In the last week
- Finished some issues: documenting pin.pull, creating the pinout diagram, worked on documenting update procedures
- Learned about PR's (read on the internet) about how to make different branches for each issue working on
- Learning about Reach, getting used to some new keywords
- Spent a lot of the week documenting pin.pull, writing an example with pushing a button to activate Tessel LEDs, got the hang of what exactly a callback is! Got help from a coach on this. Kelsey recommends looking up Promises too for comparison
- Worked on T2-docs, will complete PR in the next day with review corrections
- Have had some challenges setting up the SDK. Will ask Rahul, he has been helpful thus far
- Looking to answer questions in #support on Slack, but having the same kinds of issues. Looked back through other people's solutions, worked for them to just downgrade CLI. 0.1.8 was crashing, hasn't tried 0.1.10 yet
- Was great to see the community members helping each other and helping debug
In the next week
- ESP32 arrived yesterday! Have been looking over Reach repository for the last day. Getting a handle on what Reach is!
- Interested in tessel/reach-wg#15 (Reach power profiling)
- Other stuff working on– Google client SDK for Python to work on test framework for crash reporter. This SDK is needed for local setup.
What is Reach?
- Tessel communicates through the BLE module to Reach modules. Tessel is at the core, various Reach modules can be connected. Through Wifi or BLE, communicates to many modules.
- Best part about Reach: runs on a coin battery for at least a month! Both excited about this and excited to run the power profiles
Questions for Kelsey!
- When are workshops with other steering committee members happening? (Kelsey bring this up in SC meeting!)
- Kelsey send PRD template so they can try writing out the humanoid arm project in this product-specific format