A custom controller for controlling an addressable LED matrix based on an ESP32 microcontroller. Ideal for assembling a fire lamp type device from AlexGyver. The device supports full integration with the mobile application 2Smart Cloud on IOS and Android.
With the help of the mobile application, you will be able to:
- connect the device to your account;
- switch the state of the LED strip;
- switch operating modes;
- control the brightness;
- receive notifications;
- update the device firmware;
- control the device using voice assistants, telegram bot, phone calls;
- share access to device control with other users through a mobile application or a temporary link.
In addition to the control capabilities via a mobile application, the device has a full-fledged web interface available at the default address or at the device's address in the local network.
Materials for printing your own boards and accessories for the device can be found in the corresponding folders of this repository. 3d model of the printed case was taken from a public source, but any other case from custom components can be used.
The device firmware is developed based on the public 2Smart Cloud SDK for ESP32.
After installing the firmware on the device, you need to install the mobile application 2Smart Cloud and register. Then find the 2Smart Gyver Lamp in the device market and follow the connection instructions.
To turn on the lamp, tap and hold the top of the device for a second. To switch the lamp modes, touch the top of the device. The modes are switched sequentially each time you press. To turn off the lamp, tap and hold the top of the device for a second. To reset the lamp settings, use the “Reset” button located at the bottom of the device. Use a paperclip or similar object to press the button.
Download our bash script:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/2SmartCloud/2smart-cloud-cpp-sdk/master/utils/bin/firmware_install.sh > firmware_install.sh
Make script executable:
chmod +x firmware_install.sh
Have connected device to your computer.
Build and write the firmware
./firmware_install.sh write -d <PORT>
or update existing firmware
./firmware_install.sh upload -d <PORT>
full list of commands
If everything is okay it should start in AP mode and blink once in a second.
Need have:
(>= v3) installed. You can control it in terminalpython --version
(>= v5.1.1)pip install -U platformio
Have connected device to your computer.
Device should be listed in /dev as one of this:
(Linux) /dev/ttyUSB0 (OSX) /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
build and write
pio run -t uploadfs pio run -t upload
or just build
pio run
If everything is okay it should start in AP mode and blink once in a second.
If you have error "can't open device "/dev/ttyUSB0": Permission denied" follow Link https://qna.habr.com/q/526674
CLI guide https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/core/userguide/index.html
Fill free to fork this firmware and create you own products with custom functionality. Detailed instruction you could find in our blog.
- Add more modes
- Add sheduled commands