dir)
+    def __init__(self, matrix_content_repository: MatrixContentRepository):
+        super().__init__(matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository)
     def create(self, data: Union[List[List[MatrixData]], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]) -> str:
-        return self.content_repo.save(data)
+        return self.matrix_content_repository.save(data)
     def get(self, matrix_id: str) -> MatrixDTO:
-        data = self.content_repo.get(matrix_id)
+        data = self.matrix_content_repository.get(matrix_id)
         return MatrixDTO.construct(
@@ -91,10 +93,10 @@ def get(self, matrix_id: str) -> MatrixDTO:
     def exists(self, matrix_id: str) -> bool:
-        return self.content_repo.exists(matrix_id)
+        return self.matrix_content_repository.exists(matrix_id)
     def delete(self, matrix_id: str) -> None:
-        self.content_repo.delete(matrix_id)
+        self.matrix_content_repository.delete(matrix_id)
 class MatrixService(ISimpleMatrixService):
@@ -108,9 +110,9 @@ def __init__(
         config: Config,
         user_service: LoginService,
+        super().__init__(matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository)
         self.repo = repo
         self.repo_dataset = repo_dataset
-        self.matrix_content_repository = matrix_content_repository
         self.user_service = user_service
         self.file_transfer_manager = file_transfer_manager
         self.task_service = task_service
diff --git a/antarest/singleton_services.py b/antarest/singleton_services.py
index 9b702a346b..f106099523 100644
--- a/antarest/singleton_services.py
+++ b/antarest/singleton_services.py
@@ -1,90 +1,76 @@
-import logging
-import time
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Dict, List, cast
 from antarest.core.config import Config
 from antarest.core.interfaces.service import IService
 from antarest.core.logging.utils import configure_logger
+from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
 from antarest.core.utils.utils import get_local_path
 from antarest.study.storage.auto_archive_service import AutoArchiveService
 from antarest.utils import (
-    init_db,
+    init_db_engine,
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class SingletonServices:
-    def __init__(self, config_file: Path, services_list: List[Module]) -> None:
-        self.services_list = self._init(config_file, services_list)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _init(config_file: Path, services_list: List[Module]) -> Dict[Module, IService]:
-        res = get_local_path() / "resources"
-        config = Config.from_yaml_file(res=res, file=config_file)
-        init_db(config_file, config, False, None)
-        configure_logger(config)
-        (
-            cache,
-            event_bus,
-            task_service,
-            ft_manager,
-            login_service,
-            matrix_service,
-            study_service,
-        ) = create_core_services(None, config)
-        services: Dict[Module, IService] = {}
-        if Module.WATCHER in services_list:
-            watcher = create_watcher(config=config, application=None, study_service=study_service)
-            services[Module.WATCHER] = watcher
-        if Module.MATRIX_GC in services_list:
-            matrix_gc = create_matrix_gc(
-                config=config,
-                application=None,
-                study_service=study_service,
-                matrix_service=matrix_service,
-            )
-            services[Module.MATRIX_GC] = matrix_gc
-        if Module.ARCHIVE_WORKER in services_list:
-            worker = create_archive_worker(config, "test", event_bus=event_bus)
-            services[Module.ARCHIVE_WORKER] = worker
-        if Module.SIMULATOR_WORKER in services_list:
-            worker = create_simulator_worker(config, matrix_service=matrix_service, event_bus=event_bus)
-            services[Module.SIMULATOR_WORKER] = worker
-        if Module.AUTO_ARCHIVER in services_list:
-            auto_archive_service = AutoArchiveService(study_service, config)
-            services[Module.AUTO_ARCHIVER] = auto_archive_service
-        return services
-    def start(self) -> None:
-        for service in self.services_list:
-            self.services_list[service].start(threaded=True)
-        self._loop()
-    def _loop(self) -> None:
-        while True:
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as e:
-                logger.error(
-                    "Unexpected error happened while processing service manager loop",
-                    exc_info=e,
-                )
-            finally:
-                time.sleep(2)
+def _init(config_file: Path, services_list: List[Module]) -> Dict[Module, IService]:
+    res = get_local_path() / "resources"
+    config = Config.from_yaml_file(res=res, file=config_file)
+    engine = init_db_engine(
+        config_file,
+        config,
+        False,
+    )
+    DBSessionMiddleware(None, custom_engine=engine, session_args=cast(Dict[str, bool], SESSION_ARGS))
+    configure_logger(config)
+    (
+        cache,
+        event_bus,
+        task_service,
+        ft_manager,
+        login_service,
+        matrix_service,
+        study_service,
+    ) = create_core_services(None, config)
+    services: Dict[Module, IService] = {}
+    if Module.WATCHER in services_list:
+        watcher = create_watcher(config=config, application=None, study_service=study_service)
+        services[Module.WATCHER] = watcher
+    if Module.MATRIX_GC in services_list:
+        matrix_gc = create_matrix_gc(
+            config=config,
+            application=None,
+            study_service=study_service,
+            matrix_service=matrix_service,
+        )
+        services[Module.MATRIX_GC] = matrix_gc
+    if Module.ARCHIVE_WORKER in services_list:
+        worker = create_archive_worker(config, "test", event_bus=event_bus)
+        services[Module.ARCHIVE_WORKER] = worker
+    if Module.SIMULATOR_WORKER in services_list:
+        worker = create_simulator_worker(config, matrix_service=matrix_service, event_bus=event_bus)
+        services[Module.SIMULATOR_WORKER] = worker
+    if Module.AUTO_ARCHIVER in services_list:
+        auto_archive_service = AutoArchiveService(study_service, config)
+        services[Module.AUTO_ARCHIVER] = auto_archive_service
+    return services
+def start_all_services(config_file: Path, services_list: List[Module]) -> None:
+    services = _init(config_file, services_list)
+    for service in services:
+        services[service].start(threaded=True)
diff --git a/antarest/study/business/binding_constraint_management.py b/antarest/study/business/binding_constraint_management.py
index ca1f714750..7caeabd9ab 100644
--- a/antarest/study/business/binding_constraint_management.py
+++ b/antarest/study/business/binding_constraint_management.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 from antarest.core.exceptions import (
+    DuplicateConstraintName,
@@ -13,8 +14,13 @@
 from antarest.study.business.utils import execute_or_add_commands
 from antarest.study.model import Study
 from antarest.study.storage.rawstudy.model.filesystem.config.binding_constraint import BindingConstraintFrequency
+from antarest.study.storage.rawstudy.model.filesystem.config.model import transform_name_to_id
 from antarest.study.storage.storage_service import StudyStorageService
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.command.common import BindingConstraintOperator
+from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.command.create_binding_constraint import (
+    BindingConstraintProperties,
+    CreateBindingConstraint,
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.command.update_binding_constraint import UpdateBindingConstraint
@@ -40,6 +46,10 @@ class UpdateBindingConstProps(BaseModel):
     value: Any
+class BindingConstraintPropertiesWithName(BindingConstraintProperties):
+    name: str
 class BindingConstraintDTO(BaseModel):
     id: str
     name: str
@@ -153,6 +163,32 @@ def get_binding_constraint(
         return binding_constraint
+    def create_binding_constraint(
+        self,
+        study: Study,
+        data: BindingConstraintPropertiesWithName,
+    ) -> None:
+        binding_constraints = self.get_binding_constraint(study, None)
+        existing_ids = [bd.id for bd in binding_constraints]  # type: ignore
+        bd_id = transform_name_to_id(data.name)
+        if bd_id in existing_ids:
+            raise DuplicateConstraintName(f"A binding constraint with the same name already exists: {bd_id}.")
+        file_study = self.storage_service.get_storage(study).get_raw(study)
+        command = CreateBindingConstraint(
+            name=bd_id,
+            enabled=data.enabled,
+            time_step=data.time_step,
+            operator=data.operator,
+            coeffs=data.coeffs,
+            values=data.values,
+            filter_year_by_year=data.filter_year_by_year,
+            filter_synthesis=data.filter_synthesis,
+            comments=data.comments or "",
+            command_context=self.storage_service.variant_study_service.command_factory.command_context,
+        )
+        execute_or_add_commands(study, file_study, [command], self.storage_service)
     def update_binding_constraint(
         study: Study,
diff --git a/antarest/study/main.py b/antarest/study/main.py
index e4a981afd2..83ad90dca3 100644
--- a/antarest/study/main.py
+++ b/antarest/study/main.py
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ def build_study_service(
-    generator_matrix_constants = generator_matrix_constants or GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=matrix_service)
+    if not generator_matrix_constants:
+        generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=matrix_service)
+        generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
     command_factory = CommandFactory(
diff --git a/antarest/study/repository.py b/antarest/study/repository.py
index 94a0220e37..1a830c7428 100644
--- a/antarest/study/repository.py
+++ b/antarest/study/repository.py
@@ -53,18 +53,19 @@ def save(
         if update_modification_date:
             metadata.updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        metadata.groups = [db.session.merge(g) for g in metadata.groups]
+        session = self.session
+        metadata.groups = [session.merge(g) for g in metadata.groups]
         if metadata.owner:
-            metadata.owner = db.session.merge(metadata.owner)
-        db.session.add(metadata)
-        db.session.commit()
+            metadata.owner = session.merge(metadata.owner)
+        session.add(metadata)
+        session.commit()
         if update_in_listing:
         return metadata
     def refresh(self, metadata: Study) -> None:
-        db.session.refresh(metadata)
+        self.session.refresh(metadata)
     def get(self, id: str) -> t.Optional[Study]:
         """Get the study by ID or return `None` if not found in database."""
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ def get(self, id: str) -> t.Optional[Study]:
         # to check the permissions of the current user efficiently.
         study: Study = (
             # fmt: off
-            db.session.query(Study)
+            self.session.query(Study)
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ def one(self, id: str) -> Study:
         # When we fetch a study, we also need to fetch the associated owner and groups
         # to check the permissions of the current user efficiently.
         study: Study = (
-            db.session.query(Study)
+            self.session.query(Study)
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ def get_list(self, study_id: t.List[str]) -> t.List[Study]:
         # When we fetch a study, we also need to fetch the associated owner and groups
         # to check the permissions of the current user efficiently.
         studies: t.List[Study] = (
-            db.session.query(Study)
+            self.session.query(Study)
@@ -106,16 +107,16 @@ def get_list(self, study_id: t.List[str]) -> t.List[Study]:
         return studies
     def get_additional_data(self, study_id: str) -> t.Optional[StudyAdditionalData]:
-        study: StudyAdditionalData = db.session.query(StudyAdditionalData).get(study_id)
+        study: StudyAdditionalData = self.session.query(StudyAdditionalData).get(study_id)
         return study
     def get_all(self) -> t.List[Study]:
         entity = with_polymorphic(Study, "*")
-        studies: t.List[Study] = db.session.query(entity).filter(RawStudy.missing.is_(None)).all()
+        studies: t.List[Study] = self.session.query(entity).filter(RawStudy.missing.is_(None)).all()
         return studies
     def get_all_raw(self, show_missing: bool = True) -> t.List[RawStudy]:
-        query = db.session.query(RawStudy)
+        query = self.session.query(RawStudy)
         if not show_missing:
             query = query.filter(RawStudy.missing.is_(None))
         studies: t.List[RawStudy] = query.all()
@@ -123,9 +124,10 @@ def get_all_raw(self, show_missing: bool = True) -> t.List[RawStudy]:
     def delete(self, id: str) -> None:
         logger.debug(f"Deleting study {id}")
-        u: Study = db.session.query(Study).get(id)
-        db.session.delete(u)
-        db.session.commit()
+        session = self.session
+        u: Study = session.query(Study).get(id)
+        session.delete(u)
+        session.commit()
     def _remove_study_from_cache_listing(self, study_id: str) -> None:
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingconstraints_ini.py b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingconstraints_ini.py
index 5e4059252a..51e426fda2 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingconstraints_ini.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingconstraints_ini.py
@@ -3,6 +3,23 @@
 from antarest.study.storage.rawstudy.model.filesystem.ini_file_node import IniFileNode
+# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
 class BindingConstraintsIni(IniFileNode):
+    """
+    Handle the binding constraints configuration file: `/input/bindingconstraints/bindingconstraints.ini`.
+    This files contains a list of sections numbered from 1 to n.
+    Each section contains the following fields:
+    - `name`: the name of the binding constraint.
+    - `id`: the id of the binding constraint (normalized name in lower case).
+    - `enabled`: whether the binding constraint is enabled or not.
+    - `type`: the frequency of the binding constraint ("hourly", "daily" or "weekly")
+    - `operator`: the operator of the binding constraint ("both", "equal", "greater", "less")
+    - `comment`: a comment
+    - and a list of coefficients (one per line) of the form `{area1}%{area2} = {coeff}`.
+    """
     def __init__(self, context: ContextServer, config: FileStudyTreeConfig):
-        IniFileNode.__init__(self, context, config, types={})
+        super().__init__(context, config, types={})
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingcontraints.py b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingcontraints.py
index e86dedfe18..69fe669183 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingcontraints.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/bindingconstraints/bindingcontraints.py
@@ -7,18 +7,22 @@
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business.matrix_constants.binding_constraint.series import (
-    default_binding_constraint_daily,
-    default_binding_constraint_hourly,
-    default_binding_constraint_weekly,
+    default_bc_hourly,
+    default_bc_weekly_daily,
 class BindingConstraints(FolderNode):
+    """
+    Handle the binding constraints folder which contains the binding constraints
+    configuration and matrices.
+    """
     def build(self) -> TREE:
         default_matrices = {
-            BindingConstraintFrequency.HOURLY: default_binding_constraint_hourly,
-            BindingConstraintFrequency.DAILY: default_binding_constraint_daily,
-            BindingConstraintFrequency.WEEKLY: default_binding_constraint_weekly,
+            BindingConstraintFrequency.HOURLY: default_bc_hourly,
+            BindingConstraintFrequency.DAILY: default_bc_weekly_daily,
+            BindingConstraintFrequency.WEEKLY: default_bc_weekly_daily,
         children: TREE = {
             binding.id: InputSeriesMatrix(
@@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ def build(self) -> TREE:
             for binding in self.config.bindings
+        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
         children["bindingconstraints"] = BindingConstraintsIni(
             self.context, self.config.next_file("bindingconstraints.ini")
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/input.py b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/input.py
index 995dbf92f0..88b58c5369 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/input.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/rawstudy/model/filesystem/root/input/input.py
@@ -18,7 +18,12 @@
 class Input(FolderNode):
+    """
+    Handle the input folder which contains all the input data of the study.
+    """
     def build(self) -> TREE:
+        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
         children: TREE = {
             "areas": InputAreas(self.context, self.config.next_file("areas")),
             "bindingconstraints": BindingConstraints(self.context, self.config.next_file("bindingconstraints")),
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/study_upgrader/__init__.py b/antarest/study/storage/study_upgrader/__init__.py
index 6b96dc711b..1993b4a0c3 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/study_upgrader/__init__.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/study_upgrader/__init__.py
@@ -201,9 +201,10 @@ def _copies_only_necessary_files(files_to_upgrade: List[Path], study_path: Path,
         The list of files and folders that were really copied. It's the same as files_to_upgrade but
         without any children that has parents already in the list.
-    files_to_upgrade.append(Path("study.antares"))
+    files_to_copy = _filters_out_children_files(files_to_upgrade)
+    files_to_copy.append(Path("study.antares"))
     files_to_retrieve = []
-    for path in files_to_upgrade:
+    for path in files_to_copy:
         entire_path = study_path / path
         if entire_path.is_dir():
             if not (tmp_path / path).exists():
@@ -220,6 +221,22 @@ def _copies_only_necessary_files(files_to_upgrade: List[Path], study_path: Path,
     return files_to_retrieve
+def _filters_out_children_files(files_to_upgrade: List[Path]) -> List[Path]:
+    """
+    Filters out children paths of "input" if "input" is already in the list.
+    Args:
+        files_to_upgrade: List[Path]: List of the files and folders concerned by the upgrade.
+    Returns:
+        The list of files filtered
+    """
+    is_input_in_files_to_upgrade = Path("input") in files_to_upgrade
+    if is_input_in_files_to_upgrade:
+        files_to_keep = [Path("input")]
+        files_to_keep.extend(path for path in files_to_upgrade if "input" not in path.parts)
+        return files_to_keep
+    return files_to_upgrade
 def _replace_safely_original_files(files_to_replace: List[Path], study_path: Path, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
     Replace files/folders of the study that should be upgraded by their copy already upgraded in the tmp directory.
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/command_extractor.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/command_extractor.py
index e0fd1d1e3c..9aa5a9b397 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/command_extractor.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/command_extractor.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class CommandExtractor(ICommandExtractor):
     def __init__(self, matrix_service: ISimpleMatrixService, patch_service: PatchService):
         self.matrix_service = matrix_service
         self.generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(self.matrix_service)
+        self.generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
         self.patch_service = patch_service
         self.command_context = CommandContext(
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants/binding_constraint/series.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants/binding_constraint/series.py
index e7b20a1137..f093c8e4a3 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants/binding_constraint/series.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants/binding_constraint/series.py
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 import numpy as np
-default_binding_constraint_hourly = np.zeros((8760, 3), dtype=np.float64)
-default_binding_constraint_hourly.flags.writeable = False
+# Matrice shapes for binding constraints are different from usual shapes,
+# because we need to take leap years into account, which contains 366 days and 8784 hours.
+# Also, we use the same matrices for "weekly" and "daily" frequencies,
+# because the solver calculates the weekly matrix from the daily matrix.
+# See https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/issues/1843
-default_binding_constraint_daily = np.zeros((365, 3), dtype=np.float64)
-default_binding_constraint_daily.flags.writeable = False
+default_bc_hourly = np.zeros((8784, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+default_bc_hourly.flags.writeable = False
-default_binding_constraint_weekly = np.zeros((52, 3), dtype=np.float64)
-default_binding_constraint_weekly.flags.writeable = False
+default_bc_weekly_daily = np.zeros((366, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+default_bc_weekly_daily.flags.writeable = False
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants_generator.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants_generator.py
index 8cb973785e..6a4dc233d4 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants_generator.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/business/matrix_constants_generator.py
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@
 # Binding constraint aliases
 BINDING_CONSTRAINT_HOURLY = "empty_2nd_member_hourly"
-BINDING_CONSTRAINT_DAILY = "empty_2nd_member_daily"
-BINDING_CONSTRAINT_WEEKLY = "empty_2nd_member_daily"
+"""2D-matrix of shape (8784, 3), filled-in with zeros for hourly binding constraints."""
+BINDING_CONSTRAINT_WEEKLY_DAILY = "empty_2nd_member_weekly_daily"
+"""2D-matrix of shape (366, 3), filled-in with zeros for weekly/daily binding constraints."""
 # Short-term storage aliases
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
+_LOCK_FILE_NAME = "matrix_constant_init.lock"
 # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
@@ -54,50 +57,53 @@ class GeneratorMatrixConstants:
     def __init__(self, matrix_service: ISimpleMatrixService) -> None:
         self.hashes: Dict[str, str] = {}
         self.matrix_service: ISimpleMatrixService = matrix_service
-        with FileLock(str(Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "matrix_constant_init.lock")):
-            self._init()
-    def _init(self) -> None:
-        self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_MAX_POWER_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.hydro.v7.max_power
-        )
-        self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_RESERVOIR_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.hydro.v7.reservoir
-        )
-        self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_RESERVOIR_V6] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.hydro.v6.reservoir
-        )
-        self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_INFLOW_PATTERN] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.hydro.v7.inflow_pattern
-        )
-        self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_CREDIT_MODULATION] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.hydro.v7.credit_modulations
-        )
-        self.hashes[PREPRO_CONVERSION] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.prepro.conversion)
-        self.hashes[PREPRO_DATA] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.prepro.data)
-        self.hashes[THERMAL_PREPRO_DATA] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.thermals.prepro.data)
-        self.hashes[THERMAL_PREPRO_MODULATION] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.thermals.prepro.modulation)
-        self.hashes[LINK_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v7.link)
-        self.hashes[LINK_V8] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.link)
-        self.hashes[LINK_DIRECT] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.direct)
-        self.hashes[LINK_INDIRECT] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.indirect)
-        self.hashes[NULL_MATRIX_NAME] = self.matrix_service.create(NULL_MATRIX)
-        self.hashes[EMPTY_SCENARIO_MATRIX] = self.matrix_service.create(NULL_SCENARIO_MATRIX)
-        self.hashes[RESERVES_TS] = self.matrix_service.create(FIXED_4_COLUMNS)
-        self.hashes[MISCGEN_TS] = self.matrix_service.create(FIXED_8_COLUMNS)
-        # Binding constraint matrices
-        series = matrix_constants.binding_constraint.series
-        self.hashes[BINDING_CONSTRAINT_HOURLY] = self.matrix_service.create(series.default_binding_constraint_hourly)
-        self.hashes[BINDING_CONSTRAINT_DAILY] = self.matrix_service.create(series.default_binding_constraint_daily)
-        self.hashes[BINDING_CONSTRAINT_WEEKLY] = self.matrix_service.create(series.default_binding_constraint_weekly)
-        # Some short-term storage matrices use np.ones((8760, 1))
-        self.hashes[ONES_SCENARIO_MATRIX] = self.matrix_service.create(
-            matrix_constants.st_storage.series.pmax_injection
-        )
+        self._lock_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+    def init_constant_matrices(
+        self,
+    ) -> None:
+        with FileLock(str(Path(self._lock_dir) / _LOCK_FILE_NAME)):
+            self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_MAX_POWER_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.hydro.v7.max_power
+            )
+            self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_RESERVOIR_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.hydro.v7.reservoir
+            )
+            self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_RESERVOIR_V6] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.hydro.v6.reservoir
+            )
+            self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_INFLOW_PATTERN] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.hydro.v7.inflow_pattern
+            )
+            self.hashes[HYDRO_COMMON_CAPACITY_CREDIT_MODULATION] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.hydro.v7.credit_modulations
+            )
+            self.hashes[PREPRO_CONVERSION] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.prepro.conversion)
+            self.hashes[PREPRO_DATA] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.prepro.data)
+            self.hashes[THERMAL_PREPRO_DATA] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.thermals.prepro.data)
+            self.hashes[THERMAL_PREPRO_MODULATION] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.thermals.prepro.modulation
+            )
+            self.hashes[LINK_V7] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v7.link)
+            self.hashes[LINK_V8] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.link)
+            self.hashes[LINK_DIRECT] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.direct)
+            self.hashes[LINK_INDIRECT] = self.matrix_service.create(matrix_constants.link.v8.indirect)
+            self.hashes[NULL_MATRIX_NAME] = self.matrix_service.create(NULL_MATRIX)
+            self.hashes[EMPTY_SCENARIO_MATRIX] = self.matrix_service.create(NULL_SCENARIO_MATRIX)
+            self.hashes[RESERVES_TS] = self.matrix_service.create(FIXED_4_COLUMNS)
+            self.hashes[MISCGEN_TS] = self.matrix_service.create(FIXED_8_COLUMNS)
+            # Binding constraint matrices
+            series = matrix_constants.binding_constraint.series
+            self.hashes[BINDING_CONSTRAINT_HOURLY] = self.matrix_service.create(series.default_bc_hourly)
+            self.hashes[BINDING_CONSTRAINT_WEEKLY_DAILY] = self.matrix_service.create(series.default_bc_weekly_daily)
+            # Some short-term storage matrices use np.ones((8760, 1))
+            self.hashes[ONES_SCENARIO_MATRIX] = self.matrix_service.create(
+                matrix_constants.st_storage.series.pmax_injection
+            )
     def get_hydro_max_power(self, version: int) -> str:
         if version > 650:
@@ -152,16 +158,16 @@ def get_default_miscgen(self) -> str:
         return MATRIX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX + self.hashes[MISCGEN_TS]
     def get_binding_constraint_hourly(self) -> str:
-        """2D-matrix of shape (8760, 3), filled-in with zeros."""
+        """2D-matrix of shape (8784, 3), filled-in with zeros."""
     def get_binding_constraint_daily(self) -> str:
-        """2D-matrix of shape (365, 3), filled-in with zeros."""
+        """2D-matrix of shape (366, 3), filled-in with zeros."""
     def get_binding_constraint_weekly(self) -> str:
-        """2D-matrix of shape (52, 3), filled-in with zeros."""
+        """2D-matrix of shape (366, 3), filled-in with zeros, same as daily."""
     def get_st_storage_pmax_injection(self) -> str:
         """2D-matrix of shape (8760, 1), filled-in with ones."""
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/command/create_binding_constraint.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/command/create_binding_constraint.py
index 178c918a0c..901294a73d 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/command/create_binding_constraint.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/command/create_binding_constraint.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
 import numpy as np
-from pydantic import Field, validator
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
 from antarest.matrixstore.model import MatrixData
 from antarest.study.storage.rawstudy.model.filesystem.config.binding_constraint import BindingConstraintFrequency
@@ -40,10 +40,15 @@ def check_matrix_values(time_step: BindingConstraintFrequency, values: MatrixTyp
             If the matrix shape does not match the expected shape for the given time step.
             If the matrix values contain NaN (Not-a-Number).
+    # Matrice shapes for binding constraints are different from usual shapes,
+    # because we need to take leap years into account, which contains 366 days and 8784 hours.
+    # Also, we use the same matrices for "weekly" and "daily" frequencies,
+    # because the solver calculates the weekly matrix from the daily matrix.
+    # See https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/issues/1843
     shapes = {
-        BindingConstraintFrequency.HOURLY: (8760, 3),
-        BindingConstraintFrequency.DAILY: (365, 3),
-        BindingConstraintFrequency.WEEKLY: (52, 3),
+        BindingConstraintFrequency.HOURLY: (8784, 3),
+        BindingConstraintFrequency.DAILY: (366, 3),
+        BindingConstraintFrequency.WEEKLY: (366, 3),
     # Check the matrix values and create the corresponding matrix link
     array = np.array(values, dtype=np.float64)
@@ -53,12 +58,9 @@ def check_matrix_values(time_step: BindingConstraintFrequency, values: MatrixTyp
         raise ValueError("Matrix values cannot contain NaN")
-class AbstractBindingConstraintCommand(ICommand, metaclass=ABCMeta):
-    """
-    Abstract class for binding constraint commands.
