This is a series video were we going to build a full-stack application from scratch using the MERN STACK ( MongoDB, Express, React.js and Nodejs).
We will build a Sports Web App for creating sports events and the app will include:
- User registration and authentication (maybe add facebook/gmail login if the series becomes popular)
- Hashing password for security
- Session control
- CRUD operations (Create, read, update and delete)
- Search for events using filters (Running, Cycling or Swimming)
- Sign UP for event in order to participate
- Upload images to the server
- Website notification using web sockets (in order to approve or refuse the Event Sign UP request)
And if the series get more than 1000 likes in the first video I will create a React-Native app for it! And if the series get more than 5000 likes in the first video I will add social media functionality such as user profile
So please share this video with your friends and leave the like.