- About my Homelab
- Introduction
- Common
- SSH configuration
- Execute commands using SSH
- How to fix warning about ECDSA host key
- Ubuntu - upgrade from older distribution
- Ubuntu - configure unattended upgrades
- Ubuntu - Clean unnecessary packages
- Ubuntu - Remove old kernels on Ubuntu
- Ubuntu - Clean up snap on Ubuntu
- Clear systemd journald logs
- Ubuntu - MariaDB update
- Ubuntu - Install nginx
- Ubuntu - Configure PHP source list
- Ubuntu - Synchronize time with systemd-timesyncd
- Ubuntu - Synchronize time with ntpd
- Update system timezone
- Correct DNS resolution
- Qemu-guest-agent
- Simulate server load
- Generate Gmail App Password
- Configure Postfix Server to send email through Gmail
- Mail notifications for SSH dial-in
- Backup folder
- Generate random passwords or tokens
- Proxmox - Virtualization server
- pfSense - Firewall, DHCP and NTP server
- piHole - All-around DNS solution server
- TrueNAS - Storage management server
- HomeAssistant - Home automation server
- HomeAssistant - VM configuration
- HomeAssistant - Installation and setup
- HomeAssistant - Other plugins
- HomeAssistant - Mosquitto broker(MQTT)
- HomeAssistant - Paradox Alarm integration
- HomeAssistant - UPS integration
- HomeAssistant - Integration of CCTV cameras
- HomeAssistant - Google Assistant integration
- HomeAssistant - Recorder integration
- Nextcloud - Content collaboration server
- Nextcloud - VM configuration
- Nextcloud - OS Configuration
- Nextcloud - Installation and configuration of nginx web server
- Nextcloud - Installation and configuration of PHP 8.0
- Nextcloud - Installation and configuration of MariaDB database
- Nextcloud - Database creation
- Nextcloud - Installation of Redis server
- Nextcloud - Optimize and update using a script
- Nextcloud - Bash aliases for executing Nextcloud Toolset occ
- Nextcloud - Map user data directory to nfs share
- Hercules - HomeLab services VM
- Hercules - VM configuration
- Hercules - OS Configuration
- Hercules - Docker installation and docker-compose
- Hercules - Watchtower docker container
- Hercules - Heimdall docker container
- Hercules - Portainer docker container
- Hercules - Calibre docker container
- Hercules - Calibre-web docker container
- Hercules - qBitTorrent docker container
- Hercules - Jackett docker container
- Hercules - Sonarr docker container
- Hercules - Radarr docker container
- Hercules - Bazarr docker container
- Hercules - Lidarr docker container
- Hercules - Overseerr docker container
- Hercules - DuckDNS docker container
- Hercules - SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway docker container
- Hercules - Plex docker container
- Hercules - PostgressSQL database docker container
- Hercules - MySQL database docker container
- Hercules - Adminer docker container
- Hercules - PGAdmin docker container
- Hercules - Guacamole daemon and web application docker container
- Hercules - Redis docker container
- Hercules - LibreSpeed docker container
- Hercules - Authelia docker container
- Hercules - PortfolioPerformance docker container
- Windows11 - Virtual Windows Desktop VM
- Code - coding VM
- ArchLinux - Desktop VM
- ArchLinux - VM configuration
- ArchLinux - OS Configuration
- ArchLinux - Network configuration
- ArchLinux - Troubleshoot sound issues
- ArchLinux - I3 installation & Customization
- ArchLinux - ZSH shell
- ArchLinux - Downgrade packages
- ArchLinux - Connect Android To Arch Linux Via USB
- ArchLinux - Rebuild AUR packages when python is upgraded
- WordPress - WorPress server VM