-    """
+class BindingConstraintProperties(BaseModel):
     # todo: add the `name` attribute because it should also be updated
+    # It would lead to an API change as update_binding_constraint currently does not have it
     enabled: bool = True
     time_step: BindingConstraintFrequency
     operator: BindingConstraintOperator
@@ -68,6 +70,12 @@ class AbstractBindingConstraintCommand(ICommand, metaclass=ABCMeta):
     filter_synthesis: Optional[str] = None
     comments: Optional[str] = None
+class AbstractBindingConstraintCommand(BindingConstraintProperties, ICommand, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    """
+    Abstract class for binding constraint commands.
+    """
     def to_dto(self) -> CommandDTO:
         args = {
             "enabled": self.enabled,
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/dbmodel.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/dbmodel.py
index 3e547bce13..1a88a76853 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/dbmodel.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/model/dbmodel.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def snapshot_dir(self) -> Path:
         """Get the path of the snapshot directory."""
         return Path(self.path) / "snapshot"
-    def is_snapshot_recent(self) -> bool:
+    def is_snapshot_up_to_date(self) -> bool:
         """Check if the snapshot exists and is up-to-date."""
         return (
             (self.snapshot is not None)
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/snapshot_generator.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/snapshot_generator.py
index f36632ea87..50972ae99a 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/snapshot_generator.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/snapshot_generator.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import datetime
 import logging
 import shutil
-import tempfile
 import typing as t
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -51,8 +50,6 @@ def __init__(
         self.study_factory = study_factory
         self.patch_service = patch_service
         self.repository = repository
-        # Temporary directory used to generate the snapshot
-        self._tmp_dir: Path = Path()
     def generate_snapshot(
@@ -75,32 +72,29 @@ def generate_snapshot(
         root_study, descendants = self._retrieve_descendants(variant_study_id)
         assert_permission_on_studies(jwt_user, [root_study, *descendants], StudyPermissionType.READ, raising=True)
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, descendants, from_scratch=from_scratch)
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, descendants, from_scratch=from_scratch)
-        # We are going to generate the snapshot in a temporary directory which will be renamed
-        # at the end of the process. This prevents incomplete snapshots in case of error.
+        ref_study = search_result.ref_study
+        cmd_blocks = search_result.cmd_blocks
-        # Get snapshot directory and prepare a temporary directory next to it.
+        # Get snapshot directory
         variant_study = descendants[-1]
         snapshot_dir = variant_study.snapshot_dir
-        snapshot_dir.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        self._tmp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=snapshot_dir.parent, prefix=f"~{snapshot_dir.name}", suffix=".tmp"))
-            logger.info(f"Exporting the reference study '{ref_study.id}' to '{self._tmp_dir.name}'...")
-            self._export_ref_study(ref_study)
+            if search_result.force_regenerate or not snapshot_dir.exists():
+                logger.info(f"Exporting the reference study '{ref_study.id}' to '{snapshot_dir.name}'...")
+                shutil.rmtree(snapshot_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+                self._export_ref_study(snapshot_dir, ref_study)
             logger.info(f"Applying commands to the reference study '{ref_study.id}'...")
-            results = self._apply_commands(variant_study, ref_study, cmd_blocks)
-            if (snapshot_dir / "user").exists():
-                logger.info("Keeping previous unmanaged user config...")
-                shutil.copytree(snapshot_dir / "user", self._tmp_dir / "user", dirs_exist_ok=True)
+            results = self._apply_commands(snapshot_dir, variant_study, cmd_blocks)
             # The snapshot is generated, we also need to de-normalize the matrices.
             file_study = self.study_factory.create_from_fs(
-                self._tmp_dir,
+                snapshot_dir,
-                output_path=self._tmp_dir / OUTPUT_RELATIVE_PATH,
+                output_path=snapshot_dir / OUTPUT_RELATIVE_PATH,
                 use_cache=False,  # Avoid saving the study config in the cache
             if denormalize:
@@ -112,26 +106,20 @@ def generate_snapshot(
             variant_study.snapshot = VariantStudySnapshot(
-                last_executed_command=cmd_blocks[-1].id if cmd_blocks else None,
+                last_executed_command=variant_study.commands[-1].id if variant_study.commands else None,
             logger.info(f"Reading additional data from files for study {file_study.config.study_id}")
             variant_study.additional_data = self._read_additional_data(file_study)
-            # Store the study config in the cache (with adjusted paths).
-            file_study.config.study_path = file_study.config.path = snapshot_dir
-            file_study.config.output_path = snapshot_dir / OUTPUT_RELATIVE_PATH
         except Exception:
-            shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+            shutil.rmtree(snapshot_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-            # Rename the temporary directory to the final snapshot directory
-            shutil.rmtree(snapshot_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-            self._tmp_dir.rename(snapshot_dir)
             except Exception as exc:
@@ -149,12 +137,12 @@ def _retrieve_descendants(self, variant_study_id: str) -> t.Tuple[RawStudy, t.Se
         root_study = self.repository.one(descendant_ids[0])
         return root_study, descendants
-    def _export_ref_study(self, ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]) -> None:
-        self._tmp_dir.rmdir()  # remove the temporary directory for shutil.copytree
+    def _export_ref_study(self, snapshot_dir: Path, ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]) -> None:
         if isinstance(ref_study, VariantStudy):
+            snapshot_dir.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-                self._tmp_dir,
+                snapshot_dir,
                 denormalize=False,  # de-normalization is done at the end
                 outputs=False,  # do NOT export outputs
@@ -162,7 +150,7 @@ def _export_ref_study(self, ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]) -> None:
         elif isinstance(ref_study, RawStudy):
-                self._tmp_dir,
+                snapshot_dir,
                 denormalize=False,  # de-normalization is done at the end
                 outputs=False,  # do NOT export outputs
@@ -171,15 +159,15 @@ def _export_ref_study(self, ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]) -> None:
     def _apply_commands(
+        snapshot_dir: Path,
         variant_study: VariantStudy,
-        ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy],
         cmd_blocks: t.Sequence[CommandBlock],
     ) -> GenerationResultInfoDTO:
         commands = [self.command_factory.to_command(cb.to_dto()) for cb in cmd_blocks]
         generator = VariantCommandGenerator(self.study_factory)
         results = generator.generate(
-            self._tmp_dir,
+            snapshot_dir,
             delete_on_failure=False,  # Not needed, because we are using a temporary directory
@@ -208,12 +196,22 @@ def _update_cache(self, file_study: FileStudy) -> None:
+class RefStudySearchResult(t.NamedTuple):
+    """
+    Result of the search for the reference study.
+    """
+    ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]
+    cmd_blocks: t.Sequence[CommandBlock]
+    force_regenerate: bool = False
 def search_ref_study(
     root_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy],
     descendants: t.Sequence[VariantStudy],
     from_scratch: bool = False,
-) -> t.Tuple[t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy], t.Sequence[CommandBlock]]:
+) -> RefStudySearchResult:
     Search for the reference study and the commands to use for snapshot generation.
@@ -225,6 +223,9 @@ def search_ref_study(
         The reference study and the commands to use for snapshot generation.
+    if not descendants:
+        # Edge case where the list of studies is empty.
+        return RefStudySearchResult(ref_study=root_study, cmd_blocks=[], force_regenerate=True)
     # The reference study is the root study or a variant study with a valid snapshot
     ref_study: t.Union[RawStudy, VariantStudy]
@@ -236,42 +237,68 @@ def search_ref_study(
         # In the case of a from scratch generation, the root study will be used as the reference study.
         # We need to retrieve all commands from the descendants of variants in order to apply them
         # on the reference study.
-        ref_study = root_study
-        cmd_blocks = [c for v in descendants for c in v.commands]
+        return RefStudySearchResult(
+            ref_study=root_study,
+            cmd_blocks=[c for v in descendants for c in v.commands],
+            force_regenerate=True,
+        )
-    else:
-        # To generate the last variant of a descendant of variants, we must search for
-        # the most recent snapshot in order to use it as a reference study.
-        # If no snapshot is found, we use the root study as a reference study.
-        snapshot_vars = [v for v in descendants if v.is_snapshot_recent()]
-        if snapshot_vars:
-            # We use the most recent snapshot as a reference study
-            ref_study = max(snapshot_vars, key=lambda v: v.snapshot.created_at)
-            # This variant's snapshot corresponds to the commands actually generated
-            # at the time of the snapshot. However, we need to retrieve the remaining commands,
-            # because the snapshot generation may be incomplete.
-            last_exec_cmd = ref_study.snapshot.last_executed_command  # ID of the command
-            if not last_exec_cmd:
-                # It is unlikely that this case will occur, but it means that
-                # the snapshot is not correctly generated (corrupted database).
-                # It better to use all commands to force snapshot re-generation.
-                cmd_blocks = ref_study.commands[:]
-            else:
-                command_ids = [c.id for c in ref_study.commands]
-                last_exec_index = command_ids.index(last_exec_cmd)
-                cmd_blocks = ref_study.commands[last_exec_index + 1 :]
-            # We need to add all commands from the descendants of variants
-            # starting at the first descendant of reference study.
-            index = descendants.index(ref_study)
-            cmd_blocks.extend([c for v in descendants[index + 1 :] for c in v.commands])
+    # To reuse the snapshot of the current variant, the last executed command
+    # must be one of the commands of the current variant.
+    curr_variant = descendants[-1]
+    if curr_variant.snapshot:
+        last_exec_cmd = curr_variant.snapshot.last_executed_command
+        command_ids = [c.id for c in curr_variant.commands]
+        # If the variant has no command, we can reuse the snapshot if it is recent
+        if not last_exec_cmd and not command_ids and curr_variant.is_snapshot_up_to_date():
+            return RefStudySearchResult(
+                ref_study=curr_variant,
+                cmd_blocks=[],
+                force_regenerate=False,
+            )
+        elif last_exec_cmd and last_exec_cmd in command_ids:
+            # We can reuse the snapshot of the current variant
+            last_exec_index = command_ids.index(last_exec_cmd)
+            return RefStudySearchResult(
+                ref_study=curr_variant,
+                cmd_blocks=curr_variant.commands[last_exec_index + 1 :],
+                force_regenerate=False,
+            )
+    # We cannot reuse the snapshot of the current variant
+    # To generate the last variant of a descendant of variants, we must search for
+    # the most recent snapshot in order to use it as a reference study.
+    # If no snapshot is found, we use the root study as a reference study.
+    snapshot_vars = [v for v in descendants if v.is_snapshot_up_to_date()]
+    if snapshot_vars:
+        # We use the most recent snapshot as a reference study
+        ref_study = max(snapshot_vars, key=lambda v: v.snapshot.created_at)
+        # This variant's snapshot corresponds to the commands actually generated
+        # at the time of the snapshot. However, we need to retrieve the remaining commands,
+        # because the snapshot generation may be incomplete.
+        last_exec_cmd = ref_study.snapshot.last_executed_command  # ID of the command
+        command_ids = [c.id for c in ref_study.commands]
+        if not last_exec_cmd or last_exec_cmd not in command_ids:
+            # The last executed command may be missing (probably caused by a bug)
+            # or may reference a removed command.
+            # This requires regenerating the snapshot from scratch,
+            # with all commands from the reference study.
+            cmd_blocks = ref_study.commands[:]
-            # We use the root study as a reference study
-            ref_study = root_study
-            cmd_blocks = [c for v in descendants for c in v.commands]
+            last_exec_index = command_ids.index(last_exec_cmd)
+            cmd_blocks = ref_study.commands[last_exec_index + 1 :]
+        # We need to add all commands from the descendants of variants
+        # starting at the first descendant of reference study.
+        index = descendants.index(ref_study)
+        cmd_blocks.extend([c for v in descendants[index + 1 :] for c in v.commands])
+    else:
+        # We use the root study as a reference study
+        ref_study = root_study
+        cmd_blocks = [c for v in descendants for c in v.commands]
-    return ref_study, cmd_blocks
+    return RefStudySearchResult(ref_study=ref_study, cmd_blocks=cmd_blocks, force_regenerate=True)
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_command_extractor.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_command_extractor.py
index 5a88dde857..bd052a6c0a 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_command_extractor.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_command_extractor.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class VariantCommandsExtractor:
     def __init__(self, matrix_service: ISimpleMatrixService, patch_service: PatchService):
         self.matrix_service = matrix_service
         self.generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(self.matrix_service)
+        self.generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
         self.command_extractor = CommandExtractor(self.matrix_service, patch_service=patch_service)
     def extract(self, study: FileStudy) -> List[CommandDTO]:
diff --git a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_study_service.py b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_study_service.py
index de6fa1651c..f9d3eea0aa 100644
--- a/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_study_service.py
+++ b/antarest/study/storage/variantstudy/variant_study_service.py
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ def generate(
         if variant_study.parent_id is None:
             raise NoParentStudyError(variant_study_id)
-        return self.generate_task(variant_study, denormalize)
+        return self.generate_task(variant_study, denormalize, from_scratch=from_scratch)
     def generate_study_config(
diff --git a/antarest/study/web/study_data_blueprint.py b/antarest/study/web/study_data_blueprint.py
index de9fbcecd1..440539a4ab 100644
--- a/antarest/study/web/study_data_blueprint.py
+++ b/antarest/study/web/study_data_blueprint.py
@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
 from antarest.study.business.areas.st_storage_management import *
 from antarest.study.business.areas.thermal_management import *
-from antarest.study.business.binding_constraint_management import ConstraintTermDTO, UpdateBindingConstProps
+from antarest.study.business.binding_constraint_management import (
+    BindingConstraintPropertiesWithName,
+    ConstraintTermDTO,
+    UpdateBindingConstProps,
 from antarest.study.business.correlation_management import CorrelationFormFields, CorrelationManager, CorrelationMatrix
 from antarest.study.business.district_manager import DistrictCreationDTO, DistrictInfoDTO, DistrictUpdateDTO
 from antarest.study.business.general_management import GeneralFormFields
@@ -857,6 +861,23 @@ def update_binding_constraint(
         study = study_service.check_study_access(uuid, StudyPermissionType.WRITE, params)
         return study_service.binding_constraint_manager.update_binding_constraint(study, binding_constraint_id, data)
+    @bp.post(
+        "/studies/{uuid}/bindingconstraints",
+        tags=[APITag.study_data],
+        summary="Create a binding constraint",
+        response_model=None,
+    )
+    def create_binding_constraint(
+        uuid: str, data: BindingConstraintPropertiesWithName, current_user: JWTUser = Depends(auth.get_current_user)
+    ) -> None:
+        logger.info(
+            f"Creating a new binding constraint for study {uuid}",
+            extra={"user": current_user.id},
+        )
+        params = RequestParameters(user=current_user)
+        study = study_service.check_study_access(uuid, StudyPermissionType.READ, params)
+        return study_service.binding_constraint_manager.create_binding_constraint(study, data)
diff --git a/antarest/tools/lib.py b/antarest/tools/lib.py
index 5ade3d214b..c3c5db9dff 100644
--- a/antarest/tools/lib.py
+++ b/antarest/tools/lib.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from antarest.core.config import CacheConfig
 from antarest.core.tasks.model import TaskDTO
 from antarest.core.utils.utils import StopWatch, get_local_path
+from antarest.matrixstore.repository import MatrixContentRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.service import SimpleMatrixService
 from antarest.matrixstore.uri_resolver_service import UriResolverService
@@ -140,7 +141,12 @@ def render_template(self, study_version: str = NEW_DEFAULT_STUDY_VERSION) -> Non
     def apply_commands(self, commands: List[CommandDTO], matrices_dir: Path) -> GenerationResultInfoDTO:
         stopwatch = StopWatch()
-        matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrices_dir)
+        matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+            bucket_dir=matrices_dir,
+        )
+        matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(
+            matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+        )
         matrix_resolver = UriResolverService(matrix_service)
         local_cache = LocalCache(CacheConfig())
         study_factory = StudyFactory(
@@ -149,8 +155,10 @@ def apply_commands(self, commands: List[CommandDTO], matrices_dir: Path) -> Gene
         generator = VariantCommandGenerator(study_factory)
+        generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service)
+        generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
         command_factory = CommandFactory(
-            generator_matrix_constants=GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service),
+            generator_matrix_constants=generator_matrix_constants,
@@ -176,8 +184,12 @@ def extract_commands(study_path: Path, commands_output_dir: Path) -> None:
     matrices_dir = commands_output_dir / MATRIX_STORE_DIR
-    matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrices_dir)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=matrices_dir,
+    )
+    matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(
+        matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+    )
     matrix_resolver = UriResolverService(matrix_service)
     cache = LocalCache(CacheConfig())
     study_factory = StudyFactory(
@@ -187,7 +199,12 @@ def extract_commands(study_path: Path, commands_output_dir: Path) -> None:
     study = study_factory.create_from_fs(study_path, str(study_path), use_cache=False)
-    local_matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrices_dir)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=matrices_dir,
+    )
+    local_matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(
+        matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+    )
     extractor = VariantCommandsExtractor(local_matrix_service, patch_service=PatchService())
     command_list = extractor.extract(study)
@@ -233,7 +250,12 @@ def generate_diff(
     study_id = "empty_base"
     path_study = output_dir / study_id
-    local_matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrices_dir)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=matrices_dir,
+    )
+    local_matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(
+        matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+    )
     resolver = UriResolverService(matrix_service=local_matrix_service)
     cache = LocalCache()
diff --git a/antarest/utils.py b/antarest/utils.py
index d49951017f..39ea094168 100644
--- a/antarest/utils.py
+++ b/antarest/utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+import datetime
 import logging
 from enum import Enum
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
 import redis
 import sqlalchemy.ext.baked  # type: ignore
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
 from ratelimit.backends.redis import RedisBackend  # type: ignore
 from ratelimit.backends.simple import MemoryBackend  # type: ignore
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine  # type: ignore
 from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.cache.main import build_cache
@@ -20,13 +22,11 @@
 from antarest.core.filetransfer.service import FileTransferManager
 from antarest.core.interfaces.cache import ICache
 from antarest.core.interfaces.eventbus import IEventBus
-from antarest.core.logging.utils import configure_logger
 from antarest.core.maintenance.main import build_maintenance_manager
 from antarest.core.persistence import upgrade_db
 from antarest.core.tasks.main import build_taskjob_manager
 from antarest.core.tasks.service import ITaskService
-from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
-from antarest.core.utils.utils import get_local_path, new_redis_instance
+from antarest.core.utils.utils import new_redis_instance
 from antarest.eventbus.main import build_eventbus
 from antarest.launcher.main import build_launcher
 from antarest.login.main import build_login
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+SESSION_ARGS: Mapping[str, bool] = {
+    "autocommit": False,
+    "expire_on_commit": False,
+    "autoflush": False,
+This mapping can be used to instantiate a new session, for example:
+>>> with sessionmaker(engine, **SESSION_ARGS)() as session:
+...     session.execute("SELECT 1")
 class Module(str, Enum):
     APP = "app"
     WATCHER = "watcher"
@@ -55,12 +68,11 @@ class Module(str, Enum):
     SIMULATOR_WORKER = "simulator_worker"
-def init_db(
+def init_db_engine(
     config_file: Path,
     config: Config,
     auto_upgrade_db: bool,
-    application: Optional[FastAPI],
-) -> None:
+) -> Engine:
     if auto_upgrade_db:
     connect_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
@@ -86,19 +98,7 @@ def init_db(
     engine = create_engine(config.db.db_url, echo=config.debug, connect_args=connect_args, **extra)
-    session_args = {
-        "autocommit": False,
-        "expire_on_commit": False,
-        "autoflush": False,
-    }
-    if application:
-        application.add_middleware(
-            DBSessionMiddleware,
-            custom_engine=engine,
-            session_args=session_args,
-        )
-    else:
-        DBSessionMiddleware(None, custom_engine=engine, session_args=session_args)
+    return engine
 def create_event_bus(
@@ -264,14 +264,3 @@ def create_services(config: Config, application: Optional[FastAPI], create_all:
     services["cache"] = cache
     services["maintenance"] = maintenance_service
     return services
-def create_env(config_file: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    """
-    Create application services env for testing and scripting purpose
-    """
-    res = get_local_path() / "resources"
-    config = Config.from_yaml_file(res=res, file=config_file)
-    configure_logger(config)
-    init_db(config_file, config, False, None)
-    return create_services(config, None)
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
index f48e0941ca..1e587bf6e3 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,6 +1,45 @@
 Antares Web Changelog
+v2.16.1 (2023-12-14)
+### Features
+* **ui:** add manual submit on clusters form [`#1852`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1852)
+* **ui-modelling:** add dynamic area selection on Areas tab click [`#1835`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1835)
+* **ui-storages:** use percentage values instead of ratio values [`#1846`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1846)
+* **upgrade:** correction of study upgrade when upgrading from v8.2 to v8.6 (creation of MinGen) [`#1861`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1861)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **bc:** correct the name and shape of the binding constraint matrices [`#1849`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1849)
+* **bc:** avoid duplicates in Binding Constraints creation through REST API [`#1858`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1858)
+* **ui:** update current area after window reload [`#1862`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1862)
+* **ui-study:** fix the study card explore button visibility [`#1842`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1842)
+* **ui-matrix:** prevent matrices float values to be converted [`#1850`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1850)
+* **ui-matrix:** calculate the prepend index according to the existence of a time column [`#1856`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1856)
+* **ui-output:** add the missing "ST Storages" option in the Display selector in results view [`#1855`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1855)
+### Performance
+* **db-init:** separate database initialization from global database session [`#1837`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1837)
+* **variant:** improve performances and correct snapshot generation [`#1854`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1854)
+## Documentation
+* **config:** enhance application configuration documentation [`#1710`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1710)
+### Chore
+* **deps:** upgrade material-react-table [`#1851`](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/pull/1851)
 v2.16.0 (2023-11-30)
diff --git a/docs/install/1-CONFIG.md b/docs/install/1-CONFIG.md
index 7c82b044dd..8af3e22615 100644
--- a/docs/install/1-CONFIG.md
+++ b/docs/install/1-CONFIG.md
@@ -1,11 +1,690 @@
-# Application Configuration
+# Application Configuration Documentation
-Almost all the configuration of the application can be found in the 
-[application.yaml](https://github.com/AntaresSimulatorTeam/AntaREST/blob/master/resources/application.yaml) file.
-If the path to this configuration file is not explicitly provided (through the `-c` option),
-the application will try to look for files in the following location (in order):
+In the following, we will be exploring how to edit your application configuration file. <br>
+As explained in the main documentation readme file, you can use the following command line 
+to start the API:
- 1. `./config.yaml`
- 2. `../config.yaml`
- 3. `$HOME/.antares/config.yaml`
+python3 antarest/main.py -c resources/application.yaml --auto-upgrade-db --no-front
+The `-c` option here describes the path towards the configuration `.yaml` file. If this option is 
+not fed to the program, it will to look for files in the following locations (in order):
+1. `./config.yaml`
+2. `../config.yaml`
+3. `$HOME/.antares/config.yaml`
+In this documentation, you will have a global overview of the configuration 
+file structure and details for each of the `.yaml` fields with specifications regarding
+type of data and the default values, and descriptions of those fields.
+# File Structure
+- [Security](#security)
+- [Database](#db)
+- [Storage](#storage)
+- [Launcher](#launcher)
+- [Logging](#logging)
+- [Root Path](#root_path)
+- [Optional sections](#debug)
+# security
+This section defines the settings for application security, authentication, and groups.
+## **disabled**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** If set to `false`, user identification will be required when launching the app.
+## **jwt**
+### **key**
+- **Type:** String (usually a Base64-encoded one)
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** JWT (Json Web Token) secret key for authentication.
+## **login**
+### **admin**
+#### **pwd**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** Admin user's password.
+## **external_auth**
+This subsection is about setting up an external authentication service that lets you connect to an LDAP using a web
+service. The group names and their IDs are obtained from the LDAP directory.
+### **url**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** External authentication URL. If you want to enable local authentication, you should write "".
+### **default_group_role**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 10
+- **Description:** Default user role for external authentication
+    - `ADMIN = 40`
+    - `WRITER = 30`
+    - `RUNNER = 20`
+    - `READER = 10`
+### **add_ext_groups**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Whether to add external groups to user roles.
+### **group_mapping**
+- **Type:** Dictionary
+- **Default value:** {}
+- **Description:** Groups of the application: Keys = Ids, Values = Names. Example:
+    - 00000001: espace_commun
+    - 00001188: drd
+    - 00001574: cnes
+# example for security settings
+  disabled: false
+  jwt:
+    key: best-key
+  login:
+    admin:
+      pwd: root
+  external_auth:
+    url: ""
+    default_group_role: 10
+    group_mapping:
+      id_ext: id_int
+    add_ext_groups: false
+# db
+This section presents the configuration of application's database connection.
+## **url**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** The Database URL. For example, `sqlite:///database.db` for a local SQLite DB
+  or `postgresql://postgres_user:postgres_password@postgres_host:postgres_port/postgres_db` for a PostgreSQL DB.
+## **admin_url**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** None
+- **Description:** The URL you can use to directly access your database.
+## **pool_use_null**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** If set to `true`, connections are not pooled. This parameter should be kept at `false` to avoid
+  issues.
+## **db_connect_timeout**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 10
+- **Description:** The timeout (in seconds) for database connection creation.
