copyright | years | lastupdated | title | parent | grand_parent | nav_order |
2020 - 2022 |
2022-03-17 |
Hello world |
Edge service examples |
Using edge services |
1 |
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{: #policy}
{{}} ({{}}) uses policies to establish and manage service and model deployments, which give administrators the flexibility and scalability that is needed to work with large numbers of edge nodes. {{}} policy is an alternative to deployment patterns. It provides a greater separation of concerns, allowing edge nodes owners, service code developers, and business owners to independently articulate policies.
This is a minimal "Hello, world" example to introduce you to {{}} deployment policies.
Types of Horizon policies:
- Node policy (provided at registration by the node owner)
- Service policy (can be applied to a published service in the Exchange)
- Deployment policy (also sometimes referred to as business policy, which approximately corresponds to a deployment pattern)
Policies provide more control over defining agreements between Horizon Agents on Edge Nodes and the Horizon AgBots.
{: #helloworld_policy}
See Using the Hello World Example Edge Service with Deployment Policy {:target="_blank"}{: .externalLink}.