copyright | years | lastupdated | title | parent | grand_parent | nav_order |
2019 - 2022 |
2022-03-17 |
Offline voice assistant |
Edge service examples |
Using edge services |
4 |
{:new_window: target="blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:child: .link .ulchildlink} {:childlinks: .ullinks}
{: #offline-voice-assistant}
Every minute, the Offline voice assistant records a five second audio clip, converts the audio clip to text locally on the edge device, and directs the host machine to execute the command and speak the output.
{: #before_beginning}
Ensure that your system meets these requirements:
- You must register and unregister by performing the steps in Preparing an edge device.
- A USB sound card and microphone is installed on your Raspberry Pi.
{: #reg_edge_device}
To run the processtext
service example on your edge node, you must register your edge node with the IBM/pattern-ibm.processtext
deployment pattern.
Perform the steps in the Using the Offline Voice Assistant Example Edge Service with Deployment Pattern Using the Offline Voice Assistant Example Edge Service with Deployment Pattern {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} section of the readme file.
{: #additional_info}
The processtext
example source code is also available in the Horizon GitHub repository as an example for I{{}} development. This source includes code for all of the services that run on the edge nodes for this example.
These Open Horizon examples {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} services include:
- The voice2audio {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} service records the five-second audio clip and publishes it to the mqtt broker.
- The audio2text {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} service uses the audio clip and converts it to text offline using pocket sphinx.
- The processtext {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} service uses the text and attempts to execute the recorded command.
- The text2speech {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} service plays the output of the command through a speaker.
- The mqtt_broker {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} manages all inter-container communication.
{: #what_next}
For instructions for building and publishing your own version of Watson speech to text, see the processtext
directory steps in the Open Horizon examples {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink} repository.