create conda environment
conda create --yes -n snakePipes -c mpi-ie -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakePipes
activate the newly created environment
conda activate snakePipes
add conda environment to snakePipes configuration
snakePipes config --snakemakeOptions " --use-conda --conda-prefix /localhome/inst/usr123/analysis/software/anaconda3/envs/snakePipes/"
get list of chromosome names to ignore for normalization (I will ignore sex chromosomes, non-canonical scaffolds and mtDNA)
wget -qO- | awk '{print $NF}' | grep 'random\|chrUn\|chrM\|chrX\|chrY' > ignoreForNormalization.txt
(for manipulating blacklist you need bedtools. If you havent installed bedtools, install them via conda:)
conda create --yes -n bedtools -c bioconda bedtools
conda activate bedtools
get a list of chromosome sizes for blacklist expansion with slopBed
wget -qO- | grep -v '^#' | awk -v RS='\r\n' '{print $10"\t"$9}' | grep -v '^na' > GRCm38.genome
wget -qO-
reads the file from url and prints it to stdout instead of a filegrep -v '^#'
ignores the lines that starts with a comment(#
)awk -v RS='\r\n' '{print $10"\t"$9}'
prints 10th column (chromosome name) and 9th column (chromosome size)grep -v '^na'
drops all chromosome/scaffold names that contain missing values (na
download the blacklist from edit the regions so they dont overlap with each other and are expanded by 50 bp both ways
wget -qO- | gunzip -c | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | slopBed -i stdin -g GRCm38.genome -b 50 > mm10-blacklist.v2.bed
wget -qO-
reads the file from url and prints it to stdout instead of a filegunzip -c
unzips the filesort -k1,1 -k2,2n
sorts bed file by region before using bedtoolsslopBed -i stdin -g GRCm38.genome -b 50
expands each blacklist peak by 50 bases, but takes into account chromosome sizes fromGRCm38.genome
activate snakePipes again to continue snakePiping
conda activate snakePipes
create snakePipe indices with basic GENCODE annotation (change this to something else if you prefer):
createIndices \
--genomeURL \
--gtfURL \
--blacklist mm10-blacklist.v2.bed \
--ignoreForNormalization ignoreForNormalization.txt \
--local \
-o /scratch/genomes/snakepipes/GRCm38_M24_basic GRCm38_M24_basic
make a directory for storing the temporary files
mkdir /localhome/inst/usr123/analysis/snakepipes_tmp/
find where the defaults.yaml is located by entering
snakePipes info
open the defaults.yaml
with any text editor.
change tmpDir: /data/extended/
to tmpDir: /localhome/inst/usr123/analysis/snakepipes_tmp/
or whatever your chosen tmpDir is.