+## **pool_recycle**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** None
+- **Description:** Prevents the pool from using a particular connection that has passed a certain time in seconds. An
+  often-used value is 3600, which corresponds to an hour. *Not used for SQLite DB.*
+## **pool_size**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 5
+- **Description:** The maximum number of permanent connections to keep. *Not used for SQLite DB.*
+## **pool_use_lifo**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Specifies whether the Database should use the Last-in-First-out method. It is commonly used in cases
+  where the most recent data entry is the most important and applies to the application context. Therefore, it's better
+  to set this parameter to `true`. *Not used for SQLite DB.*
+## **pool_pre_ping**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Connections that are closed from the server side are gracefully handled by the connection pool and
+  replaced with a new connection. *Not used for SQLite DB.*
+## **pool_max_overflow**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 10
+- **Description:** Temporarily exceeds the set pool_size if no connections are available. *Not used for SQLite DB.*
+# example for db settings
+  url: "postgresql://postgres:My:s3Cr3t/@"
+  admin_url: "postgresql://{{postgres_owner}}:{{postgres_owner_password}}@{{postgres_host}}:{{postgres_port}}/{{postgres_db}}"
+  pool_recycle: 3600
+  pool_max_overflow: 10
+  pool_size: 5
+  pool_use_lifo: true
+  pool_use_null: false
+# storage
+The following section configuration parameters define the application paths and services options.
+## **tmp_dir**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** `tempfile.gettempdir()` (
+  documentation [here](https://docs.python.org/3/library/tempfile.html#tempfile.gettempdir))
+- **Description:** The temporary directory for storing temporary files. An often-used value is `./tmp`.
+## **matrixstore**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** `./matrixstore`
+- **Description:** Antares Web extracts matrices data and shares them between managed studies to save space. These
+  matrices are stored here.
+## **archive_dir**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** `./archives`
+- **Description:** The directory for archived (zipped) studies.
+## **workspaces**
+- **Type:** Dictionary
+- **Default value:** {}
+- **Description:** Different workspaces where the application expects to find studies. Keys = Folder names, Values =
+  WorkspaceConfig object. Such an object has 4 fields:
+    - `groups`: List of groups corresponding to the workspace (default [])
+    - `path`: Path of the workspace (default `Path()`)
+    - `filter_in`: List of regex. If a folder does not contain a file whose name matches one of the regex, it's not
+      scanned (default [".*"])
+    - `filter_out`: List of regex. If a folder contains any file whose name matches one of the regex, it's not scanned (
+      default [])
+> NOTE: If a directory is to be ignored by the watcher, place a file named `AW_NO_SCAN` inside.
+  path: /home/john/Projects/antarest_data/internal_studies/
+  path: /home/john/Projects/antarest_data/studies/
+  path: /home/john/Projects/antarest_data/staging_studies/
+  path: /studies/internal
+  path: /mounts/public
+  filter_in:
+    - .*
+  filter_out:
+    - ^R$
+    - System Volume Information
+    - .*RECYCLE.BIN
+    - .Rproj.*
+    - ^.git$
+    - ^areas$
+  path: /mounts/aws_share_2
+  groups:
+    - test
+  path: /mounts/sedre_archive
+  groups:
+    - sedre
+## **allow_deletion**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Indicates if studies found in non-default workspace can be deleted by the application.
+## **matrix_gc_sleeping_time**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 3600 (corresponds to 1 hour)
+- **Description:** Time in seconds to sleep between two garbage collections (which means matrix suppression).
+## **matrix_gc_dry_run**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** If `true`, matrices will never be removed. Else, the ones that are unused will.
+## **auto_archive_sleeping_time**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 3600 (corresponds to 1 hour)
+- **Description:** Time in seconds to sleep between two auto_archiver tasks (which means zipping unused studies).
+## **auto_archive_dry_run**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** If `true`, studies will never be archived. Else, the ones that no one has accessed for a while will.
+## **auto_archive_threshold_days**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 60
+- **Description:** Number of days after the last study access date before it should be archived.
+## **auto_archive_max_parallel**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 5
+- **Description:** Max auto archival tasks in parallel.
+## **watcher_lock**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** true
+- **Description:** If false, it will scan without any delay. Else, its delay will be the value of the
+  field `watcher_lock_delay`.
+## **watcher_lock_delay**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 10
+- **Description:** Seconds delay between two scans.
+## **download_default_expiration_timeout_minutes**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 1440 (corresponds to 1 day)
+- **Description:** Minutes before your study download will be cleared. The value could be less than the default one as a
+  user should download his study pretty soon after the download becomes available.
+# example for storage settings
+  tmp_dir: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/tmp
+  matrixstore: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/matrices
+  archive_dir: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/archives
+  allow_deletion: false
+  matrix_gc_sleeping_time: 3600
+  matrix_gc_dry_run: False
+  workspaces:
+    default:
+      path: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/internal_studies/
+    studies:
+      path: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/studies/
+    staging_studies:
+      path: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/staging_studies/
+# launcher
+This section provides the launcher with specified options and defines the settings for solver binaries.
+## **default**
+- **Type:** String, possible values: `local` or `slurm`
+- **Default value:** `local`
+- **Description:** Default launcher configuration, if set to `local` then the launcher is defined locally. Otherwise
+it is instantiated on shared servers using `slurm`.
+## **local**
+### **enable_nb_cores_detection**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Enables detection of available CPUs for the solver. If so, the default value used will be `max(1,
+  multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2)`. Else, it will be 22. To maximize the solver's performance, it is recommended to
+  activate this option.
+### **binaries**
+- **Type:** Dictionary
+- **Default value:** {}
+- **Description:** Binary paths for various versions of the launcher. Example:
+700: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.0-solver
+800: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.0-solver
+810: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.3-solver
+820: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.3-solver
+830: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.3-solver
+840: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.4-solver
+850: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.5-solver
+860: /home/john/Antares/antares_web_data/antares-solver/antares-8.6-solver
+> NOTE: As you can see, you can use newer solver for older study version thanks to the solver retro-compatibility
+## **slurm**
+SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is used to interact with a remote environment (for Antares it's
+computing server) as a workload manager.
+### **local_workspace**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** Path
+- **Description:** Path to the local SLURM workspace
+### **username**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** Username for SLURM to connect itself with SSH protocol to computing server.
+### **hostname**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** IP address for SLURM to connect itself with SSH protocol to computing server.
+### **port**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 0
+- **Description:**  SSH port for SLURM
+- Options to connect SLURM to computing server `prod-server-name` (production):
+username: run-antares
+hostname: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX
+port: 22
+- Options to connect SLURM to computing server `dev-server-name` (recette and integration):
+username: dev-antares
+hostname: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX
+port: 22
+### **private_key_file**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** Path()
+- **Description:** SSH private key file. If you do not have one, you have to fill the `password` field.
+### **password**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** SSH password for the remote server. You need it or a private key file for SLURM to connect itself.
+### **key_password**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** An optional password to use to decrypt the key file, if it's encrypted
+### **default_wait_time**
+> NOTE: Deprecated as the app is launched with wait_mode=false*
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 0
+- **Description:** Default delay (in seconds) of the SLURM loop checking the status of the tasks and recovering those
+  completed in the loop. Often used value: 900 (15 minutes)
+### **default_time_limit**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 0
+- **Description:** Time limit for SLURM jobs (in seconds). If a jobs exceed this time limit, SLURM kills the job and it
+  is considered failed. Often used value: 172800 (48 hours)
+### **enable_nb_cores_detection**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** Enables detection of available CPUs for the solver (Not implemented yet).
+### **nb_cores**
+#### **min**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 1
+- **Description:** Minimum amount of CPUs to use when launching a simulation.
+#### **default**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 22
+- **Description:** Default amount of CPUs to use when launching a simulation. The user can override this value in the
+  launch dialog box.
+#### **max**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 24
+- **Description:** Maximum amount of CPUs to use when launching a simulation.
+### **default_json_db_name**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** SLURM local DB name. Often used value : `launcher_db.json`
+### **slurm_script_path**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** Bash script path to execute on remote server.
+    - If SLURM is connected to `prod-server-name` (*production*), use this path: `/applis/antares/launchAntares.sh`
+    - If SLURM is connected to `dev-server-name` (*recette* and *integration*), use this
+      path: `/applis/antares/launchAntaresRec.sh`
+### **antares_versions_on_remote_server**
+- **Type:** List of String
+- **Default value:** []
+- **Description:** List of Antares solver versions available on the remote server. Examples:
+# example for launcher settings
+  default: local
+  local:
+    binaries:
+      860: /home/jon/opt/antares-solver_ubuntu20.04/antares-8.6-solver
+  slurm:
+    local_workspace: /home/jon/Projects/antarest_data/slurm_workspace
+    username: jon
+    hostname: localhost
+    port: 22
+    private_key_file: /home/jon/.ssh/id_rsa
+    key_password:
+    default_wait_time: 900
+    default_time_limit: 172800
+    default_n_cpu: 20
+    default_json_db_name: launcher_db.json
+    slurm_script_path: /applis/antares/launchAntares.sh
+    db_primary_key: name
+    antares_versions_on_remote_server:
+      - '610'
+      - '700'
+# Logging
+This section sets the configuration for the application logs.
+## **level**
+- **Type:** String, possible values: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"
+- **Default value:** `INFO`
+- **Description:** The logging level of the application (INFO, DEBUG, etc.).
+## **logfile**
+- **Type:** Path
+- **Default value:** None
+- **Description:** The path to the application log file. An often-used value is `.tmp/antarest.log`.
+## **json**
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** If `true`, the logging format will be `json`; otherwise, it is `console`.
+    - `console`: The default format used for console output, suitable for Desktop versions or development environments.
+    - `json`: A specific JSON format suitable for consumption by monitoring tools via a web service.
+# example for logging settings
+  level: INFO
+  logfile: ./tmp/antarest.log
+  json: false
+# root_path
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** ""
+- **Description:** The root path for FastAPI. To use a remote server, use `/api`, and for a local environment: `api`.
+# example for root_path settings
+root_path: "/{root_path}"
+## `Extra optional configuration`
+# debug
+- **Type:** Boolean
+- **Default value:** false
+- **Description:** This flag determines whether the engine will log all the SQL statements it executes to the console.
+  If you turn this on by setting it to `true`, you'll see a detailed log of the database queries.
+# example for debug settings
+debug: false
+# cache
+## **checker_delay**
+- **Type:** Float
+- **Default value:** 0.2
+- **Description:** The time in seconds to sleep before checking what needs to be removed from the cache.
+# example for cache settings
+  checker_delay: 0.2
+# tasks
+## **max_workers**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 5
+- **Description:** The number of threads for Tasks in the ThreadPoolExecutor.
+## **remote_workers**
+- **Type:** List
+- **Default value:** []
+- **Description:** Example:
+# example for tasks settings
+  max_workers: 4
+  remote_workers:
+    - name: aws_share_2
+      queues:
+        - unarchive_aws_share_2
+    - name: simulator_worker
+      queues:
+        - generate-timeseries
+        - generate-kirshoff-constraints
+# server
+## **worker_threadpool_size**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 5
+- **Description:** The number of threads of the Server in the `ThreadPoolExecutor`.
+## **services**
+- **Type:** List of Strings
+- **Default value:** []
+- **Description:** Services to enable when launching the application. Possible values: "watcher," "matrix_gc," "
+  archive_worker," "auto_archiver," "simulator_worker."
+#example for server settings
+  worker_threadpool_size: 5
+  services:
+    - watcher
+    - matrix_gc
+# redis
+This section is for the settings of Redis backend, which is used for managing the event bus and in-memory caching.
+## **host**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** `localhost`
+- **Description:** The Redis server hostname.
+## **port**
+- **Type:** Integer
+- **Default value:** 6379
+- **Description:** The Redis server port.
+## **password**
+- **Type:** String
+- **Default value:** None
+- **Description:** The Redis password.
+# example for redis settings
+  host: localhost
+  port: 9862
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/application.yaml b/resources/application.yaml
index a85357634f..6fbdb31f9f 100644
--- a/resources/application.yaml
+++ b/resources/application.yaml
@@ -1,45 +1,22 @@
+# Documentation about this file can be found in this file: `docs/install/1-CONFIG.md`
   disabled: true
     key: super-secret
-  login:
-    admin:
-      pwd: admin
-  external_auth:
-    url: ""
-    default_group_role: 10
-#    group_mapping:
-#      id_ext: id_int
-#      ...
-    add_ext_groups: false
   url: "sqlite:///database.db"
-  #pool_recycle:
   tmp_dir: ./tmp
   matrixstore: ./matrices
   archive_dir: ./examples/archives
-  allow_deletion: false # indicate if studies found in non default workspace can be deleted by the application
-  #matrix_gc_sleeping_time: 3600 # time in seconds to sleep between two garbage collection
-  #matrix_gc_dry_run: False # Skip matrix effective deletion
-  #auto_archive_sleeping_time: 3600 # time in seconds to sleep between two auto archival checks
-  #auto_archive_dry_run: True # Skip auto archive effective archival
-  #auto_archive_threshold_days: 60 # number of days after last study access when the study should be archived
-  #auto_archive_max_parallel: 5 # max auto archival tasks in parallel
-    default: # required, no filters applied, this folder is not watched
+    default:
       path: ./examples/internal_studies/
-    # other workspaces can be added
-    # if a directory is to be ignored by the watcher, place a file named AW_NO_SCAN inside
-    tmp:
+    studies:
       path: ./examples/studies/
-      # filter_in: ['.*'] # default to '.*'
-      # filter_out: [] # default to empty
-      # groups: [] # default empty
   default: local
@@ -49,39 +26,8 @@ launcher:
       700: path/to/700
     enable_nb_cores_detection: true
-#  slurm:
-#    local_workspace: path/to/workspace
-#    username: username
-#    hostname:
-#    port: 22
-#    private_key_file: path/to/key
-#    key_password: key_password
-#    password: password_is_optional_but_necessary_if_key_is_absent
-#    default_wait_time: 900
-#    default_time_limit: 172800
-#    enable_nb_cores_detection: False
-#    nb_cores:
-#        min: 1
-#        default: 22
-#        max: 24
-#    default_json_db_name: launcher_db.json
-#    slurm_script_path: /path/to/launchantares_v1.1.3.sh
-#    db_primary_key: name
-#    antares_versions_on_remote_server :
-#      - "610"
-#      - "700"
-#      - "710"
-#      - "720"
-#      - "800"
-debug: true
 root_path: "api"
-#  max_workers: 5
   worker_threadpool_size: 12
@@ -90,12 +36,4 @@ server:
   level: INFO
-  logfile: ./tmp/antarest.log
-#  json: false
-# Uncomment these lines to use redis as a backend for the eventbus
-# It is required to use redis when using this application on multiple workers in a preforked model like gunicorn for instance
-#  redis:
-#    host: localhost
-#    port: 6379
+  logfile: ./tmp/antarest.log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/deploy/config.prod.yaml b/resources/deploy/config.prod.yaml
index 02fbb4b8bc..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/resources/deploy/config.prod.yaml
+++ b/resources/deploy/config.prod.yaml
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-  disabled: false
-  jwt:
-    key: secretkeytochange
-  login:
-    admin:
-      pwd: admin
-  external_auth:
-    url: ""
-    default_group_role: 10
-  url: "postgresql://postgres:somepass@postgresql:5432/postgres"
-  admin_url: "postgresql://postgres:somepass@postgresql:5432/postgres"
-  pool_recycle: 3600
-  tmp_dir: /antarest_tmp_dir
-  archive_dir: /studies/archives
-  matrixstore: /matrixstore
-  matrix_gc_dry_run: true
-  workspaces:
-    default: # required, no filters applied, this folder is not watched
-      path: /workspaces/internal_studies/
-    # other workspaces can be added
-    # if a directory is to be ignored by the watcher, place a file named AW_NO_SCAN inside
-    tmp:
-      path: /workspaces/studies/
-      # filter_in: ['.*'] # default to '.*'
-      # filter_out: [] # default to empty
-      # groups: [] # default empty
-  default: local
-  local:
-    binaries:
-      800: /antares_simulator/antares-8.2-solver
-    enable_nb_cores_detection: true
-#  slurm:
-#    local_workspace: path/to/workspace
-#    username: username
-#    hostname:
-#    port: 22
-#    private_key_file: path/to/key
-#    key_password: key_password
-#    password: password_is_optional_but_necessary_if_key_is_absent
-#    default_wait_time: 900
-#    default_time_limit: 172800
-#    enable_nb_cores_detection: False
-#    nb_cores:
-#        min: 1
-#        default: 22
-#        max: 24
-#    default_json_db_name: launcher_db.json
-#    slurm_script_path: /path/to/launchantares_v1.1.3.sh
-#    db_primary_key: name
-#    antares_versions_on_remote_server :
-#      - "610"
-#      - "700"
-#      - "710"
-#      - "720"
-#      - "800"
-debug: false
-root_path: "api"
-#  max_workers: 5
-  worker_threadpool_size: 12
-#  services:
-#    - watcher
-  level: INFO
-#  logfile: /logs/antarest.log
-#  json: true
-# Uncomment these lines to use redis as a backend for the eventbus
-# It is required to use redis when using this application on multiple workers in a preforked model like gunicorn for instance
-  host: redis
-  port: 6379
diff --git a/resources/deploy/config.yaml b/resources/deploy/config.yaml
index 810e1f8d24..3eaaf891b6 100644
--- a/resources/deploy/config.yaml
+++ b/resources/deploy/config.yaml
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
+# Documentation about this file can be found in this file: `docs/install/1-CONFIG.md`
   disabled: true
     key: super-secret
-  login:
-    admin:
-      pwd: admin
-  external_auth:
-    url: ""
-    default_group_role: 10
   url: "sqlite:///database.db"
@@ -17,43 +13,33 @@ storage:
   matrixstore: ./matrices
   archive_dir: ./examples/archives
-    default: # required, no filters applied, this folder is not watched
+    default:
       path: ./examples/internal_studies/
-    # other workspaces can be added
-    # if a directory is to be ignored by the watcher, place a file named AW_NO_SCAN inside
-    tmp:
+    studies:
       path: ./examples/studies/
-      # filter_in: ['.*'] # default to '.*'
-      # filter_out: [] # default to empty
-      # groups: [] # default empty
-  default: local
-      700: path/to/700
-    enable_nb_cores_detection: true
 #  slurm:
-#    local_workspace: path/to/workspace
-#    username: username
-#    hostname:
-#    port: 22
-#    private_key_file: path/to/key
-#    key_password: key_password
-#    password: password_is_optional_but_necessary_if_key_is_absent
-#    default_wait_time: 900
-#    default_time_limit: 172800
-#    enable_nb_cores_detection: False
+#    local_workspace: /path/to/slurm_workspace  # Path to the local SLURM workspace
+#    username: run-antares  # SLURM username
+#    hostname:  # SLURM server hostname
+#    port: 22  # SSH port for SLURM
+#    private_key_file: /path/to/ssh_private_key  # SSH private key file
+#    default_wait_time: 900  # Default wait time for SLURM jobs
+#    default_time_limit: 172800  # Default time limit for SLURM jobs
+#    enable_nb_cores_detection: False  # Enable detection of available CPU cores for SLURM
 #    nb_cores:
-#        min: 1
-#        default: 22
-#        max: 24
-#    default_json_db_name: launcher_db.json
-#    slurm_script_path: /path/to/launchantares_v1.1.3.sh
-#    db_primary_key: name
-#    antares_versions_on_remote_server :
+#      min: 1  # Minimum number of CPU cores
+#      default: 22  # Default number of CPU cores
+#      max: 24  # Maximum number of CPU cores
+#    default_json_db_name: launcher_db.json  # Default JSON database name for SLURM
+#    slurm_script_path: /applis/antares/launchAntares.sh  # Path to the SLURM script (on distant server)
+#    db_primary_key: name  # Primary key for the SLURM database
+#    antares_versions_on_remote_server: #List of Antares versions available on the remote SLURM server
 #      - "840"
 #      - "850"
@@ -62,20 +48,5 @@ debug: false
 root_path: "api"
-#  max_workers: 5
-  worker_threadpool_size: 12
-  services:
-    - watcher
-  level: INFO
   logfile: ./tmp/antarest.log
-#  json: false
-# Uncomment these lines to use redis as a backend for the eventbus
-# It is required to use redis when using this application on multiple workers in a preforked model like gunicorn for instance
-#  host: localhost
-#  port: 6379
diff --git a/scripts/package_antares_web.sh b/scripts/package_antares_web.sh
index 5dc2da6adb..31ae7ac0f1 100755
--- a/scripts/package_antares_web.sh
+++ b/scripts/package_antares_web.sh
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ echo "INFO: Copying basic configuration files..."
 rm -rf "${DIST_DIR}/examples" # in case of replay
 cp -r "${RESOURCES_DIR}"/deploy/* "${DIST_DIR}"
 if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys"* ]]; then
-  sed -i "s/700: path\/to\/700/$ANTARES_SOLVER_FULL_VERSION_INT: .\/AntaresWeb\/antares_solver\/antares-$ANTARES_SOLVER_VERSION-solver.exe/g" "${DIST_DIR}/config.yaml"
+  sed -i "s/VER: ANTARES_SOLVER_PATH/$ANTARES_SOLVER_FULL_VERSION_INT: .\/AntaresWeb\/antares_solver\/antares-$ANTARES_SOLVER_VERSION-solver.exe/g" "${DIST_DIR}/config.yaml"
-  sed -i "s/700: path\/to\/700/$ANTARES_SOLVER_FULL_VERSION_INT: .\/AntaresWeb\/antares_solver\/antares-$ANTARES_SOLVER_VERSION-solver/g" "${DIST_DIR}/config.yaml"
+  sed -i "s/VER: ANTARES_SOLVER_PATH/$ANTARES_SOLVER_FULL_VERSION_INT: .\/AntaresWeb\/antares_solver\/antares-$ANTARES_SOLVER_VERSION-solver/g" "${DIST_DIR}/config.yaml"
 echo "INFO: Creating shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 37074c1e33..1760ecac46 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-    version="2.16.0",
+    version="2.16.1",
     description="Antares Server",
diff --git a/sonar-project.properties b/sonar-project.properties
index e19a4a82dc..69dd022476 100644
--- a/sonar-project.properties
+++ b/sonar-project.properties
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ sonar.exclusions=antarest/gui.py,antarest/main.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/conftest_services.py b/tests/conftest_services.py
index ee2fea2057..59f562e241 100644
--- a/tests/conftest_services.py
+++ b/tests/conftest_services.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 This module provides various pytest fixtures for unit testing the AntaREST application.
-Fixtures in this module are used to set up and provide instances of different classes and services required during testing.
+Fixtures in this module are used to set up and provide instances of different classes
+and services required during testing.
 import datetime
+import typing as t
 import uuid
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
 from unittest.mock import Mock
 import pytest
@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@
 from antarest.core.tasks.model import CustomTaskEventMessages, TaskDTO, TaskListFilter, TaskResult, TaskStatus, TaskType
 from antarest.core.tasks.service import ITaskService, Task
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
+from antarest.eventbus.business.local_eventbus import LocalEventBus
+from antarest.eventbus.service import EventBusService
+from antarest.matrixstore.repository import MatrixContentRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.service import SimpleMatrixService
 from antarest.matrixstore.uri_resolver_service import UriResolverService
 from antarest.study.storage.patch_service import PatchService
@@ -50,26 +54,26 @@
 class SynchTaskService(ITaskService):
     def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self._task_result: Optional[TaskResult] = None
+        self._task_result: t.Optional[TaskResult] = None
     def add_worker_task(
         task_type: TaskType,
         task_queue: str,
-        task_args: Dict[str, Union[int, float, bool, str]],
-        name: Optional[str],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
+        task_args: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, float, bool, str]],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
-    ) -> Optional[str]:
+    ) -> t.Optional[str]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def add_task(
         action: Task,
-        name: Optional[str],
-        task_type: Optional[TaskType],
-        ref_id: Optional[str],
-        custom_event_messages: Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
+        name: t.Optional[str],
+        task_type: t.Optional[TaskType],
+        ref_id: t.Optional[str],
+        custom_event_messages: t.Optional[CustomTaskEventMessages],
         request_params: RequestParameters,
     ) -> str:
         self._task_result = action(lambda message: None)
@@ -92,15 +96,15 @@ def status_task(
-    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> List[TaskDTO]:
+    def list_tasks(self, task_filter: TaskListFilter, request_params: RequestParameters) -> t.List[TaskDTO]:
         return []
-    def await_task(self, task_id: str, timeout_sec: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
+    def await_task(self, task_id: str, timeout_sec: t.Optional[int] = None) -> None:
 @pytest.fixture(name="bucket_dir", scope="session")
-def bucket_dir_fixture(tmp_path_factory) -> Path:
+def bucket_dir_fixture(tmp_path_factory: t.Any) -> Path:
     Fixture that creates a session-level temporary directory named "matrix_store" for storing matrices.
@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ def bucket_dir_fixture(tmp_path_factory) -> Path:
         A Path object representing the created temporary directory for storing matrices.
-    return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("matrix_store", numbered=False)
+    return t.cast(Path, tmp_path_factory.mktemp("matrix_store"))
 @pytest.fixture(name="simple_matrix_service", scope="session")
@@ -128,7 +132,10 @@ def simple_matrix_service_fixture(bucket_dir: Path) -> SimpleMatrixService:
         An instance of the SimpleMatrixService class representing the matrix service.
-    return SimpleMatrixService(bucket_dir)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=bucket_dir,
+    )
+    return SimpleMatrixService(matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository)
 @pytest.fixture(name="generator_matrix_constants", scope="session")
@@ -144,7 +151,9 @@ def generator_matrix_constants_fixture(
         An instance of the GeneratorMatrixConstants class representing the matrix constants generator.
-    return GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=simple_matrix_service)
+    out_generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(simple_matrix_service)
+    out_generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
+    return out_generator_matrix_constants
 @pytest.fixture(name="uri_resolver_service", scope="session")
@@ -269,7 +278,7 @@ def event_bus_fixture() -> IEventBus:
         A Mock instance of the IEventBus class for event bus-related testing.
