Releases: AIDASoft/DD4hep
2017-04-28 Markus Frank (PR#148)
Improvements to the compact xml processingElements may now be specified within compact in 2 ways:
old way: create an effective element:
<element Z="4" formula="Be" name="Be" >
<atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="9.01218" />
create element by defining an isotope mixture:
<isotope name="C12" Z="6" N="12"/>
<atom unit="g/mole" value="xxxx"/>
<element name="C">
<fraction n="0.9893" ref="C12"/>
<fraction n="0.0107" ref="C13"/>
Improved debugging of compact xml conversions
The following tags allow to enable increased prinout depending on additional tags in the compact file:
<type name="isotopes" value="1"/>
<type name="elements" value="1"/>
<type name="materials" value="0"/>
<type name="visattr" value="0"/>
<type name="regions" value="0"/>
<type name="readout" value="0"/>
<type name="limits" value="0"/>
<type name="segmentation" value="0"/>
Disable the ROOT TGeo element table from the compact xml.
Note: ALL elements must then be specified in the XML material database.
<clear name="elements"/>
By default compact accepts exactly one input file (others may be included therein).
In order to process iteratively multiple input files, the opening and the closing of the
geometry steering tags may be added to the compact description. This example
gives the default behaviour:
<geometry open="true" close="true"/>
Please note: per compact file exactly ONE geometry tag is allowed.
Debugging the DDG4 geometry conversion mechanism
New boolean properties of the Geant4DetectorGeometryConstruction object,
which result in debugging printouts (defaults are OFF):
PrintSensitives -
2017-04-28 Ben Couturier (PR#146)
- Trivial fix for the DDDB converter to create paramphysvol3D volumes, which are otherwise ignored.
2017-04-20 Andre Sailer (PR#145)
- LCIOOutput: Add setting of ProducedBySecondary bit for SimTrackerHits if the hit is produced by a particle that is not stored in the MCParticle collection, needs lcio 2.8
2017-05-05 Andre Sailer (PR#150)
- Always create DD4hepConfigVersion.cmake in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and cmake folder
- Create DD4hepConfig.cmake also in cmake folder
- renamed Cmake Macro GENERATE_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION_FILES to DD4HEP_GENERATE_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION_FILES so it does not clash with the macro of the same name in ilcutil/cmakemodules
2017-05-07 Andre Sailer (PR#151)
- Use cmake to create Version.h file to contain DD4hep version information and macros
- Change the way DD4hep package version is defined and set standard cmake variables for this purpose
2017-04-03 Marko Petric (PR#142)
- Update to the CI system:
- Install directly cvmfs on base system, which removes the need for the parrot connector
- Replace CernVM docker with plain docker
- This reduces the build run time from 50 min to 25 min
- Update to the CI system:
2017-03-27 Shaojun Lu (PR#134)
- Set verbose true for G4EmSaturation to printout Birks coefficient.
2017-03-29 Frank Gaede (PR#139)
- add a utility to dump the B-field for a given Volume
- usage: dumpBfield compact.xml x y z dx dy dz [in cm]
- will dump the B-field in volume [-x:x,-y:y,-z,z] with steps [dx,dy,dz]
- add a utility to dump the B-field for a given Volume
2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann (PR#138)
- Direct implementation that calculates eta from cartesian coordinates
- Fix: Add registration of Phi-Eta segmentation
2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann (PR#137)
- Adding GridRPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in R, Phi and Pseudorapidity
- Adding GridPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in Phi and Pseudorapidity
2017-03-28 Markus Frank (PR#135)
- Accidentally the Segmentations of Joschka were added in the wrong place of the hierarchy.
I removed them. He will later add them to the proper location. - Some C++ warnings concerning the C++11 standard were also fixed.
- Accidentally the Segmentations of Joschka were added in the wrong place of the hierarchy.
2017-03-24 Yorgos Voutsinas (PR#132)
- modifying the LayeredCalorimeterData struct in order to cope with conical shaped calorimeters
2017-03-31 Markus Frank (PR#143)
- Add new test for multi segment multi collections segmentations using a calorimeter endcap.
See also: #141, which is still unresolved,
but seems not to be directly related to the Monte-Carlo truth handling. - Side effect: add Geant4EventActions to dump hits and particles
- Fix a linker problem for unicode tags.
- Add new test for multi segment multi collections segmentations using a calorimeter endcap.
2017-03-31 Frank Gaede (PR#140)
- clarify documentation for CartesianField and implementations
- make clear that void fieldComponents() has to add
the new field to the given field vector
2016-09-29 V.Volkl
Small fixes and extensions of DDEve. Show "Views" menu even if specifying xml on the command line.
Add possibility to specify event data in EveDisplay method, rather than having to select it in the gui dialogue.
Selects FCC EventHandler if specified in the config xml (as an "eventHandler"-attribute to the "display" node),
but keeps default behavior if not.
2016-08-24 M.Frank
Adding first somehow useful implementation to use conditions and the consequent loading thereof.
Used by the DDDB implementation/example. DDDB is an alternative way to populate the DD4hep
detector description using LHCb's detector description database.
The reason is, that only a running experiment has a reasonable base to conditions data
to excercise the DD4hep conditions.
If interested, please have a look in the DDDB examples.
Still TODO:
- A formal way to bootstrap the conditions loading still has to be found.
- Conditions loading from XML files and a small comprehensive example.