We appreciate your interest in contributing to our open-source project as part of Hacktoberfest. Please read the following guidelines carefully to get started and make your contributions count!
Before you start contributing, take some time to understand the structure and purpose of our project by reading the [main README](link to your README). This will help you contribute effectively.
We strive to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment. Please ensure that you follow our [Code of Conduct](link to your Code of Conduct). Respectful interactions are crucial to maintaining a friendly community.
Before diving into contributions, review our [Contributing Guide](link to your contributing guide). This document provides insights into the project’s architecture, instructions on updating the code, running tests, and submitting a PR.
To participate in Hacktoberfest with Reactjs-For-Beginners, please follow these steps:
Look for issues tagged with hacktoberfest. Only issues with this label will be counted towards Hacktoberfest contributions.
After identifying an issue, wait for it to be assigned to you by our team. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you identify some issues which is not listed in the issues
section then open an issue and submit a PR.
Note - Make sure to tag the issue with hactoberfest
label if you are raising an issue and working on it
We use the hacktoberfest label to mark relevant issues for the event. Once your pull request (PR) meets the criteria, our team will add the hacktoberfest-accepted label to validate your contribution.
Interested in suggesting new issues for Hacktoberfest? Join our discussion on [Discord](link to your Discord) in the #hacktoberfest channel and propose your ideas.
Due to the volume of contributions during Hacktoberfest, PR reviews may take up to 15 days. We regularly host PR review sessions where you can get feedback and quicker reviews.
Once assigned to an issue, please provide updates every 3 days. This helps us track progress and ensures that the issue remains assigned to you. Lack of updates may result in reassigning the issue.
Fork the [Reactjs-For-Beginners repository](link to your repository) you'd like to contribute to.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/reactjs-for-beginners.git
Create a new branch for your contribution:
git checkout -b ISSUE_DESCRIPTION
Make your changes, commit them, and push them to your forked repository:
git commit -m "Add your commit message here"
git push origin ISSUE_DESCRIPTION
Create a Pull Request (PR) from your forked repository to the Reactjs-For-Beginners repository. Reference the issue you're addressing in the PR description. Please do not update the README
file , any contribution in the README
file will not be considered
Thank you for contributing to Reactjs-For-Beginners! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask in the issue discussion or on our Discussions. Happy Hacking! 🎉 if you want to start a new discussion , let the maintainer know , our team will decide and then open a new discussion