-    return Mock(spec=IEventBus)
+    return EventBusService(LocalEventBus())
 @pytest.fixture(name="command_factory", scope="session")
diff --git a/tests/core/test_config.py b/tests/core/test_config.py
index 00c6f9458d..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/tests/core/test_config.py
+++ b/tests/core/test_config.py
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-from unittest import mock
-import pytest
-from antarest.core.config import (
-    Config,
-    InvalidConfigurationError,
-    LauncherConfig,
-    LocalConfig,
-    NbCoresConfig,
-    SlurmConfig,
-from tests.core.assets import ASSETS_DIR
-    "default": "slurm",
-    "local": {
-        "binaries": {"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")},
-        "enable_nb_cores_detection": False,
-        "nb_cores": {"min": 2, "default": 10, "max": 20},
-    },
-    "slurm": {
-        "local_workspace": Path("/home/john/antares/workspace"),
-        "username": "john",
-        "hostname": "slurm-001",
-        "port": 22,
-        "private_key_file": Path("/home/john/.ssh/id_rsa"),
-        "key_password": "password",
-        "password": "password",
-        "default_wait_time": 10,
-        "default_time_limit": 20,
-        "default_json_db_name": "antares.db",
-        "slurm_script_path": "/path/to/slurm/launcher.sh",
-        "max_cores": 32,
-        "antares_versions_on_remote_server": ["860"],
-        "enable_nb_cores_detection": False,
-        "nb_cores": {"min": 1, "default": 34, "max": 36},
-    },
-    "batch_size": 100,
-class TestNbCoresConfig:
-    def test_init__default_values(self):
-        config = NbCoresConfig()
-        assert config.min == 1
-        assert config.default == 22
-        assert config.max == 24
-    def test_init__invalid_values(self):
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            # default < min
-            NbCoresConfig(min=2, default=1, max=24)
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            # default > max
-            NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=25, max=24)
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            # min < 0
-            NbCoresConfig(min=0, default=22, max=23)
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            # min > max
-            NbCoresConfig(min=22, default=22, max=21)
-    def test_to_json(self):
-        config = NbCoresConfig()
-        # ReactJs Material UI expects "min", "defaultValue" and "max" keys
-        assert config.to_json() == {"min": 1, "defaultValue": 22, "max": 24}
-class TestLocalConfig:
-    def test_init__default_values(self):
-        config = LocalConfig()
-        assert config.binaries == {}, "binaries should be empty by default"
-        assert config.enable_nb_cores_detection, "nb cores auto-detection should be enabled by default"
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig()
-    def test_from_dict(self):
-        config = LocalConfig.from_dict(
-            {
-                "binaries": {"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")},
-                "enable_nb_cores_detection": False,
-                "nb_cores": {"min": 2, "default": 10, "max": 20},
-            }
-        )
-        assert config.binaries == {"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")}
-        assert not config.enable_nb_cores_detection
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig(min=2, default=10, max=20)
-    def test_from_dict__auto_detect(self):
-        with mock.patch("multiprocessing.cpu_count", return_value=8):
-            config = LocalConfig.from_dict(
-                {
-                    "binaries": {"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")},
-                    "enable_nb_cores_detection": True,
-                }
-            )
-        assert config.binaries == {"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")}
-        assert config.enable_nb_cores_detection
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=6, max=8)
-class TestSlurmConfig:
-    def test_init__default_values(self):
-        config = SlurmConfig()
-        assert config.local_workspace == Path()
-        assert config.username == ""
-        assert config.hostname == ""
-        assert config.port == 0
-        assert config.private_key_file == Path()
-        assert config.key_password == ""
-        assert config.password == ""
-        assert config.default_wait_time == 0
-        assert config.default_time_limit == 0
-        assert config.default_json_db_name == ""
-        assert config.slurm_script_path == ""
-        assert config.max_cores == 64
-        assert config.antares_versions_on_remote_server == [], "solver versions should be empty by default"
-        assert not config.enable_nb_cores_detection, "nb cores auto-detection shouldn't be enabled by default"
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig()
-    def test_from_dict(self):
-        config = SlurmConfig.from_dict(
-            {
-                "local_workspace": Path("/home/john/antares/workspace"),
-                "username": "john",
-                "hostname": "slurm-001",
-                "port": 22,
-                "private_key_file": Path("/home/john/.ssh/id_rsa"),
-                "key_password": "password",
-                "password": "password",
-                "default_wait_time": 10,
-                "default_time_limit": 20,
-                "default_json_db_name": "antares.db",
-                "slurm_script_path": "/path/to/slurm/launcher.sh",
-                "max_cores": 32,
-                "antares_versions_on_remote_server": ["860"],
-                "enable_nb_cores_detection": False,
-                "nb_cores": {"min": 2, "default": 10, "max": 20},
-            }
-        )
-        assert config.local_workspace == Path("/home/john/antares/workspace")
-        assert config.username == "john"
-        assert config.hostname == "slurm-001"
-        assert config.port == 22
-        assert config.private_key_file == Path("/home/john/.ssh/id_rsa")
-        assert config.key_password == "password"
-        assert config.password == "password"
-        assert config.default_wait_time == 10
-        assert config.default_time_limit == 20
-        assert config.default_json_db_name == "antares.db"
-        assert config.slurm_script_path == "/path/to/slurm/launcher.sh"
-        assert config.max_cores == 32
-        assert config.antares_versions_on_remote_server == ["860"]
-        assert not config.enable_nb_cores_detection
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig(min=2, default=10, max=20)
-    def test_from_dict__default_n_cpu__backport(self):
-        config = SlurmConfig.from_dict(
-            {
-                "local_workspace": Path("/home/john/antares/workspace"),
-                "username": "john",
-                "hostname": "slurm-001",
-                "port": 22,
-                "private_key_file": Path("/home/john/.ssh/id_rsa"),
-                "key_password": "password",
-                "password": "password",
-                "default_wait_time": 10,
-                "default_time_limit": 20,
-                "default_json_db_name": "antares.db",
-                "slurm_script_path": "/path/to/slurm/launcher.sh",
-                "max_cores": 32,
-                "antares_versions_on_remote_server": ["860"],
-                "default_n_cpu": 15,
-            }
-        )
-        assert config.nb_cores == NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=15, max=24)
-    def test_from_dict__auto_detect(self):
-        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
-            SlurmConfig.from_dict({"enable_nb_cores_detection": True})
-class TestLauncherConfig:
-    def test_init__default_values(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig()
-        assert config.default == "local", "default launcher should be local"
-        assert config.local is None
-        assert config.slurm is None
-        assert config.batch_size == 9999
-    def test_from_dict(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict(LAUNCHER_CONFIG)
-        assert config.default == "slurm"
-        assert config.local == LocalConfig(
-            binaries={"860": Path("/bin/solver-860.exe")},
-            enable_nb_cores_detection=False,
-            nb_cores=NbCoresConfig(min=2, default=10, max=20),
-        )
-        assert config.slurm == SlurmConfig(
-            local_workspace=Path("/home/john/antares/workspace"),
-            username="john",
-            hostname="slurm-001",
-            port=22,
-            private_key_file=Path("/home/john/.ssh/id_rsa"),
-            key_password="password",
-            password="password",
-            default_wait_time=10,
-            default_time_limit=20,
-            default_json_db_name="antares.db",
-            slurm_script_path="/path/to/slurm/launcher.sh",
-            max_cores=32,
-            antares_versions_on_remote_server=["860"],
-            enable_nb_cores_detection=False,
-            nb_cores=NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=34, max=36),
-        )
-        assert config.batch_size == 100
-    def test_init__invalid_launcher(self):
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            LauncherConfig(default="invalid_launcher")
-    def test_get_nb_cores__default(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict(LAUNCHER_CONFIG)
-        # default == "slurm"
-        assert config.get_nb_cores(launcher="default") == NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=34, max=36)
-    def test_get_nb_cores__local(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict(LAUNCHER_CONFIG)
-        assert config.get_nb_cores(launcher="local") == NbCoresConfig(min=2, default=10, max=20)
-    def test_get_nb_cores__slurm(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict(LAUNCHER_CONFIG)
-        assert config.get_nb_cores(launcher="slurm") == NbCoresConfig(min=1, default=34, max=36)
-    def test_get_nb_cores__invalid_configuration(self):
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict(LAUNCHER_CONFIG)
-        with pytest.raises(InvalidConfigurationError):
-            config.get_nb_cores("invalid_launcher")
-        config = LauncherConfig.from_dict({})
-        with pytest.raises(InvalidConfigurationError):
-            config.get_nb_cores("slurm")
-class TestConfig:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("config_name", ["application-2.14.yaml", "application-2.15.yaml"])
-    def test_from_yaml_file(self, config_name: str) -> None:
-        yaml_path = ASSETS_DIR.joinpath("config", config_name)
-        config = Config.from_yaml_file(yaml_path)
-        assert config.security.admin_pwd == "admin"
-        assert config.storage.workspaces["default"].path == Path("/home/john/antares_data/internal_studies")
-        assert not config.logging.json
-        assert config.logging.level == "INFO"
diff --git a/tests/core/test_tasks.py b/tests/core/test_tasks.py
index dfad126555..cc730bf0ea 100644
--- a/tests/core/test_tasks.py
+++ b/tests/core/test_tasks.py
@@ -1,56 +1,83 @@
+import dataclasses
 import datetime
 import time
+import typing as t
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Callable, List
-from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock, call
+from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, sessionmaker  # type: ignore
 from antarest.core.config import Config, RemoteWorkerConfig, TaskConfig
-from antarest.core.interfaces.eventbus import Event, EventType, IEventBus
+from antarest.core.interfaces.eventbus import EventType, IEventBus
 from antarest.core.jwt import DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER
 from antarest.core.model import PermissionInfo, PublicMode
 from antarest.core.persistence import Base
 from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters, UserHasNotPermissionError
-from antarest.core.tasks.model import TaskDTO, TaskJob, TaskJobLog, TaskListFilter, TaskResult, TaskStatus, TaskType
+from antarest.core.tasks.model import (
+    TaskJob,
+    TaskJobLog,
+    TaskListFilter,
+    TaskResult,
+    TaskStatus,
+    TaskType,
+    cancel_orphan_tasks,
 from antarest.core.tasks.repository import TaskJobRepository
 from antarest.core.tasks.service import TaskJobService
-from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware, db
+from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
 from antarest.eventbus.business.local_eventbus import LocalEventBus
 from antarest.eventbus.service import EventBusService
+from antarest.login.model import User
+from antarest.study.model import RawStudy
+from antarest.utils import SESSION_ARGS
 from antarest.worker.worker import AbstractWorker, WorkerTaskCommand
 from tests.helpers import with_db_context
-def test_service() -> None:
-    # sourcery skip: aware-datetime-for-utc
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
+@pytest.fixture(name="db_engine", autouse=True)
+def db_engine_fixture(tmp_path: Path) -> t.Generator[Engine, None, None]:
+    """
+    Fixture that creates an SQLite database in a temporary directory.
+    When a function runs in a different thread than the main one and needs to use
+    the database, it uses the global `db` object. This object helps create a new
+    local session in the thread to connect to the SQLite database.
+    However, we can't use an in-memory SQLite database ("sqlite:///:memory:") because
+    it creates a new empty database each time. That's why we use a SQLite database stored on disk.
+    Yields:
+        An instance of the created SQLite database engine.
+    """
+    db_path = tmp_path / "db.sqlite"
+    db_url = f"sqlite:///{db_path}"
+    engine = create_engine(db_url, echo=False)
+    engine.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
+    yield engine
+    engine.dispose()
-    repo_mock = Mock(spec=TaskJobRepository)
-    creation_date = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
-    task = TaskJob(id="a", name="b", status=2, creation_date=creation_date)
-    repo_mock.list.return_value = [task]
-    repo_mock.get_or_raise.return_value = task
-    service = TaskJobService(config=Config(), repository=repo_mock, event_bus=Mock())
-    repo_mock.save.assert_called_with(
-        TaskJob(
-            id="a",
-            name="b",
-            status=4,
-            creation_date=creation_date,
-            result_status=False,
-            result_msg="Task was interrupted due to server restart",
-            completion_date=ANY,
-        )
-    )
+def test_service(core_config: Config, event_bus: IEventBus) -> None:
+    engine = db.session.bind
+    task_job_repo = TaskJobRepository()
+    # Prepare a TaskJob in the database
+    creation_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    running_task = TaskJob(id="a", name="b", status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, creation_date=creation_date)
+    task_job_repo.save(running_task)
+    # Create a TaskJobService
+    service = TaskJobService(config=core_config, repository=task_job_repo, event_bus=event_bus)
+    # Cancel pending and running tasks
+    cancel_orphan_tasks(engine=engine, session_args=SESSION_ARGS)
+    # Test Case: list tasks
+    # =====================
     tasks = service.list_tasks(
@@ -60,52 +87,37 @@ def test_service() -> None:
     assert tasks[0].status == TaskStatus.FAILED
     assert tasks[0].creation_date_utc == str(creation_date)
-    start = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
-    end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
-    repo_mock.reset_mock()
-    repo_mock.get.return_value = TaskJob(
-        id="a",
-        completion_date=end,
-        name="Unnamed",
-        owner_id=1,
-        status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value,
-        result_status=True,
-        result_msg="OK",
-        creation_date=start,
-    )
+    # Test Case: get task status
+    # ==========================
     res = service.status_task("a", RequestParameters(user=DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER))
     assert res is not None
-    assert res == TaskDTO(
-        id="a",
-        completion_date_utc=str(end),
-        creation_date_utc=str(start),
-        owner=1,
-        name="Unnamed",
-        result=TaskResult(success=True, message="OK"),
-        status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED,
-    )
+    expected = {
+        "completion_date_utc": ANY,
+        "creation_date_utc": creation_date.isoformat(" "),
+        "id": "a",
+        "logs": None,
+        "name": "b",
+        "owner": None,
+        "ref_id": None,
+        "result": {
+            "message": "Task was interrupted due to server restart",
+            "return_value": None,
+            "success": False,
+        },
+        "status": TaskStatus.FAILED,
+        "type": None,
+    }
+    assert res.dict() == expected
+    # Test Case: add a task that fails and wait for it
+    # ================================================
     # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
-    def action_fail(update_msg: Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def action_ok(update_msg: Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
-        update_msg("start")
-        update_msg("end")
-        return TaskResult(success=True, message="OK")
+    def action_fail(update_msg: t.Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
+        raise Exception("this action failed")
-    repo_mock.reset_mock()
-    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    task = TaskJob(
-        name="failed action",
-        owner_id=1,
-        id="a",
-        creation_date=now,
-        status=TaskStatus.PENDING.value,
-    )
-    repo_mock.save.side_effect = lambda x: task
-    repo_mock.get_or_raise.return_value = task
-    service.add_task(
+    failed_id = service.add_task(
         "failed action",
@@ -113,79 +125,27 @@ def action_ok(update_msg: Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
-    service.await_task("a")
-    repo_mock.save.assert_has_calls(
-        [
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    id=None,
-                    logs=[],
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    creation_date=None,
-                    completion_date=None,
-                    name="failed action",
-                    status=None,
-                    result_msg=None,
-                    result_status=None,
-                )
-            ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    id="a",
-                    logs=[],
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    creation_date=now,
-                    completion_date=ANY,
-                    name="failed action",
-                    status=4,
-                    result_msg=ANY,  # "Task a failed: Unhandled exception [...]"
-                    result_status=False,
-                )
-            ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    id="a",
-                    logs=[],
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    creation_date=now,
-                    completion_date=ANY,
-                    name="failed action",
-                    status=4,
-                    result_msg=ANY,  # "Task a failed: Unhandled exception [...]"
-                    result_status=False,
-                )
-            ),
-        ]
+    service.await_task(failed_id, timeout_sec=2)
+    failed_task = task_job_repo.get(failed_id)
+    assert failed_task is not None
+    assert failed_task.status == TaskStatus.FAILED.value
+    assert failed_task.result_status is False
+    assert failed_task.result_msg == (
+        f"Task {failed_id} failed: Unhandled exception this action failed"
+        f"\nSee the logs for detailed information and the error traceback."
+    assert failed_task.completion_date is not None
-    repo_mock.reset_mock()
-    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    task = TaskJob(
-        name="Unnamed",
-        owner_id=1,
-        id="a",
-        creation_date=now,
-        status=TaskStatus.PENDING.value,
-    )
-    repo_mock.save.side_effect = lambda x: task
-    repo_mock.get_or_raise.return_value = task
-    repo_mock.get.side_effect = [
-        TaskJob(
-            name="Unnamed",
-            owner_id=1,
-            id="a",
-            creation_date=now,
-            status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value,
-        ),
-        TaskJob(
-            name="Unnamed",
-            owner_id=1,
-            id="a",
-            creation_date=now,
-            status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value,
-        ),
-    ]
-    service.add_task(
+    # Test Case: add a task that succeeds and wait for it
+    # ===================================================
+    def action_ok(update_msg: t.Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
+        update_msg("start")
+        update_msg("end")
+        return TaskResult(success=True, message="OK")
+    ok_id = service.add_task(
@@ -193,134 +153,46 @@ def action_ok(update_msg: Callable[[str], None]) -> TaskResult:
-    service.await_task("a")
-    repo_mock.save.assert_has_calls(
-        [
-            call(TaskJob(owner_id=1, name="Unnamed")),
-            # this is not called with that because the object is mutated, and mock seems to suck..
-            # TaskJob(
-            #     id="a",
-            #     name="failed action",
-            #     owner_id=1,
-            #     status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value,
-            #     creation_date=now,
-            # ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    id="a",
-                    completion_date=ANY,
-                    name="Unnamed",
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value,
-                    result_status=True,
-                    result_msg="OK",
-                    creation_date=now,
-                )
-            ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    name="Unnamed",
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    id="a",
-                    creation_date=now,
-                    status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value,
-                    logs=[TaskJobLog(message="start", task_id="a")],
-                )
-            ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    name="Unnamed",
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    id="a",
-                    creation_date=now,
-                    status=TaskStatus.RUNNING.value,
-                    logs=[TaskJobLog(message="end", task_id="a")],
-                )
-            ),
-            call(
-                TaskJob(
-                    id="a",
-                    completion_date=ANY,
-                    name="Unnamed",
-                    owner_id=1,
-                    status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value,
-                    result_status=True,
-                    result_msg="OK",
-                    creation_date=now,
-                )
-            ),
-        ]
-    )
+    service.await_task(ok_id, timeout_sec=2)
-    repo_mock.get.reset_mock()
-    repo_mock.get.side_effect = [None]
-    service.await_task("elsewhere")
-    repo_mock.get.assert_called_with("elsewhere")
+    ok_task = task_job_repo.get(ok_id)
+    assert ok_task is not None
+    assert ok_task.status == TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value
+    assert ok_task.result_status is True
+    assert ok_task.result_msg == "OK"
+    assert ok_task.completion_date is not None
+    assert len(ok_task.logs) == 2
+    assert ok_task.logs[0].message == "start"
+    assert ok_task.logs[1].message == "end"
 class DummyWorker(AbstractWorker):
-    def __init__(self, event_bus: IEventBus, accept: List[str], tmp_path: Path):
+    def __init__(self, event_bus: IEventBus, accept: t.List[str], tmp_path: Path):
         super().__init__("test", event_bus, accept)
         self.tmp_path = tmp_path
     def _execute_task(self, task_info: WorkerTaskCommand) -> TaskResult:
         # simulate a "long" task ;-)
-        relative_path = task_info.task_args["file"]
+        relative_path = t.cast(str, task_info.task_args["file"])
         (self.tmp_path / relative_path).touch()
         return TaskResult(success=True, message="")
-def test_worker_tasks(tmp_path: Path):
-    repo_mock = Mock(spec=TaskJobRepository)
-    repo_mock.list.return_value = []
-    event_bus = EventBusService(LocalEventBus())
-    service = TaskJobService(
-        config=Config(tasks=TaskConfig(remote_workers=[RemoteWorkerConfig(name="test", queues=["test"])])),
-        repository=repo_mock,
-        event_bus=event_bus,
-    )
+def test_worker_tasks(tmp_path: Path, core_config: Config, event_bus: IEventBus) -> None:
+    # Create a TaskJobService
+    task_job_repo = TaskJobRepository()
+    task_config = TaskConfig(remote_workers=[RemoteWorkerConfig(name="test", queues=["test"])])
+    config = dataclasses.replace(core_config, tasks=task_config)
+    service = TaskJobService(config=config, repository=task_job_repo, event_bus=event_bus)
     worker = DummyWorker(event_bus, ["test"], tmp_path)
     file_to_create = "foo"
     assert not (tmp_path / file_to_create).exists()
-    repo_mock.save.side_effect = [
-        TaskJob(
-            id="taskid",
-            name="Unnamed",
-            owner_id=0,
-            type=TaskType.WORKER_TASK,
-            ref_id=None,
-        ),
-        TaskJob(
-            id="taskid",
-            name="Unnamed",
-            owner_id=0,
-            type=TaskType.WORKER_TASK,
-            ref_id=None,
-            status=TaskStatus.RUNNING,
-        ),
-        TaskJob(
-            id="taskid",
-            name="Unnamed",
-            owner_id=0,
-            type=TaskType.WORKER_TASK,
-            ref_id=None,
-            status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED,
-        ),
-    ]
-    repo_mock.get_or_raise.return_value = TaskJob(
-        id="taskid",
-        name="Unnamed",
-        owner_id=0,
-        type=TaskType.WORKER_TASK,
-        ref_id=None,
-    )
     task_id = service.add_worker_task(
@@ -329,127 +201,192 @@ def test_worker_tasks(tmp_path: Path):
-    service.await_task(task_id)
+    assert task_id is not None
+    service.await_task(task_id, timeout_sec=2)
     assert (tmp_path / file_to_create).exists()
-def test_repository():
-    # sourcery skip: aware-datetime-for-utc
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
+def test_repository(db_session: Session) -> None:
+    # Prepare two users in the database
+    user1_id = 9
+    db_session.add(User(id=user1_id, name="John"))
+    user2_id = 10
+    db_session.add(User(id=user2_id, name="Jane"))
+    db_session.commit()
-    with db():
-        # sourcery skip: extract-method
-        task_repository = TaskJobRepository()
-        new_task = TaskJob(name="foo", owner_id=0, type=TaskType.COPY)
-        second_task = TaskJob(owner_id=1, ref_id="a")
-        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        new_task = task_repository.save(new_task)
-        assert task_repository.get(new_task.id) == new_task
-        assert new_task.status == TaskStatus.PENDING.value
-        assert new_task.owner_id == 0
-        assert new_task.creation_date >= now
-        second_task = task_repository.save(second_task)
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(type=[TaskType.COPY]))
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        assert result[0].id == new_task.id
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(ref_id="a"))
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        assert result[0].id == second_task.id
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(), user=1)
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        assert result[0].id == second_task.id
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter())
-        assert len(result) == 2
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo"))
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo", status=[TaskStatus.RUNNING]))
-        assert len(result) == 0
-        new_task.status = TaskStatus.RUNNING.value
-        task_repository.save(new_task)
-        result = task_repository.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo", status=[TaskStatus.RUNNING]))
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        new_task.completion_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        task_repository.save(new_task)
-        result = task_repository.list(
-            TaskListFilter(
-                name="fo",
-                from_completion_date_utc=(new_task.completion_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)).timestamp(),
-            )
+    # Create a RawStudy in the database
+    study_id = "e34fe4d5-5964-4ef2-9baf-fad66dadc512"
+    db_session.add(RawStudy(id="study_id", name="foo", version="860"))
+    db_session.commit()
+    # Create a TaskJobService
+    task_job_repo = TaskJobRepository(db_session)
+    new_task = TaskJob(name="foo", owner_id=user1_id, type=TaskType.COPY)
+    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    new_task = task_job_repo.save(new_task)
+    assert task_job_repo.get(new_task.id) == new_task
+    assert new_task.status == TaskStatus.PENDING.value
+    assert new_task.owner_id == user1_id
+    assert new_task.creation_date >= now
+    second_task = TaskJob(owner_id=user2_id, ref_id=study_id)
+    second_task = task_job_repo.save(second_task)
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(type=[TaskType.COPY]))
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    assert result[0].id == new_task.id
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(ref_id=study_id))
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    assert result[0].id == second_task.id
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(), user=user2_id)
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    assert result[0].id == second_task.id
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter())
+    assert len(result) == 2
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo"))
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo", status=[TaskStatus.RUNNING]))
+    assert len(result) == 0
+    new_task.status = TaskStatus.RUNNING.value
+    task_job_repo.save(new_task)
+    result = task_job_repo.list(TaskListFilter(name="fo", status=[TaskStatus.RUNNING]))
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    new_task.completion_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    task_job_repo.save(new_task)
+    result = task_job_repo.list(
+        TaskListFilter(
+            name="fo",
+            from_completion_date_utc=(new_task.completion_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)).timestamp(),
-        assert len(result) == 0
-        result = task_repository.list(
-            TaskListFilter(
-                name="fo",
-                from_completion_date_utc=(new_task.completion_date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)).timestamp(),
-            )
+    )
+    assert len(result) == 0
+    result = task_job_repo.list(
+        TaskListFilter(
+            name="fo",
+            from_completion_date_utc=(new_task.completion_date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)).timestamp(),
-        assert len(result) == 1
+    )
+    assert len(result) == 1
-        new_task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message="hello"))
-        new_task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message="bar"))
-        task_repository.save(new_task)
-        new_task = task_repository.get(new_task.id)
-        assert len(new_task.logs) == 2
-        assert new_task.logs[0].message == "hello"
+    new_task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message="hello"))
+    new_task.logs.append(TaskJobLog(message="bar"))
+    task_job_repo.save(new_task)
+    assert new_task.id is not None
+    new_task = task_job_repo.get_or_raise(new_task.id)
+    assert len(new_task.logs) == 2
+    assert new_task.logs[0].message == "hello"
-        assert len(db.session.query(TaskJobLog).where(TaskJobLog.task_id == new_task.id).all()) == 2
+    assert len(db_session.query(TaskJobLog).where(TaskJobLog.task_id == new_task.id).all()) == 2
-        task_repository.delete(new_task.id)
-        assert len(db.session.query(TaskJobLog).where(TaskJobLog.task_id == new_task.id).all()) == 0
-        assert task_repository.get(new_task.id) is None
+    task_job_repo.delete(new_task.id)
+    assert len(db_session.query(TaskJobLog).where(TaskJobLog.task_id == new_task.id).all()) == 0
+    assert task_job_repo.get(new_task.id) is None
-def test_cancel():
-    # sourcery skip: aware-datetime-for-utc
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
+def test_cancel(core_config: Config, event_bus: IEventBus) -> None:
+    # Create a TaskJobService and add tasks
+    task_job_repo = TaskJobRepository()
+    task_job_repo.save(TaskJob(id="a"))
+    task_job_repo.save(TaskJob(id="b"))
-    repo_mock = Mock(spec=TaskJobRepository)
-    repo_mock.list.return_value = []
-    service = TaskJobService(config=Config(), repository=repo_mock, event_bus=Mock())
+    # Create a TaskJobService
+    service = TaskJobService(config=core_config, repository=task_job_repo, event_bus=event_bus)
     with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
         service.cancel_task("a", RequestParameters())
+    # The event_bus fixture is actually a EventBusService with LocalEventBus backend
+    backend = t.cast(LocalEventBus, t.cast(EventBusService, event_bus).backend)
+    # Test Case: cancel a task that is not in the service tasks map
+    # =============================================================
+    backend.clear_events()
     service.cancel_task("b", RequestParameters(user=DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER), dispatch=True)
-    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-    service.event_bus.push.assert_called_with(
-        Event(
-            type=EventType.TASK_CANCEL_REQUEST,
-            payload="b",
-            permissions=PermissionInfo(public_mode=PublicMode.NONE),
-        )
-    )
-    creation_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    task = TaskJob(id="a", name="b", status=2, creation_date=creation_date)
-    repo_mock.list.return_value = [task]
-    repo_mock.get_or_raise.return_value = task
-    service.tasks["a"] = Mock()
+    collected_events = backend.get_events()
+    assert len(collected_events) == 1
+    assert collected_events[0].type == EventType.TASK_CANCEL_REQUEST
+    assert collected_events[0].payload == "b"
+    assert collected_events[0].permissions == PermissionInfo(public_mode=PublicMode.NONE)
+    # Test Case: cancel a task that is in the service tasks map
+    # =========================================================
+    service.tasks["a"] = Mock(cancel=Mock(return_value=None))
+    backend.clear_events()
     service.cancel_task("a", RequestParameters(user=DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER), dispatch=True)
-    task.status = TaskStatus.CANCELLED.value
-    repo_mock.save.assert_called_with(task)
+    collected_events = backend.get_events()
+    assert len(collected_events) == 0, "No event should have been emitted because the task is in the service map"
+    task_a = task_job_repo.get("a")
+    assert task_a is not None
+    assert task_a.status == TaskStatus.CANCELLED.value
+    ("status", "result_status", "result_msg"),
+    [
+        (TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, False, "task ongoing"),
+        (TaskStatus.PENDING.value, True, "task pending"),
+        (TaskStatus.FAILED.value, False, "task failed"),
+        (TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value, True, "task finished"),
+        (TaskStatus.TIMEOUT.value, False, "task timed out"),
+        (TaskStatus.CANCELLED.value, True, "task canceled"),
+    ],
+def test_cancel_orphan_tasks(
+    db_engine: Engine,
+    status: int,
+    result_status: bool,
+    result_msg: str,
+) -> None:
+    max_diff_seconds: int = 1
+    test_id: str = "2ea94758-9ea5-4015-a45f-b245a6ffc147"
+    completion_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    task_job = TaskJob(
+        id=test_id,
+        status=status,
+        result_status=result_status,
+        result_msg=result_msg,
+        completion_date=completion_date,
+    )
+    make_session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine, **SESSION_ARGS)
+    with make_session() as session:
+        session.add(task_job)
+        session.commit()
+    cancel_orphan_tasks(engine=db_engine, session_args=SESSION_ARGS)
+    with make_session() as session:
+        if status in [TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, TaskStatus.PENDING.value]:
+            update_tasks_count = (
+                session.query(TaskJob)
+                .filter(TaskJob.status.in_([TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, TaskStatus.PENDING.value]))
+                .count()
+            )
+            assert not update_tasks_count
+            updated_task_job = session.query(TaskJob).get(test_id)
+            assert updated_task_job.status == TaskStatus.FAILED.value
+            assert not updated_task_job.result_status
+            assert updated_task_job.result_msg == "Task was interrupted due to server restart"
+            assert (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - updated_task_job.completion_date).seconds <= max_diff_seconds
+        else:
+            updated_task_job = session.query(TaskJob).get(test_id)
+            assert updated_task_job.status == status
+            assert updated_task_job.result_status == result_status
+            assert updated_task_job.result_msg == result_msg
+            assert (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - updated_task_job.completion_date).seconds <= max_diff_seconds
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_integration.py b/tests/integration/test_integration.py
index 0938557239..1e9fd99caa 100644
--- a/tests/integration/test_integration.py
+++ b/tests/integration/test_integration.py
@@ -2192,6 +2192,45 @@ def test_binding_constraint_manager(client: TestClient, admin_access_token: str,
     assert res.status_code == 200
     assert constraints is None
+    # Creates a binding constraint with the new API
+    res = client.post(
+        f"/v1/studies/{variant_id}/bindingconstraints",
+        json={
+            "name": "binding_constraint_3",
+            "enabled": True,
+            "time_step": "hourly",
+            "operator": "less",
+            "coeffs": {},
+            "comments": "New API",
+        },
+        headers=admin_headers,
+    )
+    assert res.status_code == 200
+    # Asserts that creating 2 binding constraints with the same name raises an Exception
+    res = client.post(
+        f"/v1/studies/{variant_id}/bindingconstraints",
+        json={
+            "name": "binding_constraint_3",
+            "enabled": True,
+            "time_step": "hourly",
+            "operator": "less",
+            "coeffs": {},
+            "comments": "New API",
+        },
+        headers=admin_headers,
+    )
+    assert res.status_code == 409
+    assert res.json() == {
+        "description": "A binding constraint with the same name already exists: binding_constraint_3.",
+        "exception": "DuplicateConstraintName",
+    }
+    # Asserts that only 3 binding constraint have been created
+    res = client.get(f"/v1/studies/{variant_id}/bindingconstraints", headers=admin_headers)
+    assert res.status_code == 200
+    assert len(res.json()) == 3
 def test_import(client: TestClient, admin_access_token: str, study_id: str) -> None:
     admin_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {admin_access_token}"}
diff --git a/tests/login/conftest.py b/tests/login/conftest.py
index 7b7935d6d3..61bebee728 100644
--- a/tests/login/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/login/conftest.py
@@ -13,19 +13,15 @@
 def group_repo_fixture(db_middleware: DBSessionMiddleware) -> GroupRepository:
     """Fixture that creates a GroupRepository instance."""
