- Allow users to store different types of bookmarks, where they can organize these bookmarks into folders/directories. A bookmark can only belong to one directory.
- Every bookmark can be tagged with multiple tags.
- A user can share a folder/directory with another user, who can either view or edit the content of this folder.
- user
- bookmark
- directory
- A User can have multiple Bookmarks. 1 → M
- A User can have access to multiple Directories. N → M
- A User can own to multiple Directories. 1 → M
- A Directory can have multiple Bookmarks. 1 → M
- A Directory can have multiple Directories. 1 → M
A new table was introduced to host the Relation between User and the access rights to other folders.
- having an access_id as PK and reference the userId and the directory as FK.
- having userId and directoryId as compound keys. Which is better?
Since the access rights for a use to a certain table are unique, having the compound key is better because, it will simplify the data retrieval, where joins are not necessary, which is also applicable for the bookmark_tags table.
- A new entity to save the highlights from a bookmark.
Number of dumb data inserted using the program in 'loading database':
10000 user, 20000 directories, 22982 bookmarks, 6000 tag for 3156 user, 2854 user access rights