     # note: `DBSessionMiddleware` is required to instantiate a thread-local db session.
-    # important: the `GroupRepository` insert an admin group in the database if it does not exist:
-    # >>> Group(id="admin", name="admin")
     return GroupRepository()
 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
-def user_repo_fixture(core_config: Config, db_middleware: DBSessionMiddleware) -> UserRepository:
+def user_repo_fixture(db_middleware: DBSessionMiddleware) -> UserRepository:
     """Fixture that creates a UserRepository instance."""
     # note: `DBSessionMiddleware` is required to instantiate a thread-local db session.
-    # important: the `UserRepository` insert an admin user in the database if it does not exist.
-    # >>> User(id=1, name="admin", password=Password(config.security.admin_pwd))
-    return UserRepository(config=core_config)
+    return UserRepository()
 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
@@ -49,8 +45,6 @@ def bot_repo_fixture(db_middleware: DBSessionMiddleware) -> BotRepository:
 def role_repo_fixture(db_middleware: DBSessionMiddleware) -> RoleRepository:
     """Fixture that creates a RoleRepository instance."""
     # note: `DBSessionMiddleware` is required to instantiate a thread-local db session.
-    # important: the `RoleRepository` insert an admin role in the database if it does not exist.
-    # >>> Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, identity=User(id=1), group=Group(id="admin"))
     return RoleRepository()
diff --git a/tests/login/test_login_service.py b/tests/login/test_login_service.py
index a56f256003..e48a54a918 100644
--- a/tests/login/test_login_service.py
+++ b/tests/login/test_login_service.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 import typing as t
-from unittest.mock import Mock
+from unittest.mock import patch
 import pytest
-from fastapi import HTTPException
 from antarest.core.jwt import JWTGroup, JWTUser
-from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters, UserHasNotPermissionError
+from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters
 from antarest.core.roles import RoleType
 from antarest.login.model import (
+    ADMIN_ID,
@@ -22,573 +22,654 @@
 from antarest.login.service import LoginService
 from tests.helpers import with_db_context
-SITE_ADMIN = RequestParameters(
-    user=JWTUser(
-        id=0,
-        impersonator=0,
+# For the unit tests, we will define several fictitious users, groups and roles.
+GroupObj = t.TypedDict("GroupObj", {"id": str, "name": str})
+UserObj = t.TypedDict("UserObj", {"id": int, "name": str})
+RoleObj = t.TypedDict("RoleObj", {"type": RoleType, "group_id": str, "identity_id": int})
+_GROUPS: t.List[GroupObj] = [
+    {"id": "admin", "name": "X-Men"},
+    {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+    {"id": "metropolis", "name": "Metropolis"},
+_USERS: t.List[UserObj] = [
+    # main characters
+    {"id": ADMIN_ID, "name": "Professor Xavier"},  # site admin
+    {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},  # admin of "Superman" group
+    {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},  # reader in "Superman" group
+    {"id": 4, "name": "Joh Fredersen"},  # "Metropolis" leader
+    {"id": 5, "name": "Freder Fredersen"},  # reader in "Metropolis" group
+    # secondary characters
+    {"id": 50, "name": "Storm"},  # evil man in "X-Men" group
+    {"id": 60, "name": "Livewire"},  # evil woman in "Superman" group
+    {"id": 70, "name": "Maria"},  # robot in "Metropolis" group
+    {"id": 80, "name": "Jane DOE"},  # external user
+_ROLES: t.List[RoleObj] = [
+    {"type": RoleType.ADMIN, "group_id": "admin", "identity_id": ADMIN_ID},
+    {"type": RoleType.ADMIN, "group_id": "superman", "identity_id": 2},
+    {"type": RoleType.READER, "group_id": "superman", "identity_id": 3},
+    {"type": RoleType.ADMIN, "group_id": "metropolis", "identity_id": 4},
+    {"type": RoleType.READER, "group_id": "metropolis", "identity_id": 5},
+def get_jwt_user(user: User, roles: t.Iterable[Role], owner_id: int = 0) -> JWTUser:
+    jwt_user = JWTUser(
+        id=user.id,
+        impersonator=owner_id or user.id,
-        groups=[JWTGroup(id="admin", name="admin", role=RoleType.ADMIN)],
+        groups=[JWTGroup(id=role.group.id, name=role.group.name, role=role.type) for role in roles],
+    return jwt_user
-GROUP_ADMIN = RequestParameters(
-    user=JWTUser(
-        id=1,
-        impersonator=1,
-        type="users",
-        groups=[JWTGroup(id="group", name="group", role=RoleType.ADMIN)],
-    )
-USER3 = RequestParameters(
-    user=JWTUser(
-        id=3,
-        impersonator=3,
-        type="users",
-        groups=[JWTGroup(id="group", name="group", role=RoleType.READER)],
-    )
-BAD_PARAM = RequestParameters(user=None)
+def get_request_param(
+    user: t.Union[User, UserLdap, Bot],
+    role: t.Optional[Role],
+    owner_id: int = 0,
+) -> RequestParameters:
+    if user is None:
+        return RequestParameters(user=None)
+    roles = (role,) if role else ()
+    jwt_user = get_jwt_user(user, roles, owner_id=owner_id)
+    return RequestParameters(user=jwt_user)
-class TestLoginService:
-    """
-    Test login service.
+def get_user_param(login_service: LoginService, user_id: int, group_id: str = "(unknown)") -> RequestParameters:
+    user = login_service.users.get(user_id) or login_service.ldap.get(user_id)
+    assert user is not None
+    role = login_service.roles.get(user_id, group_id)
+    return get_request_param(user, role)
-    important:
-    - the `GroupRepository` insert an admin group in the database if it does not exist:
-      `Group(id="admin", name="admin")`
+def get_bot_param(login_service: LoginService, bot_id: int, group_id: str = "(unknown)") -> RequestParameters:
+    bot = login_service.bots.get(bot_id)
+    assert bot is not None
+    role = login_service.roles.get(bot_id, group_id)
+    return get_request_param(bot, role, owner_id=bot.owner)
-    - the `UserRepository` insert an admin user in the database if it does not exist.
-      `User(id=1, name="admin", password=Password(config.security.admin_pwd))`
-    - the `RoleRepository` insert an admin role in the database if it does not exist.
-      `Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, identity=User(id=1), group=Group(id="admin"))`
+class TestLoginService:
+    """
+    Test login service.
+    @pytest.fixture(name="populate_db", autouse=True)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_create", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, True), (USER3, False), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_save_group(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_create: bool) -> None:
-        group = Group(id="group", name="group")
-        # Only site admin and group admin can update a group
-        if can_create:
-            actual = login_service.save_group(group, param)
-            assert actual == group
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.save_group(group, param)
-            actual = login_service.groups.get(group.id)
-            assert actual is None
-        # Users can't create a duplicate group
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.save_group(group, param)
+    def populate_db_fixture(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        for group in _GROUPS:
+            login_service.groups.save(Group(**group))
+        main_characters = (u for u in _USERS if u["id"] < 10)
+        for user in main_characters:
+            login_service.users.save(User(**user))
+        for role in _ROLES:
+            group = t.cast(Group, login_service.groups.get(role["group_id"]))
+            user = t.cast(User, login_service.users.get(role["identity_id"]))
+            role = Role(**role, group=group, identity=user)
+            login_service.roles.save(role)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_create", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, False), (USER3, False), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_create_user(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_create: bool) -> None:
-        create = UserCreateDTO(name="hello", password="world")
-        # Only site admin can create a user
-        if can_create:
-            actual = login_service.create_user(create, param)
-            assert actual.name == create.name
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.create_user(create, param)
-            actual = login_service.users.get_by_name(create.name)
-            assert actual is None
-        # Users can't create a duplicate user
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.create_user(create, param)
+    def test_save_group(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # site admin can update any group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.save_group(Group(id="superman", name="Poor Men"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.groups.get("superman")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Poor Men"
+        # Group admin can update his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        login_service.save_group(Group(id="superman", name="Man of Steel"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.groups.get("superman")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Man of Steel"
+        # Another user of the same group cannot update the group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_group(Group(id="superman", name="Woman of Steel"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.groups.get("superman")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Man of Steel"  # not updated
+        # Group admin cannot update another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_group(Group(id="metropolis", name="Man of Steel"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.groups.get("metropolis")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Metropolis"  # not updated
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_save", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, False), (USER3, False), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_save_user(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_save: bool) -> None:
-        create = UserCreateDTO(name="Laurent", password="S3cr3t")
-        user = login_service.create_user(create, SITE_ADMIN)
-        user.name = "Roland"
+    def test_create_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Site admin can create a user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.create_user(UserCreateDTO(name="Laurent", password="S3cr3t"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.users.get_by_name("Laurent")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Laurent"
+        # Group admin cannot create a user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.create_user(UserCreateDTO(name="Alexandre", password="S3cr3t"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.users.get_by_name("Alexandre")
+        assert actual is None
+    @with_db_context
+    def test_save_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Prepare a new user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        user = login_service.create_user(UserCreateDTO(name="Laurentius", password="S3cr3t"), _param)
         # Only site admin can update a user
-        if can_save:
-            login_service.save_user(user, param)
-            actual = login_service.users.get_by_name(user.name)
-            assert actual == user
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.save_user(user, param)
-            actual = login_service.users.get_by_name(user.name)
-            assert actual != user
+        login_service.save_user(User(id=user.id, name="Lawrence"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.users.get(user.id)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Lawrence"
+        # Group admin cannot update a user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_user(User(id=user.id, name="Loran"), _param)
+            actual = login_service.users.get(user.id)
+            assert actual is not None
+            assert actual.name == "Lawrence"
-    @with_db_context
-    def test_save_user__themselves(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        user_create = UserCreateDTO(name="Laurent", password="S3cr3t")
-        user = login_service.create_user(user_create, SITE_ADMIN)
-        # users can update themselves
-        param = RequestParameters(
-            user=JWTUser(
-                id=user.id,
-                impersonator=user.id,
-                type="users",
-                groups=[JWTGroup(id="group", name="group", role=RoleType.READER)],
-            )
-        )
-        user.name = "Roland"
-        actual = login_service.save_user(user, param)
-        assert actual == user
+        # A user can update himself
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=user.id)
+        login_service.save_user(User(id=user.id, name="Loran"), _param)
+        actual = login_service.users.get(user.id)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Loran"
     def test_save_bot(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # Prepare the user3 in the db
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Scoobydoo")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # Prepare the user group and role
-        for jwt_group in USER3.user.groups:
-            group = Group(id=jwt_group.id, name=jwt_group.name)
-            login_service.groups.save(group)
-            role = Role(type=jwt_group.role, identity=user3, group=group)
-            login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Request parameters must reference a user
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="bot", roles=[]), BAD_PARAM)
-        # The user USER3 is a reader in the group "group" and can crate a bot with the same role
-        assert all(jwt_group.role == RoleType.READER for jwt_group in USER3.user.groups)
-        bot_create = BotCreateDTO(name="bot", roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="group", role=RoleType.READER.value)])
-        bot = login_service.save_bot(bot_create, USER3)
-        assert bot.name == bot_create.name
-        assert bot.owner == USER3.user.id
-        assert bot.is_author is True
-        # The user can't create a bot with an empty name
-        bot_create = BotCreateDTO(name="", roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="group", role=RoleType.READER.value)])
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.save_bot(bot_create, USER3)
-        # The user can't create a bot with a higher role than his own
-        for role_type in set(RoleType) - {RoleType.READER}:
-            bot_create = BotCreateDTO(name="bot", roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="group", role=role_type.value)])
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.save_bot(bot_create, USER3)
-        # The user can't create a bot that already exists
-        bot_create = BotCreateDTO(name="bot", roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="group", role=RoleType.READER.value)])
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.save_bot(bot_create, USER3)
+        # Joh Fredersen can create Maria because he is the leader of Metropolis
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=4, group_id="metropolis")
+        login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria I", roles=[]), _param)
+        actual: t.Sequence[Role] = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(4)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria I"
+        # Freder Fredersen can create Maria with the reader role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="metropolis")
+        login_service.save_bot(
+            BotCreateDTO(
+                name="Maria II",
+                roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.READER.value)],
+            ),
+            _param,
+        )
+        actual = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(5)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria II"
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot create Maria with the admin role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="Maria III",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(5)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria II"
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot create a bot with an empty name
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(5)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria II"
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot create a bot that already exists
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="Maria II",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(5)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria II"
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot create a bot with an invalid group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="Maria III",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis2", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.bots.get_all_by_owner(5)
+        assert len(actual) == 1
+        assert actual[0].name == "Maria II"
+        # Bot's name cannot be empty
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=4, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
-        # The user can't create a bot with a group that does not exist
-        bot_create = BotCreateDTO(name="bot", roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="unknown", role=RoleType.READER.value)])
-        with pytest.raises(HTTPException):
-            login_service.save_bot(bot_create, USER3)
+        # Avoid duplicate bots
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=4, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_bot(
+                BotCreateDTO(
+                    name="Maria I",
+                    roles=[BotRoleCreateDTO(group="metropolis", role=RoleType.ADMIN.value)],
+                ),
+                _param,
+            )
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_save", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, True), (USER3, False), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_save_role(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_save: bool) -> None:
-        # Prepare the site admin in the db
-        assert SITE_ADMIN.user is not None
-        admin = User(id=SITE_ADMIN.user.id, name="Superman")
-        login_service.users.save(admin)
-        # Prepare the group "group" in the db
-        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-        group = Group(id="group", name="Kryptonians")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # Only site admin and group admin can update a role
-        role = RoleCreationDTO(type=RoleType.ADMIN, identity_id=0, group_id="group")
-        if can_save:
-            actual = login_service.save_role(role, param)
-            assert actual.type == RoleType.ADMIN
-            assert actual.identity == admin
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.save_role(role, param)
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group(group.id)
-            assert len(actual) == 0
+    def test_save_role(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Prepare a new group and a new user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.groups.save(Group(id="web", name="Spider Web"))
+        login_service.users.save(User(id=20, name="Spider-man"))
+        login_service.users.save(User(id=21, name="Spider-woman"))
+        # The site admin can create a role
+        login_service.save_role(
+            RoleCreationDTO(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group_id="web", identity_id=20),
+            _param,
+        )
+        actual = login_service.roles.get(20, "web")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.type == RoleType.ADMIN
+        # The group admin can create a role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=20, group_id="web")
+        login_service.save_role(
+            RoleCreationDTO(type=RoleType.WRITER, group_id="web", identity_id=21),
+            _param,
+        )
+        actual = login_service.roles.get(21, "web")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.type == RoleType.WRITER
+        # The group admin cannot create a role with an invalid group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=20, group_id="web")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_role(
+                RoleCreationDTO(type=RoleType.WRITER, group_id="web2", identity_id=21),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.roles.get(21, "web")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.type == RoleType.WRITER
+        # The user cannot create a role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=21, group_id="web")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.save_role(
+                RoleCreationDTO(type=RoleType.READER, group_id="web", identity_id=20),
+                _param,
+            )
+        actual = login_service.roles.get(20, "web")
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.type == RoleType.ADMIN
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_get", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, True), (USER3, True), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_get_group(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_get: bool) -> None:
-        # Prepare the group "group" in the db
-        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-        group = Group(id="group", name="Vulcans")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # Anybody except anonymous can get a group
-        if can_get:
-            actual = login_service.get_group("group", param)
-            assert actual == group
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_group(group.id, param)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
+    def test_get_group(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Site admin can get any group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_group("superman", _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Superman"
+        # Group admin can get his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_group("superman", _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Superman"
+        # Group admin cannot get another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_group("metropolis", _param)
+        # Lois Lane can get its own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_group("superman", _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.id == "superman"
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (
-                SITE_ADMIN,
-                {
-                    "id": "group",
-                    "name": "Vulcans",
-                    "users": [
-                        {"id": 3, "name": "Spock", "role": RoleType.RUNNER},
-                        {"id": 4, "name": "Saavik", "role": RoleType.RUNNER},
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (
-                GROUP_ADMIN,
-                {
-                    "id": "group",
-                    "name": "Vulcans",
-                    "users": [
-                        {"id": 3, "name": "Spock", "role": RoleType.RUNNER},
-                        {"id": 4, "name": "Saavik", "role": RoleType.RUNNER},
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (USER3, {}),
-            (BAD_PARAM, {}),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_group_info(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Mapping[str, t.Any],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Prepare the group "group" in the db
-        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-        group = Group(id="group", name="Vulcans")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # Prepare the user3 in the db
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Spock")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # Prepare an LDAP user named "Jane" with id=4
-        user4 = UserLdap(id=4, name="Saavik")
-        login_service.users.save(user4)
-        # Spock and Saavik are vulcans and can run simulations
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.RUNNER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.RUNNER, identity=user4, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Only site admin and group admin can get a group info
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_group_info("group", param)
-            assert actual.dict() == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_group_info(group.id, param)
+    def test_get_group_info(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Site admin can get any group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_group_info("superman", _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Superman"
+        assert [obj.dict() for obj in actual.users] == [
+            {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent", "role": RoleType.ADMIN},
+            {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane", "role": RoleType.READER},
+        ]
+        # Group admin can get his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_group_info("superman", _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Superman"
+        # Group admin cannot get another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_group_info("metropolis", _param)
+        # Lois Lane cannot get its own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_group_info("superman", _param)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_get", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, True), (USER3, True), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_get_user(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_get: bool) -> None:
-        # Prepare a group of readers
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # The user3 is a reader in the group "group"
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Batman")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Anybody except anonymous can get the user3
-        if can_get:
-            actual = login_service.get_user(user3.id, param)
-            assert actual == user3
-        else:
-            # This function doesn't raise an exception if the user does not exist
-            actual = login_service.get_user(user3.id, param)
-            assert actual is None
+    def test_get_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Site admin can get any user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_user(2, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Clark Kent"
+        # Group admin can get a user of his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_user(3, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Lois Lane"
+        # Group admin cannot get a user of another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_user(5, _param)
+        assert actual is None
+        # Lois Lane can get its own user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_user(3, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Lois Lane"
+        # Create a bot for Lois Lane
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Lois bot", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The bot can get its owner
+        _param = get_bot_param(login_service, bot_id=bot.id)
+        actual = login_service.get_user(3, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Lois Lane"
     def test_get_identity(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # important: id=1 is the admin user
-        user = login_service.users.save(User(id=2, name="John"))
-        user_ldap = login_service.users.save(UserLdap(id=3, name="Jane"))
-        bot = login_service.users.save(Bot(id=4, name="my-app", owner=3, is_author=False))
+        # Create the admin user "Storm"
+        storm = login_service.users.save(User(id=50, name="Storm"))
+        # Create the LDAP user "Jane DOE"
+        jane = login_service.users.save(UserLdap(id=60, name="Jane DOE"))
+        # Create the bot "Maria"
+        maria = login_service.users.save(Bot(id=70, name="Maria", owner=50, is_author=False))
-        assert login_service.get_identity(2, include_token=False) == user
-        assert login_service.get_identity(3, include_token=False) == user_ldap
-        assert login_service.get_identity(4, include_token=False) is None
+        assert login_service.get_identity(50, include_token=False) == storm
+        assert login_service.get_identity(60, include_token=False) == jane
+        assert login_service.get_identity(70, include_token=False) is None
-        assert login_service.get_identity(2, include_token=True) == user
-        assert login_service.get_identity(3, include_token=True) == user_ldap
-        assert login_service.get_identity(4, include_token=True) == bot
+        assert login_service.get_identity(50, include_token=True) == storm
+        assert login_service.get_identity(60, include_token=True) == jane
+        assert login_service.get_identity(70, include_token=True) == maria
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (
-                SITE_ADMIN,
+    def test_get_user_info(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Site admin can get any user
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        clark_id = 2
+        actual = login_service.get_user_info(clark_id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {
+            "id": clark_id,
+            "name": "Clark Kent",
+            "roles": [
-                    "id": 3,
-                    "name": "Batman",
-                    "roles": [
-                        {
-                            "group_id": "group",
-                            "group_name": "readers",
-                            "identity_id": 3,
-                            "type": RoleType.READER,
-                        }
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (
-                GROUP_ADMIN,
+                    "group_id": "superman",
+                    "group_name": "Superman",
+                    "identity_id": clark_id,
+                    "type": RoleType.ADMIN,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        # Group admin can get a user of his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=clark_id, group_id="superman")
+        lois_id = 3
+        actual = login_service.get_user_info(lois_id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {
+            "id": lois_id,
+            "name": "Lois Lane",
+            "roles": [
-                    "id": 3,
-                    "name": "Batman",
-                    "roles": [
-                        {
-                            "group_id": "group",
-                            "group_name": "readers",
-                            "identity_id": 3,
-                            "type": RoleType.READER,
-                        }
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (
-                USER3,
+                    "group_id": "superman",
+                    "group_name": "Superman",
+                    "identity_id": lois_id,
+                    "type": RoleType.READER,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        # Group admin cannot get a user of another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=clark_id, group_id="superman")
+        freder_id = 5
+        actual = login_service.get_user_info(freder_id, _param)
+        assert actual is None
+        # Lois Lane can get its own user info
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=lois_id, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_user_info(lois_id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {
+            "id": lois_id,
+            "name": "Lois Lane",
+            "roles": [
-                    "id": 3,
-                    "name": "Batman",
-                    "roles": [
-                        {
-                            "group_id": "group",
-                            "group_name": "readers",
-                            "identity_id": 3,
-                            "type": RoleType.READER,
-                        }
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (BAD_PARAM, {}),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_user_info(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Mapping[str, t.Any],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Prepare a group of readers
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # The user3 is a reader in the group "group"
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Batman")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Anybody except anonymous can get the user3
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_user_info(user3.id, param)
-            assert actual.dict() == expected
-        else:
-            # This function doesn't raise an exception if the user does not exist
-            actual = login_service.get_user_info(user3.id, param)
-            assert actual is None
+                    "group_id": "superman",
+                    "group_name": "Superman",
+                    "identity_id": lois_id,
+                    "type": RoleType.READER,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        # Create a bot for Lois Lane
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=lois_id, group_id="superman")
+        bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Lois bot", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The bot can get its owner
+        _param = get_bot_param(login_service, bot_id=bot.id)
+        actual = login_service.get_user_info(lois_id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {
+            "id": lois_id,
+            "name": "Lois Lane",
+            "roles": [
+                {
+                    "group_id": "superman",
+                    "group_name": "Superman",
+                    "identity_id": lois_id,
+                    "type": RoleType.READER,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_get", [(SITE_ADMIN, True), (GROUP_ADMIN, False), (USER3, True), (BAD_PARAM, False)]
-    )
-    def test_get_bot(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_get: bool) -> None:
-        # Prepare a user in the db, with id=4
-        clark = User(id=3, name="Clark")
-        login_service.users.save(clark)
-        # Prepare a bot in the db (using the ID or user3)
-        bot = Bot(id=4, name="Maria", owner=clark.id, is_author=True)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        # Only site admin and the owner can get a bot
-        if can_get:
-            actual = login_service.get_bot(bot.id, param)
-            assert actual == bot
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_bot(bot.id, param)
+    def test_get_bot(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can get any bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_bot(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Maria"
+        # Joh Fredersen can get its own bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_bot(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.name == "Maria"
+        # The bot cannot get itself
+        _param = get_bot_param(login_service, bot_id=joh_bot.id)
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_bot(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot get the bot
+        freder_id = 5
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_bot(joh_bot.id, _param)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (
-                SITE_ADMIN,
-                {
-                    "id": 4,
-                    "isAuthor": True,
-                    "name": "Maria",
-                    "roles": [
-                        {
-                            "group_id": "Metropolis",
-                            "group_name": "watchers",
-                            "identity_id": 4,
-                            "type": RoleType.READER,
-                        }
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, {}),
-            (
-                USER3,
-                {
-                    "id": 4,
-                    "isAuthor": True,
-                    "name": "Maria",
-                    "roles": [
-                        {
-                            "group_id": "Metropolis",
-                            "group_name": "watchers",
-                            "identity_id": 4,
-                            "type": RoleType.READER,
-                        }
-                    ],
-                },
-            ),
-            (BAD_PARAM, {}),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_bot_info(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Mapping[str, t.Any],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Prepare a user in the db, with id=4
-        clark = User(id=3, name="Clark")
-        login_service.users.save(clark)
-        # Prepare a bot in the db (using the ID or user3)
-        bot = Bot(id=4, name="Maria", owner=clark.id, is_author=True)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        # Prepare a group of readers
-        group = Group(id="Metropolis", name="watchers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # The user3 is a reader in the group "group"
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=bot, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Only site admin and the owner can get a bot
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_bot_info(bot.id, param)
-            assert actual is not None
-            assert actual.dict() == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_bot_info(bot.id, param)
+    def test_get_bot_info(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can get any bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_bot_info(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {"id": 6, "isAuthor": True, "name": "Maria", "roles": []}
+        # Joh Fredersen can get its own bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_bot_info(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        assert actual is not None
+        assert actual.dict() == {"id": 6, "isAuthor": True, "name": "Maria", "roles": []}
+        # The bot cannot get itself
+        _param = get_bot_param(login_service, bot_id=joh_bot.id)
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_bot_info(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot get the bot
+        freder_id = 5
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_bot_info(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot get the bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_bot_info(999, _param)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("param, expected", [(SITE_ADMIN, [5]), (GROUP_ADMIN, []), (USER3, [5]), (BAD_PARAM, [])])
-    def test_get_all_bots_by_owner(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Mapping[str, t.Any],
-    ) -> None:
-        # add a user, an LDAP user and a bot in the db
-        user = User(id=3, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        user_ldap = UserLdap(id=4, name="Jane")
-        login_service.users.save(user_ldap)
-        bot = Bot(id=5, name="my-app", owner=3, is_author=False)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(3, param)
-            assert [b.id for b in actual] == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(3, param)
+    def test_get_all_bots_by_owner(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can get any bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(joh_id, _param)
+        expected = [{"id": joh_bot.id, "is_author": True, "name": "Maria", "owner": joh_id}]
+        assert [obj.to_dto().dict() for obj in actual] == expected
+        # Freder Fredersen can get its own bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(joh_id, _param)
+        expected = [{"id": joh_bot.id, "is_author": True, "name": "Maria", "owner": joh_id}]
+        assert [obj.to_dto().dict() for obj in actual] == expected
+        # The bot cannot get itself
+        _param = get_bot_param(login_service, bot_id=joh_bot.id)
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(joh_id, _param)
+        # Freder Fredersen cannot get the bot
+        freder_id = 5
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_all_bots_by_owner(joh_id, _param)
     def test_exists_bot(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # Prepare the user3 in the db
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Clark")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # Prepare a bot in the db (using the ID or user3)
-        bot = Bot(id=4, name="Maria", owner=user3.id, is_author=True)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
         # Everybody can check the existence of a bot
-        assert login_service.exists_bot(4)
-        assert not login_service.exists_bot(5)  # unknown ID
-        assert not login_service.exists_bot(3)  # user ID, not bot ID
+        assert login_service.exists_bot(joh_id) is False, "not a bot"
+        assert login_service.exists_bot(joh_bot.id) is True
+        assert login_service.exists_bot(999) is False
-    def test_authenticate__unknown_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # An unknown user cannot log in
-        user = login_service.authenticate(name="unknown", pwd="S3cr3t")
-        assert user is None
-    @with_db_context
-    def test_authenticate__known_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # Create a user named "Tarzan" in the group "Adventure"
-        group = Group(id="adventure", name="Adventure")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        user = User(id=3, name="Tarzan", password=Password("S3cr3t"))
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
+    def test_authenticate(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Update the password of "Lois Lane"
+        lois_id = 3
+        login_service.users.save(User(id=lois_id, name="Lois Lane", password=Password("S3cr3t")))
         # A known user can log in
-        jwt_user = login_service.authenticate(name="Tarzan", pwd="S3cr3t")
+        jwt_user = login_service.authenticate(name="Lois Lane", pwd="S3cr3t")
         assert jwt_user is not None
-        assert jwt_user.id == user.id
-        assert jwt_user.impersonator == user.id
+        assert jwt_user.id == lois_id
+        assert jwt_user.impersonator == lois_id
         assert jwt_user.type == "users"
-        assert jwt_user.groups == [JWTGroup(id="adventure", name="Adventure", role=RoleType.READER)]
+        assert jwt_user.groups == [
+            JWTGroup(id="superman", name="Superman", role=RoleType.READER),
+        ]
-    @with_db_context
-    def test_authenticate__external_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # Create a user named "Tarzan"
-        user_ldap = UserLdap(id=3, name="Tarzan", external_id="tarzan", firstname="Tarzan", lastname="Jungle")
+        # An unknown user cannot log in
+        user = login_service.authenticate(name="unknown", pwd="S3cr3t")
+        assert user is None
+        # Update the user "Jane DOE" which is an LDAP user
+        jane_id = 60
+        user_ldap = UserLdap(
+            id=jane_id,
+            name="Jane DOE",
+            external_id="j.doe",
+            firstname="Jane",
+            lastname="DOE",
+        )
         # Mock the LDAP service
-        login_service.ldap.login = Mock(return_value=user_ldap)  # type: ignore
-        login_service.ldap.get = Mock(return_value=user_ldap)  # type: ignore
+        with patch("antarest.login.ldap.LdapService.login") as mock_login:
+            mock_login.return_value = user_ldap
+            with patch("antarest.login.ldap.LdapService.login") as mock_get:
+                mock_get.return_value = user_ldap
+                jwt_user = login_service.authenticate(name="Jane DOE", pwd="S3cr3t")
-        # A known user can log in
-        jwt_user = login_service.authenticate(name="Tarzan", pwd="S3cr3t")
         assert jwt_user is not None
         assert jwt_user.id == user_ldap.id
         assert jwt_user.impersonator == user_ldap.id
@@ -597,32 +678,30 @@ def test_authenticate__external_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
     def test_get_jwt(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
-        # Prepare the user3 in the db
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        user3 = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Clark")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # Attach a group to the user
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Prepare an LDAP user in the db
-        user_ldap = UserLdap(id=4, name="Jane")
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # Update the user "Jane DOE" which is an LDAP user
+        jane_id = 60
+        user_ldap = UserLdap(
+            id=jane_id,
+            name="Jane DOE",
+            external_id="j.doe",
+            firstname="Jane",
+            lastname="DOE",
+        )
-        # Prepare a bot in the db (using the ID or user3)
-        bot = Bot(id=5, name="Maria", owner=user3.id, is_author=True)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
         # We can get a JWT for a user, an LDAP user, but not a bot
-        jwt_user = login_service.get_jwt(user3.id)
+        lois_id = 3
+        jwt_user = login_service.get_jwt(lois_id)
         assert jwt_user is not None
-        assert jwt_user.id == user3.id
-        assert jwt_user.impersonator == user3.id
+        assert jwt_user.id == lois_id
+        assert jwt_user.impersonator == lois_id
         assert jwt_user.type == "users"
-        assert jwt_user.groups == [JWTGroup(id="group", name="readers", role=RoleType.READER)]
+        assert jwt_user.groups == [JWTGroup(id="superman", name="Superman", role=RoleType.READER)]
         jwt_user = login_service.get_jwt(user_ldap.id)
         assert jwt_user is not None
@@ -631,367 +710,306 @@ def test_get_jwt(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
         assert jwt_user.type == "users_ldap"
         assert jwt_user.groups == []
-        jwt_user = login_service.get_jwt(bot.id)
+        jwt_user = login_service.get_jwt(joh_bot.id)
         assert jwt_user is None
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (
-                SITE_ADMIN,
-                [
-                    {"id": "admin", "name": "admin"},
-                    {"id": "gr1", "name": "Adventure"},
-                    {"id": "gr2", "name": "Comedy"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (
-                GROUP_ADMIN,
-                [
-                    {"id": "admin", "name": "admin"},
-                    {"id": "gr2", "name": "Comedy"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (
-                USER3,
-                [
-                    {"id": "gr1", "name": "Adventure"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (BAD_PARAM, []),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_all_groups(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Sequence[t.Mapping[str, str]],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Prepare some groups in the db
-        group1 = Group(id="gr1", name="Adventure")
-        login_service.groups.save(group1)
-        group2 = Group(id="gr2", name="Comedy")
-        login_service.groups.save(group2)
-        # The group admin is a reader in the group "gr2"
-        assert GROUP_ADMIN.user is not None
-        robin_hood = User(id=GROUP_ADMIN.user.id, name="Robin")
-        login_service.users.save(robin_hood)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=robin_hood, group=group2)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # The user3 is a reader in the group "gr1"
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        indiana_johns = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Indiana")
-        login_service.users.save(indiana_johns)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=indiana_johns, group=group1)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Anybody except anonymous can get the list of groups
-        if expected:
-            # The site admin can see all groups
-            actual = login_service.get_all_groups(param)
-            assert [g.dict() for g in actual] == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_all_groups(param)
+    def test_get_all_groups(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # The site admin can get all groups
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_groups(_param)
+        assert [g.dict() for g in actual] == [
+            {"id": "admin", "name": "X-Men"},
+            {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+            {"id": "metropolis", "name": "Metropolis"},
+        ]
+        # The group admin can its own groups
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_groups(_param)
+        assert [g.dict() for g in actual] == [{"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"}]
+        # The user can get its own groups
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_groups(_param)
+        assert [g.dict() for g in actual] == [{"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"}]
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (
-                SITE_ADMIN,
-                [
-                    {"id": 0, "name": "Superman"},
-                    {"id": 1, "name": "John"},
-                    {"id": 2, "name": "Jane"},
-                    {"id": 3, "name": "Tarzan"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (
-                GROUP_ADMIN,
-                [
-                    {"id": 1, "name": "John"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (
-                USER3,
-                [
-                    {"id": 3, "name": "Tarzan"},
-                ],
-            ),
-            (BAD_PARAM, []),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_all_users(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Sequence[t.Mapping[str, t.Union[int, str]]],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Insert some users in the db
-        user0 = User(id=0, name="Superman")
-        login_service.users.save(user0)
-        user1 = User(id=1, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user1)
-        user2 = User(id=2, name="Jane")
-        login_service.users.save(user2)
-        user3 = User(id=3, name="Tarzan")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # user3 is a reader in the group "group"
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Anybody except anonymous can get the list of users
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_all_users(param)
-            assert [u.dict() for u in actual] == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_all_users(param)
+    def test_get_all_users(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # The site admin can get all users
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_users(_param)
+        assert [u.dict() for u in actual] == [
+            {"id": 1, "name": "Professor Xavier"},
+            {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},
+            {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},
+            {"id": 4, "name": "Joh Fredersen"},
+            {"id": 5, "name": "Freder Fredersen"},
+        ]
+        # The group admin can get its own users, but also the users of the other groups
+        # note: I don't know why the group admin can get all users -- Laurent
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_users(_param)
+        assert [u.dict() for u in actual] == [
+            {"id": 1, "name": "Professor Xavier"},
+            {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},
+            {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},
+            {"id": 4, "name": "Joh Fredersen"},
+            {"id": 5, "name": "Freder Fredersen"},
+        ]
+        # The user can get its own users
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_users(_param)
+        assert [u.dict() for u in actual] == [
+            {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},
+            {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},
+        ]
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, [5]),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, []),
-            (USER3, []),
-            (BAD_PARAM, []),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_all_bots(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Sequence[int],
-    ) -> None:
-        # add a user, an LDAP user and a bot in the db
-        user = User(id=3, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        user_ldap = UserLdap(id=4, name="Jane")
-        login_service.users.save(user_ldap)
-        bot = Bot(id=5, name="my-app", owner=3, is_author=False)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_all_bots(param)
-            assert [b.id for b in actual] == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_all_bots(param)
+    def test_get_all_bots(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a bot for Joh Fredersen
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="superman")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can get all bots
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_bots(_param)
+        assert [b.to_dto().dict() for b in actual] == [
+            {"id": joh_bot.id, "is_author": True, "name": "Maria", "owner": joh_id},
+        ]
+        # The group admin cannot access the list of bots
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_all_bots(_param)
+        # The user cannot access the list of bots
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_all_bots(_param)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, expected",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, [(3, "group")]),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, [(3, "group")]),
-            (USER3, []),
-            (BAD_PARAM, []),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_get_all_roles_in_group(
-        self,
-        login_service: LoginService,
-        param: RequestParameters,
-        expected: t.Sequence[t.Tuple[int, str]],
-    ) -> None:
-        # Insert some users in the db
-        user0 = User(id=0, name="Superman")
-        login_service.users.save(user0)
-        user1 = User(id=1, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user1)
-        user2 = User(id=2, name="Jane")
-        login_service.users.save(user2)
-        user3 = User(id=3, name="Tarzan")
-        login_service.users.save(user3)
-        # user3 is a reader in the group "group"
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user3, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # The site admin and the group admin can get the list of roles in a group
-        if expected:
-            actual = login_service.get_all_roles_in_group("group", param)
-            assert [(r.identity_id, r.group_id) for r in actual] == expected
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.get_all_roles_in_group("group", param)
+    def test_get_all_roles_in_group(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # The site admin can get all roles in a given group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_roles_in_group("superman", _param)
+        assert [b.to_dto().dict() for b in actual] == [
+            {
+                "group": {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+                "identity": {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},
+                "type": RoleType.ADMIN,
+            },
+            {
+                "group": {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+                "identity": {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},
+                "type": RoleType.READER,
+            },
+        ]
+        # The group admin can get all roles his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        actual = login_service.get_all_roles_in_group("superman", _param)
+        assert [b.to_dto().dict() for b in actual] == [
+            {
+                "group": {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+                "identity": {"id": 2, "name": "Clark Kent"},
+                "type": RoleType.ADMIN,
+            },
+            {
+                "group": {"id": "superman", "name": "Superman"},
+                "identity": {"id": 3, "name": "Lois Lane"},
+                "type": RoleType.READER,
+            },
+        ]
+        # The user cannot access the list of roles
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.get_all_roles_in_group("superman", _param)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_delete",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, True),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, True),
-            (USER3, False),
-            (BAD_PARAM, False),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_delete_group(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_delete: bool) -> None:
-        # Insert a group in the db
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # The site admin and the group admin can delete a group
-        if can_delete:
-            login_service.delete_group("group", param)
-            actual = login_service.groups.get("group")
-            assert actual is None
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.delete_group("group", param)
-            actual = login_service.groups.get("group")
-            assert actual is not None
+    def test_delete_group(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create new groups for Lois Lane (3) and Freder Fredersen (5)
+        group1 = login_service.groups.save(Group(id="g1", name="Group I"))
+        group2 = login_service.groups.save(Group(id="g2", name="Group II"))
+        group3 = login_service.groups.save(Group(id="g3", name="Group III"))
+        lois = t.cast(User, login_service.users.get(3))  # group admin
+        freder = t.cast(User, login_service.users.get(5))  # user
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group1, identity=lois))
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.READER, group=group1, identity=freder))
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group2, identity=lois))
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.WRITER, group=group2, identity=freder))
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group3, identity=lois))
+        login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.RUNNER, group=group3, identity=freder))
+        # The site admin can delete any group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.delete_group("g1", _param)
+        assert login_service.groups.get(group1.id) is None
+        # The group admin can delete his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=3, group_id="g2")
+        login_service.delete_group("g2", _param)
+        assert login_service.groups.get(group2.id) is None
+        # The user cannot delete a group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=5, group_id="g3")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_group("g3", _param)
+        assert login_service.groups.get(group3.id) is not None
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_delete",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, True),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, False),
-            (USER3, False),
-            (BAD_PARAM, False),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_delete_user(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_delete: bool) -> None:
-        # Insert a user in the db which is an owner of a bot
-        user = User(id=3, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        bot = Bot(id=4, name="my-app", owner=3, is_author=False)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        # The site admin can delete the user
-        if can_delete:
-            login_service.delete_user(3, param)
-            actual = login_service.users.get(3)
-            assert actual is None
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.delete_user(3, param)
-            actual = login_service.users.get(3)
-            assert actual is not None
+    def test_delete_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create Joh's bot
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can delete Fredersen (5)
+        freder_id = 5
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.delete_user(freder_id, _param)
+        assert login_service.users.get(freder_id) is None
+        # The group admin Joh can delete himself (4)
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        login_service.delete_user(joh_id, _param)
+        assert login_service.users.get(joh_id) is None
+        assert login_service.bots.get(joh_bot.id) is None
+        # Lois Lane cannot delete Clark Kent (2)
+        lois_id = 3
+        clark_id = 2
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=lois_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_user(clark_id, _param)
+        assert login_service.users.get(clark_id) is not None
+        # Clark Kent cannot delete Lois Lane (3)
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=clark_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_user(lois_id, _param)
+        assert login_service.users.get(lois_id) is not None
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_delete",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, True),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, False),
-            (USER3, True),
-            (BAD_PARAM, False),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_delete_bot(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_delete: bool) -> None:
-        # Insert a user in the db which is an owner of a bot
-        user = User(id=3, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        bot = Bot(id=4, name="my-app", owner=3, is_author=False)
-        login_service.users.save(bot)
-        # The site admin and the current owner can delete the bot
-        if can_delete:
-            login_service.delete_bot(4, param)
-            actual = login_service.bots.get(4)
-            assert actual is None
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.delete_bot(4, param)
-            actual = login_service.bots.get(4)
-            assert actual is not None
+    def test_delete_bot(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create Joh's bot
+        joh_id = 4
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=joh_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        joh_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Maria", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The site admin can delete the bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.delete_bot(joh_bot.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.bots.get(joh_bot.id) is None
+        # Create Lois's bot
+        lois_id = 3
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=lois_id, group_id="superman")
+        lois_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Lois bot", roles=[]), _param)
+        # The group admin cannot delete the bot
+        clark_id = 2
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=clark_id, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_bot(lois_bot.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.bots.get(lois_bot.id) is not None
+        # Create Freder's bot
+        freder_id = 5
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        freder_bot = login_service.save_bot(BotCreateDTO(name="Freder bot", roles=[]), _param)
+        # Freder can delete his own bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        login_service.delete_bot(freder_bot.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.bots.get(freder_bot.id) is None
+        # Freder cannot delete Lois's bot
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=freder_id, group_id="metropolis")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_bot(lois_bot.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.bots.get(lois_bot.id) is not None
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_delete",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, True),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, True),
-            (USER3, False),
-            (BAD_PARAM, False),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_delete_role(self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_delete: bool) -> None:
-        # Insert the user3 in the db
-        user = User(id=3, name="Tarzan")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        # Insert a group in the db
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # Insert a role in the db
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # The site admin and the group admin can delete a role
-        if can_delete:
-            login_service.delete_role(3, "group", param)
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group")
-            assert len(actual) == 0
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.delete_role(3, "group", param)
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group")
-            assert len(actual) == 1
+    def test_delete_role(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a new group
+        group = login_service.groups.save(Group(id="g1", name="Group I"))
+        # Create a new user
+        user = login_service.users.save(User(id=10, name="User 1"))
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The site admin can delete any role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.delete_role(role.identity.id, role.group.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is None
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The group admin can delete a role of his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=user.id, group_id="g1")
+        login_service.delete_role(role.identity.id, role.group.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is None
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The group admin cannot delete a role of another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_role(role.identity.id, "g1", _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, "g1") is not None
+        # The user cannot delete a role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=1, group_id="g1")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_role(role.identity.id, role.group.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is not None
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "param, can_delete",
-        [
-            (SITE_ADMIN, True),
-            (GROUP_ADMIN, True),
-            (USER3, False),
-            (BAD_PARAM, False),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_delete_all_roles_from_user(
-        self, login_service: LoginService, param: RequestParameters, can_delete: bool
-    ) -> None:
-        # Insert the user3 in the db
-        assert USER3.user is not None
-        user = User(id=USER3.user.id, name="Tarzan")
-        login_service.users.save(user)
-        # Insert a group in the db
-        group = Group(id="group", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group)
-        # Insert a role in the db
-        role = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=user, group=group)
-        login_service.roles.save(role)
-        # Insert the group admin in the db
-        assert GROUP_ADMIN.user is not None
-        group_admin = User(id=GROUP_ADMIN.user.id, name="John")
-        login_service.users.save(group_admin)
-        # Insert another group in the db
-        group2 = Group(id="group2", name="readers")
-        login_service.groups.save(group2)
-        # Insert a role in the db
-        role2 = Role(type=RoleType.READER, identity=group_admin, group=group2)
-        login_service.roles.save(role2)
-        # The site admin and the group admin can delete a role
-        if can_delete:
-            login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(3, param)
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group")
-            assert len(actual) == 0
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group2")
-            assert len(actual) == 1
-        else:
-            with pytest.raises(UserHasNotPermissionError):
-                login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(3, param)
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group")
-            assert len(actual) == 1
-            actual = login_service.roles.get_all_by_group("group2")
-            assert len(actual) == 1
+    def test_delete_all_roles_from_user(self, login_service: LoginService) -> None:
+        # Create a new group
+        group = login_service.groups.save(Group(id="g1", name="Group I"))
+        # Create a new user
+        user = login_service.users.save(User(id=10, name="User 1"))
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The site admin can delete any role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=ADMIN_ID, group_id="admin")
+        login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(user.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is None
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The group admin can delete a role of his own group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=user.id, group_id="g1")
+        login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(user.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is None
+        # Create a new role
+        role = login_service.roles.save(Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, group=group, identity=user))
+        # The group admin cannot delete a role of another group
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=2, group_id="superman")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(user.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is not None
+        # The user cannot delete a role
+        _param = get_user_param(login_service, user_id=1, group_id="g1")
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            login_service.delete_all_roles_from_user(user.id, _param)
+        assert login_service.roles.get(role.identity.id, role.group.id) is not None
diff --git a/tests/login/test_model.py b/tests/login/test_model.py
index 787f4f2d6a..2dee1d994e 100644
--- a/tests/login/test_model.py
+++ b/tests/login/test_model.py
@@ -1,5 +1,66 @@
-from antarest.login.model import Password
+import contextlib
+from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker  # type: ignore
+from antarest.login.model import (
+    ADMIN_ID,
+    GROUP_ID,
+    Group,
+    Password,
+    Role,
+    User,
+    init_admin_user,
+from antarest.utils import SESSION_ARGS
 def test_password():
     assert Password("pwd").check("pwd")
+class TestInitAdminUser:
+    def test_init_admin_user_nominal(self, db_engine: Engine):
+        init_admin_user(db_engine, SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
+        make_session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine)
+        with make_session() as session:
+            user = session.query(User).get(ADMIN_ID)
+            assert user is not None
+            assert user.id == ADMIN_ID
+            assert user.name == ADMIN_NAME
+            assert user.password.check(TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
+            group = session.query(Group).get(GROUP_ID)
+            assert group is not None
+            assert group.id == GROUP_ID
+            assert group.name == GROUP_NAME
+            role = session.query(Role).get((ADMIN_ID, GROUP_ID))
+            assert role is not None
+            assert role.identity is user
+            assert role.group is group
+    def test_init_admin_user_redundancy_check(self, db_engine: Engine):
+        # run first time
+        init_admin_user(db_engine, SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
+        # run second time
+        init_admin_user(db_engine, SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
+    def test_init_admin_user_existing_group(self, db_engine: Engine):
+        make_session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine)
+        with make_session() as session:
+            group = Group(id=GROUP_ID, name=GROUP_NAME)
+            session.add(group)
+            session.commit()
+        init_admin_user(db_engine, SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
+    def test_init_admin_user_existing_user(self, db_engine: Engine):
+        make_session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine)
+        with make_session() as session:
+            user = User(id=ADMIN_ID, name=ADMIN_NAME, password=Password(TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD))
+            session.add(user)
+            session.commit()
+        init_admin_user(db_engine, SESSION_ARGS, admin_password=TEST_ADMIN_PASS_WORD)
diff --git a/tests/login/test_repository.py b/tests/login/test_repository.py
index 6669747507..60bdbc0dbf 100644
--- a/tests/login/test_repository.py
+++ b/tests/login/test_repository.py
@@ -1,29 +1,14 @@
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine
-from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker  # type: ignore
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, scoped_session, sessionmaker  # type: ignore
-from antarest.core.config import Config, SecurityConfig
-from antarest.core.persistence import Base
-from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware, db
 from antarest.login.model import Bot, Group, Password, Role, RoleType, User, UserLdap
 from antarest.login.repository import BotRepository, GroupRepository, RoleRepository, UserLdapRepository, UserRepository
-def test_users():
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
-    with db():
-        repo = UserRepository(
-            config=Config(security=SecurityConfig(admin_pwd="admin")),
-        )
+def test_users(db_session: Session):
+    with db_session:
+        repo = UserRepository(session=db_session)
         a = User(
@@ -43,18 +28,9 @@ def test_users():
-def test_users_ldap():
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
-    with db():
-        repo = UserLdapRepository()
+def test_users_ldap(db_session: Session):
+    repo = UserLdapRepository(session=db_session)
+    with repo.session:
         a = UserLdap(name="a", external_id="b")
         a = repo.save(a)
@@ -67,18 +43,9 @@ def test_users_ldap():
-def test_bots():
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
-    with db():
-        repo = BotRepository()
+def test_bots(db_session: Session):
+    repo = BotRepository(session=db_session)
+    with repo.session:
         a = Bot(name="a", owner=1)
         a = repo.save(a)
         assert a.id
@@ -98,19 +65,9 @@ def test_bots():
-def test_groups():
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
-    with db():
-        repo = GroupRepository()
+def test_groups(db_session: Session):
+    repo = GroupRepository(session=db_session)
+    with repo.session:
         a = Group(name="a")
         a = repo.save(a)
@@ -125,19 +82,9 @@ def test_groups():
-def test_roles():
-    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
-    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
-    DBSessionMiddleware(
-        None,
-        custom_engine=engine,
-        session_args={"autocommit": False, "autoflush": False},
-    )
-    with db():
-        repo = RoleRepository()
+def test_roles(db_session: Session):
+    repo = RoleRepository(session=db_session)
+    with repo.session:
         a = Role(type=RoleType.ADMIN, identity=User(id=0), group=Group(id="group"))
         a = repo.save(a)
diff --git a/tests/matrixstore/test_repository.py b/tests/matrixstore/test_repository.py
index 3973a18d39..ba76b17fac 100644
--- a/tests/matrixstore/test_repository.py
+++ b/tests/matrixstore/test_repository.py
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
+import datetime
 import typing as t
-from datetime import datetime
 from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
 from numpy import typing as npt
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session  # type: ignore
-from antarest.core.config import Config, SecurityConfig
-from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
 from antarest.login.model import Group, Password, User
 from antarest.login.repository import GroupRepository, UserRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.model import Matrix, MatrixContent, MatrixDataSet, MatrixDataSetRelation
@@ -17,11 +16,10 @@
 class TestMatrixRepository:
-    def test_db_lifecycle(self) -> None:
-        with db():
-            # sourcery skip: extract-method
-            repo = MatrixRepository()
-            m = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.now())
+    def test_db_lifecycle(self, db_session: Session) -> None:
+        with db_session:
+            repo = MatrixRepository(db_session)
+            m = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.datetime.now())
             assert m.id
             assert m == repo.get(m.id)
@@ -51,24 +49,21 @@ def test_bucket_lifecycle(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
-    def test_dataset(self) -> None:
-        with db():
-            # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, extract-method
-            repo = MatrixRepository()
+    def test_dataset(self, db_session: Session) -> None:
+        with db_session:
+            repo = MatrixRepository(session=db_session)
-            user_repo = UserRepository(Config(security=SecurityConfig()))
-            # noinspection PyArgumentList
+            user_repo = UserRepository(session=db_session)
             user = user_repo.save(User(name="foo", password=Password("bar")))
-            group_repo = GroupRepository()
-            # noinspection PyArgumentList
+            group_repo = GroupRepository(session=db_session)
             group = group_repo.save(Group(name="group"))
-            dataset_repo = MatrixDataSetRepository()
+            dataset_repo = MatrixDataSetRepository(session=db_session)
-            m1 = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.now())
+            m1 = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.datetime.now())
-            m2 = Matrix(id="world", created_at=datetime.now())
+            m2 = Matrix(id="world", created_at=datetime.datetime.now())
             dataset = MatrixDataSet(
@@ -76,8 +71,8 @@ def test_dataset(self) -> None:
-                created_at=datetime.now(),
-                updated_at=datetime.now(),
+                created_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
+                updated_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
             matrix_relation = MatrixDataSetRelation(name="m1")
@@ -97,7 +92,7 @@ def test_dataset(self) -> None:
                 name="some name change",
-                updated_at=datetime.now(),
+                updated_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
             dataset_query_result = dataset_repo.get(dataset.id)
@@ -105,29 +100,27 @@ def test_dataset(self) -> None:
             assert dataset_query_result.name == "some name change"
             assert dataset_query_result.owner_id == user.id
-    def test_datastore_query(self) -> None:
+    def test_datastore_query(self, db_session: Session) -> None:
         # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method
-        with db():
-            user_repo = UserRepository(Config(security=SecurityConfig()))
-            # noinspection PyArgumentList
+        with db_session:
+            user_repo = UserRepository(session=db_session)
             user1 = user_repo.save(User(name="foo", password=Password("bar")))
-            # noinspection PyArgumentList
             user2 = user_repo.save(User(name="hello", password=Password("world")))
-            repo = MatrixRepository()
-            m1 = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.now())
+            repo = MatrixRepository(session=db_session)
+            m1 = Matrix(id="hello", created_at=datetime.datetime.now())
-            m2 = Matrix(id="world", created_at=datetime.now())
+            m2 = Matrix(id="world", created_at=datetime.datetime.now())
-            dataset_repo = MatrixDataSetRepository()
+            dataset_repo = MatrixDataSetRepository(session=db_session)
             dataset = MatrixDataSet(
                 name="some name",
-                created_at=datetime.now(),
-                updated_at=datetime.now(),
+                created_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
+                updated_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
             matrix_relation = MatrixDataSetRelation(name="m1")
             matrix_relation.matrix_id = "hello"
@@ -141,8 +134,8 @@ def test_datastore_query(self) -> None:
                 name="some name 2",
-                created_at=datetime.now(),
-                updated_at=datetime.now(),
+                created_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
+                updated_at=datetime.datetime.now(),
             matrix_relation = MatrixDataSetRelation(name="m1")
             matrix_relation.matrix_id = "hello"
@@ -163,14 +156,12 @@ def test_datastore_query(self) -> None:
             assert len(dataset_repo.query("name 2")) == 0
             assert repo.get(m1.id) is not None
             assert (
-                len(
-                    # fmt: off
-                    db.session
-                    .query(MatrixDataSetRelation)
-                    .filter(MatrixDataSetRelation.dataset_id == dataset.id)
-                    .all()
-                    # fmt: on
-                )
+                # fmt: off
+                db_session
+                .query(MatrixDataSetRelation)
+                .filter(MatrixDataSetRelation.dataset_id == dataset.id)
+                .count()
+                # fmt: on
                 == 0
diff --git a/tests/storage/business/test_arealink_manager.py b/tests/storage/business/test_arealink_manager.py
index 9f8e0be884..4caee7b7bd 100644
--- a/tests/storage/business/test_arealink_manager.py
+++ b/tests/storage/business/test_arealink_manager.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 from antarest.core.jwt import DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER
 from antarest.core.requests import RequestParameters
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import db
+from antarest.matrixstore.repository import MatrixContentRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.service import SimpleMatrixService
 from antarest.study.business.area_management import AreaCreationDTO, AreaManager, AreaType, AreaUI
 from antarest.study.business.link_management import LinkInfoDTO, LinkManager
@@ -66,7 +67,10 @@ def matrix_service_fixture(tmp_path: Path) -> SimpleMatrixService:
     matrix_path = tmp_path.joinpath("matrix-store")
-    return SimpleMatrixService(matrix_path)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=matrix_path,
+    )
+    return SimpleMatrixService(matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository)
@@ -94,8 +98,10 @@ def test_area_crud(empty_study: FileStudy, matrix_service: SimpleMatrixService):
     raw_study_service.get_raw.return_value = empty_study
     raw_study_service.cache = Mock()
+    generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service)
+    generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
     variant_study_service.command_factory = CommandFactory(
-        GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service),
+        generator_matrix_constants,
diff --git a/tests/storage/integration/conftest.py b/tests/storage/integration/conftest.py
index 4ff8fbf888..197be27144 100644
--- a/tests/storage/integration/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/storage/integration/conftest.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 from antarest.core.utils.fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
 from antarest.dbmodel import Base
 from antarest.login.model import User
+from antarest.matrixstore.repository import MatrixContentRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.service import SimpleMatrixService
 from antarest.study.main import build_study_service
 from antarest.study.model import DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME, RawStudy, StudyAdditionalData
@@ -87,7 +88,10 @@ def storage_service(tmp_path: Path, project_path: Path, sta_mini_zip_path: Path)
     matrix_path = tmp_path / "matrices"
-    matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrix_path)
+    matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+        bucket_dir=matrix_path,
+    )
+    matrix_service = SimpleMatrixService(matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository)
     storage_service = build_study_service(
diff --git a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/business/test_matrix_constants_generator.py b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/business/test_matrix_constants_generator.py
index 93a3262259..a216571510 100644
--- a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/business/test_matrix_constants_generator.py
+++ b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/business/test_matrix_constants_generator.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import numpy as np
+from antarest.matrixstore.repository import MatrixContentRepository
 from antarest.matrixstore.service import SimpleMatrixService
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business import matrix_constants
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business.matrix_constants_generator import (
@@ -10,7 +11,15 @@
 class TestGeneratorMatrixConstants:
     def test_get_st_storage(self, tmp_path):
-        generator = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=SimpleMatrixService(bucket_dir=tmp_path))
+        matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+            bucket_dir=tmp_path,
+        )
+        generator = GeneratorMatrixConstants(
+            matrix_service=SimpleMatrixService(
+                matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+            )
+        )
+        generator.init_constant_matrices()
         ref1 = generator.get_st_storage_pmax_injection()
         matrix_id1 = ref1.split(MATRIX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)[1]
@@ -38,20 +47,28 @@ def test_get_st_storage(self, tmp_path):
         assert np.array(matrix_dto5.data).all() == matrix_constants.st_storage.series.inflows.all()
     def test_get_binding_constraint(self, tmp_path):
-        generator = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=SimpleMatrixService(bucket_dir=tmp_path))
+        matrix_content_repository = MatrixContentRepository(
+            bucket_dir=tmp_path,
+        )
+        generator = GeneratorMatrixConstants(
+            matrix_service=SimpleMatrixService(
+                matrix_content_repository=matrix_content_repository,
+            )
+        )
+        generator.init_constant_matrices()
         series = matrix_constants.binding_constraint.series
         hourly = generator.get_binding_constraint_hourly()
         hourly_matrix_id = hourly.split(MATRIX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)[1]
         hourly_matrix_dto = generator.matrix_service.get(hourly_matrix_id)
-        assert np.array(hourly_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_binding_constraint_hourly.all()
+        assert np.array(hourly_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_bc_hourly.all()
         daily = generator.get_binding_constraint_daily()
         daily_matrix_id = daily.split(MATRIX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)[1]
         daily_matrix_dto = generator.matrix_service.get(daily_matrix_id)
-        assert np.array(daily_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_binding_constraint_daily.all()
+        assert np.array(daily_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_bc_weekly_daily.all()
         weekly = generator.get_binding_constraint_weekly()
         weekly_matrix_id = weekly.split(MATRIX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)[1]
         weekly_matrix_dto = generator.matrix_service.get(weekly_matrix_id)
-        assert np.array(weekly_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_binding_constraint_weekly.all()
+        assert np.array(weekly_matrix_dto.data).all() == series.default_bc_weekly_daily.all()
diff --git a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/model/test_dbmodel.py b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/model/test_dbmodel.py
index 0bcd107518..0715dec535 100644
--- a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/model/test_dbmodel.py
+++ b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/model/test_dbmodel.py
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def test_init__without_snapshot(self, db_session: Session, raw_study_id: str, us
         # check Variant-specific properties
         assert obj.snapshot_dir == Path(variant_study_path).joinpath("snapshot")
-        assert obj.is_snapshot_recent() is False
+        assert obj.is_snapshot_up_to_date() is False
         "created_at, updated_at, study_antares_file, expected",
@@ -294,4 +294,4 @@ def test_is_snapshot_recent(
         # Check the snapshot_uptodate() method
         obj: VariantStudy = db_session.query(VariantStudy).filter(VariantStudy.id == variant_id).one()
-        assert obj.is_snapshot_recent() == expected
+        assert obj.is_snapshot_up_to_date() == expected
diff --git a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/test_snapshot_generator.py b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/test_snapshot_generator.py
index 2247b21045..5e90b6ee06 100644
--- a/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/test_snapshot_generator.py
+++ b/tests/study/storage/variantstudy/test_snapshot_generator.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.model import CommandDTO, GenerationResultInfoDTO
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.snapshot_generator import SnapshotGenerator, search_ref_study
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.variant_study_service import VariantStudyService
+from tests.db_statement_recorder import DBStatementRecorder
 from tests.helpers import with_db_context
@@ -85,12 +86,12 @@ class TestSearchRefStudy:
     and corresponding to a variant with an up-to-date snapshot.
     - The case where the list of studies contains two variants with up-to-date snapshots and
-      where the first is older than the second.
+      where the first is older than the second, and a third variant without snapshot.
       We expect to have a reference study corresponding to the second variant
       and a list of commands for the second variant.
     - The case where the list of studies contains two variants with up-to-date snapshots and
-      where the first is more recent than the second.
+      where the first is more recent than the second, and a third variant without snapshot.
       We expect to have a reference study corresponding to the first variant
       and a list of commands for both variants in order.
@@ -118,9 +119,10 @@ def test_search_ref_study__empty_descendants(self) -> None:
         root_study = Study(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="root")
         references: t.Sequence[VariantStudy] = []
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == root_study
-        assert cmd_blocks == []
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == root_study
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == []
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
     def test_search_ref_study__from_scratch(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
@@ -195,9 +197,10 @@ def test_search_ref_study__from_scratch(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         # Check the variants
         references = [variant1, variant2, variant3]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references, from_scratch=True)
-        assert ref_study == root_study
-        assert cmd_blocks == [c for v in [variant1, variant2, variant3] for c in v.commands]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references, from_scratch=True)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == root_study
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == [c for v in [variant1, variant2, variant3] for c in v.commands]
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
     def test_search_ref_study__obsolete_snapshots(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
@@ -205,12 +208,9 @@ def test_search_ref_study__obsolete_snapshots(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
           - either there is no snapshot,
           - or the snapshot's creation date is earlier than the variant's last modification date.
           Note: The situation where the "snapshot/study.antares" file does not exist is not considered.
-        We expect to have the root study and a list of `CommandBlock` for all variants.
-        Given a list of descendants with some variants with obsolete snapshots,
-        When calling search_ref_study with the flag from_scratch=False,
-        Then the root study is returned as reference study,
-        and all commands of all variants are returned.
+        The third variant has no snapshot, and must be generated from scratch.
+        We expect to have a reference study corresponding to the root study
+        and the list of commands of all variants in order.
         root_study = Study(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="root")
@@ -231,6 +231,14 @@ def test_search_ref_study__obsolete_snapshots(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
             datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=2),
             snapshot_created_at=datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=1),
+        # Variant 3 has no snapshot.
+        variant3 = _create_variant(
+            tmp_path,
+            "variant3",
+            variant2.id,
+            datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=3),
+            snapshot_created_at=None,
+        )
         # Add some variant commands
         variant1.commands = [
@@ -252,25 +260,41 @@ def test_search_ref_study__obsolete_snapshots(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
                 args='{"area_name": "DE", "cluster_name": "DE", "cluster_type": "thermal"}',
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant2.id,
+                index=1,
+                command="create_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "IT", "cluster_name": "IT", "cluster_type": "gas"}',
+            ),
         variant2.snapshot.last_executed_command = variant2.commands[0].id
+        variant3.commands = [
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant2.id,
+                index=0,
+                command="create_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "BE", "cluster_name": "BE", "cluster_type": "oil"}',
+            ),
+        ]
         # Check the variants
-        references = [variant1, variant2]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == root_study
-        assert cmd_blocks == [c for v in [variant1, variant2] for c in v.commands]
+        references = [variant1, variant2, variant3]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == root_study
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == [c for v in [variant1, variant2, variant3] for c in v.commands]
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
     def test_search_ref_study__old_recent_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         Case where the list of studies contains a variant with up-to-date snapshots and
         where the first is older than the second.
+        The third variant has no snapshot, and must be generated from scratch.
         We expect to have a reference study corresponding to the second variant
-        and an empty list of commands, because the snapshot is already completely up-to-date.
-        Given a list of descendants with some variants with up-to-date snapshots,
-        When calling search_ref_study with the flag from_scratch=False,
-        Then the second variant is returned as reference study, and no commands are returned.
+        and the list of commands of the third variant.
         root_study = Study(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="root")
@@ -291,6 +315,14 @@ def test_search_ref_study__old_recent_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
             datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=2),
             snapshot_created_at=datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=3),
+        # Variant 3 has no snapshot.
+        variant3 = _create_variant(
+            tmp_path,
+            "variant3",
+            variant2.id,
+            datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=3),
+            snapshot_created_at=None,
+        )
         # Add some variant commands
         variant1.commands = [
@@ -315,24 +347,31 @@ def test_search_ref_study__old_recent_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         variant2.snapshot.last_executed_command = variant2.commands[0].id
+        variant3.commands = [
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant2.id,
+                index=0,
+                command="create_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "BE", "cluster_name": "BE", "cluster_type": "oil"}',
+            ),
+        ]
         # Check the variants
-        references = [variant1, variant2]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == variant2
-        assert cmd_blocks == []
+        references = [variant1, variant2, variant3]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant2
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == variant3.commands
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
     def test_search_ref_study__recent_old_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         Case where the list of studies contains a variant with up-to-date snapshots and
         where the second is older than the first.
+        The third variant has no snapshot, and must be generated from scratch.
         We expect to have a reference study corresponding to the first variant
-        and the list of commands of the second variant, because the first is completely up-to-date.
-        Given a list of descendants with some variants with up-to-date snapshots,
-        When calling search_ref_study with the flag from_scratch=False,
-        Then the first variant is returned as reference study,
-        and the commands of the second variant are returned.
+        and the list of commands of the second and third variants.
         root_study = Study(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="root")
@@ -353,6 +392,14 @@ def test_search_ref_study__recent_old_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
             datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=2),
             snapshot_created_at=datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=2),
+        # Variant 3 has no snapshot.
+        variant3 = _create_variant(
+            tmp_path,
+            "variant3",
+            variant2.id,
+            datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=3),
+            snapshot_created_at=None,
+        )
         # Add some variant commands
         variant1.commands = [
@@ -377,12 +424,23 @@ def test_search_ref_study__recent_old_snapshot(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         variant2.snapshot.last_executed_command = variant2.commands[0].id
+        variant3.commands = [
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant2.id,
+                index=0,
+                command="create_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "BE", "cluster_name": "BE", "cluster_type": "oil"}',
+            ),
+        ]
         # Check the variants
-        references = [variant1, variant2]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == variant1
-        assert cmd_blocks == variant2.commands
+        references = [variant1, variant2, variant3]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant1
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == [c for v in [variant2, variant3] for c in v.commands]
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
     def test_search_ref_study__one_variant_completely_uptodate(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
@@ -438,9 +496,10 @@ def test_search_ref_study__one_variant_completely_uptodate(self, tmp_path: Path)
         # Check the variants
         references = [variant1]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == variant1
-        assert cmd_blocks == []
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant1
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == []
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is False
     def test_search_ref_study__one_variant_partially_uptodate(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
@@ -496,9 +555,10 @@ def test_search_ref_study__one_variant_partially_uptodate(self, tmp_path: Path)
         # Check the variants
         references = [variant1]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == variant1
-        assert cmd_blocks == variant1.commands[1:]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant1
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == variant1.commands[1:]
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is False
     def test_search_ref_study__missing_last_command(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
@@ -550,9 +610,65 @@ def test_search_ref_study__missing_last_command(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
         # Check the variants
         references = [variant1]
-        ref_study, cmd_blocks = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
-        assert ref_study == variant1
-        assert cmd_blocks == variant1.commands
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant1
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == variant1.commands
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
+    def test_search_ref_study__deleted_last_command(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+        """
+        Case where the list of studies contains a variant with an up-to-date snapshot,
+        but the last executed command is missing (removed).
+        We expect to have the list of all variant commands, so that the snapshot can be re-generated.
+        """
+        root_study = Study(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="root")
+        # Prepare some variants with snapshots:
+        variant1 = _create_variant(
+            tmp_path,
+            "variant1",
+            root_study.id,
+            datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=1),
+            snapshot_created_at=datetime.datetime(year=2023, month=1, day=2),
+        )
+        # Add some variant commands
+        variant1.commands = [
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant1.id,
+                index=0,
+                command="create_area",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "DE"}',
+            ),
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant1.id,
+                index=1,
+                command="create_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "DE", "cluster_name": "DE", "cluster_type": "thermal"}',
+            ),
+            CommandBlock(
+                id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+                study_id=variant1.id,
+                index=2,
+                command="update_thermal_cluster",
+                version=1,
+                args='{"area_name": "DE", "cluster_name": "DE", "capacity": 1500}',
+            ),
+        ]
+        # The last executed command is missing.
+        variant1.snapshot.last_executed_command = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        # Check the variants
+        references = [variant1]
+        search_result = search_ref_study(root_study, references)
+        assert search_result.ref_study == variant1
+        assert search_result.cmd_blocks == variant1.commands
+        assert search_result.force_regenerate is True
 class RegisterNotification:
@@ -715,15 +831,9 @@ def test_generate__nominal_case(
-        sql_statements = []
         notifier = RegisterNotification()
-        @event.listens_for(db.session.bind, "before_cursor_execute")  # type: ignore
-        def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement: str, parameters, context, executemany) -> None:
-            # note: add a breakpoint here to debug the SQL statements.
-            sql_statements.append(statement)
-        try:
+        with DBStatementRecorder(db.session.bind) as db_recorder:
             results = generator.generate_snapshot(
@@ -731,8 +841,6 @@ def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement: str, parameters, context, exe
-        finally:
-            event.remove(db.session.bind, "before_cursor_execute", before_cursor_execute)
         # Check: the number of database queries is kept as low as possible.
         # We expect 5 queries:
@@ -741,7 +849,7 @@ def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement: str, parameters, context, exe
         # - 1 query to fetch the list of variants with snapshot, commands, etc.,
         # - 1 query to update the variant study additional_data,
         # - 1 query to insert the variant study snapshot.
-        assert len(sql_statements) == 5, "\n-------\n".join(sql_statements)
+        assert len(db_recorder.sql_statements) == 5, str(db_recorder)
         # Check: the variant generation must succeed.
         assert results == GenerationResultInfoDTO(
@@ -826,11 +934,6 @@ def test_generate__with_user_dir(
         Test the generation of a variant study containing a user directory.
         We expect that the user directory is correctly preserved.
-        # Add a user directory to the variant study.
-        user_dir = Path(variant_study.snapshot_dir) / "user"
-        user_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        user_dir.joinpath("user_file.txt").touch()
         generator = SnapshotGenerator(
@@ -840,22 +943,25 @@ def test_generate__with_user_dir(
-        results = generator.generate_snapshot(
+        # Generate the snapshot once
+        generator.generate_snapshot(
-        # Check the results
-        assert results == GenerationResultInfoDTO(
-            success=True,
-            details=[
-                ("create_area", True, "Area 'North' created"),
-                ("create_area", True, "Area 'South' created"),
-                ("create_link", True, "Link between 'north' and 'south' created"),
-                ("create_cluster", True, "Thermal cluster 'gas_cluster' added to area 'south'."),
-            ],
+        # Add a user directory to the variant study.
+        user_dir = Path(variant_study.snapshot_dir) / "user"
+        user_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        user_dir.joinpath("user_file.txt").touch()
+        # Generate the snapshot again
+        generator.generate_snapshot(
+            variant_study.id,
+            jwt_user,
+            denormalize=False,
+            from_scratch=False,
         # Check that the user directory is correctly preserved.
diff --git a/tests/variantstudy/conftest.py b/tests/variantstudy/conftest.py
index 9db21ab220..011a6bb68d 100644
--- a/tests/variantstudy/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/variantstudy/conftest.py
@@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ def command_context_fixture(matrix_service: MatrixService) -> CommandContext:
         CommandContext: The CommandContext object.
     # sourcery skip: inline-immediately-returned-variable
+    generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service)
+    generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
     command_context = CommandContext(
-        generator_matrix_constants=GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=matrix_service),
+        generator_matrix_constants=generator_matrix_constants,
@@ -110,8 +112,10 @@ def command_factory_fixture(matrix_service: MatrixService) -> CommandFactory:
         CommandFactory: The CommandFactory object.
+    generator_matrix_constants = GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service)
+    generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
     return CommandFactory(
-        generator_matrix_constants=GeneratorMatrixConstants(matrix_service=matrix_service),
+        generator_matrix_constants=generator_matrix_constants,
diff --git a/tests/variantstudy/model/command/test_manage_binding_constraints.py b/tests/variantstudy/model/command/test_manage_binding_constraints.py
index a1309c2e47..3387db8e6d 100644
--- a/tests/variantstudy/model/command/test_manage_binding_constraints.py
+++ b/tests/variantstudy/model/command/test_manage_binding_constraints.py
@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business.command_extractor import CommandExtractor
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business.command_reverter import CommandReverter
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.business.matrix_constants.binding_constraint.series import (
-    default_binding_constraint_daily,
-    default_binding_constraint_hourly,
-    default_binding_constraint_weekly,
+    default_bc_hourly,
+    default_bc_weekly_daily,
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.command.common import BindingConstraintOperator
 from antarest.study.storage.variantstudy.model.command.create_area import CreateArea
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ def test_manage_binding_constraint(
         "type": "daily",
-    weekly_values = default_binding_constraint_weekly.tolist()
+    weekly_values = default_bc_weekly_daily.tolist()
     bind_update = UpdateBindingConstraint(
         id="bd 1",
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ def test_manage_binding_constraint(
 def test_match(command_context: CommandContext):
-    values = default_binding_constraint_daily.tolist()
+    values = default_bc_weekly_daily.tolist()
     base = CreateBindingConstraint(
@@ -231,9 +230,9 @@ def test_match(command_context: CommandContext):
 def test_revert(command_context: CommandContext):
-    hourly_values = default_binding_constraint_hourly.tolist()
-    daily_values = default_binding_constraint_daily.tolist()
-    weekly_values = default_binding_constraint_weekly.tolist()
+    hourly_values = default_bc_hourly.tolist()
+    daily_values = default_bc_weekly_daily.tolist()
+    weekly_values = default_bc_weekly_daily.tolist()
     base = CreateBindingConstraint(
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ def test_revert(command_context: CommandContext):
 def test_create_diff(command_context: CommandContext):
-    values_a = np.random.rand(365, 3).tolist()
+    values_a = np.random.rand(366, 3).tolist()
     base = CreateBindingConstraint(
@@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ def test_create_diff(command_context: CommandContext):
-    values_b = np.random.rand(8760, 3).tolist()
+    values_b = np.random.rand(8784, 3).tolist()
     other_match = CreateBindingConstraint(
@@ -372,7 +371,7 @@ def test_create_diff(command_context: CommandContext):
-    values = default_binding_constraint_daily.tolist()
+    values = default_bc_weekly_daily.tolist()
     base = UpdateBindingConstraint(
diff --git a/tests/variantstudy/model/test_variant_model.py b/tests/variantstudy/model/test_variant_model.py
index 7acbce4530..63ac7293b8 100644
--- a/tests/variantstudy/model/test_variant_model.py
+++ b/tests/variantstudy/model/test_variant_model.py
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ def test_commands_service(
         variant_study_service: VariantStudyService,
     ) -> None:
         # Initialize the default matrix constants
-        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
-        generator_matrix_constants._init()
+        generator_matrix_constants.init_constant_matrices()
         params = RequestParameters(user=jwt_user)
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@@ -15102,29 +15200,30 @@
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-        "node": ">=14"
+        "node": ">=16"
       "funding": {
         "type": "github",
         "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/kevinvandy"
       "peerDependencies": {
-        "@emotion/react": ">=11",
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diff --git a/webapp/package.json b/webapp/package.json
index 1bc82aae3e..6b687cb3ae 100644
--- a/webapp/package.json
+++ b/webapp/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "antares-web",
-  "version": "2.16.0",
+  "version": "2.16.1",
   "private": true,
   "engines": {
     "node": "18.16.1"
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     "@mui/icons-material": "5.14.11",
     "@mui/lab": "5.0.0-alpha.146",
     "@mui/material": "5.14.11",
+    "@mui/x-date-pickers": "6.18.3",
     "@reduxjs/toolkit": "1.9.6",
     "@types/d3": "5.16.0",
     "@types/draft-convert": "2.1.5",
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
     "js-cookie": "3.0.5",
     "jwt-decode": "3.1.2",
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-    "material-react-table": "1.15.0",
+    "material-react-table": "2.0.5",
     "moment": "2.29.4",
     "notistack": "3.0.1",
     "os": "0.1.2",
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/index.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/index.tsx
index 42a84ca56c..8b65d57f44 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/index.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/index.tsx
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function Hydro() {
   return (
       <DocLink to={`${ACTIVE_WINDOWS_DOC_PATH}#hydro`} isAbsolute />
-      <TabWrapper study={study} tabStyle="normal" tabList={tabList} />
+      <TabWrapper study={study} tabList={tabList} isScrollable />
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/style.ts b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/style.ts
index 3103e60f79..0bd3dab7d4 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/style.ts
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Hydro/style.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ export const Root = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
   width: "100%",
   height: "100%",
   padding: theme.spacing(2),
+  paddingTop: 0,
   display: "flex",
   overflow: "auto",
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Renewables/Form.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Renewables/Form.tsx
index 0f98902d24..30dc1bc7b7 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Renewables/Form.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Renewables/Form.tsx
@@ -65,24 +65,21 @@ function RenewablesForm() {
         key={study.id + areaId}
         config={{ defaultValues }}
-        autoSubmit
+        enableUndoRedo
         <Fields />
-        <Box
-          sx={{
-            width: 1,
-            display: "flex",
-            flexDirection: "column",
-            height: "500px",
-          }}
-        >
-          <Matrix
-            study={study}
-            areaId={areaId}
-            clusterId={nameToId(clusterId)}
-          />
-        </Box>
+      <Box
+        sx={{
+          width: 1,
+          display: "flex",
+          flexDirection: "column",
+          py: 3,
+          height: "75vh",
+        }}
+      >
+        <Matrix study={study} areaId={areaId} clusterId={nameToId(clusterId)} />
+      </Box>
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Fields.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Fields.tsx
index 0e04b378a0..8485fd29e6 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Fields.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Fields.tsx
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ function Fields() {
             message: t("form.field.minValue", { 0: 0 }),
           max: {
-            value: 1,
-            message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 1 }),
+            value: 100,
+            message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 100 }),
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ function Fields() {
             message: t("form.field.minValue", { 0: 0 }),
           max: {
-            value: 1,
-            message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 1 }),
+            value: 100,
+            message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 100 }),
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Form.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Form.tsx
index c3f2f717dd..40aa166664 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Form.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Storages/Form.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { Box, Button } from "@mui/material";
 import { useParams, useOutletContext, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
 import ArrowBackIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ArrowBack";
 import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
+import * as RA from "ramda-adjunct";
 import { StudyMetadata } from "../../../../../../../common/types";
 import Form from "../../../../../../common/Form";
 import Fields from "./Fields";
@@ -27,17 +28,34 @@ function StorageForm() {
   // prevent re-fetch while useNavigateOnCondition event occurs
-  const defaultValues = useCallback(() => {
-    return getStorage(study.id, areaId, storageId);
+  const defaultValues = useCallback(
+    async () => {
+      const storage = await getStorage(study.id, areaId, storageId);
+      return {
+        ...storage,
+        // Convert to percentage ([0-1] -> [0-100])
+        efficiency: storage.efficiency * 100,
+        initialLevel: storage.initialLevel * 100,
+      };
+    },
     // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-  }, []);
+    [],
+  );
   // Event handlers
   const handleSubmit = ({ dirtyValues }: SubmitHandlerPlus<Storage>) => {
-    return updateStorage(study.id, areaId, storageId, dirtyValues);
+    const newValues = { ...dirtyValues };
+    // Convert to ratio ([0-100] -> [0-1])
+    if (RA.isNumber(newValues.efficiency)) {
+      newValues.efficiency /= 100;
+    }
+    if (RA.isNumber(newValues.initialLevel)) {
+      newValues.initialLevel /= 100;
+    }
+    return updateStorage(study.id, areaId, storageId, newValues);
@@ -61,24 +79,21 @@ function StorageForm() {
-        autoSubmit
+        enableUndoRedo
         <Fields />
-        <Box
-          sx={{
-            width: 1,
-            display: "flex",
-            flexDirection: "column",
-            height: "500px",
-          }}
-        >
-          <Matrix
-            study={study}
-            areaId={areaId}
-            storageId={nameToId(storageId)}
-          />
-        </Box>
+      <Box
+        sx={{
+          width: 1,
+          display: "flex",
+          flexDirection: "column",
+          py: 3,
+          height: "75vh",
+        }}
+      >
+        <Matrix study={study} areaId={areaId} storageId={nameToId(storageId)} />
+      </Box>
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Fields.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Fields.tsx
index 3253167d5a..cf5cb2fc66 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Fields.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Fields.tsx
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ function Fields() {
               message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 1 }),
+          inputProps={{ step: 0.1 }}
@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ function Fields() {
               message: t("form.field.maxValue", { 0: 1 }),
+          inputProps={{ step: 0.1 }}
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Form.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Form.tsx
index ee16dbbf6d..810338b581 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Form.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/Areas/Thermal/Form.tsx
@@ -63,24 +63,21 @@ function ThermalForm() {
         key={study.id + areaId}
         config={{ defaultValues }}
-        autoSubmit
+        enableUndoRedo
         <Fields />
-        <Box
-          sx={{
-            width: 1,
-            display: "flex",
-            flexDirection: "column",
-            height: "500px",
-          }}
-        >
-          <Matrix
-            study={study}
-            areaId={areaId}
-            clusterId={nameToId(clusterId)}
-          />
-        </Box>
+      <Box
+        sx={{
+          width: 1,
+          display: "flex",
+          flexDirection: "column",
+          py: 3,
+          height: "75vh",
+        }}
+      >
+        <Matrix study={study} areaId={areaId} clusterId={nameToId(clusterId)} />
+      </Box>
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/index.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/index.tsx
index 5d81c34155..06b1a4da83 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/index.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Modelization/index.tsx
@@ -1,57 +1,80 @@
-import { useMemo } from "react";
-import { useOutletContext } from "react-router-dom";
+import { useEffect, useMemo } from "react";
+import { useNavigate, useOutletContext, useParams } from "react-router-dom";
 import { Box } from "@mui/material";
 import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
 import { StudyMetadata } from "../../../../../common/types";
 import TabWrapper from "../TabWrapper";
 import useAppSelector from "../../../../../redux/hooks/useAppSelector";
-import { getCurrentAreaId } from "../../../../../redux/selectors";
+import { getAreas, getCurrentAreaId } from "../../../../../redux/selectors";
+import useAppDispatch from "../../../../../redux/hooks/useAppDispatch";
+import { setCurrentArea } from "../../../../../redux/ducks/studySyntheses";
 function Modelization() {
   const { study } = useOutletContext<{ study: StudyMetadata }>();
-  const areaId = useAppSelector(getCurrentAreaId);
   const [t] = useTranslation();
+  const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
+  const navigate = useNavigate();
+  const { areaId: paramAreaId } = useParams();
+  const areas = useAppSelector((state) => getAreas(state, study.id));
+  const areaId = useAppSelector(getCurrentAreaId);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (!areaId && paramAreaId) {
+      dispatch(setCurrentArea(paramAreaId));
+    }
+  }, [paramAreaId, dispatch, areaId]);
+  const tabList = useMemo(() => {
+    const basePath = `/studies/${study.id}/explore/modelization`;
-  const tabList = useMemo(
-    () => [
+    const handleAreasClick = () => {
+      if (areaId.length === 0 && areas.length > 0) {
+        const firstAreaId = areas[0].id ?? null;
+        if (firstAreaId) {
+          dispatch(setCurrentArea(firstAreaId));
+          navigate(`${basePath}/area/${firstAreaId}`, { replace: true });
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    return [
         label: t("study.modelization.map"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/map`,
+        path: `${basePath}/map`,
         label: t("study.areas"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/area/${areaId}`,
+        path: `${basePath}/area/${areaId}`,
+        onClick: handleAreasClick,
         label: t("study.links"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/links`,
+        path: `${basePath}/links`,
         label: t("study.bindingconstraints"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/bindingcontraint`,
+        path: `${basePath}/bindingcontraint`,
         label: t("study.debug"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/debug`,
+        path: `${basePath}/debug`,
         label: t("study.modelization.tableMode"),
-        path: `/studies/${study?.id}/explore/modelization/tablemode`,
+        path: `${basePath}/tablemode`,
-    ],
-    [areaId, study?.id, t],
-  );
+    ];
+  }, [areaId, areas, dispatch, navigate, study?.id, t]);
   return (
-      width="100%"
-      flexGrow={1}
-      display="flex"
-      flexDirection="column"
-      justifyContent="center"
-      alignItems="center"
-      boxSizing="border-box"
-      overflow="hidden"
+      sx={{
+        display: "flex",
+        flex: 1,
+        width: 1,
+        overflow: "hidden",
+      }}
       <TabWrapper study={study} tabStyle="withoutBorder" tabList={tabList} />
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/index.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/index.tsx
index 7875ff7246..1f6b4a9bdc 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/index.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/index.tsx
@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ function ResultDetails() {
                           { value: DataType.Thermal, label: "Thermal plants" },
                           { value: DataType.Renewable, label: "Ren. clusters" },
                           { value: DataType.Record, label: "RecordYears" },
+                          { value: DataType.STStorage, label: "ST Storages" },
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/utils.ts b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/utils.ts
index f140205498..cba62478c8 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/utils.ts
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/Results/ResultDetails/utils.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export enum DataType {
   Thermal = "details",
   Renewable = "details-res",
   Record = "id",
+  STStorage = "details-STstorage",
 export enum Timestep {
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/TabWrapper.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/TabWrapper.tsx
index 7a61f90fb6..482801c482 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/TabWrapper.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Singlestudy/explore/TabWrapper.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* eslint-disable react/jsx-props-no-spreading */
-import { useEffect } from "react";
+import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import * as React from "react";
 import { styled, SxProps, Theme } from "@mui/material";
 import Tabs from "@mui/material/Tabs";
@@ -28,19 +28,32 @@ export const StyledTab = styled(Tabs, {
+interface TabItem {
+  label: string;
+  path: string;
+  onClick?: () => void;
 interface Props {
   study: StudyMetadata | undefined;
-  tabList: Array<{ label: string; path: string }>;
+  tabList: TabItem[];
   border?: boolean;
   tabStyle?: "normal" | "withoutBorder";
   sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
+  isScrollable?: boolean;
-function TabWrapper(props: Props) {
-  const { study, tabList, border, tabStyle, sx } = props;
+function TabWrapper({
+  study,
+  tabList,
+  border,
+  tabStyle,
+  sx,
+  isScrollable = false,
+}: Props) {
   const location = useLocation();
   const navigate = useNavigate();
-  const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = React.useState(0);
+  const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState(0);
   useEffect(() => {
     const getTabIndex = (): number => {
@@ -66,6 +79,11 @@ function TabWrapper(props: Props) {
   const handleChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newValue: number) => {
+    const onTabClick = tabList[newValue].onClick;
+    if (onTabClick) {
+      onTabClick();
+    }
@@ -87,16 +105,15 @@ function TabWrapper(props: Props) {
-        border={border === true}
+        border={border}
-        variant="scrollable"
+        variant={isScrollable ? "scrollable" : "standard"}
           width: "98%",
-          ...(border === true
-            ? { borderBottom: 1, borderColor: "divider" }
-            : {}),
+          borderBottom: border ? 1 : 0,
+          borderColor: border ? "divider" : "inherit",
         {tabList.map((tab) => (
@@ -108,9 +125,4 @@ function TabWrapper(props: Props) {
-TabWrapper.defaultProps = {
-  border: undefined,
-  tabStyle: "normal",
 export default TabWrapper;
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/App/Studies/StudyCard.tsx b/webapp/src/components/App/Studies/StudyCard.tsx
index d6f6e91dd6..976ee7acd8 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/App/Studies/StudyCard.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/App/Studies/StudyCard.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { memo, useState } from "react";
-import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
+import { NavLink, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
 import { AxiosError } from "axios";
 import { useSnackbar } from "notistack";
 import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
+  Divider,
 } from "@mui/material";
 import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
 import { indigo } from "@mui/material/colors";
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
   const study = useAppSelector((state) => getStudy(state, id));
   const isFavorite = useAppSelector((state) => isStudyFavorite(state, id));
   const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
+  const navigate = useNavigate();
   // Event Handlers
@@ -218,7 +220,13 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
-        sx={{ flexGrow: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}
+        sx={{
+          flexGrow: 1,
+          display: "flex",
+          flexDirection: "column",
+          overflow: "auto",
+          maxHeight: "calc(100% - 48px)",
+        }}
@@ -236,6 +244,7 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
+              onClick={() => navigate(`/studies/${study.id}`)}
                 color: "white",
                 boxSizing: "border-box",
@@ -244,6 +253,11 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
                 whiteSpace: "nowrap",
                 textOverflow: "ellipsis",
                 overflow: "hidden",
+                cursor: "pointer",
+                "&:hover": {
+                  color: "primary.main",
+                  textDecoration: "underline",
+                },
@@ -289,6 +303,10 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
               flexFlow: "nowrap",
               px: 0.5,
               paddingBottom: 0.5,
+              width: "90%",
+              whiteSpace: "nowrap",
+              textOverflow: "ellipsis",
+              overflow: "hidden",
@@ -308,8 +326,6 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
               display: "flex",
               maxWidth: "65%",
-              flexDirection: "row",
-              justifyContent: "flex-start",
               alignItems: "center",
@@ -321,38 +337,27 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
               display: "flex",
-              flexDirection: "row",
-              justifyContent: "flex-start",
-              alignItems: "center",
+              gap: 1,
-            <UpdateOutlinedIcon sx={{ color: "text.secondary", mr: 1 }} />
+            <UpdateOutlinedIcon sx={{ color: "text.secondary" }} />
               {buildModificationDate(study.modificationDate, t, i18n.language)}
+            <Divider flexItem orientation="vertical" />
+            <TinyText>{`v${displayVersionName(study.version)}`}</TinyText>
-            width: "100%",
             display: "flex",
-            flexDirection: "row",
-            justifyContent: "space-between",
-            alignItems: "center",
+            textOverflow: "ellipsis",
+            overflow: "hidden",
+            mt: 1,
-          <Box
-            sx={{
-              display: "flex",
-              flexDirection: "row",
-              justifyContent: "flex-start",
-              alignItems: "center",
-            }}
-          >
-            <PersonOutlineIcon sx={{ color: "text.secondary", mr: 1 }} />
-            <TinyText>{study.owner.name}</TinyText>
-          </Box>
-          <TinyText>{`v${displayVersionName(study.version)}`}</TinyText>
+          <PersonOutlineIcon sx={{ color: "text.secondary" }} />
+          <TinyText>{study.owner.name}</TinyText>
@@ -364,8 +369,7 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
             flexWrap: "wrap",
             justifyContent: "flex-start",
             alignItems: "center",
-            overflowX: "hidden",
-            overflowY: "auto",
             gap: 0.5,
             ".MuiChip-root": {
               color: "black",
@@ -377,24 +381,24 @@ const StudyCard = memo((props: Props) => {
               icon={<AltRouteOutlinedIcon />}
+              size="small"
-            variant="filled"
+            size="small"
               bgcolor: study.managed ? "secondary.main" : "gray",
-          {study.tags &&
-            study.tags.map((elm) => (
-              <Chip
-                key={elm}
-                label={elm}
-                variant="filled"
-                sx={{ bgcolor: indigo[300] }}
-              />
-            ))}
+          {study.tags?.map((tag) => (
+            <Chip
+              key={tag}
+              label={tag}
+              size="small"
+              sx={{ bgcolor: indigo[300] }}
+            />
+          ))}
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/index.tsx b/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/index.tsx
index 91bfeb7d81..8176cc0f5c 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/index.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/index.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ import "handsontable/dist/handsontable.min.css";
 import MatrixGraphView from "./MatrixGraphView";
 import { Root } from "./style";
 import "./style.css";
-import { computeStats, createDateFromIndex, slice } from "./utils";
+import {
+  computeStats,
+  createDateFromIndex,
+  cellChangesToMatrixEdits,
+} from "./utils";
 import Handsontable from "../Handsontable";
 const logError = debug("antares:editablematrix:error");
@@ -68,18 +72,19 @@ function EditableMatrix(props: PropTypes) {
   // Event Handlers
-  const handleSlice = (change: CellChange[], source: string) => {
-    const isChanged = change.map((item) => {
-      if (parseFloat(item[2]) === parseFloat(item[3])) {
-        return;
-      }
-      return item;
-    });
-    if (onUpdate) {
-      const edit = slice(
-        isChanged.filter((e) => e !== undefined) as CellChange[],
-      );
-      onUpdate(edit, source);
+  const handleSlice = (changes: CellChange[], source: string) => {
+    if (!onUpdate) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const filteredChanges = changes.filter(
+      ([, , oldValue, newValue]) =>
+        parseFloat(oldValue) !== parseFloat(newValue),
+    );
+    if (filteredChanges.length > 0) {
+      const edits = cellChangesToMatrixEdits(filteredChanges, matrixTime);
+      onUpdate(edits, source);
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/utils.ts b/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/utils.ts
index 020455cd5e..341fb8d2a3 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/utils.ts
+++ b/webapp/src/components/common/EditableMatrix/utils.ts
@@ -82,14 +82,19 @@ export const createDateFromIndex = (
   return date;
-export const slice = (tab: CellChange[]): MatrixEditDTO[] => {
-  return tab.map((cell) => {
+export const cellChangesToMatrixEdits = (
+  cellChanges: CellChange[],
+  matrixTime: boolean,
+): MatrixEditDTO[] =>
+  cellChanges.map(([row, column, , value]) => {
+    const rowIndex = parseFloat(row.toString());
+    const colIndex = parseFloat(column.toString()) - (matrixTime ? 1 : 0);
     return {
-      coordinates: [[cell[0] as number, (cell[1] as number) - 1]],
-      operation: { operation: Operator.EQ, value: parseInt(cell[3], 10) },
+      coordinates: [[rowIndex, colIndex]],
+      operation: { operation: Operator.EQ, value: parseFloat(value) },
 export const computeStats = (
   statsType: string,
diff --git a/webapp/src/components/common/GroupedDataTable/index.tsx b/webapp/src/components/common/GroupedDataTable/index.tsx
index 45c23ab55d..17f1df92a1 100644
--- a/webapp/src/components/common/GroupedDataTable/index.tsx
+++ b/webapp/src/components/common/GroupedDataTable/index.tsx
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import AddIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Add";
 import { Button } from "@mui/material";
 import DeleteIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Delete";
 import ContentCopyIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ContentCopy";
-import MaterialReactTable, {
+import {
+  MaterialReactTable,
diff --git a/webapp/src/redux/ducks/studySyntheses.ts b/webapp/src/redux/ducks/studySyntheses.ts
index 9aad642d31..a7ae6cdc52 100644
--- a/webapp/src/redux/ducks/studySyntheses.ts
+++ b/webapp/src/redux/ducks/studySyntheses.ts
@@ -87,14 +87,7 @@ const initDefaultAreaLinkSelection = (
   studyData?: FileStudyTreeConfigDTO,
 ): void => {
   if (studyData) {
-    // Set current area
-    const areas = Object.keys(studyData.areas);
-    if (areas.length > 0) {
-      dispatch(setCurrentArea(areas[0]));
-    } else {
-      dispatch(setCurrentArea(""));
-    }
+    dispatch(setCurrentArea(""));
   } else {